《Harry Potter And The Immortal》Chapter 7: Self tought


Chapter 7

It was time for charms class today they were learning the beauty spell.

Alex was sitting once again with Hermione since Ron and Harry had a different class unfortunately the four friends were separated.

Alex flicked his wand at Hermione and casted the beauty spell but nothing seemed to happen, but not because Alex didn’t know how to cast spells.

“Wow Alex said my spell isn’t working I wonder why?” Alex said a little agitated due to the spell not working.

“Are you saying its my fault? How could it possibly be my fault?” Hermione rolled her eyes towards Alex.

Alex replied with a smile “well it’s not my fault you’re already beautiful Hermione, how can something rated a 10 go higher than the denominator? Alex chuckled. Hearing that caused Hermione to turn q bright crimson red.

Professor Flitwick called out “Remember don’t forget to flick your wands!”.

The class passed quickly with two book worms helping each other in casting charms

It was time for potions class with professor Snape.

“Hello Mr. Z.” Professor Snape greeted Alex at the door. “Don’t think that because you have a high affinity for magic that you can create potions with ease. There will be no wand waving in my classes he followed with cold words.

“Thanks for the reminder professor Snape but if you don’t mind I’d like to get on with class I don’t want to be here too long I have a pet to feed” Alex smiled moved inside and took a seat.

Class had started the. “The first one to create the pepper up potion can leave early all the ingredients have been prepared for you. They are a bicorn horn and a mandrake root. Use your potions book and begin.” Snape gave a glance at Alex after speaking.


Very well I’ll accept your challenge Alex thought to himself. He took out his cauldron and started heating it to the exact temperature it needed to be. Alex had already read the basics potion books before coming to Hogwarts on the train he remembered everything that needed to be done to the letter.

Alex crushed what needed to be crushed, he prepared the ingredients masterfully. Putting the ingredients into the cauldron Alex waited and waited till the potion was done.

He poured the potion into a flask walked up to Professor Snape and said “Here you go I’ll be taking my leave thanks for your instructions professor Snape” Alex walked out and headed to the library on his free time he took out a book on advance potions making and a book on mana basics.

It only took him about 5 min to rent the books out and headed to the Great hall to get something for Blue to eat.

Another 15 min went bye while going to his room to feed blue and back a total of 10 minutes extra for him to open the mana book.

“Chapter 1: Basic to increasing your MP” The book stated. As Alex flipped Through the book 2 things caught his eyes “Improving MP by gathering it from the air over time, and Improving MP by strengthening ones body to permanently increase the MP absorption rate”.

The first one was obviously the easiest but it had the least gains, the second one required you to to strengthen your body to increase your bodies efficiency in absorbing MP it brought permanent gains , naturally Alex decided train his body.

Three months had passed he had trained every day for those 30 days he practiced his spells, he had learned, he learned how to cast the Accio the charm to summon objects to the wizard and Depulso that repels objects away from the wizard.


He got up early in the morning to train his body, he had finally reached Level 4 which required a total of 280 MP, Alex had just barely accumulated 280 points today he could be considered a second year student, he was a prodigy. Alex had a pretty sturdy body as well his muscles were starting to show which caused the witches in class to glance at him eyeing him up and down.

Alex could be considered number one in the first years. Although acquiring MP would get harder and harder with each level Alex’s teacher expected he would reach level 6 by the end of the year.

The Gryffindor first years looked up to him like their role model. They eould often go up to Alex asking for guidince on casting spells.

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