《The Daily Cheats System》Ch.1:What to do now? Updated 08/07/2018


Cloud was just typing the cheat to teleport his character to the next map when a blue box pops up in front of him when he pressed enter.

You have been teleported to your next map.

 ..........................Really...........-Cloud.Cloud stays silent trying to assimilate what was going on After 10 seconds another box pops up.

You received the, Daily Cheat Code System as an apology for teleporting you accidentally, have a nice life on Terta!

Finally realizing he was not in front of his computer but on a grassland which doesn't look familiar at all and with a blue box in his face, he thinks of those novels he reads from time to time. Summoned to another world genre.

''Crap this is not even funny. Why am I on the grass in the middle of nowhere? Also teleported accidentally sounds so stupid.... At least I got an Ability.... Maybe I'll be able to go back...If I don't like it here.''-Cloud.

Another box pops up.

Loading of SSS skill complete.

Daily Cheat Skill level 1 is now active.

Short guide. 

Loading complete.

To bring up the skill menu just think 'Daily cheat'

From the menu you will be able to choose 2 cheats daily that you have unlocked and are available.

To unlock more cheats you will need to do system quests! With ranging difficulty.E,D,C,B,A,S,SS,SSS,GODLY. 

The difficulty represents the cheat quality that will be unlocked! The cheat will be selected by Lottery or by collecting 2 or more of the same tickets,with which you can buy a cheat from the Cheat Shop.

In the Cheat Shop you can exchange lottery tickets for a higher or lower quality tickets.

You have received cheat lottery tickets as compensation for teleporting you accidentally. 1 C ticket, 1 B ticket, 1 A ticket, 1 S ticket, 1 GODLY ticket

To use more cheats in one day you will need to level up the system. The system has 100 levels. To level the system up you will need to do quests for lottery tickets. 

Without further interruptions please continue your life in peace.

Cloud was looking at the last box that poped up thinking 'What should I do now?I don't even know where I am....Except that the planet is called Terta.....Which doesn't help me at all!'

'Shouldn't the system have a newbie village?Like seriously? Will I be able to stay alive....?'

'This is not looking good' Cloud pinches his arm very hard in a desperate attempt to wake up from what he thinks is a dream induced, from reading and playing too many games like this. ''AGHHH''

'That hurt like a damn bitch, at least I know I'm not asleep or hallucinating, at least I hope I'm not'

The place he pinched his arm started turning blue,which indicated how much strength he put into it.Looking around Cloud sees only grasslands for miles. A forest to the north and beyond it a castle built on a slowly rising big and wide hill. Looking at the towering and dense trees in the distance Cloud thinks ‘I’m almost certain there is something in there, which I don’t think I want to get to know...in case it’s hungry…or just aggressive’ Looking at the Castle in the distance and the dense green forest Cloud tries to think of a way to get to the Castle safely.


'Thinking logically the first thing I should do is to use what is given to me to maximize the chances of my survival.'

'Daily Cheat' 'This sounds so bad.....'

Cheat Lottery Cheat Shop Cheat Interface Cheat Quests Character Information Locked Unactivated Passive Cheats Activation Cheats Passive Cheats

'Okay so far so good, now I need the 'Cheat Lottery'?Since I don't have more than 1 of the same ticket.'

GODLY x1 SSS x0 SS x0 S x1 A x1 B x1 C x1 D x0 E x0

'So it shows how many tickets I have from each kind, convenient. Let me see how it works 'Use Ticket C''

A box full of ball shows up in front of Cloud and he subconsciously picks one up.

'So now what?' He observes it and notices a really thin line going through the middle of the ball all around it.

'So I should just twist, to open it?' Cloud twists the ball. The box and the ball disappear. Leaving him with a piece of paper. Written on it : Base mana pool 10,000 (Passive)

Congratulations! You have received an Ability- Base Mana + 10,000 Passive.

As this is the first passive cheat you have received the system will give you a short guide;

Passive cheats need to be activated only once and will stay activated until you die. 

Can not repeat use passive cheats unless you get the same one again. 

This will still use up your 1 of 2 chances to use a cheat daily.

 Any unactivated passive cheats will stay in the 'Unactivated Passive Cheats'

Would you like to use it: Y/N<<

Cloud looks at the first so called cheat. Not very impressed by it.As it doesn’t seem like it would help him in passing the forest.

'It would be best to see what else I get before using my chances for the day.'

Cloud uses another ticket to see what he gets and to hopefully find a clue to getting better abilities.

'Use lottery ticket B'

Another box of balls appears but with a different colour they are silver, the previous ones being bronze.Cloud looks at and observes them but sees no difference between each ball. He flips the box upside down and the balls fall to the grass. He checks each and everyone but like previously sees no differences.

'I guess it really is up to luck'

+1 Inteligence +1 Wisdom. For trying to see if this is all really down to luck and doing everything currently possible for you, you have been granted extra stats relating to your actions. Here every effort is rewarded in one way or another.

'This world seems easygoing... not sure if this is a good thing.I can just see monsters being OP'

Thinking that monsters get stats for everything terrified him.What would a rabbit be like in 2 years if it does a few clever things and gets to a human level intellect to use this system effectively.

Cloud hurriedly picks a ball at random and twists it.The same thing happened as previously but the difference, the paper is silver and the words glowing with a silver light. : Congratulations! You have received the ''cheat'' Instant Human Town Teleportation (Active)


'Is this system mocking me it's obvious this is not a cheat only the way I got it is a cheat. Even the system doesn't take this seriously with the ''cheat'' thing'

But Cloud takes a relieved breath of air,at least he wouldn’t need to worry on how to go through that forest and whatever is inside. Most importantly whatever is inside that might decide he looks like a tasty snack.


Guide continued:

This is an active cheat which will consume 1 of your 2 daily cheats when activated. You can guess the effect right? Good. You can use this cheat as many times as you want as well as ANY other active cheats you get in the future.

Papers will be gone once you press them against your forehead and will be stored in your Activation Cheats.

Any cheats you don't want ,leave for 2 hours and they will be gone. Do not suggest you do this. Also you can not give the cheats to anyone else. 

Lastly, the lottery is invisible for others so you can do a lottery any time and anywhere though someone might think you're crazy. End of Guide.

Cloud puts both ''cheats'' on his forehead and they disappear in specks of yellow light.

Cheats have been stored and are awaiting activation.

Cloud looks at the message and takes a serious note to the description the guide gave him.Looking at what he got so far it didn’t seem it would help him. He never liked gambling and such things because he always lost,or didn’t win anything. Luck was not a good thing to rely on. Especially when it didn’t work for you.

'This lottely doesn't seem so good......''Activate Ticket A'

Box full of golden balls appears this time.Cloud picks one at random and opens it a golden paper appears as he expected.Cloud doesn't bother to read it and awaits for the system message.


Gold = Level

You have received the cheat Give Me Gold Equal To My Level (Active).

This cheat gives you 10 Platinum coins for level 1, 11 for level 2 and so on.

The gold coins provided will be Gold coins used in the region you currently are.

Platinum Coins are the highest value currency for mortals. 

P.s. Not system level. But your level which is currently 1.

Cloud look at this ability and his eyes turn into money signs. He like having money, a lot of money, his dream was to make 5 thousand a week by creating a business online which wouldn’t require him to do anything.Just living his life like rich people do. Like all humans he wanted money and easy money if possible.

'This seems good since I don't have any of the currency that's used here. But it seems lacking for an A class cheat doesn't it?'

Cloud complained in his mind he was not very satisfied with this since it was only 10 platinum coins for now, if it was 100+ he would have been happier or at least he thought so.

'Activate ticket S'

Platinum coloured balls appear this time. Cloud chooses one and opens it a platinum paper falls in his hand and the balls are gone.

Congratulations! You receive a system upgrade LUCKY YOU! Now you can use 6 cheats a day. System level become level 5. For each level the system gains you get an extra Cheat activation chance daily. 6/101 Unlocked.

'This system is absurd.’ 6 abilities he can use daily sounded great especially when added with the Gold = Level. Also the fact that it can reach 101 uses daily, was even more so, unthinkable for an ability that lets you make money out of nothing.He started to view this system in a different light now. But...

'I still dont have anything useful for fighting.......'

A different world and unknown,unknown if it’s peaceful ,with the so called mana usually used for magic in games and novels. It didn’t look good in Clouds eyes to be without an ability that lets you fight.

'Fingers crossed for my last draw.''Activate GODLY ticket'

A box full of multi-coloured glowing balls appear and Cloud chooses one after five minutes of wondering what he should do. Which ball would give him the ability to fight if needed.Trying to get a feel for the balls, at last he picks one up, giving up on worrying about it.

He opens the glowing ball and a radiant paper falls in his hand the balls disappear and the system shows another box.


You have recieved the cheat Godly Aptitude (Passive):

You have the aptitude of a god. Be it for magic or martial arts.

What ever you wish to learn you will do so effortlessly.It also means you will be able to level skills faster as long as you understand how they work, instead of just repeat using them.

You may unlock some Abilities.

This is your last lottery chance. To get more tickets please complete quests and level up the system.

You can activate all the Cheats you currently have do you wish to do so? >>Y?N

Cheats activated.

Passives- 10,000 mana and Godly Aptitude

Active-Human town teleportation,Gold = level ,

You recieve 10 Platinum Coins

You have been teleported to Fort Seldon

Cloud in a flash of light appears 100 meters away from the city gates and feels some weight in his pocket. The gold he supposed.

'I guess I should go to town and find some information, a place to rest and something to eat and drink.'

He gets up and walks to the the city gates.

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