《Era: Dawn of the New Gods》Chapter 9: Assassination Classroom 3


The zombies reached the stairs where Gbenga and the remaining volunteers were, the moment they saw the zombies, Gbenga and his friends steeled their resolve “Let’s do this boys” Gbenga said to the group even though there were 3 girls in the group.

They turned off the safety and started shooting, they didn’t aim well and the recoil from their assault rifles was throwing them even further off, but the stair case was too cramped they couldn’t miss. The undead could barely see them but Gbenga and his friends could see them clearly with the night vision goggles they wore when the lights went out.

10 minutes into the shooting, Gbenga and his friends were getting far better at killing the undead; the undead seemed to move a bit slower than before giving them time to aim for their grey spots and one shot them, their hands were also much steadier than at the start when the shots from the guns rocked them, with the head phones blocking out all the sounds they felt like they were in a game, their bodies under their total control, no uncomfortable feelings.

Gbenga had a smile on his face ‘I expected that we would make a mistake but this just feels right, we’re getting better and better, I wonder what we were so afraid of’ he thought, ignorant of the subtle changes his body was going through.

The spherical mass woke up from its torpor sluggishly; the pests it had sent its children to handle still hadn’t been eliminated. It assessed the situation, the result of which jolted it from its sleepiness; about 60 of its fully developed children had died in an instant and many more undeveloped children were dead. It re-assessed the threat as a high level one, it could just send all of its children and the problem might be solved, but at what cost? So many would die before the threat was eliminated, based on the strength it observed.


It focused its psychic senses on the pile of muscles, which lacked a brain that had become its associate since coming to this world. The sphere’s creators had blessed it with superior wisdom, suitable for leading masses, which gave it a lot of pride as a creation; it felt its potential and importance were far higher than the pile of muscles beside it, but the sphere hadn’t enjoyed its first day here.

The sphere had expended high amounts of its energy to create its children because the pile of muscles was born too far away from it and the wounds it gave to the corpses were very severe; it lacked control, and worst of all it was lazy and greedy, refusing to be a watch while the sphere rested from the day’s work even though it ate a good part of the corpses.

The sphere lashed the pile of muscle’s mind with its psychic energy, noting that it had become a lot more resistant. ‘Eliminate the pests that are killing my children before too many die! They can’t handle the pests’ it said with a psychic message. The pile of muscles yawned in laziness as it refused to be awoken.

The sphere lashed it again with more energy this time out of rage, the pile of muscles grudgingly got up, shook itself, and took a deep breath as it prepared for its signature roar. The sphere was displeased at the fact that the pile of muscles didn’t go there in person; instead choosing to attack from a distance with is roar which affected both friend and foe.

The lion knew that it was required to help the sphere by their creators because of its intelligence, but how helped was left to its own judgment. The lion felt that the sphere was leaching off it with all its demands.


The Lion's abdomen and chest inflated as it drew in the maximum amount of air possible through its nose, it swiftly opened its mouth, letting out its sound based psychic attack out, but before the sound could reach its target a light flashed for a fraction of a millisecond in the lion’s eyes and a condensed plasma core entered its mouth, it travelled down its wind pipe and exploded, destroying it's lungs.

The lion spewed silver blood from its mouth and nose and fell as Jade smiled and loaded the next shot of the Stinger, he had used an explosive shot with the highest charge time for maximum speed and power and it had paid off.

When he was making his plan, he remembered the monsters he saw in the video, which were capable of countering new gen weapons, so he gambled that based on the Lion's fighting style which was mostly physical close combat and a lion’s general morphology, that it had a strong exterior but had a weak interior, unlike the fire shooting lizard which could hold an explosion in its throat.

The sphere hadn't sensed where the energy came from or what happened but it knew that a dangerous enemy had joined the fight as the lion fell to the ground, dead. It quickly recalled all its children and had the ones that were close by protect it as best as they could... Which wasn't much as it didn't understand what had happened.

Jade chucked evilly as he looked at the sniper's remaining charge time, 34 seconds. As he watched the sphere placing all the undead it could as close to itself as possible in a futile effort to protect itself, Jade thought 'you fool, the lion's only weak point was through its mouth, but you're full of holes. How the tables have turned, it is as they say one day bush meat go catch the hunter (Nigerian Pidgin meaning one day the game will hunt the hunter)'.

While the Stinger was charging, the sphere charged an Omni-directional long range psychic attack, the only attack it had that could damage and locate its enemy simultaneously. The sphere focused as a sphere of psychic energy formed around it, thickening and rippling as it contracted it, invisible to Jade. Before the sphere had fully charged its attack a core of compressed plasma was launched into one of its holes, travelling across it to its centre and exploding.

The sphere popped like a wart while the psychic energy around it dispersed haphazardly. The undead around it dropped to the floor, green puss flowing from their ears as they were the closest to the sphere. Silver blood oozed out of the Sphere's destroyed body.

Jade, the students and the teacher fell unconscious as they were hit by the remnants of the psychic energy even though it was greatly weaken by the distance.


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