《Project Frost : Gate of All》8 - A Reason to Help


Krow didn’t have to fully survey the cafeteria to know just how much destruction the scuffle the black-haired student and Cath had caused.

“So, what is it that you have to say for yourself? Consider I’m being generous, I'm willing to listen to you even with this wreckage around me” Krow said calmly. Aediva didn’t say anything - wondering the same as well. Though she thinks she’s also in trouble for the ruckus Cath made for the second time for two days in a row.

“Well… He… He was---”

“He was talking shit about me and Aediva! This guy said I’m a nuisance and Aediva’s a pathetic girl for even being here!” Cath quickly interrupted, surprising the student. Aediva only crossed her arms.

“Principal Krow… I have nothing to say. I… definitely failed at taking care after Cath” Aediva was even quicker at admitting her mistakes - shocking Cath.

“Oi! What?! Are you just gonna admit your mistakes?!” the monster shouted, unsatisfied.

“I have no qualms of being kicked out from the academy” Aediva added, ignoring Cath.

“Munyaa?! You-- That’s not fair!” the monster acting like a gremlin complained.

“Please kick me out of the place so I can be free from this monstrosity” Aediva practically pleaded.

“Or kick this thing out. I honestly don’t care” she said right after.

“Hm… I admit the first day of school is definitely the most chaotic in all my years of experience. I supposed expulsion is only fair due to this amount of destruction. However, for you, Aediva, you would have to pay for this destruction. The same for the students of course. Although the fine will be deducted from their school fees’ deposit” Krow said. Aediva let out a sigh. One thing after another. She wants to jump into a canyon right now.

“W-wait, but the one that started it was this kid!” Cath said.

“... Principal Krow! Please, don’t expel me! I admit it was my fault but…” the student’s voice gradually slowed down. Krow crossed his arms.


“And why should I let a destructive child like you stay in my school? If you’re smart, you should’ve learned that there’s nothing good will happen from taunting an animal” the principal said, hardly sounding angry if anything. The male student stayed silent, unable to refute. It was Aediva’s sigh that attracted the attention of the pitiful student.

“Well, it was also my responsibility to watch over Cath. This student wouldn’t be in this trouble if I was around to stop Cath in the first place” Aediva said.

“I will take full responsibility for this mess. Even if I had to work outside to pay for the destruction. As an adult and basically someone who runs a place full of young people, you should know they make mistakes all the time. Wouldn’t it be generous to give a student a second chance to fix their wrongs. Of course, an according punishment is fair. After all, he destroyed the cafeteria with his magic while chasing down Cath” the youthful female said. Krow looked as if stunned when hearing Aediva’s suggestion, the same it is for the other two nearby. Aediva only stared as Krow started to tremble.

“Oh… Oh!!!”

It was eerily silent until he let out a trembling noise. It almost made Aediva feel like he was actually losing it right then and there.

“I-- Such benevolence!” Krow exclaimed, shocking both Cath and the student whose name yet to be known. Aediva raised her eyebrow.

“Hah! Such a young lady, yet you are willing to sacrifice yourself in order to help this student you aren’t even acquainted with!” Krow said.

“Not to that point really--”

“Very well! I shall give this student another chance!” Krow announced dramatically, reacted with a relieved student and an annoyed Cath whose ears folded as he pouted.

“However! I will only do so if you, little problem child from Efren Dorm find a replacement for the magic stone for the chandelier you’ve broken” the black-haired man said. Aediva tilted her head.


“Magic stone?” she asked.

“Yes. Magic stone. Unfortunately, with your current occupation, paying 10 billion Fels would take at least 1400 years to settle. I’m being generous right now and suggest you find a magic stone to replace the one that has been broken. Unfortunately, no two magic stones are similar and the current mine where the magic stone was mined from has depleted quite some time ago” Krow said.

Then why the hell are you even suggesting this sort of thing in the first place.

“Naturally, the one who did the destruction is the one going to find this magic stone. By tomorrow morning” Krow said with a dry smile. The student went completely shocked.

“Wait what?!”

“I’ll let you know the chandelier was made by an ancient magus back when this very establishment was first built. The light from each candle is not supposed to ever go out ever again once it was lit. A chandelier of such history is more precious than everything in this cafeteria combined. If you manage to find a magic stone almost similar to the destroyed magic stone, you’ll do a great help for this poor janitor who took the responsibility that is supposed to be yours” Krow said, smiling. The three was completely silent including Cath who would usually run his mouth already.

“Well then, I wish you luck in your endeavor for the magic stone, Mr. Eden Stynes. You’re welcome to use the Black Mirror to go to the Starris Mine” Krow said, turning his heels and striding away, humming merrily. Aediva pinched the bridge of her nose, turning to her back and walking away without even looking back at the student whose name is Eden Stynes who was trembling as he stood frozen in one place.

“... Why did you even help taking the blame for that kid?” Cath asked.

Instead of answering, the female janitor in the black jumpsuit over a white t-shirt remained silent. She only gave a sharp glance at Cath before stopping in her tracks.

“Why? I suppose I can’t rely on a mindless beast to thin for its own, huh? Did you even realized what you’ve done?” Aediva asked back, voice ice cold. Cath flinched.

“H-he was the one…”

“Of course. Blame the kid when you’re supposed to only stay put in one place in the first place. Do you really think you’ll actually become a student at this point? With that attitude of yours?” she asked again. Cath gulped, ears flat as he looked to the ground.

“He was… insulting both of us…” Cath mumbled sadly - his tail dropped to the ground. Aediva shook her head and let out a sigh.

“It would be much better if you played trick on that kid and ran off instead of taunting him more. That kid is going to be expelled no matter whether he got the stone or not anyway. This is just going to leave a bad taste in my mouth” Aediva complained, massaging her temples as her silver orbs looked at the dilapidated building where both her and Cath are staying. She sighed.

“... And I just have to run my own mouth as well.”

It’s true that she was also chewing more than she can bite. Taking on a debt that she doesn't even know she could pay in her lifetime. But having a student expelled because of her negligence itself is something that she could not live with. Maybe if it was some other student…

“Huh… Let’s go” Aediva said to Cath who perked up when hearing Aediva’s invitation.

“Wha? Where to?” Cath asked.

“To the Hall of the Black Mirror. If that kid suddenly died from his adventures, I’ll be even more miserable. Desperate people tend to be really clumsy after all. Come on, Cath. We got a student to help” Aediva said with a smile.

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