《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 23


Yuuta was the first to wake up with the familiar sound of Ria snoring in his ear. It almost became a beautiful melody to his ears by this point. Not wanting to wake her up he didn't get up and instead just rubbed her droopy cat ears. With a giggle, Ria's eyes fluttered open.

"Sorry I wasn't trying to wake you up."

"It's fine I've slept for two days straight it's time I get out of bed."

Ria saw a slight tinge of pain in his eyes. She grabbed his cheeks and pulled his head towards her planting a deep kiss on him it shocked his senses.

"I love you so don't worry about me I'm always going to be sad when you leave."

Yuuta just nodded his head at her words. They continued to cuddle for a while before Yuuta spoke.

"This might seem out of nowhere but what did you do before you met me."

Ria's made a confused face.

"What do you mean I was a slave."

"I mean like did you have friends our family did you ever like being somewhere things like that."

Ria gave it a minute of thought before talking.

"Where should I start?"

"From the beginning, I want to know everything about you if you don't mind."

Ria nodded her head giving a light smile.

"Well I was born in the kingdom of Darthmound it no longer exists. We lost a war with Hartford and got absorbed by the kingdom.."

"When was the war?"

"Not long before I met you maybe a year."

"Before the kingdom fell my family was sold to different people a couple times luckily we got to stay together which was very rare. My father's brother got a noble family he worked for to buy us. That's where I stayed till I was 15.

My mom was a Midwife to the Nobles children. My dad was a chef in the kitchen. My older brother was a pretty good fighter so he became a mercenary under the lord's control. And my uncle took care of the horses but my dad told me to stay away from him so I only talked to him a few times.

Tears had already started flowing when she started talking about her family.

"I'm sorry Ria you don't have to talk about it."

Yuuta grabbed Ria and pulled her close already regretting bringing it up. It seemed the only thing he was good at was making her cry.

"It's ok Yuuta I want to tell you about my family they would have loved you."

He just nodded not knowing what to say.


"I was just a maid but we all had our own rooms and we got to eat good food. For slaves, we had it pretty good compared to the ones who work in the mines. My father always had a smile on his face and loved my mom very much. He always said I looked just like her when she was younger. My brother was very protective he always fought the workers when they tried to flirt with me. You remind me a lot of him Yuuta."

Her smile flashed for just a second before going back to her story.

"Close to the end of the war things became hectic. The city we lived in was the farthest away from the war. So when the enemy soldiers showed up we already knew we lost. But for some reason the lord decided to fight he said that he was going to be executed anyway so he will die the honorable way."

Yuuta couldn't help but think how stupid the lord was for causing unnecessary death and damage.

"Once they started the siege anybody who could fight got a sword. I was 15 and had no fighting ability at all so I and my mom were evacuated while my dad and brother fought. That was the last time I saw them.”

Her tears started pouring out he could tell something bad was coming. She wrapped her arms around Yuuta and squeezed as hard as she could.

"When our carriage was leaving it was just women and children with one guard to protect us. When the carriage stopped suddenly we heard a scream my uncle had been following us.

"That bastard."

Yuuta's anger seethed out of his mouth. Ria ended up having to calm him down.

"You can guess what happens after that he used my mom how he pleased till she killed herself. He kept saying how she was his and my father stole her from him when they were young. Then...."

She started to hesitate Yuuta new what came next he didn't want to hear it. He knew he would explode with anger.

"Then he moved on to me........I'm sorry for lying about you being my first but in my mind, you truly are I don't consider what my uncle did......"

Her face went bright red in embarrassment seeing Yuuta’s angry face staring at her. She let go of him knowing he would be disgusted with her why would he want someone who was permanently stained.

Before her thoughts could get worse he quickly pulled her back into his embrace nuzzling his head into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry Ria I wish I could have been there. That we met before all this happened."


She heard his voice crack and his eyes were welling up it made her feel stupid for doubting him a moment ago. What she saw in his eyes was pure love deciding to tell him everything at that moment.

"I remember him saying that I looked too much like my mom before he beat me and raped me I put up too much of a fight as he put it thats when I got this."

She pulled up her right breast revealing a long scar that followed the curve of her Breast. Yuuta traced it with his finger and she flinched just slightly before Yuuta kissed it she let out a giggle. Trying to keep his mind occupied and not focus on that piece of shit uncle of hers. He felt his rage building. He just stared at the puffy eyes of Ria and they sent a wave of calmness through him.

When they first had sex he knew she wasn't a virgin (even though she said she was.)but he didn't think it was something like this. It crossed his mind a couple of times but he would never ask her about it.

"Soon after that, he tried to sell me off and that's when I met you."

Yuuta gripped her tight.

"I promise no one will ever hurt you again I will destroy this world if it meant protecting you."

Yuuta grabbed her chin and stared deep in her eyes.

"I love you."(Ria)

Yuuta flashed a bright smile and Ria followed.

"I love you forever and forever."

"Ohh Yea well I love you to infinity!”

Ria yelled back sticking out her tongue.

"Ohh Yea well I gotta pee!”

Yuuta shot out of bed to the bathroom with Ria laughing uncontrollably. He finished his business and got a glass of water for him and Ria. Slipping back into bed he gave the glass to Her and she took a couple big gulps. Leaning up against the backboard Ria put her head on his shoulder.

"Hey, Yuuta will you tell me about your past."

"Sure want me to start from the beginning."

She nodded her head. He almost felt embarrassed to tell his story compared to hers he didn't have a single thing to complain about.

“Like I told you I’m from a different world so my life was way different. I had a mom and dad they both loved me and of course I loved them. Also, an annoying little sister Yuiki who would always bug me to play with her. Back then I was always mad at them for one thing or another but now I just wish I was nicer.”

“You ok?”

“Yea I just miss them sometimes there’s nothing I can do about it so I try to not let it get to me. But I often think about what they're doing right now how sad they must be that I died. My mom would cry over me yelling at her so I can only guess how she took it. When my mom cried my dad would pull off his belt and run at me but it was just to scare me he never hit me. He would give me a big lecture about being nice to girls and how only scum would make them cry on purpose and made me apologize to my mom.”

“They sound nice Yuuta I wish I could meet them.”

“Me too they would have loved you as well. My mom always told me if the first thing you think about before doing something is a girl you have to marry her.”

Ria looked at him quizzically.

“What does that mean?”

“Umm like when I do something like take a request or even pick up dinner do I think about you. Which I do by the way when I get food I think about what you would like. When I take a request I think about how long it will take and if it’s worth having to leave you. Just now I was thirsty so I thought about if you were too.”

Ria’s face went bright red as she punched him in the arm.

“That’s embarrassing Yuuta!”

“Why? It’s because I love you and I think about you every day.”

“Jerk!! That’s unfair of course it’s the same for me I just keep that to myself.”

She started squirming in embarrassment Yuuta rolled on top of her and held her down looking at her perfect blushing face. She looked away for a second before staring in his eyes with a serious look.

“Would you go back if you could?”

Yuuta didn’t hesitate.

“Only if I could bring you with me.”

He started kissing her neck as Ria bright smile lit up the room. In between kisses Yuuta asked.

“What should we do about Vermillion's offer do you want to take it?”

“I say yes but if you don’t want to I’m ok with that.”

“Then it’s done this is our new home at least for now.”

*crack* unaware of the giant magic stone that rolled under the bed had a new crack down the middle of it.

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