《Black flame Devil》chapter 15 : Road to the city ( final )


*Previously on Black flame Devil going to Hui fen house her parents were not there but were rescued by other people so the group of Yù tian headed directly to the Zhou bridge


(Hui fen)

(Hua Liang)

(Xiao Hui)

Noticing the strange look on Yù tian face Xiao hui questioned him

(Yù tian)

Our group returned inside the car and, it was another car they switched cars when going to the house of Hui fen their former car was smashed during the battle with the bee queen , in the bridge there was a bizarre sight some deep craters were scattered here and there and cars flattened Yù Tian heart sensed a danger but didn’t know what it was so he quickly regained his composure but Hua Liang and the other two except little lei that didn’t understand what was going a chill ran down their spine .

(Hua liang )

(Xiao hui)

(Yù Tian)

The group finally crossed the bridge but the sight when entering the town shocked them and they began to sweet, many buildings were pulverized others smashed to pieces some even were erased from earth the scenery was like directly coming from the world war they didn’t see this sort of state in the other towns so they were deeply shocked, ruins absolutely nothing remained intact.

(Hui fen)

(Hua liang)

(Hui fen)

(Hua Liang)

(Yù tian)

A noise can be heard not too far, it was like the sound of a person crying , and indeed a man with tattered clothes and a messy hair and wounds covering his body was lying beside a smashed wall yù tian and the others stopped the car and jumped from it .

(Xiao hui)

(Hua Liang)

Yù tian leading the group walked toward the injured person upon seeing him up close the wounds on his body were horrible his leg god crushed and his left arm was severed, Xiao Hui was in her life didn’t see this much blood and terrifying wounds so she covered her eyes by reflex, Hua liang also nearly threw up but surprisingly Hui fen was not shocked and she even got a cloth from her spatial ring and torn it and covered the severed arm of the man , the man seeing Hui fen helping him


grabbed her arm tightly .

(Hui fen)

The man began to convulse and shouted some words.

(the wounded man)

After convulsing some time his body became stopped reacting Hui fen checked his pulse he was already dead Hui fen put the cloth on the man face, offered a prayer and stood up, the others were staring at her

(Hui fen)

(Yù tian )

The group returned to the car and regained the road, Hua Liang being the driver drove slowly and carefully inspecting the road , suddenly a group of people was running , it was like they were escaping from something , the group was made from two young man a middle aged man and 2 young women the young people were wearing high school uniforms and the middle aged was probably their teacher , they indeed wee running from something 2 creatures appeared behind them they were shaped like humans , their skin was pink and their heads were of pigs they also were holding weapons one of them a sword and the other an axe .

(Hui fen)

(Xiao Hui)

(Yù Tian )

(Hua liang)

(Yù tian)

(Hua liang)

(hui fen)

One of the students a youth with tied long black hair and a serious face stopped running and turned to face the orcs what followed next surprised Yù Tian group a water ball appeared in the hand of the youth and was shot toward one of the orcs, the orc was hit by the water ball and fell on the floor the other orc stopped, but the water ball didn’t injure the orc it simply slowed his movement he immediately stood up and returned to run the youth face was ugly.

(Yù tian )

Yù tian inspected the orcs with is skill


Pig orc level 19

a half humanoid creature with a pig head and a humanoid body have tough skin and are frightening in groups a horde of 10 orcs can easily kill a level 22 monster .

Aggressive to humans.

Intelligence: low

Skills: heavy strike


The running people froze in the middle of the street from the other direction another three orcs are running toward them, it seems the youth with long hair is the only one with power, the middle aged man tried to defend the others he had a sword but he only blocked two hits of one of the orcs before being cut in two and die by a halberd a slaughter was being performed , after a short time the only one surviving in the group was the youth with long hair he was struggling to repel the attacks of the orcs by continuously firing water balls but he quickly became exhausted and one of the orcs finally reached him the youth was apparently doomed but at that particular time suddenly he saw a small shadow hit the orc the shadow was a flame a small black flame the orc didn’t have time to react and was burned even ash was not left .


A voice reached the ears of the youth it was a sharp but clear voice the youth looked at the source of the voice and saw a young man with blue clothes and short brown hair it was Yù Tian .


(Yù tian )

(Xiao Hui)

The youth saw another young man behind the blue clothed man and two absolute beauties that looks like angels and beside them a small cute girl

But the thing that astonished him was Yù tian , he instantly disappeared in front of him and appeared in front of the 4 orcs that were left , seeing Yù tian the orcs sensed danger and attacked together but wielding the great sword he slashed toward them the slash caused them to retreat a few meters Yù tian then instantly sneaked behind one of them and beheaded him , then a black flame appeared in his hand shot it toward another one burning him to nothingness the two orcs ledt were terrified and tried to flee but yù Tian summoned the flame spear and threw it in front of them the flames exploded and devoured them , being level 18 and having the black flame the orcs with one skill were small fry in his eyes in a few minutes they were annihilated

(youth )

(Xiao hui )

(Luo teng)

(Xiao Hui)

(Hui fen)

(Yù tian)

(luo teng )

(yù tian )

( luo teng )

Immediately Hua liang started the car and the group departed with their new companion Luo teng

In the road several orcs appeared but they didn’t have the speed to catch up to the car so they quickly got away, arriving in a deserted road they felt relieved but they didn’t even catch their breath that the ground began to shake , several walls collapsed in the street and the vibrations crushed the windows of the buildings the shaking ground was like a beating heart and the sound was gradually being cleared and after a few seconds of silence a huge shadow appeared and the moonlight in dozen of meters disappeared a freakishly huge object hit the ground in front of the car the shock wave propelled the car in the air and and crashing several meters away, fortunately Yù tian and the others were fine the car didn’t have a use anymore so they quickly left the car , upon walking a few meters another shockwave was spreading , the group was scattered in different places .

After standing up and seeing what is happening Yù Tian saw that Xiao Hui was also standing up but he also saw a huge shadow several meters above her slowly heading her way

(yù Tian)

(Xiao Hui)

When she raised her head Xiao hui understood that she will not make it, Yù tian was far he can’t save her in time.

(Yù Tian )

Xiao hui then smiled and with a loud voice said

(Xiao Hui)

Then the huge shadow hit the floor and crushed the area including Xiao hui

Xiao hui died.

End of chapter 15.

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