《The queen of pirates》Chapter 10
We made our way towards cocyasi island, Yosaku cried the whole way from Sanji's departure
Then he decided to give us a lesson about the Grand Line
"It's called the pirates graveyard for the 3 powers that rule over it."
He took a breath and started talking, what he said shocked me beyond anything
"The first one are the 9 Warlord of the seas, although only 8 spots are currently taken seeing as the last one got killed by an unknown group. They are pirate who have been recognized and authorized by the world governement. As long as they give a part of their treasure, they are free to do anything they want. In fact Mihawk is one of them !"
I looked at Keita, a chill running down my spine as he said phantom words to me, 'isn't it entertaining ?' I could hear him say the biggest shit-eating grin on his face
"There are seven of them ?! Those warlord guys are amazing !" Luffy was jumping up and down, his eyes wide
"The problem is, another of the warlord, a fishman named Jinbe, as a requirement to join the warlord, let loose a monster in east blue. His name is Arlong." Yosaku said grimly
"Like this ?" Luffy, who totally ignored him showed an horrible sketch of a fish with human limbs
"That's one ugly fish !" Sanji said, crying tears from the horrible drawing
"Someone just kill this abomination, it has already suffered enough." I deadpanned
"I must say. This drawing is actually good, I'm pretty sure you could use it as a torture tool." Gin added
"Whatever. I'll skip the history for now. Just know that the place we are headed towards is named 'Arlong park' and Arlong was a fishman in jinbe's crew ! He is a monster that coult eat 10 Don Krieg for breakfast !"
"You came back to Baratie before catching up to Nami didn't you ? Are you sure she's headed there ?" Sanji asked
"Nami was staring at Arlong's bounty. And right as we said that he was wreaking havoc again she took off with the treasure."
"How about this ?" Luffy showed his previous fish standing up
"It's the same fish standing up. But talking about fishmen, I wonder if Nami is actually a Mermaid ? That would explain her beauty." Sanji was lost in his own mind, his eyes turned into hearts
"Like this ?" Luffy showed the same fish with a wig
"Kill it with fire !" I screamed as Sanji lunged at Luffy screaming "you're dead meat !"
After the drawing was exterminated, Luffy saved from Sanji's wrath and Yosaku giving up talking sense into Luffy and Sanji, we ate Sanji's food (which is to say, the best food ever.)
"Too bad you're in Luffy's crew. I would've snatched you for myself otherwise." I said sadly
"Milady, I would chose you over this idiot any day." Sanji said as he kissed my hand
"Hey, Ruri ! Stop taking my nakama !" Luffy yelled indignantly
"Not my fault ! Sorry Sanji but I already have too many men in my crew, alas fate will take us apart." I said as I faked tears
I could get used to this, the funny antics of everyone and the thrill of a good battle
Too bad I knew that at this point in time, Nami was within Arlong's reach. And that she hit a kid who was going to kill himself. And that Zoro was going to get captured. It killed my mood
For a second, a memoy Johnny being chased by a fishman came to my mind, let's prat Johnny doesn't stupid himself to death
~Meanwhile with johnny~
Johnny sneezed and looked around, he sighed and dropped on the ground
"May you escape, brother Usopp." He said, hidden behind a house to get back his breath
As a matter of fact, running through and entire village to escape a fishman who wants your head is quite tiring
He may have trained in the art of Haki and became able to predict how people wants to kill him, but he is not stupid enough to think he can take on a fishmen twice his size
So he just praise to whatever god could be listening that Usopp lives
Somewhere on the way to cocoyasi, Keita suddenly sneezed 'someone must want benediction, too bad I'm on vacation.' He smirked as he ate another piece of meat
~Back to Ruri-chwaaan~
The water shook around us as bubble popped on the surface
A giant sea cow appeared and sniffed the air, looking quite confused at the sight of our small boat
"AH IT'S A SEA MONSTER !" Yosaku shouted, crying
The cow kept sniffing and approached our two boats
"A cow ? It's so big !" Luffy exclaimed
"A cow that swim ? Isn't that just a hippo ?" Sanji questionned
"It looks really cute though." I added truthfully
"It looks dumb." Gin just said
"THIS IS A GRAND LINE MONSTER !" Yosaku yelled, the cow looked at the food "IT WANTS THE FOOD GIVE IT TO HIM !"
"Gumo Gumo no Pistol !" Luffy punched the cow in the face, blood flew from it's mouth as it hit the water "Don't touch my food !"
Sanji kicked Luffy and tried to feed the cow, who came back pissed, just to kick it as it was about to eat him "It tried to eat my arm too."
The cow just became more pissed and tried to destroy out ships, key word being tried as Keita pointed his wrist cannon and shot it in the face
We went back to eating
Poor cow
~With the others~ Zoro ~
"We're here nyu ! This is cocoyasi village, Arlong should be here somewhere around here !" A fishman with six arm said
"Alright thanks for the ride." Zoro said
"Don't mention it ! Come back again !" The poulp man said as he swam in the direction of Arlong park
"Now let's find Long nose first."
"Chu ! I finally caught him chu ! Thought you would like to kill him yourself chu !" Said a fishman as he held a bloody Usopp by the neck, "What happened here Chu ?!" He half yelled when he saw dead fishmens everywhere
'Was it Zoro ?' Usopp thought
"That pipsqueak ain't enough to satisfy my rage right now..." Arlong growled
Usopp tried to convince Arlong to let him go, but it didn't work
Nami appeared when the fishmen started saying she was betraying them
'Help me !!!!' Usopp Whined in his mind
After beating up the cow, Luffy decided to pull a Luffy and made it pull out boats to Arlong Park
~With Johnny Bro~
"SHAHAHAHAHA ! AN EXCELLENT REVENGE INDEED !" Arlong yelled as he laughed
"That's an Arlong pirate crew officer for ya Nyu !" The Octopus said
"A-Ahhhhhh, this is bad ! Brother Usopp..."
~Back to Ruri~
"I can see Arlong park !" I shouted at everyone, they barely heard what i said as the cow dragged us full speed
The cow started going off the direction, and despite Sanji and Lufy yelling at it, it crashed into a wall and sent both our boats flying
"Keita ! My boat !"
Keita nodded when I screamed and he opened his pocket dimension, he absorbed my boat before we crashed on the ground
"Ow, the landing could've been better." I groaned and I heard several groan that sounded like 'yes'
"THE HEEL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING ?!" Zoro, who was right next to where the boat landed roared furiously at us
"Huh ? We've come to get Nami back of course." Luffy said as he got up, ignoring the fact we flew in the air and crashed like ragdolls, "Where's Usopp and Johnny ?"
"Hey you alright ?" Sanji asked Yosaku, who was currently stuck in wreckage of the boat, his legs hanging in the air, twitching
"Sanji help me pull out this idiot." With a 'Yes Ruri-chwaaan' we pulled out Yosaku while Zoro was explaining to us what happened while we we're on our way and that usopp was caught by the fishmens
"We need to hurry before he gets kil-"
"It's already too late !" Zoro was cut off by Johnny, "BROTHER USOPP WAS KILLED BY NAMI !" He yelled
"Huh ?!" Everyone said
Of course this didn't go well with Luffy who punched Johny and grabbed him by the collar
And of course this didn't go well with me since he was punching my crewmate
"I would be thankful if you dropped Johnny Luffy." I said as I put my leg next to his neck, fully transformed
"He's Lying ! Nami would never kill usopp we're crewmates !" He screamed at me
"Who's your crewmate ?" A voice called out from behind us
"What did you come on this island for ?"
"Huh what're you talking about ? We've come for you of course ! Aren't we crewmates ?"
Luffy said as he let go of Johnny's shirt
"Don't make me laugh, 'we're crewmates!' It was just a stupid little cooperation."
"Nami ! Don't you remember me ? Let's set sail together !" Sanji said, his love mode working full time
"Shut up can't you see you're making things more difficult ?!"
"You got a problem you shitty Marimo ?"
"Enough with the peanut galery." I punched the both of them
"Yes Ruri-chwaaan !"
"You got a problem Lousy queen ?!"
"Don't talk to a girl like that sword for brains !" Sanji yelled at zoro and they went back to fighting, I just sighed
"Lost cause from the start." I grumbled
Johnny went on about how he saw her stab Usopp and that she was a witch who would do anything for money
"I don't care about that. Where's Usopp ?" Zoro asked Nami
"At the bottom of the ocean." She didn't look at him
"THAT'S IT ! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU !" Zoro drew his swords and charged at Nami
"AND I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU !" Sanji got in his way and tried to kick him
They got into another fight
"It's been what ? 10 minutes ? How many fight did they get in ?" I asked to myself
"Three fight." Gin replied looking at them with a flat face
"They are so hopeless."
"FINE DO WHATEVER YOU WANT ! YOU CAN DIE FOR ALL I CARE !" Nami screamed and stormed back from where she came from
We stayed here, waiting for something to happen I guess
At some point Sanji and Zoro started fighting again
And they crushed Usopp's head in between their attack
"Ah, he's alive." Gin said
"Probably not anymore though." Keita added
"BROTHER USOPP !" Yosaku and Johnny yelled in unison
The yelling woke Luffy up who noticed Usopp, " Ah Usopp ! Did Nami do this to you ?!" He asked in panic
"Ah no, it was actually us." Sanji said
"You mean just you." Zoro retorted
"You're as guilty Zoro, his head got crushed on your sword." I pointed out, earning me a glare from zoro
Messing with him is so fun
"Ah Luffy ! You're here too ?!"
"I decided to come too, nice to meet you." Sanji said with a smile, as if he never kikced Usopp
Usopp mumbled about killing him before remembering what he came here for
"Nami's in trouble ! She saved my life, if you ask me there must be a reason why she joined Arlong."
"It's useless. No matter what you do, you can't go against Arlong." A new voice said
It seems ridiculous no ? This road has so many plot people walking on it in the same hour
"Ah, Nojiko." Usopp
"Who's she ?" Luffy
"Nami's sister." Usopp
"Nami's sister ?! No wonder why she looks so beautiful !" Do I really have to say ?
"What do you mean useless ?" Zoro
"You tell her Brother Zoro !" Guess who ?
Gin, keita and I just stayed silent
"Please don't involve yourself with this village any further. I'll tell you hiw thingd got this way and you’ll leave after got it ?"
"I'm fine. I don't care about her past, I'll go take a walk." Luffy left
"... what's with him ?"
"Don't worry about it. It's just the kind of guy he is. We'll listen to you though." Zoro said and started snoring the next moment
Everyone sweatdropped
"Well I'll listen to you." Usopp said after an awkard silence
"Me too." Sanji added, a goofy smile on his face
"It's a wonder you guys didn't die yet with this kind of attitude." I said flatly and Keita smirked
"No wonder they're giving nami so much trouble." Nojiko sighed
Then she started explaining the story of nami, about how a Marine named bellemere found them both in a battlefield, how she raised, when the Arlong pirates arrived and how they killed anyone who couldn't pay their price, and of course how bellemere sacrificed herself to make sure Nami and herself lived. That they took Nami with them and that she became an Arlong pirates.
"It's been like this since she was 10 years old, fighting alone to make sure no one else died. Fo you know how hard it was for her during those 8 years ?"
"She forced herself to become a pirate to save her village..."
"I'll fucking kill those pirates ! How dae they do this to Nami ?!"
"WAAAAH ! SISTER NAMI IS SO STRONG !" Yosaku and Johnny were crying their eyes out
You know, it's different to read about Nami's story and hear it for yourself, it's not the same
I spent something like 2 weeks with her on the seas, talking and laughing being beaten up when I did something stupid or fought with the shitty marimo as Sanji calls Zoro
"Guys, let's go." I said
Keita got up and plunged his arms in his storage, when he got them out the wristcannons were gone, in their place were another pair, with 3 different cannon, all above he also had iron gauntlets with a blade under. He did the same with his legs and he had iron boots with some mechanism. "I'm ready."
"Finally I never thought you would say that Donna." Gin grinned
"Where are you guys going ?!" Nojiko called out to us
"Say our greetings to Arlong. After all, isn't he the kind around here ? It would be rude not to greet him." I said with a smile
"Didn't you listen to what I said ?! He'll just kill all of you !" She yelled at us
"Pfff, he's just an overgrown fish. He won't be able to shit to me, you can come wath if you want." I shrugged
We walked towards Arlong park time to greet the fish
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