《The Daily Cheats System》Ch.3- Amazing Gold Shop.Even more Amazing Inventory.


Cloud was walking to his new house thinking about different things.

‘Kill a dragon?! This is absurd! It even Admits it’s SS danger!’

Cloud stops for a second.

‘Wait the system didn’t say I need to do the quest. It will just give me an SSS ticket IF I do it.’

‘But isn’t it a bit too early to give me such a quest even if I have a 6 months time limit?’

‘How does it decide to give out the rewards. By how difficult the mission is or how difficult it will be for me to do it?Maybe both?’’Lets see how things go for now, 6 months are not little time.’

Cloud continues to walk to his new house looking at the key which has navigation magic on it.

‘It’s unfortunate this magic has only 3 days time limit. Which means I need to get to know the City in less than 3 days, unless I want to get lost and sleep on the street because I couldn’t get home…..’’But this gold ability was godsent in this kind of situation. Was it really just luck that I got the gold and teleport ability?’’If it wasn’t how do I make it so it really is just luck? I don’t want to keep getting more teleportation abilities or gold for that matter….I remember I got a notification when I used the gold ability twice...Maybe it’s related to my Cheat ability?’

Cloud says ‘Daily cheat’ and the system panel shows up he sees a the previously locked panel is now unlocked.’Gold Shop?’

‘Gold shop description’ and a new panel shows up.

Gold Shop is unlocked because you have collected more than 20P coins in one place.

In this shop you can purchase all kinds of items for gold. In the Gold Shop you can buy a Special Ability called [Inventory] Through the Gold Shop you can also unlock more slots in the inventory. [Inventory] is the only ability in the Gold Shop also there are special deals for slots please do check them out.

Each time you buy anything in the shop 1 daily cheat will be consumed as well as the gold required for the purchase.

‘Scratch the last thing Isaid more gold abilities are welcome!’’Gold Shop’

Weapons Armor Shields Consumables Special&Other Daily Deal! Inventory Deals! One Time Deal! One Time Deals!30 Days until deals end.

[Inventory]Ability and 5 Slots which can carry x99999 of the absolutely same item. Only 100P Coins and only 1 daily cheat chance because this is classed as 1 purchase.

Some Limitations on Slots.To find out more First Buy It!

[Inventory] Sub-Ability Unlock the ability to switch Weapons in and out with just a thought!

1000P Coins

[Inventory] Sub-Ability Unlock the ability to switch between different armors with just a thought!Able to also change different armor pieces with just a thought as well!


1500P Coins

[Inventory] Sub-Ability Unlock to be able to store whole armor sets in one Slot!If you have 2 or more identical armor you can store them until you reach 99999 in ONE slot!


[Inventory] Sub-Ability Unlock to be able to take anything out with just a thought except Weapons or Armor!

2000P Coins

[Inventory] Sub-Ability Unlock to be able to store anything with just a thought in your hand or within 100 meters of you as long as someone is not holding the said object you want to store!


5 [Inventory] Slots 250P Coins

‘Why are the standard abilities of an inventory separated?’ Cloud is almost in tears with the prices of the different abilities. He can only get 60P a day if he doesn’t use anything else. Not that he has anything else.to use them on now.

‘I need to find a way to make a lot of money. There should be one otherwise the system wouldn’t have made me get a trading permit. Maybe crafting?I don’t have a crafting ability or skill…...hell i don’t even have a forge.Alchemy …. Same problems….There is a way I just need to figure it out.’

Cloud finally arrives at his house The front was a shop that used to sell crafting materials and weapons.At the back there was another small building but it was empty it used to be a forge but after the owner moved he took everything with him, next to one of the walls there is a well.Behind the counter was a door that leads to upstairs. Upstairs there was a bath but no taps or anything just a bath.’Yeah…..medieval times….looks like i will need to warm water in large container and then add cold water to make a good temperature….’ The bathroom was next to the kitchen. In the kitchen there was some cupboards and a stove which had an indentation on the back and 3 buttons on the front 1 in red. In the middle there was some kind of engraving which connected to the indentation. ‘That must be a magical stove that uses mana? Crystals?’ ‘I’ll see later.’ Then there was the bedroom. There was a big wardrobe, a normal round table made out of dark wood, 4 chairs around it from the same material and a double bed in the corner of the room.’Good enough for now.Everything looks like it’s according to the description.’

‘Let’s go to the trading area from what I remember from the description the trading area was down the road but around a 40 minute walk. While the academy was a 20 minute walk from here up the road and some turns but I can see it from here so i can get there no problem’

Cloud exits his new house and locks the door which has a magical enchantment since it was a shop before the security was excellent from what Cloud understood.He started walking to the trading center and looked at various clothes shops to see the styles here. Which was not so different from his world except they didn’t have sweat pants, and tracksuits or any baggy clothing. They still had jeans and normal t-shirts. Most coats were long coats or suits.Unfortunately they didn’t have any trainers only leather boots and the like...


Finally he bought a black suit with a black shirt and white tie with some blue pattern. The whole suit was a set which has a few enchantments. [Auto-repair(intermediate)] Which repairs the suit on its own as long a whole part isn’t ripped off and [Clean] which makes stains disappear. Finally he bought black shiny shoes he thought looked good with the enchantments [Comfort][Soft][Clean][Ventilation] finally [Size-Adjustment]. Everything cost him 4P64G but he had to haggle with the owner for half an hour. The original price was 7P50G.

Finally people stopped giving him weird looks and he went around to look at the prices.

He noticed in a weapon shop the magical metal, Mithril which was sold for 200P for 1 Ore but it said it was only 70% pure. There was a notice saying ‘’To purify to 100% it would cost 400P!’’ The owner was buying from anyone at the price of 180P as long as the purity was not lower than 70%.

‘Weapons and materials are so expensive. Maybe I should learn some blacksmithing in the academy if they teach it?’

Cloud spent the rest of the day looking at prices and new stuff which interested him. At the end of the day he felt hungry and went in a restaurant, ordered the specialty,bottle of fine wine and some fruit juice which he has never seen. It only cost him 3 gold.

‘The food here isn’t as tasty but this is just my first day here maybe there is something better.The wine was high quality though.’ ‘Time to go home and rest, need to go to the academy tomorrow and do the test which apparently tests how much mana you have and your aptitude for different things which mean I don’t have anything to worry about. O yeah there was a written test but i don’t know how to write in this world……. When Jo was writing I couldn’t read anything ...but how was able to read the signs of building?. Did the system update or something while I was walking to the City Administration?’’I’ll write something tomorrow and see if people can read it, hopefully they can. It would be a pain to learn how to write again’

Cloud fell asleep in his new bed and new world.

The next day Cloud woke up and saw its 6Am from the clock on the wall. He got up and went to the bathrooms to see no sink and a lonely bath.’Ahh… new world…’ He went to the back building and got some water from the well and washed his face with the ice cold water in the bucket. ‘Finally feeling awake now. Feeling kinda hungry…’ Cloud goes upstairs and puts on his new and only suit. ‘Should probably buy some more clothes when I get the chance’ Going to the market he sees a stall selling some kind of pastries and buys some. They were filled with superb cheese and were perfectly made. He bought 1 goldsworth which was around 12 pastries. ‘Should head to the academy now? Oh I need to buy some paper and a pen and see if people can read what I’m writing.’ So he goes further in the trading area and finally find a shop that sells paper and everything he needed. It was a shop that also sells books that you can learn skills from. After he bought what he needed and wrote ‘’Hello what skill books do you have?’’ it changed right in front of his eyes in another language. When he tried to read it again it went back to english. ‘The system is quite awesome’ he thought. He still showed what he wrote to the shop owner and got a weird look.

‘’My shop has all kinds of skill books. Lightning magic skills,fire,wind,water,earth. Mana control,Qi control or Aura control if you refer to it that way. Martial arts skills,Sword skills and a lot of other ones.’’-Shop owner.

‘’I see.’’ ‘mana control seems perfect for me at the moment’ ‘’How much is the mana control one you have?’’-C


‘’What if I buy a few? Willing to make a discount for me?’’-C

‘’Depends on how much you spend’’

‘’I want the mana control….’’ Cloud looks at the list the owner put on the counter and one caught his eye ‘’Flowing Lightning P1,Qi control 50G and …… Flame thrower 30G’’

‘’If you want all of them I’ll cut you a deal if you promise to only buy books from me when looking for skill books. I have quite the collection. If you promise me then …..1P90G’’

‘’Deal!I promise I will only but skill books from you as long as I am in this City’’-C

‘’Okay let me get them’’

The shop owner goes and start getting the books in 5 min he was back.

‘’Here are your books’’-SO

‘’Thank you! My name is Cloud you will probably see me quite often.’’

‘’I hope I will haha.My name is Kain’’-K

Cloud leaves the shop in a hurry after he pays and runs home.Because a panel popped up after he touched the books.

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