《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 26


Yuuta groaned, his eyes opening to the sight of his snoring fiancé. Feeling nervous about his interview he slipped out of bed to get ready. He took a quick bath and put on fresh clothes. He felt like he was going to a job interview in his old world. It didn't seem to affect him much in this world but on earth, he had social anxiety.

(Maybe becoming a vampire has given me a confidence boost. Haha, probably not.)

Letting out a sigh he gave himself a once over in the mirror and left the bathroom. Tying his katana around his waist he gave Ria a kiss on the forehead and left their room. A guard was waiting for him.

"Lord Yuuta your father requests you meet him at the front gate."

Giving a quick nod he made his way down the hallway to the front gate. Seeing familiar sight of Emery picking up Milly and spinning her around as she giggled happily.

"Hey Emery I'm on my to the academy do you need something."

"Not at all Yuuta I just came to say good luck and give you a few pointers about the headmaster."

"I would definitely appreciate it"

"Well, the headmaster is a fairy his name is Starphllya he's been around a long time and demands respect. Though now that you're a lord you are technically superior to him."

"So should I show respect or make him bow down to me haha."

They both let out a laugh but Emery stiffened a little at the thought of the headmaster bowing to Yuuta. It wouldn't surprise him though.

"It was just a joke Emery I will be on my best behavior."

Milly snuck up and pulled at Yuuta's jacket.

"Hey, big bro you're coming back right."

Yuuta kneeled down patting her head.

"Of course I am you won't even notice I'm gone. Why don't you go wake up Ria she said she missed you."

Milly let out a sweet laugh before Yuuta ordered a guard to escort her to Ria.

"I better get going I don't want to be late ."

Emery nodded and Yuuta hopped in the carriage. He was going to fly but he remembered he had no idea where the school was. The carriage took off down the road. With his heightened senses, he could hear the villagers talking about him.

" did you hear Lord Vermillion adopted a son he's going to be our new lord."

"I heard he was handsome and strong he took down Viscount Hall without even trying."

"Viscount Hall is one of our strongest warriors surely it's just a rumor."

"Nope, I heard it from my husband who works in the castle he saw it with his own eyes."

"Hopefully he's as nice as Lord Emery and isn't a spoiled brat."

"Keep your voice down he could have your head for that."

Little kids followed behind the carriage trying to get a peek at Yuuta through the windows. Yuuta hadn't realized that he became the talk of the kingdom. The no-name adventurer who became a lord is surely a fairy tale for kids to dream about. But it really happened and now you couldn't find a place in Yuart where they weren't talking about him.

Yuuta pulled out a book about void magic he got from the castle library and started reading. Void magic was harder than the elements. It was kind of like a one size fits all magic if the spell didn't have an element attached it fell under void magic. Each spell was unique so it took practice rather than having an affinity for it. He decided on practicing clairvoyance. Sitting in the carriage he focused on seeing himself from an outside perspective(like the third person in a video game.) he spent the hour ride there practicing with no progress. Being able to use elemental magic so easily it pissed him off not being able to use void magic. Before he could complain the carriage came to a stop and the driver announced they were at the academy.


Stepping outside he was instantly surprised at the size of the academy. The main building was gigantic it was in the shape of a bracket "["and was easily twice as big than the castle he came from. There was another building on the side that looked like a stadium most likely an arena for practice. On the opposite side of the stadium was smaller mansions that went on for at least a mile. It looked to be where the students lived. Around the whole campus Yuuta could feel a barrier he couldn't see it but once he reached the gate he felt it. It felt like concrete against his skin.

A guard came out of a small building looking very serious.

"We don't let peasants into the academy leave before I make you."

Yuuta's nervous smile turned into a frown.

"My name is Yuuta Vermillion future lord of Yuart I've come to talk to the headmaster."

The guard almost jumped when he introduced himself immediately apologizing and bowing his head.

"Sorry lord nobles usually make a big show when they arrive so I assumed you were looking for a handout."

"Yea whatever just take me to the headmaster's office."

He didn't like using his title to throw his weight around. But it still pissed him off to be treated like trash.

The guard apologized and bowed again before escorting Yuuta inside the main building. Everything looked fancy and expensive from the carpet to the pictures and ornaments hanging on the wall even the doorknobs looked to be made of silver.

(I thought this school trained adventurers why is everything so nice.) he couldn't help but think.

After a couple of minutes, they stopped at a set of giant wooden doors with a beautiful woman with long silky brunette hair and honey colored eyes. She looked to be just a little older than Yuuta sitting at a desk. The guard handed him off to the women.

"Hello, my name is Yasmin secretary to Headmaster Starphylla how can I help you."

"Nice to meet you my name is Yuuta Vermillion I've come to talk to the headmaster."

She quickly stood up and bowed to Yuuta.

"Sorry Lord, I expected....."

"No need for all the bowing and lord stuff just call me Yuuta."

Yasmin's face went a little red before she nodded her head.

"I will see if the headmaster is ready for you please have a seat."

"Thank you."

Yasmin knocked on the door before entering the office after a minute she came back out with a smile on her face.

"He's ready for you"

The pit in his stomach deepened. Standing up he straightened his shirt and jacket trying to look presentable. Yasmin gave him a thumbs up and he nervously stepped into the headmaster's office.

The man looked to be in his late 20s early 30s with short light pink hair and blue eyes brighter than Rias. He had a big grin and his eyes fixed on Yuuta.

"Hello, Yuuta I've heard a lot about you."

He stood up and extended his hand outwards. Yuuta accepted and shook his hand.

"Hello, headmaster I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Of course not today is all about you anyways let's have a little talk."

He took his seat and awkwardly awaited the onslaught of questions.

" Avenci told me about you she seems to be smitten."

He let out a small laugh.

(Great what did she say about me. She practically called me a monster when we met!)


Yuuta didn't say anything letting out an awkward groan.

"Don't worry I won't let her sway me one way or another though I see what she meant when she said you were a monster. Your aura is truly terrifying just like an S class monster."

Once again Yuuta kept his mouth shut rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm just an ordinary adventurer."

Starphylla let out a booming laugh obviously not convinced by his half-assed excuse.

"Yea well let's move on there are really only two questions I need to ask you."

"Go ahead"

"First have you ever killed an innocent person and or child. I have a special skill I can tell when you're lying, to be honest, or this interview is over."

"Of course not I would never kill an innocent person on purpose."

He nodded his head.

"Secondly do you promise to but the needs of your students above anything else. You will be shaping these students for their futures I hope you will not take this lightly."

"I will not lie I've kind of been thrown into this I don't even know if I will be a good teacher I'm still learning myself but I will pass on whatever knowledge I have to my students and promise to protect them to the best of my abilities."

Starphylla smiled

"Very good Yuuta you have a teachers spirit. Every teacher knows they will always be a student. Knowledge is never ending my boy there is no end to learning."

Things went silent and Starphylla looked like he was listening to something before shooting out of his chair and ushering Yuuta outside.

"Come on I believe the test is ready we will be going to the stadium."

"If you don't mind me asking what will the test be like?"

"Nervous huh?"

"A little I just like being prepared."

"Unfortunately I cannot disclose the test it's up to your senior instructors."

They made their way to the giant dome-shaped building it looked like an upgraded colosseum on the inside. In the middle of the arena, there were two people a middle-aged man wearing leather armor with a broadsword on his hip. His stature was giant easily over two meters with short brown hair and black eyes. He was the embodiment of a meathead. The second was elven women who looked to be in her mid-twenties she had long flowing blonde hair with beautiful grey eyes that pierced through Yuuta when they made eye contact.

Starphylla motioned Yuuta to go meet them. He felt like the new kid on his first day of school. They seemed nice enough having warm smiles on their faces.

"Hey, I'm Yuuta Vermillion nice to meet you."

The older man spoke first.

"So your the new guy huh my names Rune Everfall and this beauty is Triswynn Perrindale"

Triswynn hit Rune in the nuts with her staff. He buckled and fell to the ground.

"I can introduce myself meathead." She said with spite. They seemed to not like each other very much.

"You can call me Triss nice to meet you Yuuta."

He gave an awkward laugh at the situation.

"Well since Rune is incapacitated at the moment I'll go first. Which would you say your more skilled in the sword or magic."

"I would say I'm about even in both."

"Very well I am the head of the magicians in the academy my test is very simple I will erect a barrier and you will try to destroy it. You can use any method you wish."Giving him a wink.

After a couple of minutes the same invisible barrier he felt earlier was now in front of his face he gave it a couple knocks it felt the same too.

"Now you get 3 tries to break the barrier if you do not succeed on the third attempt you will fail. Do you understand?"

He nodded his head.

"Very well begin."

"Can you and Rune move behind I don't want you two getting caught up in my attack."

They stared at him.

"A bit pompous aren't you boy." Rune boasted from the floor still holding his nads. Slowly getting up they made their way behind Yuuta.

Rune whispered in Tris's ear.

"I don't even think I can break through your barriers. Why is your test so hard?"

"Headmaster told me to make it as hard as possible apparently this boy is some type of genius."

"Still the only person I've seen brake your barrier is the headmaster himself. I would pity him if he wasn't so confident."

They both giggled in a hushed voice.

Yuuta tuned them out deciding on how to go about destroying the barrier. Putting his hand on the barrier he poured a little bit of mana into it. It was weak but he felt the barrier buckle just slightly. His mana was stronger than the barriers. Deciding on going for it he dumped his mana into it and tiny cracks quickly appeared. Yuuta wound up his arm and punched the crack with his full force it felt like cutting through butter. A Yuuta size hole was punched out of the now cracked barrier.

(Well That was easier than expected)

Rune and Tris stared at each other dumbfounded Starphylla was laughing in his seat. He whispered a few words with wind magic and they carried to Tris.

"I told you he was a genius his mana is denser than mine."

Tris jumped at hearing Starphylla's words. Rune straightened up realizing he was no pipsqueak and had to take this seriously.

"Alright kid you might be good with magic but let's see if that sword on your waist is just for decoration."

Yuuta let a smirk escape his mouth he was getting pretty tired of being underestimated all the time. He unsheathed his sword and took his stance. Rune did the same.

"I'm a simple man Yuuta no smart ass test just a straight up duel."

Yuuta nodded his head.

Rune used fortification magic to make his body as hard as steel and closed the distance quickly taking a sideways strike at Yuuta. He quickly blocked the blow and countered with his own. Rune was a meathead but he wasn't slow. He deflected Yuuta's sword above his head and tried to connect with a piercing strike. barely sidestepping the strike he countered with a roundhouse to Runes side.

Rune tried to slip out of his kick but he was to slow it connected to his ribs and an audible crack could be heard as flew into the wall. Rune was built like a tank and his rage carried him through the pain. He pulled himself out of the wall and like a mad bull ran straight back into the fight. Runes sword started glowing purple and looked to be seeping mana.

Yuuta imbued his sword with lightning and took off towards Rune. Using wind magic he picked up his speed until Rune couldn't follow with his eyes. Yuuta looked like a dragon made of lightning as he connected with Rune.

If not for Starphylla and Tris putting up two barriers in front of Rune he would be dead. The sheer force of Yuuta's attack shattered their barriers and sent Rune flying and badly burned by the lightning but still alive barely.

"Sorry I overdid it a little." Was a common phrase Yuuta would get used to saying."

Starphylla clapped loudly and was laughing loudly

"I believe you passed with flying colors right you two."

Triss nodded her head furiously and Rune was passed out in the stands still smoking.

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