《Black flame Devil》chapter 10 : Ruthless & Slaughter


Hi sorry for the 2 days of not posting chapters i had some matters to attend to ^^

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One week have passed since the incident of the green zombie , Yù Tian and the others climbed in levels

now he was level 14 , Hua Liang level 11 , Xiao Hui and Hui Fen level 10, the three of them had also the experience

to be bestowed a power , now they can easily deal with normal zombies and even kill red zombies ,

Yù Tian when hunting encountered other green zombies but can now kill them in 2 or 3 minutes .

he also encountered groups of survivors but he never helped or talked to them , he knew that it is better to be with a limited number of people , in a large group fights break out and lead to accidents

when they were hunting the voice that appeared when all began happening was heared another time , that loud and sharp voice said ,

i will begin with the bad news , the ones who dont have powers yet will have less than 20% chance to survive ,

the good news is that cities and safe areas will appear and to go inside them will depend on aquiring a map

but whether or not you have a map will be related to luck , ah and depending on a certain level capable ones can control the cities in the future and establish countries hahahaha now you can resume your lifes little ones ">

upon hearing the news Yù tian group was dumbfounded and relieved at the same time , dumbfouded at the mention of

cities and control over it and relieaved that they had powers and a better chance to survive . in the week that passed

Yù Tian dsicoverd that powers have not all the same utility , and he was also quite satisfied with his power not only


it had use in death and life battles but it was also unique it was a huge advantage no one in the world has the same power as him , upon hearing the voice he deduced the skull coins use , it is highly that the coins will be the curency

in the cities that is what he thought .

In one of the streets close to the appartment Yù Tian were living in , they were hunting zombies to continue level up

to at least have a chance to find a map .

( Xiao Hui )

so i dont think that it is lying .">( Yù Tian )

Yù Tian said that but he was exited upon hearing that humans can control the cities if that is the truth then it will be more exciting

(Hua Liang )

(Hui Fen )

Yù Tian decided to stop the hunt and head to the house but suddenly a group of people in cars appeared they saw Yù tian and his group and immediatly stopped in front of them , one of the cars doors opened and a man jumped from it

the man was not tall but has a large build and plump belly he was wearing an eye patch and was bald

after he spoke instantly dozen of people appeared from the cars the bald man was the oldest one and obviously their leader .

apparently he was named zhong and the people next to him were all staring at Hui Fen and Xiao Hui with perverted and lecherous eyes , the two girls felt disgusted .


Yù tian sneered inside and had murderous intent , in his eyes trash like this cant live and now that the world changed he can kill without having a problem .

one of the people next to Zhong spoke immediatly with anger in his voice


(Zhong )

the one that spoke next to him was name Yao lan , but Yù Tian was not the least worried and it made Zhong boil with anger

( what is this brat why is he not scared ?)

(Hua Liang)

Hual Liang was worried it is true that they had powers but the people in front of him could also have powers ,Yù Tian understood what he was thinking and said to reassure him

( Yù Tian )

Yù Tian surprisingly knows that they had no power , this is because he can sense if people have power or not ,

when he had been given the power he sensed it inside his mind , he also with a little focusing can sense the power in others .

Hui Fen and Xiao Hui were scared of the bald man he was disgusting and he had many people with him to them numbers are frightening .

( Zhong)

the bald man Zhong yelled

( Yù Tian )

Hua Liang was stunned and Zhong when he heard that was furious

( Zhong )

he didn't even had the possibility to complete his words , Yù Tian with his raised agility disappeared from his position and appeared beside him instantly beheading one of the people next to him, blood splattered on The face of Zhong

he was so frightened by the blood and the speed Of Yù tian that he didn't want to believe what happened

but Yù Tian did not stop and leaped foward killing with his great sword another one , in the span of 5 minutes

all the people that were with zhong were slaughtered , blood was everywhere heads scattered in every place .


( Yù Tian )

the bald man was so scared that he didn't had the strenght to keep standing and fell on his butt .

Yù Tian walked toward him slowly with his greatsword . Zhong seeing that every step that Yù Tian is taking shortened his life began to plead for his life .


( Yù Tian)

Yù tian lifted his sword and pierced through his head , instantly Zhong died ,

Xiao Hui saw one time his ruthlesness and was shocked . the others were also shocked at what he did and seeing

him take his sword out and remove the blood on it without the slightest unease made their hearts shudder .

until you will be broken i dont need that look and if you think that i should leave i will ">( Yù Tian )

in this day it was the first time Yù Tian killed .

End of chapter 10.

note : please rate ^^

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