《The Daily Cheats System》Prologue! New 08/07/2018


''One more level and it will be goodbye. Do you really no longer wish to stay here?''-Woman

Cloud looks at the angel like appearance of the woman standing in front of him. No interest in her whatsoever because he knows what she is. He answers with after a sigh leaves his lips.

‘’Yes. There is nothing’’ Cloud makes another sigh ‘’nothing keeping me here any longer. I have done everything that there is to do.Except one thing’’ Cloud pauses and continues ‘’Which is impossible to do even for a cheat like me’’

‘’You sound certain. Maybe it’s possible now?’’ The angelic woman counters.

‘’I wish it was, I have already tried and probed many times. Alas the answer was the same.’’

Cloud take in a breath and looks at the perfect woman in his eyes anyway.

‘’If you are certain. Then I don’t have anything else to say. Complete the last quest and you shall be transported to the next world.’’ The angelic woman says apathetically.

‘’Be aware the cheat system may not transfer to the next world.But I don’t think you will need that anymore in whichever world you go to.’’ The woman make a complicated expression resembling emotions but Cloud can see behind it.

‘’ That will be all the more interesting, don’t you think? I leveled the system up to this point in only 2 years and it wasn’t hard, this time I want a challenge.’’ Cloud looks determined and burning with passion to start his journey anew in a new world and full of hope it is filled with new skills and knowledge.

‘’Do it, I don’t mind’’ The woman says. ‘’Goodbye’’ Cloud ‘’activate Cheat:Erase Existence ’’

The woman disappears the moment the cheat activates.

System max level reached.’Secret’ quest completed. Beginner world has no more quests for you to do. Do you wish to be transported to the next higher world? Be warned all skill and abilities will be gone. Those skills that stay will be reset to level 1. You may not gain an Ability in the next world. You will start as a Level 1. Race may not stay Human.


Do you still wish to be transported? >>>Y/N

P.S. This will be the end of book 1. The Daily Cheat Code. From the series A Gamer From Another World. If you wish to see the grind and a more slowly developing MC I suggest that you start from book 2 when it’s started.

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