《Black God of Lightning.》12. System level 2!


The Goblin used up a lot of strength to look up and stare at Lucas. After Lucas saw the expression of the Goblin. Lucas thought of a phrase from his world " If looks could kill". The goblin knew it was going to die soon so with his last bit of strength the Goblin screamed and with a satisfied look, it died!





These stacked notifications and others popped up in Lucas's face. But Lucas quickly swiped left as he had no time for he wanted to leave! The Goblin had just screamed which indicated, it had friends that it wanted to alert of his existence. " How could I be so careless! But to be honest I didn't even know I killed it. How did it die?"

Lucas picked up the flame torch that was lying next to the corpse of the Goblin he then put the flame close to the Goblin and he saw a hole in the Goblins heart area the size of a tennis ball. It was quite obvious what had killed him upon inspection. When Lucas saw this his fear vanished and decided to battle it out with the incoming Goblins.

Lucas then called out to the system " System, show me my current stats."

[Name: Lucas Lightningstorm

Title: None

Level: 5 (25/50)

Class: Mage

Health points: 150/400

Mana points: 100/240 ( 20% increase due to blessing)

Mana recovery: 200 mana points per 24 hours (100% increase due to blessing)


Strength – 20

Dexterity – 18

Intelligence – 14

Wisdom – 12

Charisma – 4

Luck - 8

Skills: None

Skill points: 17

Ability points: (3 for perfect execution/ perfect hit. 10 first time success of a rank F fire type spell. +2 Stressful situation)

Equipment: None

Bloodline: None

Blessings: High harmonization with mana (upgradable, active). High affinity to elemental magic (upgradable, active). Decrease in cast time, increases in hit rate (upgradable, active)

Passive Skills: Anti enslavement (non-upgradable, inactive): Currently under a spell.

System-level: 1 ( Elligiable for upgrade).]

Lucas gasped at his level. He is already level 5. Wasn't he just level 1 a moment ago. " System, how am I level 5 already?"

[ You killed a level 5 Goblin awarding you 20 exp and an extra 20 exp for every level it was above you. Putting you straight to level 5. To get to level 2 then 3, 4,5 and 6 requires 5,10,20,40,50 exp respectively. Since you earned 100 exp from the Level 5 Goblin this puts you at level 5 and halfway to level 6."]

Lucas was so excited that killing higher level creatures meant levelling up faster. Didn't this mean he could get stronger faster? But he quickly shook himself from those thoughts as he was in no position to waste time. He saw that the system was eligible for an upgrade. " System, what is required for you to upgrade?"

" Nothing, once hosts meets the minimum requirement you will see that there is an upgrade system button on the bottom left corner of the screen."

Lucas saw it and clicked the red button. After he clicked it turned into a grey colour.


[ System upgraded to level 2!

New System Applications/ Enhanced old Applications

1. Ability Shop ( level 1)

2. Combat Mode

3. Enhanced System intelligence

4. Predictive Analysis (level 1 )

5. Quests ]

At this moment a house icon appeared on the top right screen when Lucas called out the system. Lucas pressed on the button and another page popped up. The page had a search bar on top and under was the names of the 5 classes. Lucas then clicked on the Mage class once he did he found a bunch of spells they were all displayed randomly but he had the option to filter it. Lucas then filtered it to elemental type spells. Wind, Fire, Earth and Water-type spells were all laying before him.

Lucas looked at the spells and their descriptions like the one wind spell. One with wind - Coat your body with the wind. Small increase to movement speed. But he did not need this right now so he skipped it. Lucas then found a skill that he liked it was called Ice Chamber- Freeze your opponents. The level of freezing is dependent on the caster. Lucas immediately clicked on it.

[Select the rank of the spell you which to purchase. F,E or D. 10,100 and 1000 ability points respectively]

Lucas cried inwardly when he saw how every ranks price grew exponentially. But soon diffused the thoughts with the will to grind to get much, much stronger! Lucas looked at his status screen and saw that he had 15 ability points this made him happy because he had enough to buy the F rank spell.

Lucas clicked on the spell and proceeded to checkout. After buying the spell. He clicked on my skills. There he saw his spells. F Rank Fireball and F Rank Ice Chamber. Next to it was the ability to upgrade the spells. To upgrade a spell to rank E costed 90 ability points.

Lucas clicked on the Ice type spell because he wanted to assimilate it. But when he did he got a warning.

[ Assimilation limit reached for today. Should you choose to continue you will overload and damage your brain causing migraines and nausea. A proportionate amount of intelligence will be subtracted to the damage caused.]

Lucas then remembered that his int stat is still too low and immediately called up the Attribute screen.


Strength – 20

Dexterity – 18

Intelligence – 14

Wisdom – 12

Charisma – 4

Luck - 8

Skills: F Rank Fireball (upgradable), F Rank Ice Chamber(upgradable).

Skill points: 17

Lucas pumped 10 points into intelligence. Then switched the tab back to my spells. He clicked on Assimilate Ice Chamber again and this time he was successful. After this information once again flooded his mind and now he knew how to cast the spell. Lucas exited the tab and switched back to attributes. He then put two points into Dexterity to round the number up. He kept the remaining 5 points to return if need be.

Lucas was now fully prepared for the goblins. He smiled evilly as this goblin thought that his friends would surely kill him but he was confident they would not. Lucas did not use all his skill points because what if there are no reinforcements how does he get back?


But soon a rumbling could be heard. It sounded like multiple feet running. The sounds got louder and louder and louder. In the distance, lights could be seen swaying up and down. Until a clearer image was evident.

[ Detecting bloodlust. Projected target is you! Do you wish to go into combat mode? Yes/No]

Lucas was elated because this was one of the new perks he got for levelling up his system. To think he would be able to get to use it so soon. Lucas immediately and with no hesitation said " yes!".

[ Innaiting combat mode]

At this moment the whole place lit up. Lucas could now see clearly as if it was daytime. But he felt like he was in some game because he could see his mana and health points. He could see what spells he had in his arsenal. When he tried to look at the horde of creatures on their way to him he could zoom in on them. He could see their bodies their armour even the blemishes on their skin. The max zoom distance had yet to be confirmed. What was also nice was that Lucas could now see the levels of the Goblins on their way too.

Lucas exclaimed, " This ability is too godly!" He was ecstatic! But quickly focused on the battle ahead because what use is abilities if you die. Lucas inspected the Goblins again and saw they were different from the one that came last time. He then deduced that the first one was probably a scout to check what the light was that appeared when Lucas first arrived. Now they are sending their "warriors" after they heard the scream.

Their levels ranged from 8-10. With the majority being 8-9. The system calculated about 50 all running cramped up in a straight line. Lucas thought "what could be more heavenly than this," and laughed! For he now had an ice type AOE type spell that could freeze targets or at the very least slow them down so he could launch a bigger fireball to kill them all. If the fireball does not kill them all the fire should block the goblins from attacking him afterwards.

From his calculations, the last spell took 20 mana points he now had 100 left. Once the Goblins where almost in range Lucas moved his mana to his hands and started the chant, he had just learnt. His understanding of the book was a lot deeper than before seeing that his intelligence had increased. This also meant that he now knew more about why his fireball was so small.

Once Lucas was halfway through chanting the aura around him starting showing itself and everything around him starting freezing. There was a thin layer of ice on the ground below him. While the goblins were charging towards Lucas they saw this and were immediately wary. When they looked next to Lucas' feet they saw an all too familiar body lying on the ground motionless, just letting the frost surround him.

Goblins are a very prideful and vengeful race so they all knew that the Goblin wasn't lying on the ground of its own volition. When they saw this they all raged and increased the speed of their charge.

Lucas, however, anticipated this and was almost finished with his chant. When Lucas was almost finished with his spell. He used the systems predictive analysis in his battle mode and calculated where they would be upon release of his spell. Once done a turquoise magic circle appeared on the floor. Lucas then shouted "Ice Arts, Ice Chamber" exactly as the magic circle was full of goblins.

Immediately the temperature in the cave dropped as the ground froze solid. Every goblin within the circle was frozen up to their shins. They could no longer move and blocked the way for those behind them.

Lucas didn't marvel in the power of the spell at all and immediately started casting the F Rank fireball spell. He was excited what the int buff would do for the spell. Lucas began the normal procedures of moving his mana to his hands. He then began chanting the spell.

The goblins were trying their best to get free from the ice. They tried to forcefully pull their legs out of it but it was unsuccessful, they then used their swords and they slashed at the ice which after five slashes made a crack in the ice. They kept slashing and slashing but soon they eventually noticed that it would take far to long to break the ice. So they discussed amongst themselves that the ones at the back should climb over them and attack Lucas. Their initial numbers had decreased but they thought that it was more than enough to kill a single "human"?

With much struggle, they started climbing over each other and when they were just about to reach the end they felt the temperature in the cave increase again. But it was hotter than the caves normal temperature? As they all stopped paying attention to breaking the ice and climbing over their fellow goblins they looked up to see a fireball spitting and hissing as it travelled towards them.

Their eyes expanded and panic ensued amongst them all. The comradery that they had moments ago disappeared. Instantly everyone that saw the fireball fought amongst themselves. They wanted to get into the centre of each other. To use their brethren as shields from the fireball. They others decided to turn tail and flee but the ones who were at the back stood still. They had no idea what was happening. This made pushing through extremely difficult. Basic communication went right out of the window as well as any ties they might have had to their brethren.

Lucas watched indifferently as most of them were scared for their lives as the fireball approached them. Until the flames reached them and just passed through them all even the ones fleeing. Then the fireball hit a wall and dispersed into nothingness.

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