《Project Frost : Gate of All》13 - Adventure in the Starris Mines (V)


In the end, both Aediva and Arthur tread the safety-questionable wooden bridge that’s about enough for them to walk on while hugging the walls.

“It’s so small… How did people use this thing? It’s inconvenient” Aediva growled.

“It was probably because the miners were the dwarves. They’re very small-bodied and it’s not odd that the things they build to tread around is small for us” Arthur said. Aediva growled.

“Darn it, I feel dizzy” Aediva said, stopping in her tracks - gulping down the bitter saliva down her throat.

“And we aren’t even sure that Eden might even be down there. Should we just ask for help at this point? I’m sure the Headmaster should be understanding if we explain…” Arthur suggested. Aediva exhaled out a long breath.

“You really think he’s that sort of person? That guy looks and acts like someone who doesn’t give a single dime over a student’s misery” the platinum blonde-haired girl said, shivering a bit when the draft hits her neck. Cold beads of sweat slid down her cheeks.

“Is it just me or am I feeling drowsy…?” she said when she started feeling like her eyelids are getting heavier and harder to keep open. Mid her drowsy stupor, she saw at the edge of her vision someone leaning towards the chasm and in a rush of adrenaline, she grabbed Arthur’s arms - only to be dragged down as well by the unconscious male teenager.

“Aaaahhh!!!” Aediva’s scream echoed in between the chasm’s walls.

For a certain black-haired boy in the caverns of magic jewel stones, he only glanced to his back when hearing the billows of wind. It should be normal by then seeing how there’s a lot of tunnels on the ceiling of the cavern but he felt as if he was hearing some girl’s screaming. Funny how the wind could even trick his mind to hear that sort of noise.


He looked at the magic stone that he hardly could scratch since earlier. No matter how much he tried to break it with the pickaxe he found, it was not even scratched, let alone broken into manageable pieces to be brought back to the main campus.

Eden let out a frustrated sigh as he sat on the ground - feeling tired from swinging the pickaxe that he had never even used before.

“Man, being a miner sure is tough. I’m getting parched as well” he said as he looked around.

“Maybe if I pick the much smaller one…” he said, standing up with the pickaxe that felt oddly heavier than it was before. Eden blinked, feeling like the pickaxe suddenly weighed like a sack of rock. He looked to his side.

“What the…”


Dripping noise? Eden shivered when he felt an unfamiliar warm draft of air wafting through the back of his neck. He felt a cold sensation on his fingers that’s holding the pickaxe that’s stuck in between a very huge black paw. The thick viscous liquid fell to the ground with a disgusting ‘splat’ sound. Eden’s eyebrow twitched as he let go of the pickaxe slowly and backed away as he looked straight at the creature standing tall on its four legs.

“... Ehehe… You’re a good boy… Good boy…” Eden murmured gently.

The two-headed dog that’s twice the size of the teenager growled.

“Dammit! Arthur woke up!”

“Arthur, wake up!!!”

Hearing the desperate voice of the girl, he stirs from his unconscious state. What happened? He blinked, his eyelids gradually turning lighter as he gained his consciousness. That was when he found out that he was hanging with the gaping abyss beneath his feet.

“Uwaa!?” he screamed, shocked and panicked.

“No! Stop panicking!” Aediva shouted when hearing his voice fully awake. She groaned as if in pain and it didn’t took Arthur long why she was groaning. She was hanging on a piece of metal stuck in the wall while holding his arms from falling into the gap which they knew so little off than it might be a death pit.


“Can’t you use magic to get us out of here?” Aediva asked, trembling ever so slightly.

“I-I don’t know! I haven’t learned flight magic yet and wind magic is not my specialty!” Arthur said. Aediva groaned.

“Dammit! Think of something, we’re gonna--” before Aediva could even finish her words, the metal she was clinging on snapped and again they were at the gravity’s mercy.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” they screamed.

“Agh!” Aediva groaned as she basically scraped the wall with her fingers and again they found themselves hanging on a thread - except that the thread is now a notch in the wall.

“Hah! Aediva, there’s a hole right over here!” Arthur said upon realization even in his panic. Aediva pants for air.

“I’m gonna hurl you there! Hup!” without waiting for Arthur’s approval, Aediva did as she said and Arthur went flying into the hole with a yelp.


The stone was holding her hanging breaks and Aediva found herself falling and before she could fall any further, she found her arm being tugged by something.

“I got you!” Arthur exclaimed as he pulled Aediva into the hole. Ended up with them panting tiredly as they felt their whole bones shaking from the unpleasant experience.

“Gyaaaaahh!!! Dammit! Aediva! Arthur! Cath! Guys!!!” not even allowed a few moments of respite to take some breath, both Aediva and Arthur looked at the direction of the familiar male voice. And to their unpleasant surprise, it was the direction of the light at the end of the tunnel they’re in. Aediva stood up along with Arthur and together, they ran towards their exit.

Eden couldn’t keep up with this anymore. It was way too much for him to fight the huge monster on his own. Every attack he threw at the two-headed monster only served to anger it further. He feels as if his luck is running out.

While running, he found himself falling face first to the ground and it was already that moment where the monster would just squashed him under its paw. He waited yet nothing happened. Instead he heard the monster’s pained bellow. When he raised his head to look at where the monster was, he found the monster falling to the ground - the impact of its fall shaking the whole caverns as tiny pieces of the ceilings fell on top of his head.

To his shock, Arthur was running towards him. Meanwhile for a certain chick, she climbed to the top of the dog’s body with a tired sigh. Her silver eyes looked straight at Arthur and Eden.

What the hell did she do to render the monster unconscious?!

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