《Project Frost : Gate of All》7 - The First of Troubles


Ba’athoris Night Academy is a quirky name for a school. That said, the place is hardly looking like school and is technically a castle. Everywhere she goes, the view is a treat for the eyes. Beautiful gardens. Immaculate buildings with such an elegant architecture. It looks like a powerful demon lord’s castle from afar but upon closer look, the dark walls are sparkling due to the gem dust embedded in them. The seven statues at the Central Square that she saw earlier were beautiful - especially the dragon statue facing to the northeast from the centre of the academy.

With Cath is nowhere to be seen, in the end Aediva completed the work on her own - not that Cath was any help in the first place. It was a bit past 12 when she finished her work. It was surprisingly quick despite the whole street being actually quite a lengthy way from one end to the other. That should come off pretty obvious since the campus ground is actually a lot bigger than she thought it is.

Thank goodness for some random co-worker for showing her the way back to where she was or she might not even finish her duties for the day. And that would mean no money for food. For her. Who cares about Cath at this point. She definitely doesn’t.

“Hm?” Hearing an unfamiliar noise, Aediva looked around and to her surprise, what seemed like a bird carrying something.

“Oh, you’ve done your work! Thank you for your hard work, Aediva.”

Aediva’s eyes widened when hearing Marie’s voice from the bird itself. Marie’s voice laughed a little - perhaps amused at Aediva’s reaction.

“I hope I wasn’t scaring you. This is my magic. I’ve been asked to monitor you, you see…” Marie said. Aediva’s shoulders dropped.


“I bet it’s the bird man’s order…” she grumbled. She doesn't exactly know why but she felt the pit of her stomach churning from a negative feeling the moment she heard that someone was keeping an eye on her without her knowing beforehand. Then again, since she’s practically a special case, she shouldn’t be that offended. Aediva sighed.

‘If only I stayed in that coffin, maybe I’ll stay dead peacefully. Again, was I even dead in the first place?’ Aediva thought idly, noticing the magic bird flying low. She laid out her hands and a warm box fell to her hands.

“Here’s your lunch. By the way, where is that little cat monster that was with you earlier?” Marie asked. Aediva’s eyebrows furrow. Her expression soured.

“Dunno. He ran off” she said.

“Ara, isn’t that a bad thing? Didn’t the Principal told you to look after the monster?” Marie said, sounding rather worried. Aediva scratched the back of her head.

“Ah… Yeah. He did say something like that” she sighed lazily.

“Fufu, now now. I know a creature like him can be a little handful but you can’t just let go of your responsibilities when you just got it. That’s a bad habit, little one” Marie scolded softly. Aediva let out another long sigh.

“It wouldn’t be good if he made another ruckus wouldn’t it?”

Aediva scratched the back of her head, annoyed.

“... Understood. I’ll search for him…” Aediva said, lacking actual vigor. As soon as the bird disappeared, Aediva sit down by the tree - comfortably sitting in its shade with a grin.

“Yeah, as if. That troublesome thing can get kicked out again for all I care. Wow~ This is a nice lunch meal. Let’s eat all of this. Then maybe I’ll go exploring the campus grounds” Aediva giggled cheerfully. She let out a silent sigh, when she heard a distant explosion noise. Her eyebrow twitched.


She took the spork and dug into her lunch - pretending like she didn’t hear anything. Again, another loud explosion followed by students screams. She swallowed the fried egg down to her gullet.

“Ah… What a peaceful day” she said.

Another bunch of screams. She gulped down the water from the bottle.


“Nyahahahahahahaha!!! Catch me if you can, stupid kid!!!”

The spork in Aediva hand become bent.

“I seriously curse my sensitive hearing right now” she said with malice lacing her every word.

The moment she found out the cause of the unrelenting series of explosions and student’s screaming, the whole cafeteria that was about 10 minutes away from where she was, is in a state of complete wreck. How the hell did the stupid monster got a chandelier destroyed on the floor? Actually scratch that, she knew he was being chased by a rather hot-headed male student with a red-embellished uniform.

“Bweghh!!! Can’t catch me now can’t you?” Cath laughed as he hang from another chandelier while boldly taunting the student who is already bright red from anger.

“Aghhh!!! You’re dead you hear me!” the student screamed, preparing his wand for another shot to direct at Cath but before he could do anything, the monster disappeared almost instantly. It was about a few moments later when the student noticed that Cath was in fact not disappearing but flying from the chandelier after being struck by a ladle that was thrown so hard, it got stuck into the wall. While Cath and the student looked dumbstruck, the silver-eyed girl who had just been appointed as the janitor stepped in with a livid look on her face.

“Ugyaa…” Cath whined.

“I’m going to rip you apart…” Aediva said - her voice so low that it's barely heard by the little monster.

“Hiii!!! W-wait! Wait! It’s not my fault! I didn’t start it! That guy did!” Cath shrieked, pointing at the dark-haired student that was about to tiptoe his way away from the scene until a piece of wood almost pierced his foot - effectively stopping him from leaving.

“I can explain!” before the male student with black hair and red eyes could say anything more, someone was already on them.

“Hm. Now what exactly could be the explanation for all of this?”

Aediva face-palmed herself.

The male student jumped from shock.

The ladle holding Cath’s ribbon to keep him hanging at the wall broke.

Cath fell face first onto the floor with a yelp.

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