《Black flame Devil》chapter 18 : Two months later


*Previously on Black flames Devil, Yù tian was guided by the demon Lodos who was an Npc , being level 20 he got a job the assassin class and bought a skill , after walking in the first floor of the city he was reunited with Hui fen and Lei lei .


A certain truck was on a road with a number of people inside, there was an unconscious person in the back of the truck, it was Hua Liang he slowly opened his eyes.

A tall bulky man was sitting beside him; he had short hair and a small scar on his face

(Hua Liang)

Another man spoke but he was sitting in front of him he was young with long white hair, yes it was white hair, he was wearing black leather clothes and beside him was a sword in its sheath

(Hua Liang)

Suddenly his head began to hurt and he noticed that he didn’t know his name he even didn’t remember his identity.

(Hua liang )

The bulky man was puzzled and was looking at the white haired young man that wore a sinister smile

(white haired man)

(Ku ku ku … this one might be a useful slave) the white haired man thought

The truck then departed and soon it couldn’t be seen anymore .


Two months have passed since Yù tian found the city and was reunited with Hui fen and the little girl

During this two months Hua liang never showed up ant that caused them to lose hope in finding him, also they never left to the outside that period of time, renting a room in an inn was surprisingly cheap so they remained within the city.

In a certain empty area, a young man with a slightly long brown hair was sitting cross-legged on the ground, it was Yù tian he discovered that he could train by meditating , in this two months many events have taken place, the number of people within the city has considerably increased, and if people have enough skull coins they can rent or build houses to live in , the initial panicked state disappeared from the crowds and calmness was regained , the person that caused the world to change , the self proclaimed god spoke for the third time .


(strange voice)

The voice slowly faded away , almost every human in the world shuddered at what they heard the humanity was reduced close to one third of the total population, it was a massive slaughter .

Yù tian almost spent all his coins so he prepared to go outside, Hui fen wanted to go with him but he rebuked her, he left some money to her and said that for now it was too dangerous and the little girl cannot protect herself.

(Lei lei)

(Yù tian)

Yù tian then left the city, he arrived at Argos place, he was still standing like the first time, Yù tian was one of many that left the city.


(Yù tian)


(Yù tian)


(Yù tian )


Yù tian then headed out of the city area he took out a thin scroll from his spatial ring, it was a map

The map had a detailed description of a number of areas, in the map the areas were sorted by levels

Yù tian didn’t exceed level 20 its normal he can’t level up inside the city, he could only train his ability nothing more, to get stronger one need to kill monsters and gain Exp, Yù tian then chose a level 22 area but the map didn’t specify what kind of monster territory it was he could only discover it by himself, the area was not far roughly 80 kilometers , the term area was appropriate nothing remained from the past , the buildings all collapsed and became ruins , the nature took reign over the towns , yù tian to reach the area he chose he can only cross over other areas but he took some detours to not accidently enter high level areas it was dangerous for him , and in the city yù tian heard from other people that the chimera boss was not the only giant , there is another huge monster that was spotted , he was a giant red like monkey according to them , so he was all the more cautious but he never abandoned the idea of finding the chimera and taking revenge .

(yù tian)

Having penetrated in the level 22 area , Yù tian saw that not too far was a group of people were sitting on some ruins and a person was facing them talking , the voice was clear he can hear it


The one facing the group was clearly the leader and was a middle aged man with a bird he was tall and good build his eyes were sharp, and his hair was short and black colored.

(Yù tian)

Yù tian observed the group it was consisting of 10 members wielding weapons, the weapons were different types , two were holding on great swords , 4 on spears and the others that were left on bows , Yù tian sensed that all of them had powers but this ability to sense was unique to him none of the other people had this ability , Yù tian was puzzled how come he had this ability the world didn’t give to him it means that he had this ability before the world changed , it was the only possibility but he was nonetheless still didn’t understand why he had it .

Yù tian deemed that there is no danger so he appeared walking and didn’t have interest in them but it was at that time that the group saw him and seeing him walking leisurely without a weapon thought that he was a fool, the tall bearded leader called out to him

(Birded man)

(Yù tian )

Yù tian looked irritated he didn’t believe that they would call out to him

(the birded man)

One member of the group began laughing out loud and shortly all the group was also laughing

(yù tian)

(bearded man )

Yù tian looked at the bearded man and thought that he is the bothersome type, the others seeing the thin build of yù tian and his long brown hair thought that he is fragile , Yù tian was interested by the reward and the boss monster , so he decide to follow them for the time being .

The group headed out and followed their map to find the den of the monster in the way they came across some level 21 monsters that looked like rats but were quickly disposed of, Yù tian witnessed some of the powers, 2 had water type powers and 3 other fire type powers but the fire was normal not like his black flame , they were not that extraordinary but he had yet to see the power of their leader the bearded man , by the way he was called Chao Zhen , in the way members of the group were looking down on Yù tian and mocking him but he ignored them staying silent .

After a few hours they found an entrance but it was on the ground, it was huge and circular and, it was in the form of a tunnel it was going down and it was deep

(Chao Zhen)

(chao Zhen )

(one of the members )

(yù tian )

(the members )

The group of people and Yù tian then penetrated the tunnel, the tunnel was quite deep and dark soon they reached a big dark place the they began to inspect the surroundings, they were shocked a huge numbers of bones were scattered everywhere, the sight sent a chill down their spine but Yù tian remained calm, a sound then was heard a sound that resembled breathing the group slowly advanced and illuminated the front, a shadow slowly could be seen it was clearer by every step , something was coiled like a ring but it was deep black and above all it was big , that something was breathing , suddenly it opened its eyes , they were colored with a deep blue and its gaze made the group shudder ,yù tian used assessment .


Black serpent king (silver tier boss )

Level: 22

The king of the serpents, lives in dark places

Like eating humans, highly aggressive

Intelligence: medium

Skills: Venom shot, shattering strike, venom field , venom shield


(one of the members)

(Chao Zhen)

(Oh so it’s the serpent boss huh quite the frightening monster) Yù tian murmured

(I don’t think that they can handle it according to what I saw earlier)

The serpent was waking up and saw that some humans appeared, suddenly its head then shot like lightening and swallowed one member of the group he didn’t even have time to dodge, and there were already casualties from the beginning.

End of chapter 18.

Note: please rate ^^

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