《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 24


"We need to get up and take a bath we smell terrible."

Yuuta gave a stifled laugh as Ria playfully punched his arm.

"You're probably right."

Yuuta pulled himself out of bed extending his hand towards Ria. She accepted and he pulled her out of bed to their private bath.

Settling into the warm water Yuuta pulled her into his lap and got lost in thought for a while before speaking.

"Can I ask what your father and brothers names were."

"I don't mind but why?"

"I was thinking you said they went to fight but you never saw them again right."

Ria nodded her head.

"Well, I can ask lord vermillion if they survived the war there has to be some kind of records."

Ria flashed a bright smile turning around to hug him.

"My father's name is Amrik and brothers names is Ash."

"I hope we can find them."

Ria nodded again agreeing with him.

Yuuta leaned in and started kissing her neck making his way to her lips. She let out a soft moan as he moved his hands down her body. She gave in and straddled his hips.


Sometime later

" I have to go beautiful I'm sure vermillion wants to talk my ear off."

Yuuta gave a groan as he pulled himself away from her. Ria let out a giggle.

"I'm going to Milly's room if you need me."

Yuuta nodded and quickly dried off and got dressed the maids laid out fresh clothes for him and Ria. He put on a white shirt and black canvas pants. Searching around for his black jacket he looked under the bed. Not only did he find his jacket but the magic stone as well.

Pulling it from under the bed his eyes instantly drew to the crack down the middle.

(Well that's not good.)

Yuuta's felt a slight pull towards the stone like it was sucking him in. It only took him a second to realize it was his mana that was being sucked out and not just a little it's sucking out his mana at an exuberant rate. He quickly put it in a cupboard and left the room.

(I'm sure I'm going to have to deal with that soon but not today. I have more important plans.)

The guards outside the door all had smirks on their faces clearly they heard last night and this morning's events.

"Shows over boys get back to work."

The guards all stiffened up as Yuuta gave them a glare.

Yuuta states as a command rather than a question.

"Where is Lord Vermillion."

One of the guards jumped a little and ushered him to Vermilions office. After a quick knock, Yuuta walked in. Vermillion motioned for him to sit as he read over some documents.

"Yuuta I assume you came to give me an answer."

Vermillion seemed to be on edge waiting for his answer it was obvious he had big plans for Yuuta.

"I talked it over with Ria and we have agreed to your proposal but I have some conditions."

Vermillion nodded his head.

"Firstly we already agreed to this but I felt like saying it one more time. Ria is to be looked after no matter what happens to me. That means for the rest of her life she will always have a place in this castle. Also, I want her to be tutored in reading and writing along with math."


"Of course Yuuta."

"Secondly I would like some help with finding Ria's family apparently her brother and father fought in the war last year."

"What side did they fight for?"


"Give me their names I can't promise anything but I will have somebody look into it."

Yuuta wrote their names on a sheet of paper and handed it over to Vermillion.

"Lastly I understand the kindness you have shown me and Ria and I will never take that for granted. I will always take that into consideration when you order me to do something. But if you order me to do something I do not feel comfortable with or I plainly just don't want to do I will not be doing it. If you try to force me I will not hesitate to leave the castle. If you try to stop me or threaten Ria I will kill you."

Vermillion's eyes lit up and his mouth opened slightly he could tell Yuuta was completely serious his body started to shake as he nodded his head.

"Thank you for listening to my demands I understand I am asking for a lot but where I'm from nobles don't exist so forgive me if I don't follow the norms."

"I understand Yuuta now I have a demand or two of my own."

"Of course lord."

"To be an instructor in the Hartford Adventurers Academy you need two things. One, you have to take a test by the headmaster of the academy. Two, you have to be noble to teach at the prestigious school."

"I should have no problem with the test but as you know I'm not a Nobel."

"I don't want to get into the whole noble faction thing but essentially I have the power as a Lord to knight you."

"So you're going to make me a noble?"

"Exactly when you're knighted you will be attached to this kingdom and will effectively serve the king. If we go to war you will be obligated to fight if the king orders you to do something you are duty bound to comply. I understand this is a lot to think about that's why I didn't tell you earlier."

"Yea its definitely a lot to think about I'm not exactly jumping at being controlled by some fat king who thinks he's better than me."

Vermillion let out a hefty laugh.

"I would keep those thoughts to yourself Yuuta if I wasn't as understanding as I am I could have you executed."

Yuuta glared daggers into vermillion which made him tense up and sweat.

"I would like to see you try."

He gave a fake smile and steered the conversation away from being controlled by the king topic.

"It's not all bad there are some perks to being a noble mostly the money. As a royal knight, you get a salary of 10 platinum coins a month. And on top of that, you get paid even more as an instructor. Not to mention you get a little bit of power I will make you a captain in my army you will lead your own platoon 200 men. Also, since I will be making you a royal knight you can have a family name or you can take mine if you wish."


Yuuta was a little stunned by that last comment.

" If I took your name wouldn't that make me next in line to rule Yuart?"

"Now your catching on Yuuta if you took my family name you would become my adopted son. You would most likely have to fight my brother for rulership if something happened to me but we've already seen that fight haha."

"Why are you giving all this to me?"

"Don't play dumb Yuuta you're smarter than that. With you, at my side, I could even become king. I have plans and with you, as my son, big things could be awaiting both of us. I do consider you a friend and ally but let's not kid ourselves you have the power of an S rank adventurer with just your power alone I could bend this country to my will."

Yuuta couldn't help but get creeped out by Vermillion's smile as he thought about world domination. But aligning himself with Vermillion would give him even more protection not mention if he became king nobody could touch him.

"Yea well just because I can doesn't mean I will but if throwing my name and weight around helps you I'm not opposed to it."

"So after all the factors have been explained to you do you still except my offer."

Vermillion reached out his hand with a calming smile.

(If I accept I feel like I'm opening myself up to a lot of trouble but at least I'll have some protection.)

Yuuta shook his hand and Vermillion exploded with laughter and a smile.

"Give me 3 days to set up the ceremony and I'll get in touch with the academy you'll have a couple free days so go have fun with Ria your both going to be busy soon!!"

"Speaking of that can I get my pay in advance I need to buy something and it's not cheap."

Vermillion gave a nod with a wry smile on his face.


A Few Hours Later

Yuuta walked out of the store holding a small black box with a stupid grin on his face. He made plans with vermillion to have a private dinner for him and Ria. Making his way back to the castle he was escorted to a giant ballroom with beautiful decorations and flowers all around the room with a single table in the middle of the room.

Ria was already waiting for him wearing a beautiful blue ball gown with her hair in a pinned up in a bun. Yuuta couldn't help but admire her beauty.

Walking to the table he picked up Ria's hand and kissed it.

"You look amazing Ria."

Her face went red and she tried to pull her hand back but Yuuta leaned in and kissed her cheek before sitting down. The server poured champagne for them and quickly left.

"So I talked to Vermillion and we agreed on his offer in 3 days you will start as a maid here and I've also arranged for you to learn reading, writing, and math. If you want I will make more than enough money for you to stay home."

"No it's ok I would go crazy staying inside all day I would rather work."

"Whatever you want beautiful."

Yuuta gave a wink and she smiled back at him with a red tint.

"This is amazing Yuuta did you do all this?"

Ria stood up and walked around pulling out a rose and smelling it.

"I asked vermillion to set it up for me I thought you deserved something special."

Her smile wouldn't leave her face like it was painted on. It made Yuuta ecstatic seeing her happy for once he was tired of making her worry every day.

Yuuta saw Milly and vermillion poking their heads in the door with giant smiles on their faces. Ria didn't notice their snickering somehow. While Ria was looking around the beautiful room smelling the flowers Yuuta followed closely behind. He was so nervous his heart was beating out of his chest. Every time he went to kneel she turned her head to look at him and he got too nervous do it.

(Quit being a bitch Yuuta just do it, do it, do it, do it)

Ria leaned in to smell a sunflower and Yuuta quickly kneeled behind her pulling out the black box. Before Ria noticed Milly let out a squeal. Her eyes shot to Milly and her and vermillion quickly shut the door trying to hide.

"What was that abou....."

Ria froze mid-sentence her heart pounding as she covered her face with her hands. Thousands of thoughts flew through her mind as the tears started flowing.

"Ria since the first day I met you I have been awestruck by your beauty and personality. You are the strongest women I have ever met in my life. Every day you surprise me and make me fall a little more in love with you. I can't think of my life without you in it so please will you marry me."

Ria was sobbing by the end of his speech her smile flashed through the tears and snot. She bull rushed Yuuta tackling him to the ground.

"Don't look at me Yuuta I look awful I can't stop crying."

She squeezed the words out burying her head in his chest.

"Umm not to rush you but you haven't given me an answer."

She let out a snort before punching him in the chest.

"Yes, Yes, Yes, of course, it's yes you idiot."

"You don't have to be so mean."

"You're the mean one Yuuta surprising me like that I nearly had a heart attack."

They both laughed.

"I love you beautiful."

Yuuta stuck his tongue out while putting the ring on her finger.

"I love you too handsome."

Milly ran into the room jumping up and down squealing. Ria tried to stop crying as Milly attacked her with hugs and vermillion shook Yuuta's hand congratulating him.

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