《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 9


Jason led the group out of the store and they all re-entered the Baron, but the seating at the back was a little tight with Melanie now added in the roster. Fortunately, the luxurious four-seaters were designed to be more spacious than the normal ones, so the girls were able to squeeze in together.

“Why are you following us?” asked Emily, her voice dripping with mock concern. “As the Academy President, don’t you have something more important to do?”

“Nope, not at all,” Melanie replied cheerfully as though she couldn't hear the sarcasm laced in Emily's voice. “In fact, I've got the entire day for myself. And what better way to spend it than with a hot guy?”

As she spoke, Melanie tapped on the little table in front of them, which opened to reveal a refrigerator stocked with several drinks. Melanie pulled one out and gasped after studying its label.

“1990 Château Latour?!” Melanie cried out in shock while Michelle snapped her head towards the wine, her eyes wide.

“En aucune façon …” Michelle muttered as Melanie pulled more wine bottles out.

“1961 Château Haut-Brion, 1982 Mouton-Baronne, 2001 Château Rieussec … these are all at least a century old!” Melanie read each one as she passed them to the other girls. The last one was grabbed by Michelle who looked like she was possessed; being from a relatively rich family, she understood how special these all were but, considering her age, her palate was aimed at sweeter wines.

“This is nothing,” Alina said with a sigh. “He has an entire cellar dedicated to old wines. Why he collects them is beyond me though.”

“What do you mean?” asked Emily as she watched Alina place the bottles back.

“I don't drink,” Jason answered. “ And no, it's not some religious thing. It's just that I … have bad experience drinking.”

“You get all mopey?” joked Asami. “Oh no, you get all angry when drink!”

“No, I got roofied … more than once,” Jason said.

“Woman?” asked Asami in a sage-like voice. Her manner made it seem like she had experienced something similar but the others knew that was just acting.

“Yep, scary bunch when you think about it,” Jason answered while the girls looked at him resentfully. “But it's not only that. Those days I … I couldn't relax. When you drink, you end up slowing your reaction time. Even if it's barely noticeable, it happens. And I couldn't afford that luxury.”

The car was silent as everyone contemplated what Jason said.

“After that, it just became a habit. Even now, I just have a sip or two but not often so …” as Jason spoke, he used his head to gesture at the back where the wine was. “Tell you guys what, stay for dinner at our place and I'll cook up the best meal you've ever had and I'll even open a vintage wine. One that's two hundred years old.”

“What's this? Trying to get us all drunk?” Asami teased while Melanie and Emily had their eyes gleaming.

“Drunk? You wound me, Ms. Chiba,” Jason clutched his chest and pretended to be hurt and both Emily and Melanie glared at Asami.

“Jason wouldn't do that,” Emily said with a strong conviction.

“Even if he did, I'll sacrifice myself to save all of you,” Melanie spoke in a solemn tone, as though she was willing to sacrifice her life for a heroic cause. “Just leave it all to me.”


“To you? I'm more concerned you'll try to seduce him after getting him drunk,” Emily muttered in a voice loud enough for everyone in the back to hear. Melanie heard her and turned to smile at her to which she responded in kind.

“Alright, ladies. We'll head to a cafe for some snacks then visit the amusement park,” Jason interrupted the two hissing cats and announced his plans. “So don't eat too much at the cafe, or you'll be sick when we ride the rollercoaster.”

“Best. Day. Ever!” Squealed Asami. “New clothes, free food, and fun at the park. Ah, I think I'm falling in love with your brother, Alle.”

“Too bad you're not his type and you're underage,” replied Alina causing Asami to playfully slouch, an exaggerated sigh escaping from her lips.

The girls continued their banters as Jason drove them to a relatively small diner that was barely had any customers. As they entered the diner, Alina couldn’t help but grin at the place.

It was furnished like a vintage 1950’s diner. With black and white checkered tiles, red leather diner booths, and retro stools near the countertop, Alina couldn’t help but feel that childish excitement at being transported through time. She skipped to a retro looking jukebox that was located at the far back while Jason walked to the counter where a middle-aged lady was polishing the counter.

Her blonde hair was held up by a vintage style bandanna updo and she was wearing the classical red waitress dress that ended above her knees with a white apron. She looked up when she noticed Jason leaning near her and smiled brightly.

“It’s been a while, kid,” she said to Jason. “Hey, Dad! Jason’s back!”

The woman shouted into the kitchen and a large hand stuck out the pass-through window with a thumbs up.

“Hey Annie, Joe!” Jason called out as he smiled softly. “It’s great to be back.”

“Course it is,” Annie said proudly before pulling a small notepad. “So, what’ll it be today?”

“Oh, the usual for Alle and me. And the biggest parfait you can get for this little one,” Jason picked Alice up so Annie could get a good look and the latter grinned. “What about you guys?”

“Waffles,” said Michelle immediately.

“Cake!” replied Asami at the same time.

“Chocolate pudding, please.”

“I’ll have some vanilla pudding.”

Both Emily and Melanie ordered the same thing at once, causing them to glower at each other.

“Shouldn’t you have something less sweet?” Melanie sweetly encouraged Emily gesturing at her stomach. “After all, it would be terrible if you gained more weight.”

“It’s alright,” answered Emily with a smile as she emphasized her breasts while she loomed over Melanie, causing them to pop out in front of Melanie’s eyes, blinding her as they nearly slammed into her. “I’d benefit from the extra calories.”

“Oh?” Annie’s eyes gleamed as she looked at Jason, a knowing smirk on her face. “Trouble in paradise, kid?”

Jason rolled his eyes before pushing everyone into a diner booth, then he took Alice and sat on a counter stool.

“Wait, you’re not joining us?” Asami asked.

“Not yet,” Jason shook his head with a smile and he placed Alice on a stool next to him. “Me and Alle, we’ve got a tradition.”

As the group tilted their heads in confusion, Alina, who was busy choosing a song from the jukebox, finally selected one. Guitars and drums started beating out as Jason turned to look at Alina with a thumbs up and mouthing the word ‘nice’. Alina slid to a stool next to Alice and both started rocking their heads while Alice looked on in surprise.


“Living easy, living free

Season ticket on a one-way ride

Asking nothing, leave me be

Taking everything in my stride

Don't need reason, don't need rhyme

Ain't nothing I would rather do

Going down, party time

My friends are gonna be there too” [1]

The two began lip-syncing to the song with Jason pretending to air guitar and Alina was air drumming. The two would occasionally look at each other and at Alice sitting between them while grinning and moving their hands along with the song. Both raised a finger while bending to Alice’s height when the song reached ‘Don’t need reason, don’t need rhyme’. Alice, who was shocked at the beginning, started to move her head in tandem with them as everyone else sat in stunned silence.

“Oh good lord,” muttered Emily as she facepalmed. “They’re corrupting such an angel.”

“I'm on the highway to hell

Highway to hell

I'm on the highway to hell

Highway to hell”

Jason and Alina were now pretending to drive a car as they continued lip syncing and Alice copied them while bobbing her head.

“No stop signs, speed limit

Nobody's gonna slow me down

Like a wheel, gonna spin it

Nobody's gonna mess me around

Hey Satan, paid my dues

Playing in a rocking band

Hey mama, look at me

I'm on my way to the promised land, whoo!

I'm on the highway to hell

Highway to hell

I'm on the highway to hell

Highway to hell”

The trio continued this antic and when Melanie tried interrupting them by calling Jason out, he raised a hand to stop her before syncing with the next line from the song:

“Don't stop me”

All three them did the air guitar as a solo guitar was playing when Annie returned and smacked both Jason and Alina with her notepad.

“Honestly Jason,” she puffed with her hands on her hips. “First it was Alina, who picked up on your bad habit, and now you’re teaching it to this little girl? Look what you’ve done, dad!”

As she shouted at the kitchen again, Joe stuck a thumbs up again with a grunt, approving of what Jason was teaching.

“It’s a classic,” argued Jason while pointing at the jukebox. “Everyone needs to learn how to appreciate the classics, it’s part of our heritage.”

“Please, you’re not even American,” Annie rolled her eyes.

“Nope, I’m your friendly neighborhood Canadian,” winked Jason which caused Annie to sigh and walk away.

“Too much?” Jason called out to the retreating Annie.

“Too lame!” she shot back and Jason shrugged while giving a non-committal grunt.

“That was … intéressant,” said Michelle while Emily continued covering her face with her hand and Melanie shook her head as though she was she wasn’t sure if she was dreaming.

“I thought you weren’t a rock fan, Alina?” Asami asked.

“Classical music is a completely different genre,” Alina said. “Don’t lump it with anything else.”

Annie returned as Alina tried explaining classical rock with several plates floating near her. As she used magic to place each plate with their order in front of them, she pulled a large parfait that was the size of a large cake from behind her and grinned.

“The deluxe, I-can’t-finish-it strawberry shortcake parfait,” she told Alice who had sparkling eyes as the former set it down in front of her. “Enjoy.”

Michelle lightly drizzled her waffles while Asami dug into her devil’s food with gusto. Both Melanie and Emily stared down at each other’s pudding before trying to eat as elegantly as possible. Alina also got her order as well, which was a big slice of Boston cream pie that she ate with relish. Annie returned with a grimace while holding a large plate that was more than double the size of everyone's’ plates.

“Here’s your … Pound-me,” Annie looked a little annoyed as she placed the plate with a large burger and a mug of rootbeer in front of Jason. Emily choked on her spoonful of pudding while Melanie grinned wickedly.

“Ha, that’s what she said!” Jason grinned and Annie smacked him again. “You’re the one who said it! Besides, it was too good to pass.”

“You’re gonna die if you keep this up.” Annie groaned while looking at the grease loaded burger.

“I’m a growing kid, I need to eat,” fibbed Jason as he dug into his burger. It had two half-pound patties and three thick slices of cheese along with all the toppings possibly available. “Mmm … mmm.”

“You do realize that you’re not a kid anymore, right?” Annie exposed his shameless lie at once with an exasperated look while Jason hummed from his foodgasm.

“Huh, you think?” Jason waved a hand in front of his face in slow motion. As he moved it away, it revealed a face with smooth cheeks, with not a strand of his beard in sight. Without it, Jason looked like a fresh out of high school teen. “What about now, Ms. Anne?”

“Wow,” Annie was stunned. “A beard can make that big of a difference?”

“Yep,” Jason said as he continued eating. “It’s why I keep it. That and the fact that the ladies love how prickly it is. In the right places.”

“Ack,” Alina nearly gagged on her dessert as she glared at him. “No one wants to hear that, dummy.”

“Yeah, I’m more interested in what happened to your beard,” Asami interjected as she glanced at his plate. “Don’t tell me it fell into your plate.”

“Nah,” replied Jason as he took a bite of his burger. “I incinerated it before it even fell.”

Jason stopped chewing as a shudder passed through his back and he felt several intense stares. Looking up, he saw three pairs of eyes studying him ardently with zealous passion: Michelle, Emily, and Melanie. Michelle had the eyes of a star-struck teen who had seen her idol while Emily looked at him longingly as though she was meeting and falling in love with him for the first time. Melanie, on the other hand, sent him a scorching gaze like she could see him naked and she licked her lips when their eyes met.

“On second thought, looking older has its perks,” he said hastily after swallowing his mouthful and forced his stubble to grow back again instantly. Annie smirked at him, that knowing smile on the corner of her face irritating him to no ends.

Before Jason could snap at her, the door opened as a rowdy crowd entered. The one in the center was wearing a white suit with a black shirt that had a few buttons undone. His windswept hair was pulled back and a small smile lingered on his face but it was more reminiscent of a sneer instead. Despite being the leader, the man in a suit didn’t speak as one of his cronies, a skinny punk in a mohawk stepped forward.

“Oi, girlie, you’re late on your fees,” the crony announced. “Pay up, it’s double the amount now, with interest and all.”

“Screw off before my dad comes out and gives you a beating,” Annie rolled her eyes and ignored them.

“Unfortunately, I can't do that Ms. Annie,” the man in the suit said. When Annie turned to look at him he lowered his head slightly in greeting. “Hello, I'm Quentin, a pleasure.”

Quentin opened a hologram and swiped it to Annie, who turned pale after reading it. She bit her lips while looking through the corner of her eyes at Jason, hoping he wasn't paying attention. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw that Jason was still eating his burger but his quiet demeanor indicated that he was listening.

“As you can see, your mother incurred quite a debt before passing away and we have no choice but to collect it somehow,” Quentin explained while gesturing towards Jason's group. The skinny mohawk walked arrogantly to their table and raped on it.

“You blind? Can't you see we're having an important discussion? Fuck off,” he told them.

Michelle narrowed her eyebrows as her hand reached her sidearm while Alina sneered and formed a fist with her hand. Emily tried distracting Alice while Melanie leaned back with a grin. Before anyone could move, Jason kicked the man's shin, forcing him to kneel.

“I seem to recall telling every gang that they see Second Academy's students, they're to run the other way,” Jason said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear. Quentin turned and froze when he heard Jason before sneering.

“Hm? And what makes you think we'd listen to you?” Quentin asked.

“Listen Q-tip-”


“Right. Listen, uh ... Queen's Tin,” Jason sighed as he stood up. He opened a hologram from his watch and lazily tossed it to Quentin. “I'm in a good mood so I don't want to complicate things.”

It was Quentin's turn to pale when he read what was on the hologram. Droplets of sweat trickled down his face as he turned respectful to Jason.

“Sir, apologies, I had no idea who you are,” Quentin said as he lowered his head. “We'll take our leave now.”

“Wait,” Jason called out and Quentin froze, he slowly turned back to Jason with the most flattering smile he could give. “I'll pay off her debt so don't come back here. You do, and next time I'll blow your kneecaps away.”

The punks around Quentin wanted to speak but Jason silenced them with a stare, the killing aura aimed at them nearly caused them to piss in terror.

“Of course, we won't bother Ms. Annie anymore,” Quentin hastily replied while accepting Jason's payment. Very quickly he dragged out the others leaving the diner quiet once more.

“What an eyesore,” Jason muttered as he sat back and chugged his rootbeer. “Nearly lost my appetite.”

Annie, who was nearby walked straight to Jason and looked at him carefully as though she was seeing him for the first time and Jason, visibly uncomfortable, shrugged his shoulders at her.

“What's with that look?” he asked warily.

“You're different than before,” she said after a moment. “If it were the past, you'd break their legs and toss them through a window onto the open road.”

“I'm trying to change,” Jason admitted. “Be a better person. Besides, there's a kid here, I can't possibly smack em in front of her now, can I?”

“No, guess not,” Annie patted Jason on the head while smiling. “I like this version better, kid.”

Jason grumbled at being treated like a child while the others looked on with surprise at seeing such a childish side of him. By this time, everyone had finished eating and were waiting for Alice, who eventually became tearful when she realized that she couldn’t finish her parfait.

“Don’t worry, kid,” Jason ruffled her hair as he cheered her up. “I’ll buy as many as you want later.”

“Promise?” Alice asked with such hopeful eyes that Jason couldn't help but smile.

“Yep, promise,” he said. “But for now, why don’t we go to the amusement park?”

Jason paid the fees and left with everyone else after hugging Annie. As they drove away, a white family SUV started to follow them without drawing too much attention.


The group arrived at the amusement park called Heavenly Park. As they lined up to enter the park, Jason looked at the holo-signboard with narrowed eyes, his thoughts occupied with contemplation.

“Something up?” Alina asked when she noticed him not moving.

“Nothing, just find it ironic is all,” Jason said as he caught up with them.

“What’s ironic?” asked Asami.

“We're bringing Alice to a rabbit hole,” Jason gestured at the mascot for the park: a white hare jumping.

“Isn't this place called Amaterasu's Heavenly Park?” Emily asked bemusedly. “That's Japanese right? What does that have to do with Alice in Wonderland?”

“There's an old legend in the Tottori Prefecture called the Hare of Inaba,” Jason replied while Asami gasped.

“Ooh, I know that story!” Asami exclaimed. “The one where the white hare helps Ōnamuchi marry the princess!”

“That's one version,” Jason said. “There's another and this park's name is based on that legend.

“Once Amaterasu was traveling in Inaba. She was looking for a place to temporarily rest when a white rabbit appeared before her. Following a hunch, she decided to pursue it, feeling as though it would lead her somewhere. And it did. Sound familiar?”

“Comme Alice,” muttered Michelle while looking uncomfortable.

She just noticed how Alice had blonde hair and blue eyes while she wore a blue dress with a white lace collar and cuffs. Observing her, Michelle shuddered when she realized that she looked exactly like how she pictured the character Alice in her mind.

“Well, it's just ironic is all,” shrugged Jason as he waved at them. “C'mon, it's our turn now.”

As they entered the park Jason smirked in exhilaration. He had previously noticed that they were being followed for a while now.

Hmm, this'll be fun, He thought as a feral smile glazed his face for a moment before being replaced with a gentle smile that he gave to the girls.

Melanie was the only one who noticed his ferocity and she bit her lips while her eyes were glossed with anticipation.

Mmm, there's that look, She thought as she looked at him fervently while wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue. That look of joy when thinking of inflicting pain … ah, I can't wait to see that version of you, Jason. The real you. The one I know and love.

[1] AC/DC - Highway to Hell (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMaVii7nnj4)

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