《Field of The Dead》Chapter 001
One summer evening Terrance sat in his living room smoking a joint.
Watching television. The show was a t.v game show.
Terrance puffed and flicked the joint in the half filled ashtray. The house was a mess.
“Terrance, you forget to feed the dog?” his lover Molly asked.
“No the bastard, just ate it all.'' Terrance replied out loud.
“Then how come the dog food is still here in the cupboard.” Molly questioned holding the dog food can while looking at Terrance sitting on the couch.
“You got me, I was just being lazy, I was gonna get around to it.” Terrance said while getting up to feed the dog.
“Sure you were, asshole.” “Whatever bitch.” Terrance picked the can from Molly's hand. “ fuckyou.” “ sure you will.” Terrance walked to the front door of the house.
Molly laughed and kept going through the cupboards cleaning out old goods, she stacked cans and had old pastas piled up.
Terrance had his old blue sweater on which kept him warm enough during the Canadian fall.
Putting on his sneakers and walking out the front door with the dog food can.
Terrance walked out of his two story house. He took a deep breath as he walked along.
Looking around at his neighbors houses It was evening everyone was home from work.
Lights were on and the house smoke stacks burned. the reservation dogs barked.
Terrance walked to the dog house. “Umm…. where’s my dog?”
“Taco? Where are you? TACO!”
Terrance looked around. The trees that surrounded the reservation did not help Terrance called out. “TACO!”
“Goddamn dog anyway, shit was costing me a pretty dollar.”
Terrance turned and started to walk back in. “The fucken dog had to go run off.”
Terrance looked at his gray house and noticed the clouds had a green glow to them.
He walked back in the house. When he walked in the front door, he heard the T.V Emergency sound. He kicked off his shoes real fast and ran to the Living room.
“Baabe!” “What is it, my love?” “The broadcast on the TV.”
Terrance looked and the Tv had a Broadcast being televised. Terrance walked up and started to flip the channels. “Shit.”
Terrance turned off the TV and turned it back on.
“Terrance what's going on.” Molly asked with some tears rolling down her face.
Terrance looked at the television. “Damn.” “what terrance?” “Now I will never know who won the fifty Grand.”
“Alright hold on, let me read the broadcast statement.” Terrance eyed the television reading out loud.
“Stay inside, lock your doors, close your windows, Air contamination?” Terrance jumped over the couch and ran to the front big window and shut the little windows. On the sides of it.
“Terrance the bathroom window!” Molly cried out.
Terrance ran to the bathroom and shut the windows.
Terrance looked out the back window and noticed the sun going down behind the trees.
Terrance then realized. He was breathing outside.
“Molly, you think I'm infected?” Terrance held his neck then patted his chest.
“I don’t know!” Molly cried.
“Fuck!” Terrance said in a panic. Then he continued reading. “There was an attack and a rocket exploded and released a deadly toxin. All who breathe it in are instantly dead.” Terrance took a deep breath. “Ohhh fuck that was close.” Terrance said with relief.
“What About Taco?” Molly cried. “Oh fuck the dumb thing he ran off, the dumb mut.”
“Terrance!” Molly stopped crying and looked at Terrance with a mean intense look.
Inside their home. Terrance stood looking at the Television then it went out. “Hey!”
Terrance turned it on and off everytime it loaded with no signal. “Love Check the Internet.”
Molly grabbed the laptop and turned it on and connected to the internet.
Trending videos were all coming out of america.
“The Dead Walk.” Terrance read out and clicked the first video.
Teeanagers stood on top buildings looking at the streets with crowds of people looking on at the streets filled with fire, shooting, and people eating and attacking one another.
Screams filled the audio as people cried watching from the rooftop.
“Flamethrower kills” Terrance clicked the video and watched as a guy stood on top a ledge and blew flames at the undead.
“How to kill the undead, hey look it's arnold.” Terrance clicked the video and watched
Arnold Schwarzenegger standing with a M16 talking to the camera.
“Beat em , shoot em, burn em!” Then he turns and shoots the dead with the M16 dropping the incoming crowd.
Terrance scrolled related videos and noticed another video. Terrance read the title.
“ The Rocket explodes and the Moon is gone? “ Terrance clicked the next video. It was a conspiracist talking.
“The moon is gone! And a Rocket explodes, the moon having left, causing the poles to have massive weather storms pushing the viral toxins across the globe . Maybe the Aliens were on the moon after all and our government was trying to blow them up!”
“The moon is gone?” Molly asked.
“I dont know?” Terrance rubbed his forehead. And continued to listen to the video go on.
“There were sounds being reported across America, huge explosion’s Deep underground, a lot say they were deep underground military bases. There are reports of a secret alien war. And that our world governments were being controlled by the reptilians.”
Terrance scrolled through the comments and noticed a lot of people saying they saw huge explosions and smoke rising out from the ground in different areas across the us.
Creatures coming from them and reports of reptilians shooting up towns.
Terrance scrolled through and noticed another video with a blue symbol on the front.
“ The Galactic Federation is coming.” Terrance clicked it.
Then the power went out. “Shit wifi out.” The laptop was the only light source in the house aside from the fireplace the reservation had every house installed with.
“Shit grab the phone.”
“I'm looking for mine.” “ugh I can't see anything.” “Ouch!” Terrance held his toe in his hands, having stubbed it on something metal. “SOn of a!”
“Found my phone.” Molly turned its flash on. And pointed it across to Terrances phone on the living room's end table.
Terrance limped and walked across to his phone on the end table.
“Fucking dumbell.”
Terrance picked up his phone. “Great! Fully charged. Bad thing though, no Signal. And 3 missed texts, one from mom, where are you, something wrong. The other two are from my sister. I'm with mom and dad where are you and Molly, dad has the door boarded up.”
Terrance looked at molly.who was silently looking at her phone. “What, my love?”
“IT’s my little brother, he's at the blackout party.”
“So what, he will be safe there, they have guns and weapons we don't have.”
“That's my point. He's in a dangerous place, probably drunk and he sent me a picture of his huge bottle of vodka and bag of cocaine.”
“They are a bunch of jail birds and killers, he's safe, trust me.”
Terrance looked at the ceiling then wiped his face with his hands out of stress.
Then got up to stare out the front window.
Terrance scanned the front lawn then scanned the area well. It seemed quiet. The reservations houses had their fireplaces going so some light lit up the reservation.
Then at the far end of the townsite the black out party turned back on the lights and the loud music continued playing.
“Yup they would be first to do that.” Terrance turned back to Molly.
“What are you doing?” Molly asked Terrance who was putting back on his shoes. And grabbing his old pickup truck keys.
“Going to get him, they obviously had to go outside to turn on the generator. SO i'm driving over there to get him.”
“I’m Coming with you. I'm scared I don't want to be alone.”
“Alright, dress warm, it looks windy outside.” Terrance looked at the front lawn leaves being blown across as a storm approached.
Terrance grabbed the red Wood hand ax he bought earlier in the year.
Molly looked at Terrance. “Thought we were just going to get him, not kill him.”
“Just in case Arnold said to beat them or shoot them so just in case I have to defend us.”
Terrance turned to walk out the front door. “ Wait!” Terrance stopped and turned.
Molly had a bandanna. Here these might help.
They tied bandannas around their faces. And walked outside.
It was dark, really dark outside. Walking through the wind towards the truck.
“There's no moon.” Molly said, looking around.
“Come on get in the truck, it just might not be out tonight.”
Molly continued to walk towards the truck.
“What do you mean it might not be out tonight?”
“Sometimes depending on the phases of the moon it's out of our sight due to our earth's rotation.”
“But the guy on the video said the moon Left.”
“I know what he said hell a lot was said i'm not even sure what the truth is, let's just get your little brother Shane out of there.”
Terrance turned his truck on. Then Started to back up out of his gravel driveway.
The radio came on and it shocked the two.
“There was an attack on American soil and deadly toxins were launched into the air. Everyone stay inside, lock your doors, close your windows.
The deadly toxins have been reported to be having effect on the recently deceased, reanimating them and the reanimated assailants are attacking and infecting the living. Through bites. Any wounds suffered or contact with these reanimated corpses could result in infection in which case the CDC has reported no cure.”
Terrance turned off the radio. “Hey.” Molly looked at Terrance driving the truck down the gravel road.
“Put on a CD.”
Terrance grabbed the CD Case from the floor and handed it to molly.
She threw in the old country cd Terrance listened to from time to time.
“Thanks my love.”
Terrance looked at her. She was scared holding her hand to her face in a ball. she was wearing the black sweater terrance bought for her last christmas.
Then he looked back at the road and noticed a truck not stopping at the stop sign.
Terraces heart jumped at the sight of a truck about to collide with his truck.
Terrance dramatically turned the wheel and swerved far right from the vehicle.
Dodging it barely slamming throughout the ditch and back on the gravel road.
“Holy fuck!” Terrance looked at molly. “ Are you ok ?”
“Yes I'm fine, just watch the road please.”
“Got it.”
Terrance pulled up to the house with the lights on and trucks and cars were leaving in a hurry.
Terrance got out and called. “SHANE!”
Then loud gunshots were heard coming from inside the house.
Terrance ran inside.
More people came running out. “Nolan what the fuck is going on in there?”
“Terrance, some random people walked out of the forest all undead and shit they started attacking the party, get out of here man.” Nolan said and continued to run away. “Wait, where's Shane!”
“Not here man!”
“You sure?” “yeah never seen him at all tonight!” Nolan yelled back.
Terrance turned around and ran back to the truck and got inside.
“ Molly!” a female voice called out.
“Retia, where are you going?” “Mollly!” The drunk Retia called out again, staggering towards the truck.
“With you guys. Why is everyone driving and running so fast.”Retia questioned with a sixty of vodka she took a drink straight from the huge bottle.
“WOah okay Terrance you psycho, Tryna be scary and shit, you dont scare me.”
“ oK retia your right im sorry please get in the truck we need to go now!”
Retia got in the truck's back seat and lit up a smoke.
“Where are we going?” Retia exhaled the smoke as Terrance carefully reversed the truck into the main road.
“We're looking for my brother, have you seen him?”
“Seen him no, but I know he's with Debbie.”
“Isn't that bitches place?” “hey!” “ Right, sorry, isn't her place closer to the other half of the reservation?”
“Yeah, that bitches place it's down by the gas station, the big house.” Retia laughed and took another shot of vodka.
“Alright down the road.” Terrance continued to drive.
“Give me a drink.” Retia passed the vodka to Molly. Molly had a long chug.
“They said the moon left our planet.” Molly passed the bottle back informing Retia.
“No way that's deep.” Retia Laughed. “The situation is no joke as for the moon we are uncertain if that is true.” Terrance turned on the radio. And the emergency broadcast played.
As they traveled down the dark gravel roads trees covered both sides of the road till finally Terrance turned down to a paved highway that led to the store.
People were flocking the store.
Terrance drove the truck around the Store.to the house down the road from it. Terrance could see the house had the fireplace on. He parked the truck in the driveway.
“I WIll be right back.” Terrance then got out the truck and walked to the front door. He knocked then called out. “ SHane! YOu IN THere!” Terrance walked in the house. “Terrance?”
“SHane get the fuck in the truck were getting out of here shits going down.”
“Well can Debbie come?”
“Sure, bring her along.” “ alright let's get going!”
Then a huge explosion went off at the gas station.
THey rushed to get their jackets and shoes on. They rushed out the door as fast as they could.
When the three got to the truck Shane opened the back door.
“Get in debbie.” Debbie stopped getting in once she saw Retia.
“Ew What’s she doing here?” “fuck you dont be a ass.” Molly said to Debbie. And Shane nudged her in.
“Ew what's she doing here, come here baby show me your big tits again.” Retia mimicked Debbie and harassed her.
“Fuck you wanna be stabbed again? I will do it again like you last man did.”
“Bitch are you threatening me? You're a laugh, if you were any threat to me I would put my iron in your fugly bitch face.” Retia replied to Debbie.
“Hey Terrance Mann, do something.” The young Shane asked Terrance.
Terrance piped up. “Alright calm down everyone. Retia doesn't have a gun she's messing around. Debbie no need to threaten with stabbing someone for nothing both of you need to quit being savages and understand there is some crazier shit going down right now.” Shane looked at Retia and she stuck her pierced tongue out at him. And gave them both the middle finger.
Retia was wearing Black Leggings and black body thong top. Huge silver ring earrings. And silver chains and a large black expensive purse.
Which she was going through to pull out another smoke.
“Eww Smoking Really?” Debbie complained.
“Alright it's not that far of a drive, come on now can we just get to the house without a fight?”
Retia blew the smoke in Debbies face and she coughed and exaggerated some for the most part. Retia laughed and this angered Shane. “ Terrance man can we drop her off?”
“Dude Rita is a friend of ours hell no.”
Shane looked at Rita who then Laughed.
“We're going to have a great time.” Then Molly asked for a drink again.
Terrance pulled the truck out of the driveway and started the journey.
Driving past the gas station which was now engulfed in flames.
They drove by slowly looking for any survivors.
“There’s someone!” Debbie pointed out the window.
Then a bloodied man stood up in the far back and started to stumble forward towards them. As more stood up beside the man, The corpses started to awaken in the area and some from the flames even started to walk towards them driving by in the truck.
“GO! Lets get the fuck out of here!” Shane called out.
Terrance hit the gas and started to drive away from the store and the huge crowd of shambling dead.
Not too far away Terrance looked back to see the undead following in the distance he could see that the on fire corpses were steadily following them down the highway.
“Oh my god what is happening?” Debbie cried out.
“No shit i’m happy I brought this.” Retia pulled out a 1911 pistol from her purse.
Terrance’s eyes opened wide at the sight of the gun.
“Rita put it away.” “You sure? we could use it if those undead come our way.”
“Rita Please just don’t point it at anyone.” “ I’m not!”
They pulled up to the house and the townsite houses were in chaos, some were on fire and people were running around the housing units scared and running for their lives.
“Get Inside!” Terrance called out. Then got out of the truck and approached the front door to his house. He was tackled by one of the undead. “Get it off me!” Terrance called out and held it off him from the ground.
“Shoot it Retia!” Debbie shouted.
“He told me not to aim it at anyone.”
“Retia! aim it at the undead!” Terrance called out.
Retia pulled out the pistol and tried to aim down the top iron sights.
” I can’t get a shot!” Retia aimed down the sight with an unsteady hand.
Then the sounds of panic and frantic movement were broken by the sound of a Dog barking, running in and biting the undead and pulling it off Terrance.
Terrance got up and put the ax through the head of the undead, the ax chopped into the skull making a loud smacking sound sending bits of blood and brain flying into the air Terrance removed his ax and watched the undead man stop twitching.
“ Let's go Taco!”
Terrance rushed with the others and his dog inside the house.
Once inside they locked the front door and Terrance hugged Taco.
“ Ohh I Love you my boy, yess, who loves you so much, I love you so much my boy!”
“What do we do now?” Shane asked.
“We barcade the fuck out of this place and prepare for the worst of times.” Terrance replied and stood up. Looking at his lover Molly, her friend Retia, Shane and his lover Debbie.
“Let’s just try to survive tonight. And figure things out tomorrow.”
End of Chapter 001 Field of the DEAD written by Travis W
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