《The queen of pirates》Chapter 7
~Day 1 after Gin left~
Number of plate destroyed : 17
Number of fight between Sanji and Zoro : 8
Number of time Nami ate for free : 6
Johnny used shave once, he was exhausted after his attempt. They asked me and Keita to train them. They were gonna experience Keita ultra super deluxe platinum training from hell.
I got the hang of observation haki, still having a hard time with armament.
~Day 2 after Gin left~
Number of plate destroyed : 45
Number of fight between Sanji and Zoro : 19
Number of time Nami ate for free : 13
"Again big sis Ruri, Big bro Keita." Yosaku and Johnny said as they got up. We were in a free room inside the baratie.
They were sweating, bruises all over their bodies.
"Why are you guys trying so hard ?" I asked them, they were breathing heavily and were barely able to stand up
"When we saw how easily we could've handled that Fullbody guy." Johnny started.
"We decided to step up our training so we could be more than dead weight." Yosaku finished.
"Now enough talking and get ready for round 27 big sis, big bro!" They shouted and ran at us, I just smiled while Keita chuckled
Maybe I'll get three nakama instead of one and seeing Keita expression he had the same idea
~Day 3 since Gin left~
Number of plate destroyed : 63
Number of fight between LoveCook and Mosshead : 25
Number of time Nami ate for free : 18
"Ruri-chwaaan, would you please taste this cake ? I made it for you !" Sanji said as he presented me with a slice of cake.
I took a bite, "Hmmm ! This is really good Sanji ! The chocolate is perfect." I said and took another bite.
"I am glad the angel enjoyed my food !" He said with hearts in his eyes.
I finished the slice, " thank you for the slice Sanji. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to train." I went where Yosaku and johnny were and kept training with them.
~Day 4 since Gin left~
Number of plate destroyed : 80
Number of fight between LoveCook and Mosshead : 33
Number of time Nami ate for free : 24
Today is the day Krieg attacks the Baratie, today is the day Nami steals the Going Merry. Today is the day I recruit Gin in my crew.
But first let's try to talk to Johnny and Yosaku.
"Hey guys, let's not train today, you've been going for 6 hours a day for Three days." I said to them.
"Come on big sis ! We can't just stop !"Johnny pleaded.
"We are very far from big bro Zoro !" Yosaku added.
"Just take the damn day off ! We also gave something to ask you guys." They looked at me and Keita, questionmarks above their heads" I plan on creating my own crew, and I would like you two to join."
"Really ?!" They asked at the same time.
"Yes really. You guys made a lot of progress. A week ago when we met Johnny you got your ass handed by Luffy and he wasn't trying. Now look at you, you can handle fighting against me or Keita without getting destroyed. So I ask, will you join my crew ? Will you join me on my quest to become the Pirate queen ?"
They paused. Looked at me seriously and shouted, "of course we will join you captain Ruri !" They started dancing.
"None of that captain nonsense, Big sis Ruri is fine. Now how about we go eat to celebrate ?" And with a 'yes' we want into the dining room.
"Hm ? Not training today guys ?" Asked Zoro as he raised an eyebrow.
"Nope, today we celebrate their progress among other things. Sanji ! Food please !" I heard 'yes Ruri-chwaaaan' and soon enough he came with a full plate of meat, vegetables and other food stuff.
I raised my cup, " To Yosaku and Johnny progress !" And I gulped the wine.
"It's don Krieg !" A customer screamed as he looked through the window
"A skull with two hourglasses to threaten their enemies.. there's no doubt about it ! It's Krieg's flag !" Another said
"Why is here ?!" One said fearfully
"This is bad ! We should run away !" Usopp said while sweating
"What a huge ship ! You think Gin came to repay his debt ?" Luffy asked Sanji
"I don't think that's the case, but it's strange..." he trailed off as he looked at the ship, "that ship is in complete shambles ! To turn a galleon of this size into such a state. That's no work of humans. They must've been caught in some natural disaster." He said
The door of the baratie opened and came inside Gin as he held Krieg up
"Sorry for intruding... but could I have some food... if it's money I have plenty of it." Krieg's voice was barely louder than a whisper, he was having trouble breathing
"That weak looking guy is Krieg ?" I heard one of the cook, Patty if I remember correctly say
"He looks like he's starving..."
"I wonder what happened ?" Sanji said looking at him
Krieg's grip on Gin loosened and he fell on the floor
"Don Krieg !" Gin rushed to his side, "I'm begging you ! Please give him some food and water ! Please save my captain !" He yelled in panic, but no one moved
Until Patty's laughter boomed inside the Baratie, " AHAHAHAHA ! Perfect, just perfect !" He said, " So this is what infamous outlaw don Krieg looks like ?"
"We have money this time ! We are paying customers !"
Patty ignored Gin and pointed at the other cooks, "hey guys contact the marines ! This is the perfect chance for them to capture him !"
The customers laughed with him, "that's right !"
"Who knows what he'll do once he gets back on his feets ?!"
"This is retribution for all the crimes he comitted !"
"I won't do anything, I promise ! Just give me some food and I'll leave." Krieg begged as he lowered his head to the ground
"Don no ! Someone like you shouldn't be begging them !" Gin said, tears threatening to fall from his eyes
"I'm begging you ! I don't care if it's leftovers or whatever, just give me some food please !" Krieg ignored Gin who was now crying
"Hmph, trying to earn some sympathy."
"Hey, move it Patty !" Sanji's voice called out before Partty took a kick to the face and flew out of the way "here Gin, givr this to him." He said as he handed him a bottle of wine and a plate of food
"Sanji !"
Krieg however didn't wait and grabbed the food before gulfing it down, "thank you !"
"Hey Sanjo what are you doing ?! Take that food back ! Don't you know what kind of man krieg is ?!" One of the cooks yelled
"The ruler of east blue !" I laughed at that, " the king of deception ! That's the kind of man he is ! He escaped from prison and killed a marine officer before taking the control of his ship ! That's how he became a pirate !" The chef yelled
"Since then he attacked ports, town and other ship by hanging the marines flag ! And when he attacks his enemies he hangs a white flag to take thel by surprise ! He will use any kinds of tricks to win ! Letting someone like him starve is good for the world !" He added
While Sanji was distracted Krieg got up and punched him, sending him flying
"SANJI !" Everyone screamed
"Don krieg that's not what you promised ! I showed you this place because you said you won't attack it ! That man is our savior !" Krieg didn't pay attention and grabbed Gin's shoulder before squezzing it hard, making Gin scream in pain
"Bastard." I was trying really hard to contain my anger, I don't mind killing a scum like him. Seeing keita grits his teeth it seems like he has the same opinion
"Aaah, I feel great, like I'm back to normal. This ship is great, I'll take it !" He said
The customers screamed in terror before fleeing
"Don, this is not what you promised..." Gin said as he held is Shoulder
"My ships all worn out. I'll be taking this one after I finished my business with you. I have about a 100 men starving on my boat, so prepare food for them."
"You're asking us to feed your men when we know they'll attack us after ?! We refuse !" Carne yelled
Krieg looked at him, sending shivers down his spine," it's seems like there is a misunderstanding, i'm not asking you. I'm ordering you."
"Sanji, Ruri I'm so sorry...I've never intended for things to go like this..." Gin said, tears falling from his eyes
That was the last push, I took out Dekkai, "shave !" Without warning I appeared in front of Krieg, "Dekkai smash !" Dekkai turned into a mammoth and slammed with all his weight into Krieg, sending im flying and crashing in his boat
Shock was visible on peoples face when they saw Dekkai turned back into a sword, " devil fruit." I shrugged at the shocked people
Meanwhile the chefs took out guns and pointed them at Sanji, "Who do you think you are ?! Krieg's secret agent !" A chef said
"We're tired of your reckless actions !" Another yelled
Sanji put his hands in the air, "fine stop me, go ahead and shoot. I know they are scums who aren't worth saving. But to me none of that matters, for me thinking about the consequences of feeding someone is such a hassle. A cook should be able to feed anyone who's starving. Isn't that ideal ?!"
Patty appeared behind him and slammed him into the ground, "Patty !" The chefs yelled
"Hold him down !" Patty said
Everyone stared at him until Zeff came out with a giant bag of food, he threw it in front of the Baratie's entrance, "here eat this and get the hell out of my restaurant."
"Owner Zeff ! What are you doing ?!" The chefs yelled (I feel like it's a running gag...)
"Did they say Zeff ? As in 'Red Leg' Zeff ?" Krieg asked
"So what if I am ? I'm just a mere cook now." Zeff replied
"Interesting you put it like that. The way I see it is you didn't have a choice. But I don't care about the how. I know you survived the Grand line, that means you must have a Log book from this time ! Hand it over to me !" He said as he came back to the entrance of the baratie
"It's true that I have a Log book from those times. But I won't hand it over to you." Zeff calmly stated
"Then I'll just steal it ! The only thing I lacked on the grand line ! With your Log book I'll be prepared for everything !" Krieg explained
"Idiot." I said and silence settled as krieg turned towards me
"What did you call me ?!" He asked, anger in his voice as vein appeared on his face
"She called you an idiot and she is right." Keita appeared next to me and said
"And how am I an idiot ?" He asked
"Because you think that just with information and number you'll be able to beat the Grand Line. If only information and number was needed then Grand line would've been conquered a long time ago." I said as I approached Gin, "you okay ?" I asked him as I extended a hand towards him
"You are angering brat, I will go feed my men and when I finished you better have dissapeared or you'll wish you were dead when I finished with you." He said as he grabbed the bag of food and left
Gin grabbed my hand and got up, "I'm sorry... I never planned for any of this to happen."
"There's no need to apologize." Zeff said, shocking everyone, then he went on and explained that if they had time to cry over sanji's action they could use the back door to leave
"I'm gonna stay here. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I left here without a fight." Patty said
The other cooks agreed and took out weapon shaped like tools used in cooking
"W-what are you all doing ?! Haven't you all realised how strong Don Krieg is by now ?!" Gin yelled as he stood between the exit and them
"It's no use Gin. They've made their choice." I told him
Then Luffy asked him about the grand line and he told them what happened
"A SINGLE MAN DESTROYED FIFTY SHIPS !" Everyone screamed, me included
"While we had no idea what was happening, our ships sank one by one, and if not for the storm ours would've sank as well. I don't even know how many of our ship survived. It just too terrifying to be real ! I don't even want to think about that hawk eyed man who's glare is enough to kill a man !" Zoro flinched wide eyed, "how can a single man sink 50 ships ?!"
"It had to be the work of that hawk eyed man." Zeff said, "you saying that you witnessed a man who's glare could kill a man wasn't proving it was him but the fact that he sunk your entire fleet is more than enough proof it was really him !"
"Hawk eyed man ?! Who's that ?" Usopp asked
"Beats me." Luffy responded nonchalently
"He is the man I'm searching for. Accordig to Johnny."
The chefs went on about a client who once got pissed and his eyes turned red when he set himself on fire.
"That idiot he got his info mixed up !" Zoro said
"Hm ? What about Johnny ?"
"No nevermind." Zoro said, sweat drpping from his forehead.
At this point I tuned out of their conversation and looked outside, I noticed something weird
"Hey Keita, why do these guys have some weird black aura around them ?"
"Ah, you finally noticed huh ? Let me explain real quick. You see the fact is that you are a death scythe and death scythe eat the souls of evil guys to become stronger. What you see is their soul. I changed what you are, normally you would've had to eat 99 souls and a Witch’s soul, but witch don't exist here so I modified how you work. Now when you eat a soul you will gain their knowledge, fighting styles, their forces. For example if you ate a swordsman you would get his experience has a swordsman." He smiled, "and if you at the soul of someone with a devil fruit, you gain their devil fruit ability !"
My jaw dropped. "To finish my explanation, you can see the state of their soul. Rigt now because you didn't eat souls yet you can only see truly corrupt people, people with black souls. After eating more souls you will also see good people with green souls, neutral people with white and other variations." He finished explaining
"Wow, that's amazing ! That means I can use devil fruits without losing my ability to swim ?!" I'm sure I had star in my eyes
"Yes, you can." He simply stated
Meanwhile the Krieg's pirate finished eating
"WE'RE SAVED !" They all screamed
"I can't believe we are alive !"
"We survived the pirate's graveyard !"
"We've escaped from that nightmare !"
"Yes... and we'll set back onto the grand line."
A silence ensued before every pirates screamed "WHAT?"
"Hm ? What's with the faces ?" Krieg raised an eyebrow
"We're... going back there ?" One of them asked and got shot
"Any others who disagree ?" Krieg asked
"N-No sir ! All hail don krieg !" The pirates said
I was looking and couldn't stop my shaking, "this bastard just shot his crewmate..." Luffy tensed and his hat cast a shadow on his eyes, he pissed Luffy, he's a dead man walking now
"First we'll abandon this old ship that might sink at any moment and we'll take the restaurant. Your enemies are just a bunch of cooks. This should be a piece of cake." Was the pun intended ?
The pirates looked at the restaurant and moved to invade but before any of them could move, their boat was cut in half
"WHAT ? WHAT HAPPENED ?!" Krieg yelled
"Don krieg ! Our ship's been cut !" One of the krieg pirates yelled back
"Cut ?! What the hell do you mean cut ?! How can a ship this huge be cut ?! That's impossible !" Krieg shouted
Luffy and the other rushed to the Going Merry
I stared wide eyed as Krieg's ship started sinking into the ocean
"Don Krieg, it's him ! The one who sank our fleet ! He followed us all the way out here !"
"He's the one who sank 50 ships...?" One of the cook asked
"He looks like any normal guy, he doesn't even have a weapon..."
"If you're looking for his weapon, then look on his back." Zeff said
"W-What ?! You mean he cut that gigantic galleon by swinging that ?!"
"Yes, that hawk eyed man is a renowned swordman. More renowned than any other swordman in the world..."
The person in question is a tall lean man with black hair, a short beard, mustache and sideburns that point upwards
He wears black and red ornate clothing with a crucifix pendant that hides a little dagger, which gives him the appearance of a Spanish swordsman. His attire consists of a wide-brimmed black hat decorated with a large plume, and a long, open black coat with no shirt underneath, with red, flower-patterned sleeves and collar. He wears white pants held up by a decorated belt and tucked inside overly large boots
"He is Dracule Mihawk, the world strongest swordsman !"
I didn't miss Keita's grin, fuck
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