《Harry Potter And The Immortal》Chapter 6: Mana test


Chapter 6

Morning had arrived Alex opened his eyes he had felt something moving on his chest it was Blue. Alex also noticed his mana had increased just like Tom riddle had said. Blue most have imprinted Alex while he slept.

Today was the Wizard mana level assessment so classes were cancelled.

*A wizards is measured in Levels, levels are based on how many mana points said wizard has accumulated*

“Hello blue" Alex looked at blue and smiled “Are you hungry?” Alex questioned blue.

Blue jumped up and down showing he had guessed right.

“I’m sorry but I have to go I’ll bring you something to eat when I come back” Alex picked up Blue from his chest and moved him beside himself so that he could get out of bed.

Alex changed into his robes and went to the great hall. Blue looked down as if he was sad Alex left.

Later in the Great Hall once all the students were gathered Dumbledore pointed his wand to his neck and spoke in a loud voice “The test will commence but before It can commence you should know that whether you have a below average score that doesn’t mean you are a poor wizard it should serve as encouragement to do better and remind you that if you do not work hard you’ll fall behind, for those with above average score’s don’t think that because you are above average for your age you can slack off, slack of for a second and you may find yourself falling behind. The test begins now”

The first year wizards were called first maybe ten or so before Alex was called. They got scores between 17 and 22 mana points.

The levels were set according to Level 1: 20 mana points or MP for short Level 2: 50 MP, Level 3: 125 MP. Every creature under the sky had mana yes even muggles although they had a score of 1 MP which made it impossible for them to practice magic they still posted it.


Alex’s name was called up he walked up to a misty white orb and placed his hand on the orb. The wizard or which testing their mana would be required to place their hand over the orb which caused the orb to shine a white light and the smoke in the ball to arrange itself into a number.

The white orb shined and the smoke moved into the form of the digit 52. Alex was a level 2 wizard! Harry had only tested at 21 MP when he was tested first. The students were surprised. This talent it had only been seen in another wizard before that wizard was in Slytherin.

A wizard advancing 3 levels every year would be the average for students but Alex was already level two in the 3rd day of school it was incredible. He was 1One third of the way already.

After all the students had taken their test they sat down to have breakfast. Harry, Hermione, Ron and Alex sat the same way they did before Alex beside Hermione and Ron beside Harry.

“Bloody hell Alex you’re a genius” Ron praised Alex

“No one has gotten a score that high before, not ever not even Dumbledore… well maybe he who shall not be named” Hermione followed after Ron

“He who shall not be named ?” asked Alex

“Were not supposed to say his name but He's the one who gave me this scar" Harry answered Alex's question showing him his thunderbolt shaped scar.

They talked about He who must not be named and Harry’s past.

It all took about one hour and twenty minutes, twenty more minutes than he anticipated, Alex got some vegetables and meat to take to blue and rushed to his room.

Arriving at his room Alex called out “Bluuuue.” Alex saw blue patently waiting for him. Blues stomach made a noise.



Alex looked at blue and said “I’m sorry blue it took longer than expected here you go" Alex handed the food to Blue.

Blue ate happily while Alex thought to himself what am I going to do about food for you.

Alex took out a book and started reading he wanted to memorize all the spells he needed He felt he wouldn’t gain anything from that class especially with Lockhart Teaching it

Alex had figured out that he was a Fraud. He didn’t want to attend his class anymore he would rather learn by himself. Alex began practicing spells, he practiced Lumos first because it only made a gentle light and couldn’t destroy anything after about 15 or so attempts he finally caused a dim light to appear.

Another 15 tries and he finally caused the light to shine as bright as a Lamp.

Let’s try something more complex Alex thought to himself.

Alex propped a pencil up in between two books so that it could resemble a wand being held.

“Expelliarmus” Alex said softly after about 30 tries it had gotten dark and nothing happened, Alex wasn’t disheartened instead he was excited for attempting again tomorrow.

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