《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 8


Back at the penthouse, Alina and the others woke up early despite it being a Saturday. Emily was once again in the kitchen, Alina was sitting opposite of Alice who was playing with a rubber ducky while Michelle sat near them while cleaning her gun and Asami was lazing on the sofa like a cat.

“It's Saturday, should've slept in more,” muttered Alina, rubbing her puffy eyes.

“Good idea,” yawned Asami while stretching. “I sleep, you and Em babysit Alice.”

Alina rolled her eyes and turned to look at Alice instead. Her bright blue eyes were focused on Captain Quack, an old ducky that Jason had brought for her when she was younger. As soon as Alice found it in the spare room among a box of old toys, she had grown attached to it and didn't let it leave her hands.

“Hey Alice, I have an idea!” Alina beamed at Alice with the biggest smile she could muster. “Why don't we take Captain Quack Quack here and see if he can swim upstairs!”

Alice's eyes widened at the idea and she nodded eagerly, taking Alina's hand and heading upstairs. Emily watched them go up with a smile, thinking it was good that Alice finally accepted everyone else.

Suddenly a large shadow flew through the window, landing on the floor near it. Asami screamed and fell head first off the sofa while Michelle, hearing her scream, turned towards the figure and aimed her gun. Emily, on the other hand, threw the spatula she was holding at the intruder but missed miserably.

“Jason?!” All three responded as the man in question drove forward and caught the spatula that was about to hit the ground.

“Wha-? What're you girls doing here? You know what, I don't care. I need a shower.” Jason exhaustingly looked at all three of them before heading to the stairs.

“Wait a sec, did you just come through the window?!” exclaimed Asami in disbelief.

“Faster than the elevator. Besides, I was already up in the sky,” replied Jason as he continued walking while Alina, hearing the commotion, ran down to check on them.

“Where have you been? I was worried!” Alina asked Jason as she came down.

“Out. Working. Doing stuff,” replied Jason evasively. As he tried passing Alina, she caught a sniff of the strange smell on him with a hint of perfume.

“Oh? Does that work also concern working with a chick? Cause you stink like sex to me,” Alina interrogated. A large clatter was heard from the kitchen, catching everyone's attention. Emily accidentally knocked her mug of coffee down, spilling it all over the counter.

“Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt,” Emily apologized while cleaning her mess.

“I'm not having this conversation,” Jason told Alina while walking up the stairs. As the two went upstairs, Asami approached Emily.

“You okay?” She asked.

“Hm? Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?” Answered Emily distractedly.

“Why would you be?” Asked Asami back. “Look, me and Michelle, we like looking at him. We even have a crush on him but that's all. It's just a crush. But c'mon Emily, we've all seen the way -.”

“Asami,” interrupted Emily quietly while walking away. “We're not talking about this.”

Wowsers, she's just like him sometimes, Thought Asami when a smack came from behind and hit her head. “Ow, what was that for?!”

“Nothing,” said Michelle while sitting back and dismantling her gun.

Upstairs, Alina followed Jason while probing him again about last night.


“You were with Ms. Silvia last night, weren't you?” She interrogated.

“Wha- no. Course not. Where did that come from?” Jason asked back, half exasperated and half amused while taking his shirt off. “And don't let her hear you say things like that, it'd just make things awkward.”

“You're right, it can't be her. No way would she sleep with you so quickly. Then did you go to a -”

“No,” Jason firmly replied. “And stop asking.”

“Fine, but you should know yesterday we -”

“Got into a fight? Went dancing with Kenny boy? I'll let it slide this time.”

“No, we found a litt -”

“I told you before, you can keep it if you can take care of it. And it can only be a cat, dogs hate me, and the feeling is mutual.”

“Can you let me fin-”

“Is that the sink water running? Did you not close the tap?”

Jason walked to the bathroom and opened the door. Alice was standing atop a small kid's stool and was playing with Captain Quack in the sink, which was plugged and full of water. She heard the door and turned to it beaming, thinking it was Alina, but froze when she saw Jason and started looking up at him in awe.

“Well, that's uh, one hell of kitten you brought back,” said Jason.

“Like I tried telling you, we found a kid!” Alina completed, fully annoyed.


“Wait a se- haha, you think she's my kid?” Jason broke out laughing, to no one's amusement. They were all back in the living room. Alice was sitting in Emily's lap while the others sat nearby. Jason, pulling a seat from the dining table, sat down and listened to their entire story.

“She said your name for her parents,” Alina said.

“Yeah, but that doesn't mean she's mine. Kids usually have a trait or a look, no matter how small, that they inherit from their parents. Look at her! If the color of her hair or eyes were similar to mine, I'd believe you. But …”

Everyone looked at Alice and realized he was right, there was nothing similar about them.

“Of course, she could be a kid of someone I … was ... with. So, uh, step-kid, in this case.” Jason added, causing every person to nearly fall from their seats.

“Start off with that next time!” Alina grumbled.

“But I don't think so, she's too …” Jason frowned as he studied Alice who was still looking at him in awe. It seems his charms worked on kids too.

“What is it?” Asked Emily worriedly.

“I'm not sure, but … don't you think she's too perfect looking?”

“That just means she's really pretty, right?” Asami answered, confused about what Jason was pointing out.

“Maybe. Emily, I'll be taking her now.” Jason said as he stepped forward to pick Alice up from Emily.

“Wait, where are we taking her?” Alina asked.

“Somewhere safe and not obvious like a penthouse?” Jason sarcastically replied.

“Wait, what?”

“It was stupid of you to bring her here, especially when you know she's being pursued.” Jason lectured.

“Are you kidding me? Then what were we supposed to do?!” Alina shot back, annoyed.

“You know about the dozen or so safehouses I have around the city right?” Jason replied.

“Yeah but -” Alina turned to look at her friends, hesitant to continue.

“It'd be alright for them to know one safehouse Alina,” Jason told Alina. “And for their safety too, you never know when they might need it.”


“I trust them, I just don't want them mixed up in our crap!” Alina said angrily.

“That's not for you to decide,” Emily said to Alina firmly.

“Yeah! If our friend's in trouble then 'course we'd help!” followed Asami. Michelle merely nodded and gestured to her gun, implying that she was ready for anything.

“I - alright,” muttered Alina, a warm feeling gushing in her chest. “Thanks, guys.”

“Alright, let's get a move on, her pursuers should know she's here,” Jason said as he lifted Alice with one arm, preparing to take her out and the others followed behind him.

He guided them to the basement and into the garage, where he told them to get into the Baron. Opening the rear door, the others became shocked by the luxury that was displayed inside the vehicle. Two large three-seaters were placed opposite to one another and there was a small cabinet in the middle acting as a small table.

“Oh wow, this so cool!” Asami squealed as she entered. Looking up she saw a holographic screen that covered the entire roof. Right now, it was showcasing the stars twinkling in the night.

“Wow, this is like a limo,” Emily replied as she took Alice from Jason and fixed her into a seat.

“Non, it is a tank pretending to be a limousine,” Michelle denied, her eyes on the plating outside the vehicle.

“Hm, as expected, you are keen,” Jason complimented her. “The first of this vehicle was crafted as a luxurious vehicle from the Karlmann series. Later, they created another version called the General. It was an armored version but had none of the speed or flexibility of the King. So, I custom ordered one that was in the middle of both and then added a few … improvements. I call it the Baron.”

As Jason was explaining the Baron's spec, he stopped Alina from sitting in the front seat.

“Not this time Alle, I need you in the back. Michelle gets to ride shotgun.” Jason said to Alina while gesturing at Michelle.

“What? Why?” Asked Alina.

“She's easy on the eyes and knows how to shoot?” suggested Jason and his compliment had Michelle blushing.

“Argh, fine. At least I get to sit next to my niece,” Alina moved to sit in the back while she retorted.

“She's not m- ah fuck it,” muttered Jason as he and Michelle also entered the Baron. Driving out into the city, Jason drove at a constant pace while studying his surroundings.

“Alle, are you sure she was being pursued?” Jason asked as he passed a green light.

“Yeah, they were about a dozen of them, dressed in loose clothes to hide their guns. Why?” She replied.

“Assuming that their mercenaries or government agents, they should have known her location by now … but …”

“Could they be tapping through the système surveillance?” suggested Michelle while looking out the window.

“No, this car has a scrambler device that prevents any camera or monitoring device from detecting it. What?” asked Jason when he noticed everyone staring at him. “In any case, I don't think she's being traced.”

“So, we're safe?” Asked Asami and Jason nodded. He then looked at a holo-screen that showed up on the dashboard when he stopped at a red light.

The screen was connected to a camera at the back seat and Jason was watching Alice as she looked out the windows and into the streets in amazement. Her eyes were locked on a specific holo-ad that was showcasing the only amusement park in Sanctuary.

Her eyes, He thought. It's like she's seeing all this for the first time.

In his mind, a younger version of himself overlapped with Alice’s figure. He wondered if he had that same look when Elizabeth had taken him to his first concert where she was performing. A honking noise from the car behind them interrupted his thoughts and Jason suddenly swirled the wheel, turning the car into a U-turn.

“Jason?” Asked Alina as he continued driving.

“Just a thought,” he said. “Since we're in the clear, we don't have to rush to the safehouse right? So why don't we spend the day hanging out?”

“Yes! Let's do that!” said Asami enthusiastically. “So what's first?”

“Let's have you guys teach Alice the joys of shopping. And not window shopping, real shopping.” Jason said as he drove to a posh store called Elegance.

Parking near the store, Jason pulled Alice out and held her in his arms as he waited for the others to exit the car. Emily, who had just come out of the car froze in place with Michelle and Asami next to her. The store was large with four stories and had everything a girl could dream of. However, the luxurious almost aristocratic vibe the place emitted told them that the cost was beyond their price range.

Jason and Alina continued walking before looking back and calling out to them. The three looked at each other and then decided to follow them, choosing to just window shop there.

As all six of them entered, customers and saleswomen all turned to look at Jason. He was wearing a white t-shirt that hugged his body, showing the sculpted muscular lines around his chest and abdomen. On top of that was a dark brown suede jacket, it's biker style with a high collar stressed his broad shoulders and large biceps. The fact that he was gently holding an adorable child in his arms while smiling only served to heighten his attractiveness.

At the same time, every man looked at him enviously as he was surrounded by five gorgeous girls, each one a stunning beauty that complimented one another instead of overpowering each other. Every man in the store wished they could trade places with Jason if only to enjoy the feeling of being in the middle of that harem for a short while.

As they continued walking to the clothing section a man dressed in makeup and wearing high heels approached them.

“Jason, dear, you should have told me that you were coming, I would've dressed more appropriately for the occasion!” The man giggled effeminately as he looked at Jason and then at Alina. “And it's always good to see you too, sweetie.”

“Charles- I mean Charlotte,” Jason corrected himself midway when he saw Charlotte's sad face. “Sorry I showed up uninvited, and you look great by the way. But … uh, I was looking for some new clothes for my ... friends here. Girls, this is Charlotte, the son of Mrs. Clarence, owner of the Elegance Brand.”

“Oh, what lovely girls you've brought Jason!” Charlotte said while studying the girls who each nodded and introduced themselves. “I can just imagine how lovely they'd look all dressed up. Tell you what, I'll do their makeup free of charge once they've selected their clothes, hm?”

“That's sweet of you Charlotte but it's unnecessary,” Jason gestured to Charlotte and whispered something into his ears causing him to giggle.

“Oh, I see. In that case, I'll give you a discount instead,” said Charlotte.

“Thanks Charlotte, I owe you,” replied Jason. He then followed Charlotte while gesturing at the girls to do the same.

“Uh, we're just looking around, but we do need clothes for Alice here,” interrupted Emily.

“No, we're here to buy clothing for everyone. I'll be paying so don't worry about the price and no, you can't reject it,” Jason added when he saw Emily opening her mouth. “Think of it as a thank you gift for looking out after Alle.”

“Omg, I love you,” said Asami as she hugged Jason quickly before slowing down and walking close to Alina.

“Didn't know your brother swings both ways, that's pretty badass!” she whispered to Alina in a voice only the girls could hear.

“He doesn't,” whispered Alina back. “But that doesn't mean he won't get hit on. Besides, Charlotte is already married.”

“Damn, and it was the perfect BL moment,” cursed Asami under her breath.

“What?” asked Alina, confused over the word Asami said.

“Nothing!” Asami tried whistling but ended up failing and only blowing air out of her mouth. Michelle, on the other hand, started whistling clearly which earned her Asami's ire.

As they passed a few shirts, Jason paused and lifted one off by the hanger. It was a green tank top with a collar that looked like a V-neck. He turned the tag to read what it said: ruffled cap sleeve with sweetheart neckline tank top - green, 100% silk.

“Hmm,” he said as he appraised it. Turning to Emily, he put it near her while looking her over with a smile. “This would look good on you.”

Emily slightly blushed as Charlotte turned and gasped.

“Yes! What a brilliant choice for your girl! The neck and arms would show off your brilliant white skin while the green would complement your stunning eyes! And the neckline would immediately draw eyes to your well-endowed bosoms! Oh, and the size must be perfect! It must hug your waist, displaying your hourglass figure!” Charlotte ranted while spinning around Emily.

Finally, he dashed to the display, looking for one with the perfect size. While this was occurring, a petite figure grabbed Jason's arm and hugged him tightly, pushing her perfect sized breasts onto him. Jason turned and looked at the new girl with a puzzled look.

“Hey handsome,” Melanie purred as leaned into him. “Miss me?”

Melanie was wearing a black leather vest that was shaped like a corset top, gray-blue jeans that we skin tight, and knee-high leather boots. With the light makeup and bedroom styled hair, she was the very definition of sex appeal. In fact, Jason's mind couldn't help but remember the steamy moment he previously had with her, which ironically was the first day he met her.

Alina and Michelle frowned while Asami took a photo and Emily simply walked away, one hand holding Alice, another with the shirt Jason had picked.

Jason studied Melanie's eyes, looking for a gleam that would inform him if this meeting was intentional. He was worried that the Council was somehow involved with Alice and had sent Melanie to observe them.

“What are you doing here?” Jason asked, his casual voice betraying not even a hint of his thoughts.

“Shopping of course,” she replied while using a finger to trace circles on his abdomen. “I just bought this outfit, what do you think?”

“Obviously he can't see it. Maybe if you’d stop hugging him like a koala, he'd get a better view,” Alina said as she tried walking in between the two to separate them.

“I don't see him complaining,” Melanie said with a smirk forming on her face. “Speaking of which, are you jealous? Would you like to hug him like this too?”

“What?!” Alina froze, stunned.

“I'm just asking if you like Jason, really like him. After all, you two aren't really related so there's no harm, right?” Melanie teased while winking.

“That’s not it!” shouted Alina angrily, shocking everyone nearby into silence. With her head looking down, Alina turned away. “I’m going to the sports section.”

The quietness continued for a moment as Melanie extracted herself off Jason, a guilty expression on her face.

“Sorry,” she said. “I didn’t -”

Jason shook his head to indicate his understanding before leaving to look for Alina. He found her on a leather cushioned bench with her head down still down. Seatings like these were available all over the store but were usually for men exhausted of shopping with their woman for hours on end.

“You ok, kid?” Jason asked as he sat down beside her. He raised his hand causing a formless barrier to gather around them, giving them both some privacy.

“I’m fine,” Alina said as she slightly shifted away from him. “Never been better.”

“Hmm,” Jason said nothing but looked at her before stroking her head. “You never liked anyone getting close to me, why?”

“It’s nothing,” replied Alina while lifting her legs upwards and hugging her knees. “I just don’t like the girls you pick, that’s all.”

“You’re a terrible liar,” grinned Jason. “You always avoid looking at me and you have this cute wrinkle on your nose and your eyebrows scrunch up whenever you lie.”

Alina rolled eyes and turned her head away from him, but Jason put an arm around her and pulled her closer to him.

“C’mon, talk to me. We’re family,” Jason said as he started stroking her head again.

“Are we? We’re not even real siblings,” Alina said tearfully. “How do I know you won’t leave me too?”

“That won’t happen,” Jason said firmly. “Not unless I die. Or you die. Or I end up going insane. Huh, I’d better shut up.”

“I’m scared,” Alina whispered into her knees, ignoring Jason’s horrendous attempt at lightening the mood. “I’m just scared of things changing. Between us, between you and … whoever it is. What if you like her more than me? What if you start hating me?”

Jason laughed as he hugged her tighter before kissing her on the head. He then leaned his head on her, and they sat together like that for a moment.

“I’ll admit, I’m a terrible brother,” Jason said after a while. “I haven’t been spent as much time with you as I should but that doesn’t change the fact that I love you. And I always will, Alle.”

“Yeah, you really are terrible,” laughed Alina while shaking him off. “I still remember the first cake you tried baking for my birthday. Or was it a big cookie?”

“It was a supposed to be crunchy like that!” Jason argued defensively. “It was a new kinda cookie-like cake! Cakie!”

Alina continued laughing as she stood up, stretching herself before looking at Jason again.

“Thanks, big bro,” she said while smiling.

“Anytime sis,” he replied as he stood up too and ruffled her hair again. “So, ready to join the others?”

“Nah, I’m gonna stay here and check out some hoodies. And I still don’t like Melanie, there’s something up with her,” Alina grumbled.

“Very perceptive,” Jason said as he lowered the barrier. “She’s just like me.”

“You mean-” Alina froze and turned to look at him in shock while he nodded at her.

“Yes, she’s a hunter like me. Her codename is Viperess,” Jason confirmed as he sent a private message to Alina’s holo-lens. The message, a file with Melanie’s information, appeared on Alina’s irises, ensuring that no one else could read it. Alina’s eyes widened as she skimmed through the briefing:

Melanie Sofia da Pérez: Designated: Sigma - 02, Spectre Class Assassin, codenamed: Viperess.

“And she’s probably here to monitor Alice,” Jason added.

“So what do we do then?” asked Alina as she furrowed her brows. They both looked over at the others who had all gathered near Alice, each fawning over the blue ruffled dress she was wearing.

“Relax,” Jason said smoothly and his eyes narrowed when he saw Alice. “If she tries anything, I’ll tie her up and all.”

“Why do I get the feeling that’s what you’re really after?” Alina looked at Jason with suspicion in her eyes.

“It’s a coincidence,” replied Jason while waving his arms.

“Right… nothing to do with you wanting to punish her sexually?”

“It’s a coincidence is all,”

“Yeah huh, a coincidence…”

“Yep. That’s right.”

“You’re an asshole,”

“I love you too, kid.”


While Alina and Jason were bonding, Michelle turned to Asami and gestured with her head towards Melanie. Asami, understanding her, quickly approached Melanie and grabbed her arm.

“Say, Mel,” Asami grinned while pulling her arm. “I was wondering if you could help me pick a dress…”

As a reluctant Melanie was dragged away by Asami, Michelle walked to Emily who was now alone since Charlotte had taken Alice to Jason.

“L'avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt,” she said to Emily.

“What do you mean by that?” asked Emily after her Holo-lens translated the french comment.

“Why do you hesitate? You like him, non?” Michelle asked back.

“First Asami and now you,” Emily rolled her eyes as she continued browsing for clothes. “Why are you two doing this?”

“Juste curieux,” answered Michelle as she leaned on a pillar. “There is ... an attraction between you two.”

“It doesn’t matter, it wouldn’t work,” sighed Emily. “You’ve heard the rumors about me, what was it again? A salope?”

“Sorry,” Michelle lowered her head in shame as she remembered what she had called Emily long ago.

“Why? It’s the truth. I’ve slept with a lot of guys and more still want me in bed. And of course, all the girls hate me for that,” Emily said in an unconcerned manner before turning to look at Michelle. “Do you really think I can be with someone like him? I’m alright with just knowing he doesn’t hate me.”

“Did Jason tell you his past?” asked Michelle.

“No, why?” Emily tilted her head confused.

“He told us, au début,” Michelle looked away as she leaned back. “He was a child soldat.”

“What?” Emily was shocked as she turned to look at Michelle.

“Oui, he was raised by mercenaires, raised to be a killer,” Michelle sighed as she continued. “I have seen what killing does to mon frère, and I can’t imagine how he feels. So, tell me, which do you think is worse? A salope, or a tueur?”

Emily was quiet as she pondered on Michelle’s words while the latter approached her and laid a hand on her shoulders.

“Avoir du courage,” Michelle said.

“So, basically, you’re telling me to make a move before Melanie?” asked Emily.

“Oui,” nodded Michelle but Emily smirked as she looked away, surprising her.

“You don’t have to worry, I already have Jason’s attention,” Emily shrugged. “And if worse comes to worst, I’ll just sleep with him.”

“Wow, vous les filles êtes effrayantes,” muttered Michelle as she shuddered.

“You know you’re one too,” said Emily amusedly when she noticed Jason, Alice, Alina, and Charlotte walking towards them.

Currently, Alina had changed her outfit, from the hoodie to a new sweatshirt and jogging pants that were slightly formfitting. A gleam flashed through Emily’s eyes as she took a breath and walked to a changing room with an outfit in her hands.

“She okay?” Alina asked Michelle while gesturing at the changing room. Jason, bored, lifted Alice and spun her around while she laughed.

“Oui,” Michelle nodded but then studied Alina. “What do you think of Emily?”

“She’s cool, nice and fun. Why?” Alina replied.

“Sans reason,” replied when Asami and Melanie returned. Asami was now wearing a pink flared dress with a white bolero on top of it, her outfit giving her cute vibe.

“Nice,” commented Alina.

“Trompeur,” added Michelle. Asami rolled her eyes and was about to retort when Emily came out of the changing room.

She was wearing a white version of the sweetheart shirt Jason had picked and a black mini-skirt. She also wore black stockings that were curiously sheer from the knees and up to her thighs leading his eyes to her slightly flared mini skirt.

“Well, how does it look?” She asked as she noticed everyone looking at her. Michelle looked at Emily’s well-endowed chest and sighed.

“La vie n'est pas juste,” she muttered as she looked down at her own chest.

“What do you mean?” asked a smirking Emily innocently as she leaned forward while placing her arms at her side and squeezing them, emphasizing her breasts. Jason, who was still holding Alice, peeked at her breasts from the corner of his eyes until he noticed Alina’s glare.

“Cow-tits,” muttered Melanie in an audible voice.

“Oh?” Emily turned to Melanie and smiled. “It’s better than trying to dress like an adult.”

“Now what could you possibly mean by that?” asked Melanie with narrowed eyes. Emily looked at Melanie from top to bottom.

“Tight jeans and a corset to draw out your chest. Obviously, you’re trying to prove that you’re older than you … look,” Emily said while smiling sweetly. “It’s very cute of you to do that.”

“Well, you know, I’d rather not show off those lumps of fat if I were you,” replied Melanie in an equally endearing voice. “They make you look old.”

“Oh, but the boys love it,” countered Emily in a voice as sweet as honey while the two drew near each other.

Despite speaking and smiling sweetly at each other, the two had veins popping on their foreheads while sparks flew around them. Everyone took a step back from them while Jason slipped away with Alice, not willing to step on the landmine.

“Huh, he ran away,” Asami was the only one who noticed Jason’s escape and commented on it, drawing Emily and Melanie’s attention. “That’s weird, isn't the protagonist supposed to step in and stop the catfight while inviting them both to his harem?”

Silence reigned as Asami shrunk from the glares Alina and Emily sent her while Melanie paused to think about.

“Hmm, that’s not a bad plan,” Melanie said thoughtfully causing everyone to look at her in shock. “I never considered him as being exclusively mine, he’s too popular for that.

And besides,” Melanie turned to look at Emily and smirked. “It’s always more fun to be the mistress.”

“Let’s … just catch up with him,” Alina stopped the two and walked towards the direction Jason had fled to. Emily and Melanie exchanged glares at each other before following her.

The group eventually found him near the jacket section with some clothes on his hand. Both Melanie and Emily placed themselves within his eyesight, hoping they'd catch his eyes, but Jason turned to Michelle and smiled.

“Hey, I saw these and couldn't help but think of you. Try it out,” he said as he pulled a camo jacket and placed it with the rest of the outfit into her hands.

Michelle took a step back when she noticed Emily and Melanie staring at her before she looked back at Jason, who had an evil twinkle in his eyes. He had a ‘I'm taking you down with me’ look on his face that made her realize that he knew she had encouraged Emily.

“Devez-vous me conduire à la potence?” she asked Jason.

“Avant ou après avoir encouragé cette révolte?” he asked back. Michelle sighed and took the clothing before she paused.

“Attendre, how you know my size?” she asked as she turned to face Jason. The stares all around him intensified when they heard her.

“Oh, guess I never mentioned it,” replied Jason as he ignored the stares he was getting. “But I once worked as a bouncer in a … women’s establishment. And I learned a very ... unique skill while there: how to judge a woman’s size just by looking.”

“C'est impossible,” denied Michelle.

“Is it, 32-26-34? Oh, and it’s a 32B,” Jason added with a smile. Immediately, Michelle took a step back in horror while both Asami and Melanie looked at him eagerly.

“Hey can you tell me mine?” asked Melanie seductively.

“36-22-34,” Jason said as he looked at her bust, waist, and hip. “It must be hard being a C-cup while having such a thin waist.”

“Oh, me, me!” Asami cried excitedly before realizing what she said. “I mean no, no! Not me! Not like that. Teach me that skill!”

“Sure. First, you learn how to undress and dress about fifty women twice every day. Then, you learn how to tuck in a bra properly for all sizes, I’m talking from A to H-cups. Then you go shopping for each of those ladies all on your own and get their clothes ... “Jason spoke in a flat monotone voice as he explained to Asami.

“Wow, now I feel bad for you,” Asami said before exploding. “GODDAMNIT! I wanna strip fifty girls! I wanna have my own harem!”

A rubber bullet ended her hysterics as Michelle lowered her gun and entered the changing room, but not before turning to Jason and giving him a flushed look mired with embarrassment and shame.

“You are a pervertir,” she told him in a low voice.

“I’m a pervert?” Jason asked bemused and everyone nodded vehemently in response. Alice, who was next to Jason, started patting his knees, the only place that she could reach.

“It's ok, I still lub you,” she said, trying to cheer Jason up. Everyone's heart melted as they 'aww-ed’ and ‘ooh-ed’ while Jason smiled and patted her head while she giggled.

“Thanks, kiddo,” he said to her. “I feel better already.”

Michelle emerged wearing green khaki pants with a black tank and a camo jacket over it. With the sleeves of the jacket pulled up and her hair done in a high ponytail, she looked valiant and stylish.

“Well, now that we’re all set, let’s pay up and get something to eat,” Jason took a beige cardigan and passed it to Emily before turning to Charlotte. “Thanks, Charlotte, I owe you.”

“Don’t mention it, dear. I still haven’t paid you back for saving my moms,” Charlotte said as he hugged Jason. “Remember to stop by whenever you have the time, I’m sure both of them would appreciate it.”

“I’ll try,” Jason replied. “Take care, Charlotte.”

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