《The queen of pirates》Chapter 8
Mihawk was still sitted on his ship, no one dared to move in case they would catch his attention
Until an idiot tried to shoot him, he took the sword on his back and changed the bullet direction
"WHAT ? IT MISSED ?!" The idiot screamed
"He deflected the bullet. It'll be the same no matter how many times you shoot." Zoro said calmly, not moving his eyes from Mihawk
"And who're you huh ?!" Said idiot screamed at Zoro who ignored him
"I've ever seen such graceful movement."
"A sword without grace is no strong sword."
At this point I zoned out, I didn't want to wacth the beating Zoro would take and instead approached Keita who was grinnig like an idiot, eating on the tables
"Why did you suddenly grin like that ?" I asked him, he looked at me, grin still on his stupid face
"Oh ? I may or may not have remembered one of the changes I made, don't worry it won't be effective until we step onto the Grand Line." He went back to eating, ignoring the tick mark that appeared on my forehead
"And on a scale of 1 to 10, how much is it gonna bite me in the ass ?"
"Funny you say that, don't worry about it."
I left clearly I wouldn't get an answer from him
I came back to Zoro makig his promise to Luffy, "Finally. I can start killing some assholes." I muttered
Krieg aproached Mihawk, a smirk plastered on his stupid face, "hawk eyes," he said getting the attention of Mihawk, "you came all the way here for my head ? The infamous Don Krieg ?"
"For a while, yes. But I've already enjoyed myself here, so I'll go take a nap."
"No need to go that fast. You may havr had your fun, butI sure haven't."
"He's an idiot." Keita, who finished eating joined me and looked at Krieg
"Yup. A big one too." I nodded
Krieg's armor opened up, guns coming out from everywhere, "HOW ABOUT YOU DIE BEFORE LEAVING ?!" All the guns shot at the same time
"You never learn do you..." Mihawk said before smoke from the explosions engulfed the area
"Guys go ahead and chase after Nami !" Luffy said at Usopp and the other
"Yosaku, Johnny, go help them !" I yelled
"Ok, Big sis Ruri !"
"We'll definitly bring back Nami ! So you better get that cook !" Usopp yelled before they left in direction where Nami went
"Hey old man ! If I help you take care of these guys will yoi let me off the hook ?" Luffy asked Zeff
"Fine, do whatever you want brat."
"Well, that was a nuisance, but we planned on abandoning this ship anyway. So who cares if it's been destroyed." Krieg said
"If we have that boat, we won't have to hang the white flag."
"Yeah, no one will expect pirates waiting inside." One of Krieg's goon said
"And this era has so many pirates, it won't be that hard to rebuild our rank."
"And you'll die because all you'll have will be 5000 weak punk." I added
Eveyone whirled around, seeing me sitting on a piece of the ship
"You bitch, when did you get here ?" Krieg asked and everyone drew their weapons, I looked at them, all had black aura around them
"At the moment you started monologuing about how you'll take this ship for yourself. Don't bother trying." I said
"And why is that ? You think you can stop us, stop me ?" Krieg said cockily
"Yes, right now you are all dead man walking." I said coldly, I didn't even know I could talk like that
"Shave." Without letting them react I dissapeared and reappeared next to the closest guy and unsheated Dekkai
"I'm not sorry." I plunged Dekkai right into his heart. His eyes turned white and he dissapeared, leaving behind a black soul
I picked it up and ate it, "Yuck, taste like shit." Memories sudfenly appeared and I knew hew to use a gun, this guy must've been a marksman
Every pirates tensed as they looked at the display, I'm pretty sure I would also be scared if someone I knew just got erased from the face of the earth
"Wha?" A Krieg's pirate asked in disbelief
No one talked for a little while until i broke the silence, "Oi, you guys are going to get me or what ? And you guys are going to help me kick their asses or no ?" My voice woke up everyone
Then the battle started, Luffy flew in the air as he kicked Krieg's pirates in the sea using his leg as a whip
Patty and the cook named carne detached the boat's head and shot cannonball at the other
Meanwhile Krieg point every guns at me and shot
I dodged them, jumping around "too slow !" I said as I shaved behind him
"Take this you piece of trash ! Dekkai Smash !" Dekkai turned from sword into mammoth and slammed into Krieg
"Grk !" Krieg flew and crashed in a part of his boat
"How do you like this you dick ?" I felt someone behind me and ducked as a sword whirled past me
I got back up and turned my leg into a saw
"VRRR !" With a buzzing sound my saw leg started working and I aimed it at his throat, cutting his head off, he turned into a soul that I quickly ate
"Another devil fruit ?!" Krieg yelled as he got out of the wall he was stuck in
"Nope, I'm just a living weapon." He sent me a curious look before it turned into one of anger
"Don't fuck with me !" He yelled and his shoulder plate opened, two cannon poiting at me, with a boom they shot at me
"Oh ? Wanna see who has the biggest firepower ?" I took my stance and aimed at the cannonballs " One sword style : Double cannonball shot !"
The two attacks met head on, smoke and dust flew everywhere as both attacks exploded
When the dust cleared I saw Krieg halting Patty and Carne mini boat
"I am Don Krieg. I don't have time to play with weaklings like you !" He yelled and threw them towards the restaurant
"Agh ! We're gonna crash into the restaurant!"
Sanji jumped and kicked them back
"He kicked it ?!" Krieg said in disbelief
"He kicked that weird ass ship ?!" One of the Krieg's pirate shouted
"Not bad !" Luffy said in a happy tone
"SANJIIII !" Patty and Carne screamed at the same time
"You trying to kill us ?!"
Sanji looked at them, "yes." He deadpanned
"Did your brain become rotted in stew, you bastard ?!" Patty shouted
"Yeah ! You almost lost two powerful fighters !" Carne added
"Powerful ? Don't make me laugh. You're still cooks. We are the Krieg's pirate ! Ruler of east blue. So scram !" One of the Krieg's pirate said as they got out of the water and landed in front of them
"Only because you're overwhelming tour opponents. Alone you aren't even stronger than a toddler." I said
They wanted to say something but couldn't deny the truth
"Enough ! You are annoying you little bitch !" Krieg shouted and I turned back to him
"Will you shut up now ? I am waiting for someone." I dismissed him, he didn't like it since he took out his spear
"Huh ?! Don krieg took out his great war spear already ?!" One of them shouted
"I will enjoy breaking you and turning you into my slave you little bitch !" With a warcry he jumped at me
"A strike to my head." I said and ducked under the spear, what i forgot was that the spear exploded
I took the explosion and was snet flying back onto the baratie
"Ruri ! You okay ?" Keita rushed at my side and helped me back up
"Yeah, didn't know his spear exploded. And you ? What are you even doing ?"
"I'm watching the show of course !" He said with a smile
"Tch. I knew I couldn't count on you." I said
"Danger ! Danger ! These guys are nuts ! DANGER !" ah ? I missed half of Sanji's fight ? That's no good
"Don't you dare get close to me ! Fire pearl's..." pearl took out ten small beads, "...special treat !" And launched them, lighting them on fire as he did
He lit everything on fire, everyone jumped inside the water to evade the spreading fire
Sanji ignored the fire and rushed to pearl, evading pearl (poorly) attempt to punch him and kicked pearl in the face
"This guy is too dangerous ! More fire ! More pearl !" He threw pearl (the irony) everywhere
"Agh he' plannig on burning the restaurant ! If the fire gets to the kitchen this place is a goner !"
Zeff stood at the entrance of the baratie, looking at the approaching fire pearls
"Sir run away !" The cooks yelled
In a blurry motion Zeff lifted his leg and threw a kick, putting out the fire, "I may have lost a leg, but this much is nothing I can't handle." He said calmly
"That idiot pearl is more trouble than he's worth. Before the fire gets to the restaurant, I'll sink those fin." Krieg said as he threw a giant spike ball where sanji is
But just before it could make contact Luffy appeared and Bazooka'ed the ball sending it back
It hit a mast, breaking it and falling pearl's head. Knocking him out
"AAAAH !" A scream resounded from behind and turning around I could see Gin holding a shotgun at Zeff's head
"Please stop fighting Sanji. I don't want to hurt you"
"Gin !"
"No matter how great he has been in the past, now he's just someone else I can kill easily."
"That bastard broke Zeff's peg leg !"
"That's it, I'm sending him flying !"
"Wait a minute ! Let's see what he has to say first." Sanji held him back
"You want to save this man Sanji? Then leave this place !"
"Leave this place ? As if !" He looked at Zeff, "old man you're pathetic. This is the example you set when the other cooks are fighting for this ship ?"
"Shut up, I don't want to hear it from an eggplant like you."
"Who you calling an eggplant you damn geezer ?! Stop treating me like a kid !"
"Gin." My voice stopped the little argument between Sanji and the cooks, I feel like this is a power in itself, " stop being an idiot, if you have to point this gun at someone, then point it on me." I said as I walked in front of him
"Ruri...." he trailed off
"Gin, you're a good man, someone like Krieg doesn't deserve your respect."
"What do you know ?!" He snapped at me
"I know that you are someone who cares about other, the fact that you showed this place to Krieg to save him and your crew from starvation, the fact you didn't just blew The geezer head's off when you canclearly just do it and win this battle too." I took a deep breath and kept going, "just look at Krieg, he is a scum, someone who doesn't care about his crew ! He shot his crewmate just because he didn't want to go back on the grand line ! He is someone who doesn't stop using underhanded tricks and cowards strategy !" I said
"I see it now... you guys are super dangerous. Now don't move if you don't want the old man's head to blew up." Pearl said as he got up
"Ultra natural pearl present !" He punched sanji in the face, sending him crashing next to me and Gin
"Why didn't you dodge that !" Luffy yelled
"Because the geezer is held at gunpoint." Sanji replied. He turned to Gin, "Gin, you cheap son of a bitch ! There's no way I can accept your terms !"
"Why not ?! All you have to do is leave and everyone's live will be spared !"
"Do you truly believe that Gin ?" He looked at me in surprise, "do you truly believe that krieg will let any of us leave ? That he will leave people who can tell everyone that this ship is under his command ? You know him better than us Gin. As he ever held is promise ?"
"He would." Gin said but I could see in his eyes that it was more to convince himself than us
"Don't listen to this bitch and blew Zeff's head off Gin ! The ship will be ours !" Krieg yelled
"Just leave please. Ruri..." Gin said
"This ship is the geezer's treasure ! I already took everything from him ! His strength, his dreams ! Which is why..." he got up, "... I don't want him to lose anything else !"
"Damn pipsqueak. Now's not the time to think about ancient history !"
"Stop treating me like a kid dammit !"
"Sanji watch out !" Patty screamed
"Pearl close !" Pearl smashed Sanji's head between his hand, making him fall on the ground
"I don't care about your history. Pearl service." He jumped in the air and hivered above Sanji, "tarnished silver present !" And slammed into Sanji
"Dammit Gin ! This is what you want ?! To let Krieg kill everyone here while you sit there with Zeff at your mercy ?! The man who saved all your crew when he could've let you all die from hunger ?! You know Krieg will kill us all !" I yelled
Gin started shaking, he bit his lips hard enough to make blood fall out
"You ate your own leg and gave me all the food... you saved my life."
"He stood up after taking my pearl present ?"
"I'm not handing over this restaurant, and I'm not letting you kill the geezer either... he's a guy who gave up his entire life to save a brat like me." He wiped blood off his mouth, " IF I CAN'T EVEN PUT MY LIFE AT RISK TO SAVE HIM THEN I CAN NEVER REPAY MY DEBT TO HIM !" He shouted
"Repay his debt...?!" The krieg's pirate asked in disbelief
"Sanji ! Don't do any more unecessary things ! I'm not so feeble enough that I need to be rescued by an eggplant."
Sanji snorted, "you can talk. If you hadn't given up your leg to save my life then those guys wouldn't be pushing you around."
"Why do you still stand up Sanji..."
"AHAHAHA ! Still haven't had enough of my pearl present ?!" Pearl said as he laughed
"Listen Gin, listen and think about what you are going to hear, and ask yourself this 'is this why I fight for ?'"
"You ain't got any chance lf winning ! The final result is all that matters in this world ! If you lose then you're the loser, no other way around it ! It doesn't matter if you take hostages ! The last man standing is the victor ! Isn't that right Don Krieg ?" Pearl asked as he turned to Krieg
"Right Gin ?!" Gin didn't respond, "oh well, I shouldn't even ask, you are the one holding him hostage after all." Pearl said smugly
"I'll protect this restaurant, if even for a second longer."
"AHAHA ! A flashy last stand huh ? Doubly certain pearl present !" Pearl punched sanji in the face two times
"We gotta put out this fire or else the restaurant's gonna burn !" All around us cooks and pirates alike tried to stop the fire
"It's useless ! The fire's too strong !"
"AAAHAHAHA ! Feel free to fight back ! As long as you want ! That is, if you want to let the old man die."
"Nghhhh... Gumo Gumo No..." Luffy's feet extended in the air, goong impossibly high
"Don't attack him you idiot !"
"...Axe !" Luffy's feet came down like a bullet and destroyed the fin entirely, chunks of kt flew everywhere creating waves that crashed on the boat
"That little brat... Gin blow the old man's head now !" Krieg yelled
"B-but..." Gin stuttered
"The hell do you think you're doing errand boy ?!"
"I'm sinking this ship." Luffy stated
"What ?! What did he just say ?!" Everyone (minus me, Keita and Zeff) shouted
"Oh hell no !" The cooks shouted
"This ship is ours ! Don't you dare !" The Krieg's pirate shouted
"Gin just blow Zeff's head off already !"
Sanji grabbed Luffy by the collar, "just what the hell do you think I've been working for in this restaurant ?! Are you out of your mind ?!"
"But if the ship's destroyed their plan will be ruined."
"Reckless but logical." Keita nodded
"You have no idea what this restaurant means to me, nor the gravity of my debt !" Sanji said still grabbing Luffy
"So you're planning to die for this restaurant ? What're you, stupid ?!"
"What ?!'
They screamed at each other, tugging at their collar
"Now now stop fighting you two and let me kill you both with my fire pearls !" Pearl shouted as he started burning again
It was at this moment that I saw the look in Gin's eyes. There was a fire, like he finally found the answer he was looking for
He moved swiftly, getting out his tonfa and eat pearl, breaking his shield and sending him to the ground unconscious
"Sorry Pearl."
"Gin !" Luffy and Sanji said in unison
"What I'm doing...? That's obvious no ? I am betraying you." Gin said as he held his Tonfa on his shoulder
"NO ! I'm tired of listening to a dumbass like you ! Ruri was right, you are nothing but a coward and a scum ! If we follow you into the Grand Line again all that'll happen is we'll get killed because of your stuborness !" Gin yelled back
"Grk. Fine, you forced me to do this !" Krieg took out a huge shield with a skull on it
"It's the MH5 !"
"That poison gas !"
"Throw away your mask Gin, from now on, you are not a part of my crew."
Gin took out his gas mask and threw it at me.
"Gin !" I said as I picked up the mask, " you don't have to listen to a him !"
"Like hell I'll let you fire your gas bomb !" Luffy runned on the fallen mast but Krieg just broke it in two forcing Luffy back
"Gin !" Lufy called out, "Like Ruri said, there's no need to listen to a coward like him !"
"Strawhat ! Don't you dare insult Don Krieg ! Don Krieg is the strongest man, you don't have a chance beating him."
Sanji grabbed gin by the shoulder, "open your eyes already Gin ! He is a trying to kill you !"
"Of course he is. I'm just a failure who betrayed him. This is what I deserve." Gin smiled
"Lethal poison gas bomb MH5 !" Krieg put on his gas mask and shot his bomb
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