《Black flame Devil》chapter 9 : Unique Power


*Previously on Black flame Devil , Yù Tian fought with the green type zombie and finaly injured it resulting in him crashing inside a shop .


Yù Tian Stood up and removed rubble on top of him , he was surprised that he had no injuries but when he used Assessment

on his Armor his face darkened the durability dropped by half and two of the four times block to the infection were used

it was a huge loss but in his mind it was worth it because it saved his life .

meanwhile , Hua Liang , Hui Fen and Xiao Hui their faces ashen in the car were worried , They didn't know if Yù Tian died or not.

(Hua Fen )

(Hua Liang )

As to what Xiao Hui was doing ,she already began to cry the moment she saw him crash on the window of the shop

she already spent some time with him and he was the one she was trusting the most ,he was her emotional pillar

without him she would've died . then she saw a shadow leave the shop .

(Xiao Hui )

The two others raised their head and was instantly surprised ,Yù Tian was completly fine other than his hair being in a mess nothing was out of the ordianry .

Yù Tian was currently observing the green zombie howling in pain and loosing its balance constantly ,

the monster was weakening, he saw an opportunity to finish it , he moved like lightening toward it ,upon reaching near it ,

now having been injured it was scared but without the slightest mercy Yù Tian jumped and Slashed toward its neck

it tried to escape but it was too late , green blood gushed out and a head fell on the ground .

Yù Tian collapsed from exhaustion .

( Yù Tian)

a sound rang in his head, it was the already familiar sound before the level up .


( congratulations on reashing level 10 !! you have gained to points please use them on your stats )

the three people in the car were relieved that Yù Tian has beaten the zombie but what shocked them next ,

a huge bright white pillar of light came from the sky and wrapped his body ,

in his mind another sound rang .

( congratulations !! you have unlocked the possibility to aquire a power )

( congratulations !! you have been bestowed the unique power [Black Flame ] from now on you can control the origin of fire the black flames ]

Yù Tian was now able to see in his consciousness he was surprised , it was a large quite sea of water but what surprised him more was that in the middle of that sea of water a black flame the size of an average man was floating on top . Yù Tian tried touching it

but he was not burned by it in the contrary he was feeling that it was like a part of his body .

the pillar of light vanished and Yù Tian stood up , on his face a large smile like a kid that aquired a new toy

, upon seeing him standing up Xiao Hui and the others were relieved another time .

Yù Tian was trying his power , in his finger he summoned a small black flame , his eyes full of excitment he began to experiment ,

in his mind he imagined the small fire gaining in size and it immediatly grew twice

the former size , but when trying it another time it didn't grew anymore than that , he reached the conclusion that it must be like the skill assessment if he wanted to better master it ,one need to raise its level .

he also tried to make it levitate and he succeeded , he also tried altering its shape and it also


succeeded , Yù Tian was happy because upon making contact with somthing it instantly melted

and the fire stopped when the "something" in question dissapeared from earth , the " something "was a car

and it dessapeared like it was not existing in the first place ,the small flame with 20 centimetres in size devoured it like a hungry beast .

( Hua Liang )

( Hua Fen )

Hua Linag , Hui fen and Xiao Hui were absolutly shocked at the spectacle that happened in fron of them .

Yù Tian then wlaked to the beheaded corpse of the the zombie big dog and observed the area around it

, two black boxes 25 silver and 80 red skull coins and two small fiols with red liquide inside them dropped

he put them in his back and immediatly returned to the car , upon boarding it was absolute silence

they were staring at him with both amazement and curiosity , he then smiled and spoke

aquire a power and depending on the individual a type will randomly be bestowed to you there is 4 level of powers

weak , normal , rare , and unique ">(Yù Tian)

Yù Tian chose to not tell them that his power was a unique level power, he deemed it not necessary but

he told them the truth about powers .

( Hua Fen )

( Hua Liang )

( Yù Tian )

as of now they adapted to the rude way of Yù Tian talking so Hua linag started the car and the four of them departed .

in the house Yù Tian was sitting on a chair in the balcony ,he took out the two black boxes and the small fioles of his bag.

( Yù Tian )

the first box had the emblem of a weapon so his eyes lit up , he opened it, it slowly took shape and resulted on a silver

great sword with a red hilt appearing he then used Assessment


Great sword of a lesser demon

durability 20/20

str + 4

it is a great sword that was wielded by a lesser demon in the hellish world

it has additional sharpness and is enchanted bestowing it a small ability .

its ability is to come back to the hands of its wielder when lost in a fight


( Yù Tian )

he then oppened the second box it had a the emblem of a bottom of an armor , dark blue pants appeared .


Dark blue pants

the 2nd piece of the dark blue Armor

+ 2 defence


( Yù Tian )

finaly using Assessment on the two fiols


low grade health potion

heals minor injuries


( Yù Tian )

Yù tian was satisfied with what he gained , he also explored his stats and profil


level : 10

Name : Yù Tian

Age : 20

Gender : Male

str : 18

vit : 12

Agl : 17

stm : 17

sKills : Assessment (lvl:2) , Black flame shot (level: 1)

power : Black flame ( unique level Power ) ( level :1 ) [to level up the power you need to train and create skills ]

job : (none)

EXP: 583 /2489


note :Yù Tian used the two points on stamina and agility ^^.

it wasn't like this when i was level 9 it means that at me reashing level 10 the skill gained a level so i can imagine that

it gains a level depending on my level hahaha interesting ">( Yù Tian )

End of chapter 9 .

note : thanks for reading and dont forget to rate please Hahahaha ^^

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