《Battlefield Restart (Original/Unedited)》Chapter 33: Old Mind, Young Heart



"Don't talk to me!"

"At least let me apologise!"

"Go away! I don't want to see you anymore! Big brother is a bad person!"

"I'm not a bad person, I swear!" I lied through my teeth. Hmm? Even if I'm not a good person, I'm still someone who wants to act like one, so stop shouting I'm a bad guy already!

"What the hell are you two going on about!? And Simon, I'll kill ya!" The giant roars in anger. It looks like he's really taking what I did to heart.

[Aura Conjuring- Astral Gauntlet!]

A similarly giant hand made of Earth Mana stretched out towards my back.

Ah... I remember this Skill, but who was it that used this again? I think I had dementia before I reincarnated because I'm seriously not joking.

[Glove Skill- Electric Impulse]

I channeled the Lightning Mana within Thor's Hand and dispelled the giant hand made of pure Earth Mana.

I can't help sigh in admiration towards my own new abilities, if it weren't for the fact that Psionic Energy focused on precision, I wouldn't have been able to create abilities of my own so easily.

I really want to test my second Skill Root on someone, but it's too bad I can't show others that I was able to do something inhuman like creating two Skill Roots, the Duke may just get a heart attack just from knowing about it.

Now that I think about it carefully, I have another ability besides my the extra Skill Root and abnormally high Mana perception don't I? The ability to change my Mana Type from Human to Beast like flipping a switch.

Even though I don't have pure Mana anymore and only have Psionic and Spacial Energy residing in the Skill Roots within my heart, I can still feel that changing my Mana Type could cause some kind of accident.

I don't know what might happen, but relying on my intuition, I can safely say that I will definitely mutate into a Beast of some form if I used that ability.

How sad, if only Enigma gave me a bunch of cheats and high magic power instead of under-powering me. I may like working hard but not to the extent that I'd ignore the easy paths in life.

In my past life, reality was just quite cruel, especially considering the fact that ones ideals meant nothing to those around them. Even though movies of that era would show Hero's beating the Villains with chivalry and karma working against the bad people who secretly do crimes, a realistic story would only show one narcissistic guy getting beat by rotten criminals who don't play games they can't handle.


That's why I'd rather not be blinded by my own luck and think that everything would still be alright if I tried mutating my Mana. Well, that should enough inner melodrama, I gotta stop thinking unless thoughts in order to deal with that stubborn ox chasing me.

"Who are you anyway?" I couldn't help but ask the giant who was grinding his teeth behind me. Upon hearing my words, he looked stunned for a moment, before flaring up in rage!

"I'm Jack, the one who challenged you to a duel, the 'real' personal butler of the Young Miss." This 'Jack' guy says narcissistically, looks like he was an unimportant person I'd rather not waste time remembering, it's annoying that he thinks too highly of himself.

Hmm? Wait a sec, I increase my cognitive perception once more in order give myself time to reflect, a light of intelligence appears in my eyes as I start to recollect my abnormalities.

There aren't many people who make me feel negative emotions this strong so it's no wonder I wasn't able to sense my own abnormalities for so long.

From what I can tell, the personality of my precious incarnation was a lot less affected by words than my current incarnation right now, which is quite strange considering Enigma's words.

I have been able to excuse my strange actions all this time by considering how I truly wished to change into a different person. However, I can't ignore the fact that my current 'maturity' is different from how it was in my past life.

As I thought of this, many more questions flooded my mind like a dam as I was filled with confusion, why is it that I wasn't aware of it after battling Jack? No, more than that, how did my meticulous personality forget Jack?

I should have been angered in a similar manner when I first fought Jack, so why is it I never thought about the of Enigma's inconsistent words before?

What's different about me now?

The answer is obvious, I am now a Human Combatant with two Skill Roots, the Colourless Origin I once had has been changed to something else.

I feel like a chain that was restricting my thought process has been broken.

The curse is now gone, yet one question remains: Who placed this restriction on me and tried to control my mind?

I pondered on this question with all my heart, bringing up many scenes and images from my past. I looked at my sea of memories in order to properly investigate what I did for 10 years.


A scene from when I was five years old caught my attention as I focused on anything that seemed out of place.

After completely searching my memories, the only abnormal incident that happened was when I first started to train swordsmanship under my father's instructions, at that time I was tired so I went back to my room to rest.

The memory was quite normal until I walked into my room, where I met 'someone' who was already waiting for me to arrive, the memory was quite blurry as if it was purposely tampered with yet it was all I needed to be sure that there is definitely someone in this household who's scheming in the dark.

Analysing the memory once more, I found that I completely couldn't recover any information about the individual besides the fact that the person was female, all other things regarding what we talked about or when she influenced me was gone.

From the information I already have there are only two reasons why I was able to recover this much about that individual. The first reason that the individual who tampered with my mind didn't erase everything about herself was because she was careless.

If it's the first reason, then I'd feel a lot more safer because somehow having no Mana makes it harder for her to control me, but if it was due to the second reason which is that she was merely starting to grasp her ability then I'm screwed big time. A dangerous hypnotiser like her is someone I never want to face in this lifetime. Well, now that I've figured out this much, I better stay on my toes from now on.

"Simon, I challenge you to a duel once more, do you dare to accept?" After exiting that enlightening state I put myself into, I hear an obnoxious voice behind me, a vein popped on my forehead as I decided to end this farce.

[Support Skill- Pyrokinetic Domain]

I felt my ability to use Psionic Energy to control Fire Ether deepen as an area around me was affected by my power.

The feeling of being able to control Fire Ether returned to me as I opened my palm. The Fire Ether around me focused into the palm and created a single spark, but that one spark was enough to grow into a ball of fire.

I could just throw the Fireball to distract the attention of those chasing me, but doing something so inefficient isn't the reason I'm wasting my time controlling Fire against the crowd of servants I angered. Throwing a mere Fireball wouldn't be enough to slow them down, so I decided to use the Spell I created a long time ago along with the Blue Flame Bullet Spell.

[Magic Skill- Concussion Grenade!]

Instead of focusing on 'heat', I focused on increasing its 'explosiveness' in order to create a non-lethal Spell that is good for crowd control, the gem of fire I compressed in my hand was thrown towards Jack and his friends.

A boom resounded as a shockwave of air blasted everyone in random directions. They weren't hurt as all of them were trained to the point of being able to land on their feet despite being blown away by the shockwave.

However, that didn't mean they had the guts to continue chasing me. They all knew from that one move that my current strength was more powerful than I had shown in my last duel.

I can tell from the expressions they're making that they thought I would be having a hard enough time running from them. Just from glancing back once I could notice all this with my accelerated cognitive perception.

Jack's expression was hilarious enough for me to giggle like the child I am.

Maybe I should thank him in some way. I mean, it was due to him that I realised that the only thing I inherited from my past self was a knowledgeable mind, and my heart on the other hand seems to be like any other child my age.

I wonder if Merilin was scared by this contradiction? Well, I guess it's time to ask her, a sharp glint appeared in my eyes as I reached my hand to grab her.

It was then that two people appeared in front of us, one short-haired maid that was expressionless like a doll and one noble girl who seemed to be narrowing her eyes at me with hostility.

"Simon, why are you bullying Merlin?"

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