《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 25


3 Days Later

Inside the throne room, nobleman and woman are lined up with looks of disgust on their faces. A couple of moments later Yuuta walked in wearing a frilly and pompous suit pulling at the collar trying not to rip it off and itch his whole body. On his side is Ria looking as nervous as can be in a beautiful dress that matches Yuuta's clothes.

Noticing her nerves Yuuta wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close walking down the red carpet in the middle of the room the nobles couldn't keep their mouths shut. It took everything he had to not rip their heads off at there snide comments about Ria. Somehow she was unfazed by the comments and comforted the tense Yuuta rubbing his arm.

Making it to the end of the carpet Ria parted with him standing to the side. He kneeled in front of Lord Vermillion and Milly bowing his head.

"We have come here today for the commendation of my adopted son Yuuta Vermillion and his soon to be wife my daughter in law Ria Vermillion. As of today, he is the next heir to be the Lord of Yuart."

Vermillion pulled out a piece of paper and read from it.

"This document is proof that King Holger Hartford has acknowledged and accepted the adoption of Yuuta Vermillion and is recognized as the next lord of Yuart. Like his father as of today, he will be known as Lord Yuuta Vermillion."

The nobles, Milly, and Vermillion started clapping Yuuta stood up and shook his new “fathers” hand.

"Thank you, Lord Vermillion"

He shook his head in disappointment.

"Nonsense boy as of today we are family you can call me father, Emery or Vermillion do you understand."

He decided on Emery. After the ceremony, the nobles quickly exited with scoffs Yuuta had to hold his new “dad” back from the nobles threatening to execute anybody who disrespected his son. After a couple of minutes things cooled down and Yuuta and Ria were left alone with Emery and Milly.

Milly ran from her chair and jumped in Ria’s arm.

"Yay I have a new brother and sister now right."

Ria’s s face went bright red still not used to being engaged to Yuuta the future lord of Yuart. Emery asked Ria to take Milly to her room while he talked with Yuuta. The maids quickly escorted them out Ria would have to get used to being addressed as Lady Vermillion from now on.

"We have much to talk about."

Yuuta rolled his eyes.

"And what would that be?"

"Well for starters your my heir you will need to immediately start lessons for taking over as lord after my passing."

"No thanks we have plenty of time before you die maybe later.”

Emery tried to protest but with a quick glance from Yuuta, he knew it was a nonstarter.

"Moving on, I have talked with the headmaster and your interview and test have been set up for tomorrow. It's the first thing in the morning so I figured you could take a carriage and spend the night there."

"Is it that far away."

"No no, it's only an hour away from the front gate by carriage 30 minutes by horse. I just figured you could take a look around meet some people before the interview."

"If it's, all the same, I would rather just fly there in the morning I just got back from Celis I don't want to make Ria mad."


They both laughed nervously Yuuta had experienced first hand Ria’s wraith and didn't want to summon it anytime soon. Emery remembered his wife's fury and quickly understood.

"As you wish I won't force anything on you just remember people will look at you differently now you are a Lord after all. People will not take that lightly and neither should you. If you disrespect yourself you also disrespect me and Milly please try to remember that."

" Of course I understand my actions have consequences I would never purposely hurt your reputation. If you will excuse me I need to find my fiancé and do inappropriate things to her."

Yuuta gave a wry smile and wink. Emery let out a hefty laugh.

"Just be sure to come to the dinner in an hour tons of people will want to meet you."

After quickly changing out of his suit Yuuta found Ria in Milly's room she had had also changed into one of his shirts and a skirt. Ria smile lit up at seeing him she was still ecstatic from the proposal. Her face would turn a shade of red every time she thought about it.

"You girls having fun?"

"Yea I'm teaching Ria how to play marbles she’s not very good."

Ria let out a fake gasp pretending to be offended.

"You just haven't explained the rules."

Ria pounced on her tickling her till she apologized. Yuuta sat down wrapping his arms around Ria. He snuck his hand down her back slipping under her shirt making circles on her back. She slightly jumped and stiffened leaning in and whispered in Yuuta's ears.

"Not in front of Milly please."

He could hear a bit of lust in her voice obviously enjoying it. He bit her ear and whispered back.

"Ok, my fiancé."

She let a barely audible moan and froze when she saw Milly staring at her.

"Are you sick Ria you look really red do you need to lay down."

Ria got even more embarrassed

"I'm ok Milly your new brother was just teasing me."

Milly got up and lightly hit Yuuta in the arm.

"Yuuta don't be mean to Ria my daddy said you should always be nice to a lady."

"Ok ok, I understand."

Picking up Ria's hand he kissed it.

"Ria can you ever forgive me for teasing and hurting your feelings."

Yuuta gave his best puppy dog eyes and pout.

"I don't know I'll have to think about it. You should think of a way to make it up to me."

" I can think of plenty of ways we just can't do them in front of Milly."

Ria’s face was now completely red and she was in full on embarrassed.

Yuuta held out his hands and she instinctively reached out and grabbed it.

"Come on we have a dinner to get too. You get to watch people kiss my ass.”

Ria let out a laugh releasing all the tension that was in the room.

Leading her to the dining hall it was filled with at least 100 people all staring at them lined up to as they say kiss the ring. He took his seat next to Emery and Ria next to him. The dinner went by slow most of the people were nice with the occasional backhanded compliment. He could handle the comments about himself but when they went after Ria he lost it and threw them out of the dining hall. Emery didn't seem to have a problem with it even if he did he wouldn't say anything. While Yuuta was talking to Emery's brother Bastion a young good looking blonde haired Viscount tried to flirt with Ria.


"Hey, beautiful why don't you leave that wannabe noble and I'll show you what real power looks like."

The Viscount tried grabbing her waist and she let out a yelp stepping away from him. In a blink of the eye, Yuuta was next to them with his katana at his throat.

"Keep your hands to yourself or you will lose them."

"You don't scare me fake noble I Viscount Hall challenge you to a duel."

Yuuta let his smirk show he couldn't have asked for a better excuse.

"I accept."

The crowd all gasped and Lord vermillion walked over giving an approving nod allowing the duel. Bastion made a laughing comment about how it was a bad idea to fight Yuuta.

Ria gripped on tightly to Yuuta's shirt she was noticeably shaken from the man trying to touch her.

"Don't worry Ria I will kill him for disrespecting you."

"No you can't Yuuta don’t kill him because of me I don't want that."

Yuuta was seething in anger he focused on Ria to calm himself down.

"Why he deserves it he should never touch what's mine."

Ria's heart fluttered at his words she would never get enough of his possessiveness.

"Yuuta please he doesn’t deserve to die just because you're mad. This is an order from your future wife ok you have to listen to me."

Her serious expression mixed with her teary eyes made Yuuta laugh.

Ria stomped her feet in protest.

"It's not funny Yuuta it's an order you got that." Sticking her finger in his face.

"Yes yes I understand my love your wish is my command." grabbing her hand they made their way to the courtyard where the Viscount was waiting.

"I'm surprised you showed up Lord." The Viscount said with spite and disgust.

"You should thank my fiancé the only reason I'm not going to kill you is because of her."

He scoffed at the thought of losing to this fake Nobel. All nobles were taught by a master swordsman and magic if they had the affinity. Viscount Hall was praised for both his swordplay and magic since he was a child.

"I'm not scared of you half-assed noble I don't know what your fiancé or Lord Vermillion see In you once I kill you that pretty piece of ass will be all mine."

Yuuta screamed at someone to officiate the duel his anger was raging out of control. Taking their stances Bastion stood between them. Putting his hand in the air the tension grew as the crowd was all rooting for Viscount Hall. Bastion dropped his hand and Hall took off towards Yuuta.

As usual for Yuuta his opponent's movements where in slow motion. Hall brought down his sword over his head. Yuuta quickly stepped to the side giving Hall a slight push making him stumble. Before he could recover Yuuta used ice magic to freeze the ground underneath Hall.

The crowd erupted in laughter watching Hall try to stand up as hehe kept slipping.

"This is me playing nice hall admit defeat!"

The laughing and embarrassment made Viscount go crazy with rage as he started casting a spell.

"Fire erupt from withi........"

Before he could finish the incantation Yuuta flashed behind Hall and chopped the back of his head knocking him out cold. Yuuta had to restrain himself from snapping his neck.

The crowd stirred with whispers praising Yuuta’s fighting ability they all knew Hall was the second best fighter in Yuart behind Bastion and Yuuta took him down without even drawing his swords.

Yuuta still pissed off grabbed Ria picking her and stormed off to their room he didn't want to look at their pompous faces anymore. Ria stayed quiet she was just as happy to get away from the nobles she didn't know if she would ever be comfortable around them. You could just tell they thought they were better than her and Yuuta.

Yuuta kicked his door open and threw Ria on the bed she let out giggle hitting the mattress. He belly flopped next to her and let out a loud groan.

"If I had to look at that guy for one more second I would have killed him."

Ria started rubbing his back trying to calm him down she felt his muscles relax and he let out a soft hum.

"Yuuta you can't kill every guy who tries to talk to me there would be no one left." Letting out a giggle at the thought of it.

"I would be ok with that nobody is allowed to touch you but me."

"What about Milly?"

Yuuta rolled over and stared in Ria's eyes.

"I guess that's fine only because she’s family.”

Letting out a long sigh she cuddled up to him burying her head in his side.

"Is something wrong? You've been in a bad mood all day."

"Not really it's just all the stress lately with the ceremonies and meetings and this interview and test I have tomorrow. I just want to be with you all day and plan our wedding but instead, I get to stare at old men who think they're better than me."

Ria didn't respond she felt the exact same way. Her anxiety was through the roof with becoming a noble having people waiting on her hand and foot. Not too mention all the looks she got from jealous women and lustful nobles. Yuuta has already beat up 10 noblemen for trying to touch or talk to her. The only thing that made her feel at ease about all this was Yuuta.

She thought about her wedding and a slight tinge of pain hit her heart rolling over from the sleeping Yuuta so he couldn't hear her cry. She hadn't thought about it much but with all the great things that happened lately she wanted nothing more then to tell her mom about the man of her dreams. Or Letting her brother and father meet him and they would eventually approve of him and accept him into the family. The tears started to roll down her face thinking about her mom. Finding her dead in the shack their uncle kept them in It made her whole body shudder at the image.

Yuuta half asleep felt cold noticing he couldn't feel Ria's body heat. He opened his eyes to see Ria rolled over crying on the edge of the bed he froze for a moment. It felt like she wanted to be left alone so he kept his distance and asked.

"Ria are you ok?"

"Hic* Yea"

"Do you want me to leave you alone?”

She shook her no..... Yuuta grabbed her sliding her into him he hugged her tightly kissing the back of her head and neck.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She shook her head no again. He rolled her over and looked in her eyes as she dry heaved. Calmly rubbing the side of her face he looked at her with calming eyes till she relaxed.

"I'm sorry Yuuta it's just I was thinking about my family not being at my wedding and I got overwhelmed and it felt like I couldn't breathe I don't know what's wrong with me."

He softly rubbed her shoulder and arm.

"Nothing wrong with you sometimes people get overwhelmed you never have to say sorry for being who you are you got that beautiful."

nodding her head with a small smile she wrapped her arms and legs around his body. She got so used to being around him that it was impossible to fall asleep without him.

Yuuta rubbed her back till she fell asleep and he quickly followed.

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