《Black flame Devil》chapter 8 : Animal type zombie vs Yù Tian


The next day Yù Tian and the others woke up early to eat breakfast ,

the four of them sat around a table .

( Hui Fen )

(Hua Liang )

Hui Fen was the one who made breakfast

she was the one who took care of the food ,

Xiao Hui didn't do anything she was a rich young lady so she never experienced hardships Hua Liang and Yù Tian was

taking turns to stay on the lookout .

Yù Tian was not happy at the attitude of Xiao Hui she could become a burden

in the future , in his eyes a person who can't do anything is useless

so when they go hunting he decided to focus on

helping her to at least have a use . after finishing eating Yù Tian having not seen a single living thing

in the streets decided to have his group go outside and search for normal zombies to hunt

before leaving Yù Tian put his newly aquired dark blue cloth armor he prepared to go when Hua Liang stopped him

(Hua Liang)

appeared when that voice was heard ">( Yù Tian )

( Hua Liang )

(Hui Fen )

she listened what they was talking about and a hint of surprise appeared in her eyes .

some of them and tie them with a rope and at that time you come and deliver the finishing blow with your weapons ">

(Yù Tian)

( Hua Fen)

they are mine ">( Yù Tian )

Yù Tian was excited and Hua Liang was shocked who in their minds would be exited to risk their lives

he tought that yù Tian was abnormal .

Yù Tian was not abnormal he simply enjoyed being in life and death fights

not like in the dojo that he was training ,

that was a simple sport with rules but in this new world your life is constatntly at stake


and to him it was thrilling ,

he lost his parents when he were young so he can't remeber them he was

placed in an orphanage and at that time

an uncle apeared out of nowhere but he was only after the money of his father

so he hated him but when he became

a high schooler he immersed himself only in training and he was a genius

his master at the dojo was so proud of him but

Yù Tian was always when fighting in the dojo feeling that something was

missing , he began to be bored of the world when

he was in his 2nd year at high school at that time the feeling inside

of him grew stronger but in the ancient world

he can't fight to death with other experts if he killed a person his life

would be destroyed but now god gave him

what he wants a world full of dangers and violence so he was delighted .

Yù Tian and the others quickly got to a place with zombies and they began to hunt

he did what he told them and captured some zombies to allow them to level up

and he got to fight with red zombies he carefully attracted them one by one the first one he killed was

not easy to kill but he was less difficult than the first red zombie he killed gradually he killed them one by one

he leveled up three times and the others also 3 times so currently

Yù Tian was level 9 after him was Hua Liang with level 5 and the two girls at level 3

Hua Liang unlocked his first skill as well it was "Sensing" it was like the skill was named he could sense enemies at

an area of 2 kilometres . The red zombies Yù Tian killed surprisingly didn't drop much ,


it only dropped one short black sword it was the same type as the long sword of Yù Tian they

also dropped dark blue boots that raise agility by two points he instantly wore them , they also droped 3 basic swords

that two of them went to Xiao Hui and Hui Fen , also it dropped 5 silver coins and ninety red coins , the others took

the red coins of the zombies they killed as they was advised by Yù Tian , without knowing he became a leader

, he has the highest level and he was quite capable so the others instinctively designed him as a leader .

( Yù Tian )

( Hui Fen)

( Xiao Hui )

( Hua Liang )

They quickly jumped in the car and departed on the road they hit some zombies but nothing serious happened

( Hua Liang )

( Yù Tian )

The gas station was near the house of Hua Liang so this area is also deserted ,they left the car and walked to the fuel distributor but suddenly Hua Liang got scared

( Yù Tian )

( Hua Liang )

( Yù Tian )

( Hua Liang )

( Yù Tian)

( Hua Liang )

Yù Tian turned to the way Hua Liang looket at a small dot could be seen as it gradually approched

it slowly took shape .

( Yù Tian)

the thing that appeared resembled a dog but no dog was that big and had green skin , it stopped a few meters from Yù Tian and stared

at him with its red eyes , he immediatly used Assesment

[ animale type zombie ( Elite monster )

level : 10

informations :the origin of the virus transforming humans in zombies

is more intelligent than the normal and red zombies

skills : Acid Shot ( highly corrosive substence that melts anything )


( Yù Tian )

the three in the car were terrified at the sight of the ugly monster who appeared

Yù Tian drew the two swords that he had the black iron sword and the basic sword

and took a stance , the beast stared at him with wary eyes when Yù Tian relaxed his stance

it immediatly shot like an arrow toward him its speed was truly frightening , its right paw

aimed at his head but Yù Tian was wearing the dark blue boots and used a few points

on his agility so his speed was not like in the past he dodged easily and prepared to strike

with the black sword but the monster instantly retreated , its reaction time was also astonishing

, it opened its mouth .

( Yù Tian )

He was right, from the zombie mouth was shot a green like liquide at high speed toward him , he jumped and hid behind a car the liquid got on the door of the car instantly a 50 cm hole appeared on it .

( Yù Tian)

Yù Tian steped aside and dashed toward it he slided below its legs and cut on of them , it howled from pain

and shot its left paw at him ,it landed on his torse and made him fly a dozen of meters crashing a window of one of the shops in the street and landing inside .

the monster continued to howl in pain from loosing one of its legs .

[ level :9

Name : Yù Tian

Age : 20

Gender : Male

str : 14

vit : 12

Agl : 16

stm : 16

sKills : Assessment (lvl:1)

job : (none)

EXP: 489 /1254


End of chapter .

note : if you'r reading this novel please rate i want to know if its good or bad so i can work harder on the story and please if you happen to see mistakes report it to me by commenting and thanks

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