《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 27


After Starphylla woke Rune up they all walked to a conference room. Rune went quiet for the rest of the trip.

"Take a seat Yuuta we have some things to go over now that you passed your test."

Yuuta nodded his head taking a seat on the far side of the table. Starphylla sat the head of the table with Rune and Triss on each side of him.

"First Yuuta do you have any questions?"

"Yea this might sound stupid but what exactly am I going to be doing here."

"Good question you will be in charge of a senior class this year. Your main responsibility will be taking them on real requests from the guild."

Yuuta interjected

"Are they ready for something like that? Even E rank missions can be deadly if they aren't prepared."

"It's what they have been training for. If they can't handle a simple E rank mission then you have the authority to fail them. Along with taking them on requests, you will be teaching them teamwork and proper conduct."

"I'm more than happy to try headmaster but for the most part I'm a solo adventurer I don't have much experience with teamwork."

"Well if you need help you have your senior instructors to ask for advice."

Rune and Triss gave comforting smiles they seemed to actually want to help.

"As for how you decide to train and teach them is completely up to you. I like to let my teachers move freely and teach how they like so don't expect me to be breathing down your neck. If you don't have any more questions?"

"When I was taking a look around this place seems pretty fancy everything is gold and silver."

Starphylla had a wry smirk on his face.

"I'm guessing Vermillion didn't tell you this is the noble branch of the academy. Only nobles are allowed in this school."

Yuuta was a little surprised.

"Why would nobles want to be adventurers can't they just laze around all day?"

All 3 of them laughed at his comment.

"It's not out of the ordinary for the first and second born with a to do just that. But the younger ones don't have such an easy life. Most of them get "kicked out" at 16 either they become knights or get married off to a different family. On the rare occasion, they become adventurers. Being a knight and an adventurer is actually not too different in these parts so we train both here. Anything else?"


"How are knights and adventurers the same."

"Well, knights are basically adventurers with more responsibilities. They have to fight monsters that get to close to cities or destroy nests while also fighting in wars. The only real difference is that knights take their orders from the nobles instead of the guild."

"Do adventurers fight in wars?"

"They can but the guild doesn't get involved in wars since they are located on every continent and major city in the world. So adventurers who fight in the war are called mercenaries."

"Makes sense. Moving on how many people are going to be in my class?"

Starphylla grabbed a sheet a of paper from the table and quickly read it over.

"It looks like you have a class of 4 this year."

"Is that unusual to have such a small class."

"Not really we like to keep the classes small for the senior classes making it easier for you to take them out on requests."

"I think that covers all my questions I still feel a little nervous but I guess that can't be helped."

They all nodded their heads.

"You're going to do fine Yuuta. If you will excuse me I and Rune have some business we need to take care of. Triss can give you a tour and can take you to your classroom. Have a good day."

Rune and Starphylla quickly stood up and left.

Yuuta got up and approached Triss with his hand out.

"I guess I should introduce myself again since where colleagues now I'm Yuuta Vermillion."

She gave him a half smile looking almost scared of Yuuta her hand was trembling in his.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Triss stiffened at his question and her lip quivered.

"No no no you didn't do anything wrong it's just I've never met anybody as strong as the headmaster let alone someone stronger.........I guess I'm a little nervous being in charge of you haha. Plus you're a future lord I'm just the fourth daughter of a baron which makes it, even more, nerve-racking."

Yuuta let out a laugh and beamed her a smile.

"What's so funny?"

"You're just being really honest I find it refreshing. Since becoming a lord the only person who doesn't kiss my ass is Ria and Milly. On the other subject of you being in charge of me please do not feel nervous. I welcome the advice and support I'm new to this and bound to need help."


Yuuta gave a bow "Thank you for your future support."

Triss went bright red with a smile plastered on her face.

"Come on weirdo let me show you around."

Grabbing Yuuta's hand she took him down the hallway giving a short tour around the main building showing off the cafeteria than the gym.

"And this is my laboratory only a select few of the seniors and even teachers are allowed in here. I'll make an exception and let you in.....come on!"

The same barrier Yuuta broke through was around her laboratory. It was filled with magic items and different magic circles drawn on the floors.

"What do you do here?"

Her face lit up in excitement at his question she was obviously passionate about her research.

"The students learn about different magic items and how to make them along with transmutation and summonings. I only let the talented ones in don't need some dolts destroying my precious research."

Yuuta was careful not to touch anything as he walked around.

"And what do you research?"

"I specialize in Spirit magic specifically barriers. The one surrounding the campus and my laboratory are what I've been working on."

"Yea those were pretty impressive I've never seen anything like them."

"Yea well you broke through them like it was paper even the headmaster took a couple of minutes to break mine and he helped me create it."

She looked at him almost like she was waiting for an apology.

"Sorry I just poured my mana into your barrier and it cracked I didn't really do anything."

Yuuta gave a half shrug and smile.

"Let's continue the tour before I get more depressed. My years of hard work mean nothing now I have to start from scratch!"

Triss stomped out of the room with tears in her eyes.

"Hey wait up I didn't mean to be rude I'm sure your barriers work on most people."

"That's not helping Yuuta just shut up before I lose my temper."

"You need to calm down Triss no need to get worked up......"

She took a swing at Yuuta with her staff and he easily dodged it grabbing her waist and pushing her against the wall. A fruity smell hit his nose and her silky silver hair tickled his nose. He could hear her heartbeat and her face turn a shade of pink.

Yuuta whispered in her ear. "Take it easy before I lose my temper." Blowing into her ear.

Her face went bright red and she tried to squirm out of his iron grip.

"Let me go already jerk!"

"Promise to behave."

"Don't tell me what to do!"

She tried to slap him but he caught her hand and pinned it above her head.

"I said to behave."

After another minute of struggling she relaxed and in almost a whisper "I promise."

He let go of her and she doubled over catching her breath.

"Sorry for teasing you I got carried away you just looked so cute all flustered."

Her face still bright red she got up and brushed herself off.

"Whatever let's finish the tour before I kill you."

"I wish you would."

She jumped at his comment feeling the electricity between them. Her hair was standing on end enjoying this back and forth. She didn't dare look back at him her face was already flushed.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Triss stopped at a large wooden door."

"This is your classroom they all pretty much look the same."

Looking inside Yuuta was surprised to see a chalkboard and desk just like at his old school.

There where two huge oak tables with two chairs to each table. It was pretty simple looking nothing special at all.

"Well the only place left is the mansions where the students live there's no real reason to go over there. The only time you would is if there's a disturbance or the students get into a fight."

"Thank for showing me around sorry for the trouble."

"Don't worry about if you have any questions let me know."

"Sure thing is it alright if I leave now?"

"I don't see why not classes start next week be sure to come early we have to set a good example."

"Understood see you soon."

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