《Battlefield Restart (Original/Unedited)》Chapter 32: The Fallen Noble's Perspective


"Scoundrel!" Fredrick roared as he punched my gut. I held my chest in pain as he grabbed my collar and lifted me off my feet with his bare hands.

"Please calm down and at least hear him out." Anna appeared besides me and held down Fredrick's arm so I could have room to breath.

"Thanks." I nodded my head to Anna who then revealed a content smile.

Nobody else may know but Anna and I actually met many years ago at the Greenday Household, she was actually the daughter of our secret forces.

The day my household was burned to the ground was also the day she gained her freedom, if it weren't for her hiding me, I wouldn't have been able to escape the encirclement of assassins.

"Mark, how could you have put our son in danger like that? Weren't you two close?" Martha asks in puzzlement.

"We are good friends."

"You think of him as a friend? How shameless! Do you usually lead your friends to the death's doors!" Fredrick's eyes were red as he indignantly yells.

"It's not like a lied to him, Magicians Hand is something precious to me, and I really do have high hopes for his future. As for leading him to death's doors, I don't feel I did anything of the sort, it was his own decision to use the Mana he stored within Magicians Hand to upgrade his Skill Root." My eyes didn't waver as I retorted indifferently.

Upgrading ones Skill Root wasn't easy because it meant trying to overcome the natural limits set from birth. An F Rank Magical Talent would feel their body was breaking like glass if the amount of energy within their Mana Origin was too powerful. It's like overfilling a bottle with water. The pressure within would cause it harm.

After these two heard about Simon defeating an assassin sent by that underworld organisation named Cerberus, it didn't take long for them to understand that Simon's strength increased too rapidly, it looks like their information gathering skills haven't rusted from the time we traveled together as full-fledged mercenaries.


"You?" Fredrick couldn't believe his eyes as he saw my calmness. I usually acted like a coward, putting up a facade of foolishness, but now I wasn't even bothering to hide my true emotions.

"Don't look at me like that. I may have been hiding my true personality from you two all this time, but hasn't Simon done the same?" I smiled sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" Fredrick didn't wasn't a fool and knew something was up, especially when Anna made her intentions clear by standing behind me.

"Your son has a twisted personality and an abomination of a heart, this is something I saw clearly through my Skill Root: Gale's Eye. He may look cheerful on the outside, but I have been watching him ever since he completed his training with you and seen many things you both haven't." My eyes were narrowed in seriousness as I glared at the dubious expression both these old friends of mine made to this claim.

"Like what?" Fredrick calmed down and asks with confusion in his eyes.

"You've only seen how he treats himself with harshness. Like the time he trained arduously for five years or the time he made a bet with the Swordwick Duke in order to pressure himself.

You have only seen those most reasonable sides of his twisted mind but what you haven't seen is how he secretly treats those he loves.

You haven't seen how he used his own sister as a guinea pig to test his water-orientated Lightning Magic nor how he threatened Damian with his newfound strength." I say coldly. These two may not believe my words, but how could I forget what I saw with my own eyes?

To me, what I can see in him is an adult within a child's body, an adult who allows his feelings to be released whenever possible. He seems to have no qualms with acting immature when there's nothing endangering his or his family's life, but once someone does he changes into what I see as his true self.


A cold, merciless individual who can ruthlessly kill without hesitating in the slightest. A cold chill ran down my spine as I remembered what scene I saw not too long ago, how he was standing in front of a headless corpse with eyes that were as calm as an ocean, it somehow makes me scared of what he'll become after he matures.

From what I can tell, he's doesn't treasure his life nor the life of others, a smart kid like him wouldn't have indifferently made a bet with the Swordwick Duke if he did. Why is it that he's only calm when in danger?

He's strange. Ever since I awakened my Skill Root, I have never seen an anomaly like Simon, his actions have been so abnormal strange these days.

"You both know about how he killed one of the Cerberus' talented seedling right?" The two didn't answer, but their faces were dark as they seemed unable to accept that one fact, not because they didn't believe in Simon's strength but because they knew how such a dark organisation wouldn't let him off.

Simon was once a normal child with low talent, although they believed he'll make a name for himself in future, that is only if he was a genius that followed common sense. Now that he's broken normal logic and became a monster that can even match the Duke's daughter's talent, everything's changed.

These two wanted to live peacefully in the Swordwick Household as normal servants, but it looks like everything won't go as planned, especially due to the fact that both their children are unrivalled geniuses of their generation.

"What are you scheming?" Martha icily asks after being the first to recover.

"All will be revealed in time. For now you should be worrying about how your son will escape the clutches of the Swordwick Duke and Cerberus' second head." I didn't bother explaining anything and left. It is up to them if they believe me or not since in the end it's their own personal family matter.

"Do really see Simon as such a monster?" Anna, who followed behind me, could help but curiously ask.

"What do you think of him?" I ask in return after turning to face her.

"...I think he's a good child." After hesitating for a moment she replies.

"You don't think he's twisted?"

"No, I think he's normal, the only thing different is how he perceives the world around him. He's not a bad person."

"He used his sister as a guinea pig."

"I don't know what you saw, but if he was close to her while teaching this 'water-orientated Lightning Magic', it means that he was ready to use his body as a shield if anything went wrong." Anna retorts with a frown.

"You trust him too much."

"And you trust him too less. A human heart is that easy to read, even if he is cold-blooded, that doesn't mean he's completely apathetic to life."

"I've seen much more of him than you."

"Yet you understand much less, your magical eye can only see ones outward appearance, not a persons innate nature. He's not like us you know?"

"Forget about all that. Are the preparations ready?" I changed the subject. I had infiltrated the Swordwick Household and acted as foolish as I did all for the sake of avenging my family. I would never rest as the murderer of my parents relaxedly lived in peace.

"The first head of Cerberus have agreed on a time. The time to strike will come." Anna's eyes were abnormally dark as she monotonously informs.

"The time will come for the Royal Family to fall. They will burn to ashes for what they did to our home."

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