《Black flame Devil》chapter 11 : Flame spear , Different monster & Map


*Previously on Black flame devil Yù Tian killed for the first time humans but seeing him kill without batting an eye his companions began to be afraid .


Yù Tian seeing the fearful look of the the three in front of him prepared to leave but at that moment a voice reached his ears it was Xiao Hui

(Xiao Hui)

Yù tian was surprised tht Xiao Hui spoke like this he underestimated her he thought that she was a spoiled brat that can't protect herself but he never thought that she had this straightforwardness.

( Hua Liang)

( Yù Tian)

(Hua Liang )

( Hui Fen )

Yù Tian looked straight in their eyes.

(Yù Tian )

Hua Liang and Hui Fen were less anxious but they still are shocked that he didn't feel anything when killing a human like him. this time the two of them looked into his eyes .

( Hua Liang)

Yù Tian remained silent , when coming back home the ambience returned to what it was in the past like nothing had happened , they began to think of what to do to find a map .

( Yù Tian)

( Hua Liang )

( Hui Fen )

( Hua Liang)

( Xiao Hui )

They reached an agreement and began to prepare for tomorrow to move , the next day Yù Tian and his group

left the house , they felt quite sad to leave this place and the town that was familiar to them but

braced themselves and departed , in the way they killed several zombies and refilled some fuel for the car when finally reaching the bridge that connects to another neighbouring town , they were astonished , from the bridge they can see the town they left , the scenery sent a chill down their spine a huge swarm of zombies was advancing


to were they lived for the past ten days the sawarm was not too far roughly some kilometres , if they didn't leave that place what would've happened , that was what they were thinking .

( Hui Fen )

( Xiao hui )

( Hua Linag )

Yù tian was inspecting the surroundings , when suddenly the sunlight disappeared but the strange thing was that only their spot was not covered by sunlight , immediatly Yù Tian lifted his head and took a look on top of him

( Yù Tian )

when Hua Liang and the others also lifted their heads they froze , a thing was flying and staring at them

( Hua Liang)

usually Hua Liang didn't use this vocabulary but he didn't have a choice the thing he saw was more frightening than the zombies , it was an insect a huge insect to be accurate .

with the loud voice of Yù Tian Hua Liang and the others snapped of their dreamy state and hurriedly took shelter

in a restaurant , they closed the doors and hide behind the windows , Yù Tian had the skill Assessment and it was level 2

so he used it on the huge bug


Bee Lord level : 12 Elite monster

a giant bee of the hellish world they are highly aggressive

skills : sting shot , sting piercer

inteligence : low


Yù Tian thought that they were in a dire situation the bee Lord can fly and can shoot its sting and even in close combat

it had the Sting piercer , he calmly thought then an idea popped in his mind , in the past when training his power reached level 2 , his black flame gained in size and intensity , he then called out to Hua Liang

( Yù Tian )

( Hua Liang )

after explaining the plan to the others they began to prepare .


( Yù Tian )

the bee kept flying in the vicinity of the restaurant , suddenly two shadows came from inside the restaurant

the bee lord instantly leapt forward but it didn't know who pursuing then another shadow appeared

it was Hua Linag , the 2 first persons that appeared were Xiao Hui and Hui Fen

Hua Liang raised his arms , it was weird he adopted a stance but it was like holding a bow , but a bow really appeared

not only a bow but arrows appeared ot of nowhere in his hands , he immediatly shot two arrows at the bee

one of them laded in one of its eyes , it instantly howled in pain and flied directly in his direction to attack but Yù tian appeared behind it , a black flame materialized in his hand

, it slowly took a shaped , it was a spear an eighty centimetre spear of black flames when it finished taking shape

he ran a few metres and threw the spear at the back of the bee lord , it sensed danger and turned to dodge but it was too late , when the spear made contact huge black exploded and engulfed the bee instantly the it took fire , the bee emitted sounds of intense pain and after a few seconds the black flame devoured its corpse , an envelope dropped 50 silver skull coins and 3 white boxes .

Yù tian and the others took the envelope first to see what is inside , and inside was a map !!!!!

Yù Tian had a level up to 15 Hua liang also had a level up due to his share of work , it's like a game the experience was divided between them .

and Hua Linag power was to materialize a bow and arrows of iron but it is just the first level it said that he can make arrows of different structure .


level : 15

Name : Yù Tian

Age : 20

Gender : Male

str : 20

vit : 16

Agl : 20

stm : 18

sKills : Assessment (level:2) , Black flame shot (level: 1) , Black flame spear ( level : 1)

power : Black flame ( unique level Power ) ( level :2 ) [to level up the power you need to train and create skills ]

job : (none)

EXP: 4568/8966


End of chapter 11 .

note : please rate ^^

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