《Project Frost : Gate of All》6 - First Duty


“My goodness! You’re a lot younger than I thought. And a little cat?”

It was early in the morning and seeing how the Headmaster himself actually the one crashing into the dorm to wake them up, it’s going to be a long day ahead. Aediva only ignored Cath’s grumbling and followed the old lady who is now technically their co-workers.

“The Principal told me of your condition. So you can’t use any magic?” the janitor lady asked.

“Yes…” Aediva answered.

“Only this human! I can use magic, you know!” Cath said. Aediva give the monster a side glance. Come to think of it, Cath has really taken a liking to clinging on her shoulders and even her head.

“Of course, of course. Anyway, what is your name, girl? I’m Marie. You can call me Grandma if you like” the janitor lady introduced herself with a cheerful old lady’s giggle.

“It’s Aediva. And this creature is Cath. I don’t know how long I’ll be here but it’s nice to make your acquaintance” Aediva said politely with a bow that make old Marie smiled with a fluttering heart.

“How are you a Grandma? You don’t look that old” Cath bluntly commented. Aediva turned her head to the side, giving a sharp glare at her companion. Marie only let out a small laugh.

“Fufu. It must be the work of magic. To be honest, I have a grandson enrolling in this academy himself. Maybe I’ll introduce you to him one day. But for now, I’ll tell you what you need to do for work” Marie said, taking out a box and reaching it out for Aediva.

“Here’s your work uniform. You can take the broom from the store after this. For today, you’re going to clean one of the main streets. From the library to the Central Square” the older brunette lady said, her smile never once disappearing from her gentle face. Aediva took the box from Marie’s arms with a subtle crease on her forehead.


“You can claim your lunch from me during your break. Don’t hesitate to ask anything from me if you have any problems while working okay?” Marie said. Aediva nodded and Cath grumbled even more.

“I had no idea what or where I was before but I can say that cleaning is definitely something I hate doing” Aediva sighed, sweeping the dry leaves at the side of the streets. Cath growled.

“Gyah!!! I can’t stand doing this! I’m supposed to be a student! A student!” he complained, throwing the broom that’s a bit too long and too tall for him on the streets. Aediva glanced at the cat.

“Shut up, cat. You’ve only started working for five minutes and you’re already complaining. You better not go and burn anything or I’ll make sure you sleep outside tonight” Aediva said heartlessly - sending Cath shocked at the coldness in her voice.

“Mugya?! Y-You’re a monster! How could you let me, the fluffy me sleeping outside on the dirt!” Cath retorted as Aediva glared at him in pure disgust.

“You’re that kind of person?! I thought you would be someone meek and quiet!” Cath shrieked in sudden horror of realization. Aediva clicked her tongue.

“Ah… I’m hungry. So hungry I think a roasted cat monster would taste nice. How about you stop complaining and start moving those paws to work?” she growled with a low voice - making Cath wanting to cry from hearing her nonchalant threat. His ears flattened as he whined.

“Here I thought I’d have a nice partner... Wait, why am I scared of you?! you’re just a magic-less human!” Cath said, breathing fire towards Aediva who stepped back in response.

“Oi! I said don’t set anything on fire! Haven’t you done enough yesterday?!” Aediva said, stepping back a bit more when Cath sprayed more fire from his mouth. The girl clicked her tongue in annoyance. She had a feeling that this monster is going to cause problems again.


“Gyahahaha! Take that, human! You should be obeying me! Not the other way around!” Cath said. Aediva growled, lifting her broom and smacking the ground beside Cath.

“Bad kitty! Naughty!” she said. Cath hissed at her.

“Shut up, human! Stop calling me a cat! I’m not a damn cat!” he screamed at Aediva, stomping his foot when avoiding another smack from the broom from a livid silver-haired girl.

“Tch! Hey come back here! You have a lot of work to do, you little sh--” Aediva shouted, shocked when seeing Cath fleeing from her.

“Hah! As if I’m going to listen to a human! Bwehhh!!!” Cath said, sticking out his tongue at Aediva - scampering away from the Central Square.

“Grrr… You little…” Aediva growled.

Smack! Smack!

She honestly doesn't know what’s gotten into her for her to actually chase down the damn cat with a broom. Maybe it’s the leftover fatigue and annoyance from yesterday but she wants to get it out of her system. The little rascal creature is good. Very good at running away and avoiding her flurries of attack from her broom that she made a weapon.

“Damn you, monster! Let me hit you once!” Aediva shouted in frustration, replied with Cath’s insulting laugh as he climbed on the bench - sticking out his pink tongue at her.

Without Aediva realizing, it seems like they have been running far off from their designated work area. Cath ran off again, leaving a tired Aediva panting for air. Realizing she had been too absorbed at chasing the little monster, she turned embarrassed at herself.

‘I swear that Cath is not going to eat anything for lunch’ Aediva thought to herself, feeling the rumble from her stomach. Her eyes went wide and she let out a sigh. Blood crept to her cheeks when seeing roaming students looking at her in the middle of the courtyard. She noticed how a lot of them were laughing and whispering at each other while their gaze either condescending or amused at the sight of her.

Aediva let out another sigh before walking away as quickly as she can from the classroom area but her every step feels like she’s being encumbered by the looks of the passing student.

‘Of course I’m a joke. As if not remembering my name is enough, the Black Mirror did say I’m unworthy to be a student of the academy. I have no magic and literally had to work as a janitor in order to get some money for living necessities…’ Aediva thought as she looked around.


“Which way is the library again?”

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