《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 10


Asami and Alice excitedly dragged both Alina and Emily through the crowds, Michelle lagged behind them while Jason and Melanie both walked at a slow pace with him keeping an eye on everyone. Melanie took advantage of the girls' excitement to come closer to Jason. She linked her arms into his and smiled when she noticed him not complaining but staring at her carefully.

“Who are you?” Jason asked her abruptly, his cold eyes bore into hers and she calmly looked back.

“Hmm, what do you mean?” Melanie smiled and he turned to look away.

“You act like you know me,” Jason answered. “We’ve met before … haven’t we?”

“You really don't remember?” Melanie giggled as she lowered her head. Her bangs obscured her face from his view of angle before she looked up at him, revealing her hidden face. “Does this jog your memory?”

Jason looked down at her and despite appearing impassive, his eyebrows betrayed his emotions as he raised them in surprise. Her features hadn't changed, however, the sweet but impish smile along with her gentle disposition had disappeared.

What replaced it was a smile that was curved in a maniacal demeanor, lush with violence and instability and her cold eyes were widened with an obsessive infatuation that was bordering insanity. Jason's memory flashed back to over a decade ago as she slowly licked her lips, exposing the split tongue she had.

Weeks after the failed mission in Budapest, Jason with the help of a local crime lord, managed to locate a group with ties to the mysterious hitmen that killed his team. Attacking their base, he came across several groups of girls cattled together in cages; this group was a gang of scavengers that trafficking girls that were appealing and selling the organs of those that weren't...

Jason grimaced as he entered a small room that was at the center of the fortress. The stench of sweat and piss mixed with blood greeted him as he walked in and observed the chained girl that was barely moving.

Her size and stature told him that she was not even twelve as blood dripped from her mouth and between her legs while her purplish bruised skin informed him of her internal bleeding. Studying her, Jason realized that her wounds were methodic like they were carefully placed at where to hurt her most. It was obvious that the slavers were gutting her as a message to the other prisoners.

Hmmm, they sliced her tongue and stabbed her between the legs, Jason thought. Means they didn't intend to keep her as merchandise, probably cause she showed some spunk... These organ scavengers were clearly planning to kill her after having their fun… fucking hell.

Jason leaned down and used his new powers to try and heal her but he focused it mostly on her legs. As he healed her, she began stirring and, realizing that Jason was near her, she lunged forward and bit his right arm. Her teeth dug into his flesh and her blood mixed with his in her mouth as she stared at him with murderous eyes, eyes that showed her unbreakable resolve and need for vengeance.

“My, what beautiful eyes you have,” he muttered as he forced her jaws open with his free hand. “So, who do you want to kill?”

Jason asked casually, as though he were asking her to choose her favorite ice cream and the girl snarled at him, a look of confusion flitting through her eyes as she watched him heal her.

“You can tell me. After all, we're the same,” Jason whispered as he leaned in and the girl was stupefied as she looked into his eyes. The same dead look was reflected back to hers but whereas her eyes were filled with flaming vengeance, his were that of a black hole, the depth swallowing all light and emotion from its surroundings. “Who you want to kill?”


“Them,” she whispered as she growled like a wounded animal. “I want to kill them all. Cut them, burn them, eat them … I want them to suffer more than anything!”

Jason had a cold smile when he heard her. He understood her emotions and couldn't help but feel like she was a kindred spirit that shared his lust for murder.

“Well, then. Would you like me to do the honors?” he asked as she looked at him bemused. “You're too weak to kill them. So how bout you use me to finish them off?”

“You?” the little girl looked at the boy who was about her age with confusion, not understanding what he meant.

“Just watch,” Jason whispered as he lifted her up and left the room. He placed her against a wall while the surviving traffickers surrounded him.

With his superhuman agility, Jason started stabbing and shooting the scavengers. As he danced and weaved through the opponents, he ensured that each of his attacks were non-lethal but they were debilitating, and each trafficker collapsed with crippling wounds.

The girl watched all this in amazement, her eyes wide with surprise before she began giggling darkly, her malicious laughter full of glee as she witnessed the pain that the traffickers were experiencing. Before long, she began requesting Jason to torture them in different ways and her eyes shone with longing as she watched him follow her demented desires...

“I see,” Jason said as he looked at Melanie in the present. “You've grown up quite well.”

“It was easy,” replied Melanie as she changed back into a sweet girl. “I just needed to wear a mask, just like you.”

Jason looked sideways at her while she smiled at him.

“Is it not the truth?” Melanie continued. “We both pretend to be something that we're not while giving our inner monster a form. A name. Fenrir and Viperess. Ah, we're such a match.”

Melanie blushed with a bashful expression as she covered her cheek with a hand while Jason looked away, a stoic expression on his face.

“I saved you,” he said quietly. “But that doesn't explain your fixation on me.”

Melanie skipped a few steps forward and turned around abruptly. She stood on her tiptoes and grabbed him by his collar, her face merely a centimeter away from his.

“Don't you remember what I said back then?” Melanie asked in a sweet voice while she stared at him with fervor. “I told you ... I dedicate my life, my body, and my soul to you. I'll be anything you want me to be. A soldier, a slave, a pet … it doesn't matter. I'll give you everything, as long as you keep me beside you.”

Jason brushed her hands away while watching her carefully. Truthfully, he helped her achieve vengeance and temporarily stayed with her while she was recuperating but upon realizing that she had an infatuation to him he left without looking back. Mary's betrayal was fresh in his mind and he was too focused on finding the group that slaughtered his brothers to be interested in a romance that wasn’t real.

“And I told you before, I don't need anything like that,” Jason said, his cold voice would have had anyone feel depressed with disappointment but Melanie shuddered with ecstasy. “Besides, what you feel for me isn't love.”

“No, it's not,” agreed Melanie with eyes wide with rapaciousness. “It's an obsession, a passion, an attachment that I have for you. I need you. No ... I want you.”


“Shame I don't feel the same,” Jason said.

“Not yet anyhow,” Melanie whispered. “But I’ll make sure you can’t live without me. That, I promise you.”

“You can try, but it doesn't matter,” Jason shrugged his shoulders, unconcerned over her instability. “I don't care what you feel for me, I will use you to get what I want. So I'll let you play your games for now but ... hurt those near me? And I'll kill you. Deal?”

“Mmm, deal,” Melanie answered with joy before stopping Jason and using him as a support to fix her boot. As she leaned forward, a necklace slid out of her chest and hung downwards.

“Is that … a Vesper?” Jason asked with hesitation when he saw the necklace. He recognized the device that looked like a piece of simple jewelry but was, in fact, a hidden vibrator. [1]

“Oh, you recognized it?” Melanie giggled as she tucked the necklace back into her shirt. She leaned forward and began whispering erotically. “I wore it just for you … and it'll be our little secret now…”

“That's good and all, but we need to catch up to the rest,” Jason acted cold but in truth, his blood was boiling with lust so he steered the topic away before leaving. Melanie smiled as though she had seen through his facade but she didn't reveal it. Her eyes were locked on his figure as she followed him towards everyone else.


Alina who was being dragged by Asami bumped into a boy and apologized offhandedly.

“Alina?” the boy in question said in surprise.

“Ken?!” Alina turned to look at the boy closely and realized that it was her classmate Ken.

Like her, Ken was being dragged by someone else. The girl was a lot younger than him and had his brown hair but it was a shade or two lighter. Her bright hazel eyes glowed with curiosity as she studied Alina and then her brother, Ken, both of whom had slight blushes on their cheeks.

“Who's this? Your girlfriend?” the girl who was about eleven years old teased Ken while stretching the syllables in the last word with emphasis.

“What, no! She's a cla-”

“He's a classmate.”

Both Alina and Ken spoke at the same time, trying to explain it to the girl without realizing they were in sync.

“Uh ... hi, I'm Alina. Ken's classmate,” Alina gave the girl a handshake.

“Hi! I'm Nikki, this blockhead's sister,” Nikki smiled as she shook Alina's hand enthusiastically.

“Oh what a coincidence,” a hand landed on Ken's shoulder while the latter froze with a stiff smile.

Slowly turning, he saw Jason who had just caught up with the rest. Jason's hand started squeezing his shoulder as he gave a smile that did not reach his eyes.

“If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're shadowing my sister, Kenny boy,” Jason continued while Ken had cold sweat dripping from his brows. “But that's impossible, right?”

“Yep, that is impossible,” Nikki interrupted and Jason turned to look at her. “He's too dense and naive to plan that. Plus, coming to the park was my idea.”

“Little sister?” Jason asked her after studying her face and she nodded. Jason had a sympathetic look as he patted her shoulders. “Wow, it must be hard on you.”

“Tell me about it,” nodded Nikki. “But it's also fun sometimes. Like, when I told him Santa didn't exist, hehe. And wanna know the best part? He was thirteen!”

“Nikki!” Ken protested with a red face while Alina tried and failed to wipe her smile with the sleeve of her shirt.

“Speaking of which, who are you?” Nikki asked Jason, realizing that she didn't know him.

“Jason. Her brother,” Jason used his thumb to gesture at Alina who rolled her eyes. Nikki looked at Alina, then Jason, and finally at the girls in the group before patting Alina's shoulder with sympathy.

“Wow, I feel sorry for you,” Nikki told Alina. “Must be exhausting.”

“I know, right? What's worse, they're supposed to be my friends!” Alina agreed and complained to Nikki who nodded in understanding.

“I also deal with that all the time,” she said. “Problem with having a good-looking older brother, eh?”

“Uh, we can hear you,” Asami called out trying to remind to two that everyone could hear them.

“We know.”

“That's the point.”

Both Alina and Nikki answered at the same time.

The two giggled and playfully argued with the other girls when a couple approached the group and calling out to Nikki and Ken.

“Parents?” Jason asked Ken quietly. The couple seemed to be too young to be Ken’s parents and Ken shook his head, confirming Jason’s suspicions as he checked to see if Nikki overheard them.

“No, my- our parents passed away,” he answered in a low voice. “That's our uncle and auntie, they look after us now.”

“Huh,” Jason looked at Ken as he swallowed the lump forming in his throat. “Just like our parents.”

As Ken stood in shock trying to process what Jason said, the latter walked to the couple and shook their hands while smiling.

“Hi, Jason Sage, Ken's teacher,” Jason introduced himself.

“Mr. Sage, a pleasure to meet you,” Ken's uncle introduced himself formally. “I'm Robert Jones and this is my wife Susan.”

“This is my sister and Ken’s classmate, Alina,” Jason shook their hands before grabbing Alina and placing her in their sights.

“Oh my,” Susan appeared to notice something as she raised a hand to her mouth while studying both Alina and Ken alternatively. Robert then seemed to realize it as well due to his wife’s ambiguous manner and he discreetly gave Ken a thumbs up.

“Well, now that we’re here, why don’t we split up?” Jason suggested out loud while clapping his hand to gather everyone’s attention before turning to Ken’s guardians. “Let’s see, why don’t you two enjoy a date together and let the kids hang out alone?”

“I’m not too sure,” Susan answered while looking at the gathered group and Robert said nothing, he was waiting for his wife to make the decision but his eyes showed his eagerness to accept Jason's proposal.

“Don’t worry, Melanie here is the Academy’s President and Michelle over there is an AEM officer-in-training,” Jason reassured Susan while gesturing at the girls. “Besides, I know what it’s like to raise kids, you two need to relax and have some time to yourselves. Away from prying eyes.”

“True,” Robert agreed while holding Susan’s hand. “We recently got back together after a long separation so …”

“Alright, but what about you, Mr. Sage?” Susan asked while pinching Robert’s hand to silence him.

“Please, call me Jason,” Jason said as he smiled politely. “Unfortunately, I need to attend a holo-meeting with the principal so I can’t join them. I’ll catch up with everyone after a while.”

“Jason …” Alina, along with the other girls, realized something was wrong and called out to him but Jason stopped her by raising a hand. “Alle, we came to show Alice how to have fun and I don’t want to spoil things, ok? Besides, this is a perfect time for you and Kenny, so enjoy it.”

“Je viendrai,” Michelle said as she stepped towards him but Jason shook his head.

“No, you all enjoy yourselves, let the adults handle it,” he said firmly. The girls realized he wouldn’t budge and simply told him to be careful. Jason smiled at them before turning to look at Asami seriously.

“Protect Alle’s first kiss alright?” he said. “Don’t let him steal it.”

“Leave it to me!” Asami patted her chest as she spoke. “I’ll keep her chastity for myself- ouch!”

Michelle grabbed Asami into a headlock with her right arm, choking her into silence before she could finish her sentence while everyone else processed the information.

“Oh my,” Susan said again. “Looks like you have some competition, Ken.”

As Ken’s family teased him and Jason prepared to leave, both Emily and Melanie walked to Jason’s side and they made no moves to join the others.

“You two…” Jason looked at them with a wry smile when Melanie interrupted him.

“You just said let the adults handle it, well aren’t I an adult too?” Melanie grabbed Jason’s arm and spoke but frowned when she saw his confused face. “I am twenty-two … you haven’t forgotten, have you?”

“You’re really …? Huh, that’s … interesting,” mumbled Jason under his breath causing Melanie to pout. Her occasional bouts of immaturity and her appearance fooled him into thinkning she was younger.

“I’m an adult too,” Emily said as she held his other arm. “I’ll join you too.”

“As much as I'd love to have you both in my arms, I'll have to decline,” Jason ushered the two back to the others much to their dismay. “Melanie, you need to keep everyone safe, and Emily-”

“Right, I'll only slow you down,” Emily finished quietly, her hand which was still grasping Jason's arm tightened, and unconsciously her nails began digging into his flesh.

Of course, there's no use for some useless Esper in this situation, She thought, the feeling of powerlessness crushing her chest. He just wants to keep me safe along with the others … and I can't do nothing to help him. I'm just the damsel in distress that he saved.

Jason, who sensed the turmoil in her, raised a hand and placed it on her cheek, surprising Emily as she widened her eyes.

“I need you to look after Alice,” Jason said quietly. “She needs mental support right now and she likes you more everyone else.”

Emily nodded absentmindedly as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth flowing from his hand. She hoped this moment would last longer but Jason pulled away and patted her head.

“Besides, I trust you,” he whispered in a low voice that only she could hear, causing her to blush as his musky scent entranced her. Jason leaned back and waved his hand as he walked away.

“Quite popular, isn't he?” Robert muttered before looking at Nikki apprehensively, fearing that she would find Jason attractive.

“As I recall, you were also quite popular too,” Susan smiled as she wrapped her arms around his and hugged him with her chest enveloping it.

“True, well, you kids take care,” Robert had a silly smile on his face before saying his goodbyes to the girls and winking at Ken. “Oh, and good luck, kid.”

“This is awkward,” Ken muttered after a moment of silence. He just realized that he was the only guy there and he couldn't help but shrink closer to the edge of the group.

“So… I'm going to take Alice to the merry-go-round. Coming, Michelle?” Emily took Alice's hand and walked off while giving Alina a knowing look.

“Oui,” Michelle joined them as Nikki jogged after them.

“Hey, wait for me! I wanna ride the horses too!” Nikki lied as she ran off, only pausing to give Ken a smirk. Ken raised his hand and was about to call out but she had disappeared into the crowd.

“Don't look at me, I ain't running off,” Asami caught Ken looking at her and replied quickly.

“So … uh, what's up?” Ken asked awkwardly as he looked around.

“Uh … well … wait. Where's Melanie?” Alina stuttered before realizing that Melanie was nowhere in sight.

“You don't think … ?” Asami and Alina exchanged glances before coming to the same conclusion.


Jason narrowed his eyes, his killing aura locked on Melanie who smiled back amorously. His eyebrows were slightly arched with anger as his mouth twitched.

“Didn't I say to keep an eye on the others? What are you doing here?” a chill radiated around Jason causing passersby to give them both some space as they circled around them.

“They decided to split up so I decided to come here,” Melanie replied. “I didn't know you'd be here, honest!”

“Alice?” Jason asked.

“With Emily and Michelle,” Melanie said. “Don't worry, we're too exposed at the moment. They'll make a move once we leave the carnival.”

Jason grunted but didn't reply, his eyes were focused on a bench nearby where a man and woman were sitting and eating. The man was wearing a cap and the woman had a hoodie, both of which partially covered their faces.

“Your men?” Jason asked.

“You mean ours, right? And no, they're not Council cleaners,” Melanie sighed as she answered, Jason’s question had disappointed her. It proved that he was still a lone wolf at heart, never trusting or relying on anyone. “What will you do with them?”

“Isn’t that obvious?” Jason started walking towards them and Melanie watched him eagerly. As he passed a crowd, his features had changed. He now had a sunburnt, freckled complexion with a bald and beardless face.

Jason pulled a cigar and tried lighting it up with an antique lighter while facing the two spies. The faint clicking noise was hidden by the sound of the flint hitting the stone, and the sound of two light zips occurred soon after. A split second later, the two spies rubbed their exposed skin while looking around, assuming that they were bitten by an insect.

As Jason continued walking past them, he put the lighter away and tossed the cigar into a trash bin while Melanie reappeared next to him and latched onto his arm. His features slowly shifted back as Melanie watched him voraciously.

“Impressive,” Melanie sighed with passion. “But what was that? Poison?”

“Hmm, my own brew,” Jason nodded. “They'll have a stroke soon.”

“Mmm… I really enjoy watching you work,” Melanie purred.

“Then this time I'll watch you work,” Jason said as he looked ahead, while slightly moved to head to indicate that they were being followed.

“Hmm, alright. But let's have some fun while I'm at it,” Melanie said softly as she dragged Jason to the haunted house attraction, and the two spies also stalked in after them.

[1] I shit you not, these things exist: (https://www.amazon.ca/Crave-Vesper-Vibrator-Necklace-Silver/dp/B00PR3QK3G?th=1)

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