《Black flame Devil》chapter 16 : Alone again & Reaching the city


*Previously on black flame Devil, a tragedy occurred the bad feeling Yù tian sensed in front of the bridge was a presage of a disaster, Xiao hui death was like his soul was crushed.


The tragic death of Xiao hui left Yù Tian paralyzed, his body couldn’t move his mind blanked out, for the first time since the world changed he lost his calmness , he remembered all the times Xiao hui worried about him and all the time she spoke to him her image constantly appeared in his mind , in realty Yù tian already was aware that she loved him but he didn’t know what to do all these feelings were new to him , so when he finally began to open up slowly , the only ray of light disappeared in front of his eyes .

Waking up from his dreamy state, rage was boiling inside of him, every inch of his body was screaming , his face wore the usual expression but he wasn’t aware that tears were flowing from his eyes , raising his head to see what was the object that crushed Xiao hui , he saw something out of the human realm , that was not an object but a living thing , a titan if one saw the scenery for the first time he would compare it to the titans from the Greek mythology , a colossal monster was marching on the Zhou town its body was a hundred meters high , its head resembled a tiger and its body of a bear , its huge tail was like a weep destroying everything in its passage , it was absolutely a walking giant the thing that crushed the poor Xiao hui was its huge paw .

(Yù Tian)

Yù tian seeing the monster was petrified it was this was not in the realm of simply fighting it how can we even begin to take it down , that was what he was thinking , trying to use Assessment on the monster he thought that he can only see its profile but nothing appeared only the name and several question marks .


Giant chimera (Gold tier Boss )




Yù tian was shocked if the level didn’t appear then it only mean one thing that the monster was several levels higher than him and it even was a boss so even if he was dying from anger , he didn’t have the power to confront it and if he did his life will be lost for nothing .

The monster continued to move forward ignoring what was in front of it, humans were like ants in its eyes.

Yù tian suffering from sadness and boiling with anger forgot his other companions but no matter how he tried to locate them they were nowhere to be seen, the monster having already walked far, Yù tian calmed his rage.

(Yù tian)

After cursing his weak ability Yù tian finally resigned himself and went searching for the others in the way he found the corpse of Luo teng he was saved by him but not even a hour passed and he already met his end, Yù tian knew that this world becam exceedingly cruel and to survive one must be crueler, he then searched for the others but hours passed and he didn’t found them.


(Yù Tian)

He then departed and followed the way of the city the map was not in his hands but he already memorized the path , he passed by several streets and noticed many corpses and even orc corpses , the chimera boss was so huge that even if it was far away Yù tian an still see its colossal body each time he took a look the rage in him surfaced another time and each time holding it inside , the air was full of dust , the buildings that was smashed by the chimera caused it , Yù tian found a small shop that sell cloth materials he penetrated inside and took a long black fabric and transformed it into a long coat enveloping himself with it , protecting him from the dust .

After walking for a while Yù tian saw a big park and a few number of orcs lurking in front, he then decided to take a look.

(Yù tian )

The behavior of the orcs was strange it was like guarding an entrance , Yù tian approached a few meters and hide behind a building constantly taking a look , and indeed it was an entrance a group of orcs arrived and entered the park and the two orc guards let them in before talking in a strange primitive language , Yù tian remembered that a group of at least 10 orcs was dangerous so he penetrated the park from another place , the park was big so it was like a forest , Yù tian saw some some of them lurking , when he saw an isolated group of 5 orcs he attacked them immediately , with his great sword in hand he chopped toward the two in front , the speed of the sword was exceeding the reaction of the orcs so they was instantly beheaded and blood gushed out , the remaining 3 orcs when they saw their comrades being killed were enraged they wielded their ax and attacked yù tian but they were slower than him , his speed was frightening compared to them he sneaked behind one of them and a black flame appeared in his palm he thrust his palm in the back of the orc the flame caught on the armor of the orc and devoured him instantly erasing him from the world seiing that the two monsters left were scared and tried to flee but Yù tian didn’t have the slightest mercy he leaped forward and slashed toward them with his sword , cutting the head of one of them and the other in two , the corpses of the five orcs were lying on the ground and Yù tian covered with blood was like a slaughtering demon , the pigs dropped skull coins and some white boxes but nothing special nor weapons he took them and put them in his spatial ring .

Yù tian summoned a flame and strangely it only burned the blood on his clothing instantly rendering it clean.

(Congratulations on reaching level 19!! you have gained two points please use them)

(Yù tian)

Yù tian control over the flames was better than in the past now he can summon flames on every part of his body but the world didn’t consider it a skill, yù tian understood the concept skills appear only if you create an attack or a defense skill, currently he has 3 flame skills, flame shot, flame spear, sword flame, the skill sword flame was recently created and intentionally, he only had a level up in flame shot becoming a level 2 skill.


Yù tian advancing in the park killed a number of orcs but he discovered something in the artificial rocks was a big hole, it was a deep cave.

(Yù tian)

Yù tian saw that guards were stationed in front of the cave and also noticed that there is not only orcs with weapons but defenseless orcs, they were all female or infants, Yù tian hidden behind a tree inspected the area there was only one entrance, Yù tian decided to destroy the den and become stronger after the incident with Xiao hui , something in him changed he became more fierce and the look in his eyes became sharp , in his mind was one thing , everyone who is his enemy will die including humans .

(Yù Tian)

Yù tian stepped aside from the tree the orcs in front of the entrance of the cave instantly detected him, they were sensing his killing intent, and the orcs immediately became alert and rushed with their weapons at yù tian.

Yù tian didn’t move at all, a flame spear appeared in his hand he raised his arm and threw it in the orcs way, the sound of an explosion rang , a sea of black flames appeared around the orcs instantly decimating them , other orcs appeared from the cave they saw the silhouette of a man with a black coat and blue clothes beneath a grat sword appeared in his hand and he dashed toward them they were startled , Yù tian tightening his grip on the sword furiously chopped at them some were cut to pieces other beheaded , absolutely a blood bath nothing remained in his path all died , blood tainted the ground heads and chunks of orc flesh were scattered everywhere , Yù tian was venting his anger he was trying to forget his sorrow of loosing Xiao hui , he became a devil that erased all that came his way , after a quick slaughter he entered the cave , female orcs were tightly holding their children seeing the cold gaze of the black clothed man they trembled with fear , some male orcs tried to attack him but it was in vain they were instantly cut to pieces or devoured by the demonic black flames , Yù tian slowly advanced and ignored the female orcs he didn’t attack weaponless enemies and they did not emit killing intent , after walking a few minutes a room was seen , without the slightest hesitation he opened the door , what he saw was another pig headed orc but it was not a normal orc .


Orc leader (** (two stars) elite monster )

Level : 21

Lord of the den.

The strongest one in the group.

The biggest in build.

High strength.

Slow agility.

Strong defense.

Skills : heavy strike , wind cut , ground strike

Intelligence: medium


The orc leader was sitting on the floor eating parts of human flesh and bones , Yù tian didn’t have any reaction he carefully observed him , the orc noticed yù tian when he saw him he didn’t stop eating , he was eating and at the same time staring at him , Yù took the initiative and delivered a hit with h his sword but the orc didn’t dodge , the sword hit his shoulder but didn’t injure him in the slightest , the orc leader then grabbed the sword , stood up , and sent Yù tian crashing on a wall

Fortunately he was wearing the blue armor so his defense helped him resist the impact , Yù tian knew now what strong defense meant .

(Yù tian)

Seeing Yù tian stand up the orc leader growled, grabbed a huge halberd beside him and rushed toward him, with his halberd he chopped at his head , Yù tian quickly dodged by lowering his head the halberd grazed his head reviling his face , if he was slower his head would be cut in two , Yù tian sizing the moment delivered multiples slashes but in vain the skin of the orc leader was like metal , he then retreated a few meters , Yù tian used flame shot , the flame moved with speed toward the orc but he used his 2nd skill wind cut a gust of wind surged from his halberd and propelled toward the flame instantly dissipating it , Yù tian face was ugly this orc was by far his strongest foe , he used his third and last skill sword flame , flame appeared on his great sword and he dashed forward trying to hit the orc but he also used his third skill ground strike , he raised his fist and delivered a strike at the floor , the ground was shaking and cracks appeared going toward Yù tian , Yù tian without delay jumped and used the wall as a base to leap toward the orc with his flame sword the orc was taken by surprise , Yù tian even with the sword flame didn’t injure the orc but he then remembered that he had the purple dagger , it appeared in his left hand out of nowhere and he planted it in the throat , dark blood gushed out and the orc leader fell .

(yù tian)

Yù tian victory yell could reach the heavens

(Congratulations you reached level 20!!! you have gained two points please use them)

One black box and green crystal dropped Yù tian took them and stored them in his spatial ring after

A few minutes he departed from the cave , no danger befell him in the way to the city and the chimera boss disappeared n after a few hours huge shadow appeared in the sky and laser like light was coming from its bottom , taking a closer look yù tian then understood that it was the so called city .


Level: 20

Name: Yù tian

Age: 20

Gender: male

STR: 24

Vit: 20

Agl: 21

Stm: 23

Skills: Assesment (level: 2), flame shot (level: 2), flame spear (level: 1), flame sword (level: 1)

Power: Black flame (unique power) (level: 2

Job :( none)

Exp: 5852/19265


End of chapter 16.

note : rate please ^^

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