《The queen of pirates》Chapter 9
When he shouted I acted in an instant, I shaved right next to him and grabbed his mask before shaving next to the sea and grabbing two other mask from the pirates
I moved and gave Luffy and Sanji one before putting the one Gin gave me on myself as I held the last one on Gin's face
I just had the time to hear Krieg scream 'You little bitch !' Before the bomb went off, Poison gas spreading everywhere.
5 minutes later, when the gas dissipated, everyone could see me and the others with gas mask and Krieg on the ground, his skin taking a pale color and panting hard
"Ruri why..." Gin was at lost for word
"What did I say when I first saved you ? Ah, yes. I think you're a good guy Gin. That and krieg pisses me off." I smiled
"KRIEEEEEEG !" Luffy shouted
"Ah. Well it seems like this battle is over."
"What are you saying ?"
"Well. Right now Luffy is absolutely livid. And angry Luff means Krieg is not gonna win the battle." I explained to Gin
Krieg was slowly getting up, his skin had gotten back a little of his color but he was still pale
"You... have been a thorn in my side for far too long girl." Krieg gaze was fixated on me
I looked at Luffy then back at Krieg, " I think it's time we teach him what it means to hurt our friends, isn't that right Luffy ?"
"Yeah." Luffy started running towards Krieg
"Wait ! You can't hope to beat Krieg !" Gin shouted
"Just watch Gin. The man you call Krieg, today he will fall."
"Foolish boy ! You can't swim if you come closer you'll just die !" Said krieg as he took out small bombs and sent them everywhere towards us
The explosion created a wall of water and smoke and Luffy took advantage of it and threw a punch at Krieg
"Foolish boy ! If you want to hit me so bad, then try to hit me through my Kezan Cape!"
"It's a cape covered by spike !"
"There's no way he can hit Krieg with that around him !" The cooks yelled
"Gumo Gumo No Bullet !" Luffy just ignored it and punched him on the right side of his face, he tumbled to the the ground
"He is completely reckless !" Sanji said
"Don Krieg was knocked out !"
"Now..." Luffy took the broken spike from the cape in his hand, "is this place my grave ? Or yours ? Which is it ?"
Krieg started getting up, coughing blood, "but don't you dare decide that question with your measly spiked cape and weapon. This place is not where I'll die !"
"Watch him carefully Sanji, someone like him is the worst enemy you can face. Wether he loses or wins hist fight, I like guys like him..."
"If this place..." Krieg stood up, panting heavily, "isn't your grave, then who is it ?!" He attacked Luffy with his giant shield
Or that's what would've happened if I didn't exist.
"Don't you dare forget about me ! One sword style : decapitating airwaves !" With an horizontal slash a wind blade flew towards Krieg's shield and stopped it in his tracks, the blade left a 5cm dent into his shield
Luffy took the occasion to kick Grin on the left side of his face sending him once again to the ground
I appeared next to Luffy, "you don't mind if I help kick his ass ?"
"No problem."
"Those kids are strong enough to match our Don ! If this keeps going Don will lo-"
"SHUT YOUR WORTHLESS TRAP !" Krieg assembled his spear again
"Ah ! Don brought out his Great war Spear again ! It's his strongest weapon !"
He swung it to the ground, breaking the part of the boat we were on in half
"I can't wait to see how you'll fight against this spear. Unlike the others I used this one is in a whole other league."
"It exploded ?"
"Ruri, Kid ! Be careful, the stronger he swing his spear the more powerful the explosion is ! He can blow up whole houses if he swings it with all his strength !" Gin shouted from the baratie's entrance
"Thanks for the heads up Gin but..." I grinned as Krieg swung his spear at me, " It's useless if he can't hit me."
I ducked under his blow and kicked Grin in the chin, he stumbled back, "Insolent Bitch !"
"Gumo Gumo No Bazooka !" Luffy hit Krieg from behind sending him towards me
"VRRRRR !" With a buzzing sound my left turned into a chainsaw and I aimed my kick at Krieg's spear
A screech resounded as my leg sliced through his spear, cutting it in two
"Wha ?!" Krieg looked wided eyed at my leg, not believing it turned into a chainsaw. He must've missed when I decapitated his crewmate with it
I picked up the half that fell on the ground, "weapons aren't everything Krieg. You are strong only because of your number. Not once did you train, enhanced your reflexes, that was your weakness." I threw the explosive tip to Keita, he catched it
"Storage-storage open. " he said made an opening motion with his hands, a black hole opened, he threw the spear in it and closed the hole in the same motion
"My great spear ! What did you do to it ?!" Krieg yelled at Keita, vein popping on his forehead
"I put it where you'll never get it." Keita responded with a smirk
"This is the end for you Krieg."
"Gumo Gumo No...
"Rocket/kick !" Luffy's attack collided once more on Krieg's back and I hit him on the front with the back side of my saw leg
A crack was heard and blood poured from Krieg's mouth as his eyes closed
"DON !" The krieg's pirate shouted
"Not yet !" Krieg's eyes opened and he catched me and Luffy in a iron net
"Ah Ruri stop crushing me !""
"If I could I would you idiot !"
"Go sleep with the fishies you pest !" He said as he jumped into the ocean
"As long as I can still stretch my arms and legs victory is mine !" Luffy said as he eextended his feet and entangled themselves and caught krieg's face
"He's still fighting even though the ocean is his weakpoint !"
'He doesn't hesitate, even for an instant, hiw can he...' Sanji thought
"How can he keep fighting despite the situation is what you're wondering right ?"
"Give me some support you bastards !" Krieg shouted at his crew
"Y-Yes Don !" They all took a crossbow out but fore they could shoot two explosion resounded sending waves around and preventing them to help
"Don't even try." Keita said
"Gumo Gumo No..."Luffy's legs started spinning lifting Krieg in the air
"Sledgehammer !" And slammed him face first on a part of his boat
"They did it ! They beat admiral Don krieg."
Then we fell into the ocean, I tried in vain to get back to the surface but I was too tired to get the net off of us
Then, I saw blond hair and I was pulled from the water
"Pfouah ! Ah...ah...ah... thank you Sanji, Luffy was dragging me down with him !" I said as I sucked in air
"No problem Ruri, if I left our saviors to die I would be the worse gentlemen ever." He said smiling at me
We dragged Luffy back onto the boat
"Don please stop ! You'll hurt yourselves with all these injuries !"
"Calm down Don ! He's lost his consciousness !"
"Don, we lost." Gin said as he punched Krieg in the stomach, knocking him out completely
"Let's retreat for today and start anew. Sanji, Ruri, Thank you for everything."
"Yeah... please don't come again." Sanji said as he lit a cigarette
"No problem Gin, It was my pleasure."
"Hey ! What're you planning to do by tzking the very man who tried to kill you !" Patty and Carne said in unison
"You guys... when he wakes up, could you please pass him a message for me ?" Gin asked us
This is it, the moment I was waiting for. The have one chance to get Gin in my crew
"Let's meet again, on the grand Line."
"You're still going to be a pirate ?"
"Pshhh, you never learn do you ?
"When I think about it there's nothing else I wanna do. I guess Krieg's dream became mine at some point."
"Patty, Carne. Give Gin the boat we use to buy supplies."
"You wanna give our boat to the guy who tried to kill us ?! Are you retarded ?!" They both yelled as they searched for it
Patty and Carne came back with the noat and the krieg's pirate all got in, Gin was the last as he dropped Krieg, he was about to get in
"Hey Gin." I called out to him, "if you plan on going to the Grand Line, why not come with me ?"
"Huh ? What ?" He turned back to look at me with wide eyes, not sure if he heard correctly what I said or if he hallucinated
"You said you wanna go to the Grand Line. Then why not come with me ? I plan on becoming the Pirate Queen, and I need a crew, will you be a part of it ? Will you be my nakama Gin ?"
He looked at me, then back to the Krieg's pirate, he smiled and kicked away the boat
"Sure Donna, I'll come with you." He turned to the Krieg's pirate, "you guys take care of Don ! Tell him that we'll meet again one day !"
The Krieg's pirate cried as they shouted, " COMMANDER GIN ! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING ! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF !"
Tears fell on the ground "TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES !" He cried
I may have hallucinated, but for a moment, the aura around the Krieg's pirate became green, before they disappeared in the horizon
I put a hand on Gin's shoulder, "Welcome to the crew Gin."
~Baratie 2nd floor~
The tables were placed sl that everyone had a seat and could eat
"Time to eat you bastards !" Patty yelled
"Hey, who's in charge of cooking today ?"
"That'd be me !" Patty said
"And me." Carne added
"Ah, so it's not something to look forward too huh ?" One of the cook said
"Just shut your trap and eat you boiled-brain idiot !" Patty screamed at the cook
Everyone laughed
Me, Gin and Keita were talking amongst ourselves at the end of the table
"So, I guess we should introduce ourselves huh ? I am Naka D. Ruri, 21 years old, a pirate with no bounty as of yet. My dream is to become the Queen of pirates."
"Keita Kodou, 20 years old, I ate the storage-storage fruit and I have no bounty. I will become the King of pirates !" He exclaimed
We looked at Gin who had a small smile
"My turn ? Well, the name's Gin, 33 years old. Pirate with a 2.7 Million bounty on his head, epitheth is the 'Man-Demon'. As for my dream... I guess it's more of a goal. I want to never run again, to always face my challenges head on with no cowardly tactics." He said calmly
"That's a great goal, well Gin, I already said it but, welcome to the crew, welcome to the Chain pirates !"
"HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO PASS THIS CRAM ?! WHAT IS THIS, PIG FEED ?!" We heard a yell followed with a breaking sound
We looked around to see a broken plate and soup everywhere
Sanji got up from the ground, "hey. Does human food not suit you, you damn raccoon ?" His voice was trembling
Patty snorted, "Ah ! This is pure crap of the highest quality makes me wanna puke. Did you put actual shit in this or what ?"
Gin tasted the soup, "what are they saying, it's the best soup I ever ate."
"They want him to go with Luffy and realise his dream, but sanji doewn't want to leave so they are forcing him by doing this." I explained
"Ah. I won't say a thing then." He nodded
Sanji's face darkened, "I am perfectly confident about my soup, maybe it's your tongue that's..."
"Yuck !" Carne spat out something, "No way we can eat this filth ! It's terrible ! Threw it !
"THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE ALL DOING !" Sanji yelled in anger
"You being the assistant head was always just a sham. Just because you've been here he longest." Patty said
"I'm sick of your violent ways." Another cook said
"If something taste bad then it's right to say it's bad."
"What did you..." Sanji growled
Another plate crashed "OWNER ZEFF !" (told you it was a running gag)
"Geezer !"
"What's with this disgusting soup ? Is it supposed to taske like sludge or what ?"
Sanji walked to Zeff and grabbed by the collar, "What are you saying you damn geezer ! How is it different from your soup ?"
"My soup ?", Zeff punched Sanji on the face, "don't get too cocky !"
"The owner punched him ?"
"It's a hundred years too early for you to compare our food little eggplant. I've cooked all around the world."
"He didn't kick him but punched him instead ?"
Sanji and Zeff glared at each other before Sanji got up and slammed the down as he got out
"This soup is pretty good of you ask me." Luffy said as he drank an entire bowl
"...Yeah we know."
"Whew that was scary."
"Everyone here knows how good Sanji's cooking is."
"But if we didn't do that he would've never listened to us. Hey kid could you take the lil eggplant with you on Grand Line ? It's his dream."
"Jeez, it was more trouble than it's worth Owner Zeff."
"Yeah it was hard to play along."
"Hey leave me some of the soup !"
"For me too !"
Soon enough everyone actuzlly ate Sanji's soup
"Take sanji along... don't wanna." Luffy said
"WHAAAAA ?!" All the cooks yelled
"What's the meaning of this ? Didn't you want to take gim with you before ? Are you not satisfied with him ?"
"Nah it's not like that." Luffy denied as he ate more food, "I do want him to come with me but he said he wants to stay here and be a cook. So even you tell me to take him I won't do it."
"So you won't accept him until he ask you himself ?"
"Yup. More soup please." Luffy extended his bowl towards Zeff
Zeff took it and gave him another serving, "well you do have a point but the lil eggplant will never ask you himself."
"Yeah, it's impossible. He's too hard headed for his own good." Patty said
"AAAAAAAAAGH !" A shark crashed into the room breaking the wall in the process and crushing Sanji
"Sanji !" Everyone said
"What's this a fishman ?"
"Did he come all the way here to try our cooking."
"Ah, Gin. Meet Yosaku, one of our nakama."
"Gin just gave an unimpressed stare, "This idiot." It wasn't even a question, it was a statement
"He look like an idiot, but you wouldn't even be able to hit him if you tried."
He looked at my smiling face, then at yosaku who was talking with Luffy while inside a shark's mouth, then back at me. His unimpressed stare never leaving his face
Keita was trying very hard not to laugh at Yosaku's situation
"Ah, why are you inside a shark ?" Luffy asked
"YOU JUST NOTICED ?!" Everyone screamed, us included
After helping Yosaku out of the panda shark he explained that he needed our help because where Nami was headed is a very dangerous place
"Ok. I don't know what's going on but let's go."
"Wait." Sanji stopped Luffy, "I'll come with you."
"Sanji ?" Everyone was stunned
"I'll accompany you on your way to become the pirate king, after all we both have crazy dreams. I'll be the cook for your ship. Sounds good ?" He said
Luffy threw his arms in the air, "Sounds great !"
We made our goobye and left Sanji to talk with the cooks
Once outside and close to the water I looked at keita, "bring it out please."
He nodded, "Storage-storage open !" A medium sized black hole appeared and came out a small boat, it was large enough to fit up to 5 people
"I present to you the Captain's personal boat ! Works only with her powers and can go as fast as a cannonball. Everyone hop in."
I took the commands, I had to turn my legs into chainsaws and planted them in small holes in the boat. (Imagine ace's personal boat just larger so that it can fit 3 people)
Everyone sat and we waited for the Luffy and Sanji to be ready
"Thank you for everything owner Zeff ! I'm eternally grateful that you took care of me for all these years, I'll never forget the debt I owe you !"
"God dammit we're gonna be really lonely without you !" Patty said
"Really lonely you hear us ?!" Carne added
At this point everyone was crying, "LET'S MEET AGAIN YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING BASTARDS !" Sanji shouted
"Alright set sail !" Luffy shouted and we left towards cocoyasi village
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