《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 12


Yuuta walked out of his house after saying goodbye to Ria and headed straight for the guild. It was a good thing he moved close to the guild or he definitely would have been late. Turning off his street and walking down the main road the guild was right in front of him. Walking through the door he saw the familiar sight of Cerona sitting at the reception desk.

"Hey Ro Ro."

"Hi, Yuuta the test proctor is upstairs first door on your right."

"Thank you haha."

"Why are you laughing at me."

"Cause you didn't give me any trouble for calling you Ro Ro."

"Well, I've decided to just accept it."

"Good choice cause I wasn't going to stop. Have a good day."

Yuuta made his way up the stairs seeing a line of chairs with people sitting outside the door. Yuuta bypassed all of them and knocked on the door. Till a burly man well into his late 30s with plate armor called out to him.

"If Your here for the promotion test the line starts back there."

Before Yuuta could say anything the voice from inside the office said to come in. So he just smiled at the burly man and walked in. As the door was closing you could hear the burly man yelling obscenities. Yuuta just gave a small laugh as he walked towards another familiar face Barthos the man he took the E rank promotion test with.

"Ohh it's you aren't you moving up the chain fast didn't I just test you for E rank.

"Yea well there were some things that happened and they decided to let me jump a couple ranks."

"Yea I heard you killed a cyclops haha with that punch you gave me a couple weeks ago I don't doubt it."

(I barely touched you.)

"Yea I'm not a fan of all this attention but if it means I can take better request and earn more money then I guess it's ok."

"Don't worry once you get to A or B rank you can get a cushy job like mine training the little brats haha."

"I'm looking forward to it."

They both gave a small laugh as Barthos face changed to a serious expression.

"Ok enough of the formalities let's get down to business I have been put in charge of the C rank promotion test. I'll will go over the rules for this test are you ready to start."


"Ok, we will start with the basics you have the choice of taking the test alone or with a group. I will tell you now there are very few people who solo adventure at C rank or higher so I and the guild recommend that the take the test with a party."


"Thanks for the advice but I'm going to take it alone I don't play well with others."

"Very well I won't push the matter it's your decision after all."

"Thanks for understanding."

"Let's keep this moving along I'll tell you the request for your rank up test. We have recently got reports from the hot spring village of Yuart that a pack of wyverns has made a nest on the nearby mountain. Yuart is a very popular tourist attraction for the kingdom so the guild takes this request very seriously. Wyverns are D rank lesser dragons they can't breathe fire but they are swift flying creatures with sharp talons and jaws strong enough to chop someone in half. The village reported of seeing at least 4 maybe upwards to 10. Since you decided to take the request alone it will be your job to clear the nest by yourself. This request is extremely dangerous but should be capable for someone to that killed a cyclops."

Barthos gave a hardy laugh.

"10 wyverns isn't that a bit much for a single adventurer?"

"Well like I said most adventurers join a party by the time their C rank and we're not allowed to change the criteria. If you want to go solo you have to be able to take a request that a C rank party would take does that make sense."

"Yep can't argue with that."

"Ok sounds good then you will leave today a guild carriage will take you free of charge. It will take less than a day to get there you will have 1 week to complete the request if you fail to finish the request you will not be promoted. If we find out you lied about finishing the request and trust me we will you will be banned from the guild and not be allowed in any guild related shop or inn have I made the rules clear to you."

"Yes, I understand I do have a question though."

"Go ahead."

"Can I bring someone along with me, not to help with the test. Since I have a week so I thought we could enjoy the hot spring."

"I don't see any problem with that."

"Ok sounds good."

"The cart will be waiting for you at the front gate please gather your required provisions and meet him as soon as you can."

Yuuta gave a short goodbye and walked out of the office. The old burly man had some things to say but Yuuta shut him up with just a look and releasing a little bit of mana. After leaving the guild he ran back towards his house excited about going to the hot springs with Ria it's their first trip away from home together. Plus it's a hot spring.


(Hopefully, it's a mixed gender bath )

Yuuta's face went a little shade of red thinking about some not so wholesome things. He quickly made his way to his house and rushed through the door to see Ria cleaning the kitchen. She jumped in the air as Yuuta smashed through the door to excited.

"Jeez, Yuuta you scared me half to death."

Yuuta ran at her picking her up spinning her around giving her tiny kisses on her chest and neck.

"What's got into you Yuuta "

She gave light giggles every time he kissed her neck it was definitely one of her sweet spots. Anytime she gets mad that was his go-to move.

"I have another request and I want you to come with me this time."

"Ehh didn't you say last time that I couldn't go with you because it was dangerous."

"Usually they are but we're going to a hot spring for this request it's going to be great!!!"

Ria looked a little confused.

"What's a hot spring Yuuta?

"Ehhhh you don't know what a hot spring is? It's like our bath at home but bigger and the water is naturally hot and steamy it's amazing you're going to love it!!"

Yuuta's beaming smile made her calm as usual.

"It sounds nice."

"Trust me it is we have to leave soon so you should start packing if you want to bring anything."

Ria went upstairs and started packing she decided to put on her new orange dress that went down to her thighs and the rest was covered by thigh high white socks. She had just bought it this morning while Yuuta was at the guild. Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of him seeing her she quickly headed down the stairs to find Yuuta stuffing his face with bread. She couldn't help but laugh at him smacking his lips. He turned around and saw her new clothes his eyes widened and his face tinted red.

"Youhm loof beaufuful."

"Haha don't talk with your mouth full dork."

She was still happy that she got a reaction out him.

He finished his bread and told her again.

"You look beautiful."

"You think so?"

She did a little spin and her dress lifted up just enough for Yuuta to get some dangerous ideas in his head.

" I could stare at you all day but the carriage is waiting for us."

Rias face turned into a bright smile holding out her hand.

"Let's go then."

Yuuta grabbed her hand softly but still firm as always it reassured her and made her feel safe it was an odd feeling she never felt before meeting him.

They made their way down the main road Ria was clinging to his arm. Any man who was in the street stopped and did a double take at the girl whose smile could light up a room in her perfect orange dress that accentuated too much of her body. Yuuta would have felt jealous if that smile wasn't directed at him.

"You seem excited Ria."

"I'm just happy I get to go with you this time. I got really depressed when you left last time."

"Yea I heard from Giodore you cried anytime somebody mentioned me haha."


Ria started pouring and turned her head away from. He grabbed her chin and brought it back towards his face.

"I missed you too."

Yuuta gave her a short kiss and her smile came back in an instant. They continued walking till they met up with a normal looking villager sitting next to a carriage.

"Are you Yuuta."

"Yea you with the guild ."

"Yea names Diore I'll be taking you to Yuart is this the guest your bringing."

Diore started looking at her in an unflattering way looking her up and down. Yuuta stepped in front of her and gave him a quick look that stopped Diore in his track.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry jeez your scary."

Ria didn't really understand what happened just that Yuuta was gripping her hard. She let out a yelp.

"Ahh sorry, Ria he just got on my nerves did I hurt you."

"No, it felt kind of good."

She started being bashful all of something. Yuuta grabbed Ria by the waist picking her up placing her in the carriage.

"Thanks, Yuuta"

"No problem"

He sat next to her guarding her against the view of a Diore he already didn't like that guy. His temper seemed to be getting worse and he couldn't figure out why.

(Maybe it's cause I haven't drunk blood in a while I always feel relaxed after I drink blood.)

He casually thought about taking a bandit subjugation quest to get blood As he slowly drifted off to sleep putting his head in Ria's lap she lightly rubbed her hands through his hands.

(This is paradise for sure)

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