《The Daily Cheats System》Ch.2:System Quests are Easy?


The city guards, in front of the gates were wearing a leather armor with leather arm and leg guards with a plated mail underneath. They were carrying short spears with sharp metal tips, on their hips and were holding long spears with a cloth banner Cloud supposed, close to the metal tip. ‘Pretty standard for a fantasy world I guess.’

While Cloud was walking to the city gates the guards were talking and looking at him.

‘Hope I don’t look like a criminal to them…..With the different clothing and all....’Cloud thought.

While they were talking one of the guards face went from blue to white and back to normal.

‘Wonder what that was about….’ When he was 20 meters away from them, ‘Crap do I have a translation perk or skill….?’ Cloud takes a deep breath and does the biggest *sigh* he has ever done in his short life. ‘Only one way to find out now’

A blue box pops up in front of Cloud.

New quest has been logged. (Beginner) Able to show quest to others

Talk to the guards and ask them where to make an Identity badge.

Where to get a Trading Permit

Where to get a 5 year Residence permit

When you find out go and get them.

Quest reward: 1 B ticket (Hidden to others)

For an additional reward:

Pass the Academy of Seldon test and be admitted.

Pay the full one year fee right after.

Quest reward 1 A ticket (Hidden to others)

If you complete the additional quest within 48 hours The A ticket will be upgraded to S if you have not used it in the lottery.(Hidden to others)

Best of luck

‘Just in time. Now I have an idea...’ Cloud smiles.

So he goes in front of the guard and ‘Show quest’ a blue box appears in front of the guard.

‘’So you are a system user lucky you. A new one at that since it’s a beginner quest.’’-Jo

Cloud nods at the guard. Glad that he can understand him and also hoping that the guard will understand him as well when,he actually says something



‘’So you don’t have an Identity Badge I take it?’’-Jo

Cloud nods again.


‘’Can you speak kid?’’-Jo


‘’What do you want?’’-Jo

‘’To finish my quest’’-Cloud

The guard looks at Cloud and his weird looking clothes,and nervous expression which he is trying to hide. He decides that he’s completely harmless. Having this awkward talk with him makes him think...

‘Oh god this kid is a nightmare to talk to. I’ll just finish this as quick as possible by helping him out’

‘’Okay kid come with me. I’ll write you a letter and you will need to go inside and give it to this lady I know. She will sort the rest out for ya.’’-Jo

‘’Thank you’’-Cloud

I follow the guard to a small building made of square stones. ’Pretty much medieval times type of architecture it seems.’ Inside there was 2 wooden stools and 1 small table with some things on it a 20 centimeter round red thing and a round stamp. To the side a stack of papers and a old traditional fountain pen with the ink in a small round bottle.

‘’Sit there until I finish writing this’’Jo points to the stool on the left while he sits on the one to the right and starts writing. I sit as well and wait. After about 5 minutes of writing, which I could not understand except for some numbers he wrote at the end of the letter, the guard finished writing took, out an envelope from god knows where and put the finished letter inside. Then he somehow made a flame on the top of his finger and melted the red thing.’Aha so it was wax…’


After around ten drops fell on the letter he stamped it with the stamp on the table.

‘’Here take this and bring it to the blond receptionist. She is at the building on the right, right after you enter the gates. She will help you to finish the first part of your quest.’’-Jo

‘’Thank you. Here, for the favor. I don’t like owing people.’’ I put a Plat Coin on the table and stand up to leave.

‘’That’s way to much money for this. I can’t accept it.’’Jo. The guard says with an anguished face,his eyes not leaving the coin on the table.Cloud smiles at the spectacle.

‘’I didn’t ask you, if you are going to accept it. If you don’t want it throw it away, leave it there, give it to your friend guard, I don’t care but this means I don’t owe you anything anymore. Anyway this is the payment I have decided will be adequate’’-Cloud.

‘Now to leave like a boss.’ He starts walking again and goes through the gates and right after he turns right and there he can see a building,made on 2 levels with perfectly arranged square stones like how old churches have,it looked quite similar to one,except it didn’t have a tower where the bell usually is or a cross. With a big sign above the opened dark wooden doors, stating what it is ‘’City Administration’’. A smaller sign on the bottom ‘Trading Permits,Residence , Residence Permits,Identity Badges.

‘Well that should definitely be the right place.’Looking around Cloud sees a few different races. Cat people,Elfs he thinks because of the long pointy ears and Dwarfs. ‘Now this seems fantasy like.’ ‘Let go and finish this quest.’

Cloud walks to and enters the City Administration building. He sees a reception desk further inside and walks there.

‘’Excuse me, I’m looking for the blond receptionist, I have a letter for her.’’-Cloud.

‘’One sec let me call her.Elein! There is a kid with a letter for you!’’-Male receptionist

‘’Okay! No need to shout, I was coming here anyways!’’-Elein

‘’How should I know you’re coming here? You might have went upstairs to talk with the Administrative director, or try and leave for lunch early which you do often...’’-M. R.

Elein finally walk over and sees Cloud. She observes him from head to toe and raises an eyebrow. ‘’So give me this letter you have for me.’’ Cloud gives it to her and he also looks at her from head to toe and raises an eyebrow. Elein furrows her eyebrows but stays silent and opens the letter.

‘’So Jo sent you here. Show me this quest of yours. Also put your hand on this ball right here. It will record your details and transfer them to an Identity Badge. After that’s done we can talk about the Residence Permit’’-Ele

‘Show Quest’ Cloud then moves his hand on top of the ball that was placed on the reception desk and a few screens show up

Identity Appraisal has been used on you. Block? Y/N<<

‘So there’s such items huh? I guess the should a skill or ability too, but it’s not common?’

Cloud observes the fist size white crystal ball with interest while doing that another box appears...

Some information will be withheld:

Withheld Information is:

[Gold=Level][Goldy Affinity]-Will be changed to [Perfect affinity] same description of the skill except for the Godly part.[Daily Cheat System lvl4]-Will be changed to [Special System lvl5]

Health and Mana will not be recorded unless you want them to be.


Record: >>Y/N

‘I expected this much’ Cloud chuckles in his mind. He expected that the gold ability was really a cheat as well as the last ability he got, as anything that has god in it, is a cheat in general. After confirming a panel like his with white borders ,shows up which everyone could see including the male receptionists. Of course it was the updated and fake information.

Character Information Name:Cloud Age: 16 (18) Race: Human Faction: None Level: 1 Status: Newly Awakened Stats Strength: 6 Agility:12 Dextirity :10 Vitality:15 Intelligence:26(27) Wisdom:40(41) Luck:15 Unallocated Stat Points: 0 Abilities and Skills Awakened Abilities:[Special System]

Abilities: [Perfect Affinity](Godly)[Base Mana+10,000] [Gold=Level] (hidden) [Human town Instant Teleportation]

Skills:None Skill Points:0

The receptionist whistles ‘’ Nice Wisdom stat kid.’’ says Elein and then takes a bronze round badge from under the desk then touches the ball and the Character Information window is gone.

‘’That’s the Identity Badge done. The Trading permit costs 70 Gold Coins.The 5 years Residence Permit costs 1 Platinum and 65 Gold coins. That will make a total of 2 Platinum and 36 Gold Coins.The 1 Gold coin is for the Badge. You have that kind of money kid?’’ Elein asks with a mocking look which Cloud is oblivious to,while thinking ‘So 1 Platinum coin is 100 Gold coins.’ and says with no change of expression...

‘’Yes here is 3 Platinum Coins’’ Cloud places them on the desk and looks at Elein whos brows jump in surprise.

‘’I didn’t expect you to be rich, when dressed like that... I suggest you buy some new clothing if you don’t want to get weird stares or someone to think you’re a beggar.’’-Ele says with a serious expression, which didn’t look too convincing with her baby face and 2 ponytails at each side even though she had all the right curves in all the right places.. Which makes Cloud chuckle in his mind. But nonetheless says...

‘’Thanks for the advice. Do you have a good Residence for sale that is around 22-26 Platinum Coins? It needs to have a bath and be in a safe area.’’-C as a clean person he doesn’t feel right unless he takes a shower or bath everyday.

‘’Let me see we should have a few. Does it have to have a bath?’’-Ele asks with furrowed brows as baths we’re not common. Since people just use a clean towel,wet it in warm water and wash or just use magic or skills that achieve the same thing which everyone can do.

‘’Yes.’’ Answers cloud and Elein then starts searching through some documents and shows him 3 different houses. One very close to the trading area which costs 20 Plat coins. One that is near the academy, a bit small but has a bath and a back garden that one was 24 Plat Coins. The last one was between the trading area and the Academy. Closer to the academy. The size was even smaller than the 2nd one he saw. But it was the best of both, close to the academy and not too far from the trading area. The area was safe and populated. That one surprisingly cost 19 Plat Coins.

‘’I will buy the 3rd one’’Cloud uses his cheat twice,which leaves him with 0 cheat uses for the rest of the day, and 20 Plat show up in his pocket.A blue box pops up but he closes it right away and puts 19 plat coins on the desk.Now after Elein gives him back the change? Which is 64 Gold he will have 6P64G.(too much to write each name so first letter should do.)That should be good enough till tomorrow when his ability resets, he supposed.Which lead him to think, ‘Where am I going to sleep tonight?’ he turn to the receptionist...

‘’ I need the transfer of ownership done today…...I don’t have anywhere to sleep.’’Cloud.Making a worried face he look away from the documents and looks up at Elein.

‘’No problem just sign here and here and here and take this ,this and this also the key. Done!’’Ele. Seeing his worried face she completes the usual tasks like a trained veteran and finishes all the documents. Luckily the house was empty and no one had to move out before Cloud moves in.As long as the payment was done and the documents signed the property was his.

‘’That was fast. Thank you very much.’’Cloud.

‘’You’re welcome. Now go and buy some new clothes your ones look too weird.’’-Ele. Points out his clothing one more time in case he has forgotten.

‘’........ Okay. Bye.’’ Blue box pops up.

Congratulations. First half of the quest has been completed. Reward: 1 B ticket. Has been deposited.

‘System quests are easy?….I guess I was too worried….’

New Quests has been registered.

Please kill:

Red Dragon.SS Danger. 0/1

Difficulty level:SSS

Time Limit:6 Months

Reward: 1SSS ticket.

Cloud facepalms ’Me and my big mouth’


Guards Pov.

When Cloud was teleported the guards saw him flash into existence 100 meters away.

‘’Yo Tom. Do you think he’s a newly awakened?’’-Jo

‘’Probably not everyone can just teleport 100 meters next to the castle as you know there is a anti teleport barrier around the city and one more that goes all around the city 10 Kilometers after the city wall. The strongest point being the next to the wall. To teleport so close is quite an achievement if you ask me.’’-Tom

‘’You think he teleported with his own ability or skill? I don’t believe it.Someone else must have teleported him instead.’’-Jo

‘’All I’m saying is don’t offend the kid. In both cases it will be bad if we mess with him. Plus I don’t like giving people a hard time.’’-Tom

‘’I agree with ya I mean, I don’t wanna mess with a mage that can teleport someone so close to the city walls. Think he will have identification?’’-Jo

‘’ Nope. You know the kids of powerful people in seclusion don’t have any form of Identification’’-Tom

‘’How do you know he is someone from a secluded family?’’-jo

‘’I don’t. But I heard that mages out in the open don’t usually make such displays in front of big cities like this unless it’s an emergency. Plus it’s a gut feeling.’’-Tom

‘’I bet you were just looking at his face just look at it. It looks like he’s about to shit his pants.’’

‘’That too. Just don’t offend the kid I don’t want to eat a fireball for breakfast tomorrow morning.’’Tom

‘’Fine I won’t mess with him.’’ in a small voice ‘’even though I really want to…’’-Jo.

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