《Battlefield Restart (Original/Unedited)》Chapter 34: Making Up


"Hahaha! So that's what happened? No wonder she was so freaked out." The Young Miss of the Swordwick Household laughs in delight after dragging me to her personal Training Ground and hearing the full story.

It seems like she was in the know regarding the details of Merilin's assassination attempt. Not only is she not surprised one bit about what happens but her eyes seemed to shine with admiration as she looked at me in a new light. I don't know what she's planning but her tone is annoying.

"Have you never heard of a thing called subtlety? For what reason are you intervening in our family matters?" I couldn't help as I saw how Merilin was using her as some sort of shield. We both were sitting comfortably in front of a little round table, but I couldn't help but feel a difference of treatment between us, especially when Sylphy dutifully refilled her tea.

"Because you are stupid."


"From what I heard, you came clean with what happened some time ago, a decision that took a lot of courage to execute no doubt. However, you failed to grasp something extremely obvious due to your lack of empathy." Sapphire smile knowingly as turned her head.

"Sit down as well. The tea Sylphy makes is very delicious." She softly calls out to Merilin who was silently shaking her head, but after persuading her for some time, she reluctantly decided to sit down on a chair which she moved closer to Sapphire's side.

"Merilin, were you scared of him?" She asks with a gentle tone while patting her head. Merilin's shoulders shook at her words, but she was able to respond by nodding her head, I couldn't help but feel a little confused concerning how close they were. Could it be that they were friends? No wonder Merilin hid behind her as soon as she saw her.


Wait... Now that I think about it, aren't I drinking Sylphy's handmade tea? It's pretty good if I do say so myself.

Damn, even though there's a serious discussion going on, I can't help but secretly steal a few gazes at Sylphy who was working hard for the Young Miss!

Well, back to the topic at hand, it isn't surprising that she was scared of me considering the state of that assassin's corpse. Who would be able to greet a guy like me normally after seeing that?

"Was it because of how calm his voice was after brutally murdering someone?" Her voice pricked my ears and brought back my attention.

Merilin once again nodded in response.

Seeing how the conversation suddenly took a strange turn, I lifted a brow in puzzlement, it didn't occur to me that being calm could also lead to this.

"In this savage world, murder isn't that rare, but finding a natural killer like you who can kill calmly at such a young age is a little disturbing." Sapphire put down the tea cup and comforted Merilin by giving her a hug.

It was at that moment Merilin seemed to calm down, the fear and confusion in her eyes dissipated as she hugged back.

It was only after a long moment did they separate. Merilin seemed more cheerful she turned to look at me.

"Big Brother, you're scary, but I think you're a good person. Sorry..." She apologised earnestly while bowing her head. It's strange, a warm feeling enveloped my heart as I looked at the person who gave a chance for me and Merilin make up. A thankful look was in my eyes I nodded secretly.

It's not like I fell for this noble girl or anything because my heart's already set on Sylphy who was dutifully standing behind her. It's just that I never thought the Young Miss would help me in such a way. A smile was on my face as I embraced Merilin as well.


"Even if you think I'm scary, I'll be content as long as your safe, I'm happy now that you see me in a new light." I whisper in her ear before separating.

Merlin seemed back to normal we talked about many things concerning the Magic Academy she was enrolled to. It was surprising how well-taught she was regarding her future path.

Those who usually graduate from the Magic Academy are usually capable Magicians that have their own confidence in travelling outside the borders created by the kingdom. After finishing my conversation with Merilin did I shift my attention back to the girl who gave me this opportunity.

"Is it a coincidence that we met each other today or were you looking for me?" I ask after giving Merilin permission to play with Sylphy as I continued to talk with the Young Miss.

Although it pains my heart I can't join them as they played with magic, my mind was more focused on knowing why she wanted to see me, especially when I saw the admiration in her eyes.

"Of course I wanted to see the little hero of our household. There are many things I wanted to talk to you about."

"What do you want to ask exactly?"

"Would you like to be my friend?" She responded with a question of her own while making pure and transparent eyes. Not a trace of ill-will could be felt from her as she innocently gazed at me.

"Yes...?" Although it was an answer, it came out sounding like another questioning response, my eyes were wide as I was unable to understand her thoughts. Did she fall somewhere?

"Your heart must be jumping for joy now that your first friend is a beautiful girl like myself. Congratulations." After hearing her narcissistic words, my worries were thrown out the window, I only know one person who can easily skip in such words without shame.

"I'm honoured to have you..." There was nothing wrong with being friends with her so didn't reject her

"By the way, I find your kindness strange, you're too nice to me."

"Think nothing of it, even if I hated you, my actions wouldn't change." Her eyes turned gentle once again as she shifted her gaze to Merilin who was playing around with her water arts.

"I can tell that you really treasure my little sister." I shifted my gaze as well to the little girl who was shaping Water Ether in the air using the wand I returned. The very same one she used to throw lightning bolts at me.

"I met her a year ago after my father made me 'practice' my killing techniques on live targets." I suddenly turned to look at her expressionless face at her words, she didn't turn to meet my gaze and instead continued to watch over her two childish friends.

"Don't worry. Those guys were convicts sentenced to death by the Royal Family. They were scum who were absolutely destined to die anyway." She sensed my gaze and responds in a bored tone. Well, it looks like I underestimated the life of a noble, or is it just the Young Miss's dad that's insanely spartan? This world would have at least moved on from the middle-ages if more nobles were like her. Though that's wishful thinking.

"Why do you admire me?"

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