《Black flame Devil》chapter 17 : Job & Reunion


*Previously on black flame Devil Yù tian got separated from Hua liang and the others he only found Luo teng corpse , he then went alone searching for the city along the way he exterminated a den of orcs and defeated the orc leader gaining another level .


Yù tian in the end found the city , a strange ray of red light was emanating from its bottom and was reaching the ground, the city was in the form of a huge tower with several floors it was gigantic .

Yù tian then walked toward the red light after a few minutes he found that beside the tower was a man, no not a normal man he had red hair, red eyes an abnormal white skin and on top of his head two black horns, the man looked at Yù tian and spoke.

(red haired man)

(Yù tian)

(red haired man)

(Yù tian)


(Yù tian)

(Argos )

(Yù tian)


(Yù tian)


Yù tian entered the shiny red light, upon entering the light Argos made a hand seal and Yù tian vanished, he appeared seconds later In front of huge metallic door with strange patterns on it and two other persons resembling Argos were guarding it.


(the other guard)


One of the guards then slowly began to open the door, the scenery behind the door astonished Yù tian, he saw a huge number of buildings and roads, the scenery was directly coming from a fantasy movie many colored trees and shops, but the thing that shocked him was the huge number of humans and they were all humans of this world some were in groups other alone but there is also different kind of people that some of them resembled Argos and others were weirder ,

Yù tian entered the city the thing that shocked him the most was that all of this was only a floor because there is no sun on top but huge lights were illuminating the place ,

after taking a walk he saw some humans that were still frightened and others leisurely walking like nothing happened at all , but he was also calm he took a look at many places and found many kinds of shops blacksmiths , tailors , weapon shops , armor shops , groceries ext … he also noticed strange places just at that time someone was calling to him


(someone )

(yù tian)


(Yù tian)


The person in question was wearing a red robe and had a long blue hair, he had red skin and also black horns.


Yù tian didn’t change his facial expression but inside he was shocked, how can he a know his level.

(Yù tian)


(Yù tian )

(Lodos )

(Yù tian)

(Lodos )

(Yù tian)

(Lodos )

Lodos then teleported Yù tian to the 2nd floor , upon appearing in the 2nd floor the scenery was the same but there is obviously few people compared the the 1st floor and their aura are more intense

Lodos was beside Yù tian .


(yù tian )

Compared to the people on the first floor this place people have obviously a calmer attitude and they were all wearing armors and holding on weapons , yù tian was cautious even humans can be a dangerous , not too far 2 persons were fighting but immediately a third person appeared a 2 meter tall man but he had horns he was apparently a demon , the two people were cursing at him but in a flash he captured them and disappeared somewhere ,

yù tian now knew what Argos what talking about , that violence was not tolerated , quietly walking with Lodos he reached a building that resembled a temple upon entering inside several demons were sitting behind desks Lodos and Yù tian walked toward the first desk that they saw , a beautiful female demon greeted them

(female demon )

(Lodos )

(female demon )


(female demon)


Combat jobs


Warrior : a heavy melee fighter will have the possibility to learn warrior skills and will be granted 10+ points in strength

Bard : a type of support class but can also fight will be able to learn bard skills and will be granted +10 points In stamina

Healer : can fight and heal people and learn healer skills will be granted 10 + points in vitality

Phantom : a heavy armor fighter that is the best at wielding great and other heavy weapons can lean heavy weapons skills Will be granted 5+ points in strength and vitality


Assassin : a melee fighter that is fast and ruthless will be better at wielding light weapons like daggers can learn assassins skills will be granted 10+ points in agility

Soldier : can wield any kind of weapons be it light heavy or long distance weapons can leanrn soldiers skills and will be granted 5+ points in agility and strength


Crafting jobs







Other jobs


Beast tamer: can capture and tame beasts can learn capturing skills


A hologram like window appeared in the air and showed all the available jobs, Yù tian was not surprised and carefully read the descriptions, he didn’t want heavy fighters and support jobs after

Thinking for a while he choose Assassin class, agility is his strong point and when he fought the orc he discovered the dagger advantages

(Yù tian)

(female demon)

A light wrapped his body for a few seconds and dissipated after looking in his profile he saw the that the job section was changed from none to assassin and another section appeared assassin’s skills and of course 10 points were added to agility becoming 31 he was happy that he gained in agility now he speed became more terrifying ,

(Lodos )

( Yù tian )

The skill seller was inside the same building all they needed is to go to another room the seller welcomed them and another time a window appeared Lodos said that jobs skills are limited because power skills are infinite.


Assassin skills

1st grade skills: Stealth ( 200 silver skull coins ) : the skill have 5 levels when being level 1 the user can become invisible for 10 minutes

2nd grade skills: shape shifting (650 silver skull coins) : can transform his form and face have no levels

Third grade skills: shadow transforming (2 gold skull coins): an transform into a shadow , have no levels

4th grade skills: shadow teleporting (10 gold skull coins) : the skill have 3 levels If there is shadows the user can teleport to any shadow within 50 meters if the skill is level 1


(yù tian)

(Lodos )

(yù tian)

Yù tian upon putting the money in the hands of the seller another light like the other time wrapped him and disappeared within a few seconds and the skill stealth appeared in his profile, he tied the skill and he really became invisible for ten minutes no one was able to see him, but Lodos told him that high level people or skilled assassins can detect him.

Yù tian have visited many shops after completing his job change and after Lodos said to him everything he knows about the city he left, Yù tian sat on a bench and he took out the black box and the green crystal to inspect, he began by opening the black box what appeared made Yù tian exceedingly happy another purple dagger now Yù tian can fully use the ability of the daggers and then used Assessment on the green crystal


Medium grade gem

A material that can be used to craft silver tier accessories


Yù tian was in a good mood he decided to spend some time in the city training his power he then decided to head to the first floor to take a walk but then he spotted a familiar face

(Yù tian)

Hui fen then called to them it was really his lost companions but he didn’t see Hua liang with them

(Hui fen)

(Lei lei)

(Yù tiang )

(Hui fen )

(Yù tian)

Let’s go into an inn, this city even have INS so Yù tian took them to a nearby inn to take some rest .

End of chapter 17.

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