《Black flame Devil》chapter 14 : Road to the city (3)


*Previously on Black flame devil, our group of four people had a near death experience, after killing bee lords a bee queen appeared, an intense fight broke out and it was difficult to kill it but in the end they succeeded.


Before the corpse of the monster 2 white boxes, 2 black boxes , a black stone a size of a palm and 120 skull coins dropped , Yù Tian stored the boxes and the black stone in his spatial ring and divided the coins equally to each one of his group .

The fight with the bee queen once more reminded Hua Liang, Xiao hui and Hui Fen that danger is lurking everywhere and that death can come at any time, they also admired Yù tian for always being courageous but they didn’t know that he enjoyed battles to death.

In the street Yù tian and the others took shelter in an abandoned small market that they discovered finding food and water they relaxed and stayed inside for a while, the little Lei lei was frightened by the earlier fight with the bee queen so she was always beside Hui fen, Hua Liang was collecting food and Xiao hui was sitting beside Yù tian that was recovering his stamina after the incident Xiao hui Admitted to herself that she love Yù tian, she was attracted to his mysterious personality, he was quite special in her eyes when she was in the university the male students worshipped her beauty and a lot confessed to her but Yù tian when seeing her for the first time was didn’t have any reaction and she was angry at first but seeing his demeanor, his calm attitude and him fighting always in the front lines , he left a deep impression on her and gradually she became aware of her feelings for him but she was scared to have her feelings rejected so Xiao Hui decided to remain in this relationship and confess once she reach the city .


After a few hours Yù tian finally recovered all of his stamina, he then took the boxes and the black stone from his interspatial ring , the others all sat near him and with a curious look stared at the boxes , they already know that the black boxes contains parts of armors or weapons and the white boxes accessories .

(Hua Liang)

(Hui Fen)

(Xiao Hui)

(Lei lei)

(Hui fen)

The little girl’s eyes lit up and like all the children of her age they were all curious. Yù tian didn’t open the boxes he first used assessment on the black stone it intrigued him.


Black stone (tier 1 mineral)

This is a material for crafting weapons armors and accessories. You can learn to craft or take it to a shop in the city and have an artisan craft something for you.


Yù tian was not shocked at the information he already thought of the possibility of having merchants in the city and like a game crafting something from materials, Yù Tian then began opening the white boxes, the first box contained a spatial ring, the second earrings.


Silver earrings

+ 2 stamina,+ 1 agility


Yù Tian stared at Xiao hui and Hui fen, he didn’t have a use of the earrings so he wanted to give it to one of the girls but he can’t decide.

(Yù tian)

(Hui fen)

(Xiao Hui)

(Yù Tian)

(Xiao Hui)

(Yù tian)

(Xiao Hui)

Xiao hui for the first time hated his calm attitude. Yù tian finally began to open the black boxes one was an armor part the other a weapon, he began by opening the armor box, a dark hood with white embroidery shaped lines located on both sides appeared .


Assassin hood

+1 agility

+1 defence

The hood of a dark assassin



(Yù tian )

(Hua Liang)

Yù tian threw the hood in the hands of Hua liang and opened the second box, a light shot out and quickly took shape a purple colored dagger appeared.


Purple demonic dagger (silver tier equipment)

A dagger of the demon world

Sharpness +10

When dual wielding with another purple dagger a special ability will be unlocked


(Yù tian)

(Hua liang )

(Hui fen)

(Xiao hui)

(Yù Tian)

Yù Tian didn’t bother arguing and took the dagger he was quite entranced by it, if you thought that he was better at wielding great swords you are greatly mistaken when he was training in martial arts he was frightening with small weapons like short swords and dagger his skill was terrifying to the point that even the master did not hope of beating him. After completing the inspection of the drops Yù tian and the others departed from the shop and headed toward Hui fen house in the way they didn’t encounter any other bee queens and only bee lords, they didn’t have problems when fighting bee lords so they reached the house quickly, it was a small house but some outer walls were destroyed like many other houses so Hui fen face became pale and she was worried she rushed to the door of house without thinking Yù tian and the others didn’t heve the time to stop her .

(Hui fen)

She pushed the door and began calling out loud to her parents but no sound could be heard from inside the house it was dark some stuff was destroyed Hui fen searched all the rooms but no one was here not even a shadow upon searching in the final place the kitchen she spotted a paper that was glued to the fridge she immediately took it and began reading.

( Hui fen my child if you are reading this paper then you reached the house without problems I prayed that you were fine , your mother and I were attacked by the monsters that suddenly appeared so we hide in the house until everything will be fine or the military came but it never became fine and the military never came so when we heard that strange voice that said that there is safe places we decided to go out and search for it but we were naïve and were quickly met with danger but at that moment we were saved by a group of young people and they found a map to the city I wrought this and returned to the house thinking that you might come here and left with the young group that is going to the city I hope you will also reach the city and if we are alive we will meet be strong my child )

(Hui fen)

The other saw hui fen crying and instantly walked toward her

(Xiao Hui)

(Hua Liang)

(hui fen)

(Xiao hui)

(hui fen)

After thinking for a while Hui fen got to her room and took some clothes the third interspatial ring was given to her she stored her clothes inside it.

(Lei lei)

(Hui fen)

After a while Yù tian told them to immediately head out and reach the Zhou Bridge before night and indeed they got to the bridge before the night came. But upon seeing the bridge Yù Tian had a intense uneasiness , but who would have thought that a tragedy will soon befall them .

End of chapter 14.

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