《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 11


Yuuta continued dragging Ria across the city.

"Where are you taking me Yuuta."

"It's a secret so hurry up."

Ria started to get nervous she knew Yuuta wasn't that kind of person but all of sudden she had to pack up all of her stuff left the first home she ever had. It felt all to similar to when she got sold off to somebody new. She couldn't help but think she was goin to be made a slave again. Her depression started to hit hard and she forced the tears back....Yuuta squeezed her hand and turned his head to smile at her.

"Don't worry it's nothing bad I promise. Just trust me."

"I do Yuuta."

With reassurance they made their way to the west end district of the city. It was noticeably cleaner and had nicer stores than the south side of the city where their inn was. There where even streetlights to light up the cobble road at night. Yuuta suddenly stopped in front of a two story house. Ria not paying attention didn't notice and ran into the Yuuta's back.

"Ahhh why did you stop all of a sudden?"

"Because we're here what do you think?"

Ria started looking around trying to figure out what he was talking about after a couple of seconds he just grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the door. He dug out his 2 house keys and handed one to Ria."

"Welcome home Ria."

Yuuta unlocked the door and and stepped inside with Ria. She was so shocked that she couldn't move it was unreal what she just heard. Her brain was frying trying to process Yuuta's words. She looked around the first floor was split into two rooms the room on the right was a kitchen and the left was a family room with a big couch and table it looked perfect for afternoon napping.

"Well say something already your making me nervous."

Ria's ears perked up braking her out of her daze.

"Ahh I don't know what to say you. You bought this house?"

"Yea I figured we needed our own house I'm tired of getting yelled at by Giodore for waking people up at night with your screaming."

Ria's face lit up red as she ran at him throwing her tiny punches at him.

"Shut up Yuuta it's your fault that I'm so loud."

"It was just a joke calm down haha."

"It's not funny jerk."

Yuuta held Ria and gave her a kiss. Ria smiled and buried her head into his chest.

"So do you like your new home."

"Yea it's kind of crazy to think 2 weeks ago I was a slave and now I'm free and I have a home with......."


"With what?"

Ria's eyes widened she started squirming to embarrassed to say it out loud. She slowly moved too Yuuta and whispered in his ears.

"The person I love."

Yuuta actually turned a little red in embarrassment at how meek Ria was being.

(Shes just too cute.)

"Come on let me give you a tour."

Yuuta grabbed her hand and started showing her around.

"We even have our own bath we just have to get water from the well."

That was definitely what Yuuta was most excited about he was tired of washing himself off with bucket water. Yuuta brought Ria upstairs there was a small hallway with a single door on each side. He led her too the door on the right and opened it up.

"You like our new room?"

"Yea it's perfect Yuuta.What's the other room for?"

"Well right now it's just an extra room but I was thinking ummmm... if Ummm weee Umm ever had a baby they would have their own room."

Ria's eyes widen and her face turned bright red.

"Sorry if you think it's weird I was just thinking ahead."

"No it's fine I don't think it's weird."

She kept squirming with a smile.

"Let's start practicing."

Yuuta picked her up and threw her on the bed.

"Ahhhhh take it easy Yuuta hehe!"

They spent the rest of day lounging about there new house first in bed than the family room and lastly they got to enjoy their new bath it was truly a peaceful and perfect day.


Yuuta woke up to the familiar sensation of Ria being draped over him. His arm was dead asleep but it didn't bother him. They both had a late night of celebration, So it was already late morning by the time he woke up. He definitely didn't want to get up but he had to make it to the guild before noon. He rubbed Ria's head contemplating if he should wake her up.

(I might as well, I don't want her to be scared waking up alone in a new place.)

He started to slowly trace the outline of her cheek with kisses moving to her neck until he heard a light giggle come out.

"That tickles Yuuta"

He couldn't help but stare at her smile that was brighter than the sun.

"Sorry I have to leave soon and I don't want you to wake up alone."

She slowly sat up against the backboard of their giant oversized comfy bed.

"When do you have to leave."

" I'm not sure around a hour or so why.?"

"Well it's my job as your wife to make sure you eat after all."


(Whaaaaaaaaaattttttttt!!!!!!! Did I propose to her. When how.?)

"Hehe it was just a joke but still I'll make you breakfast."

Yuuta relaxed his perplexed face but there was also a tinge of disappointment when she said it was a joke.

They both got out of bed and put on their clothes Ria headed down first to start cooking breakfast. Yuuta was still pondering what Ria said . He kept thinking it over and couldn't find a down side to marrying Her.

(I feel like I need to know her more before I do it . But we're so different. I had a normal child hood with loving parents a sister who was annoying but I still loved her. Compared to Ria who's never known any kind of kindness in her life.)

That was Yuuta's biggest apprehension to marrying her what if she didn't actually love him. It was just the first time someone showed her kindness so she's attached what if a new person comes along who she connects with better and realizes he was just a place holder in her new life. Most of this was just his jealousy and low self conscious drilling a hole in his brain. It was a familiar burden on his shoulders like a weight he thought he shed it coming to this new world but it followed him.

Yuuta shook his head and punched himself in the face braking his nose. It only took a couple seconds to heal but it still stung.

(I need to get out of my head it's just going to make me hate myself.)

He went to the bathroom and splashed some water on his face before walking down stairs.

Yuuta was greeted by the smell of bacon and eggs. Ria was at the stove finishing breakfest wearing the blue and white dress he bought her with an apron.

"Morning it smells good."

"It's all we had."

Ria brought the food to the dinning table it looked delicious so Yuuta dove straight in. He engulfed his food in less than 5 minutes.

"Thanks for cooking it been a while since I had a home cooked meal."

"It's the least I could do."

That weight got heavier and heavier he couldn't stop himself from forcing out the words he's been thinking.

"Hey Ria I have a question?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Are you happy?"

"Of course this is the happiest I've ever been in my life."

"Are you happy with me?"

"Yes absolutely where are you going with this Yuuta."

A glint of worry showed up in her crystal blue eyes.

"It's nothing I was just thinking that maybe you just liked me because I was nice to you and you got attached cause you don't have anybody. One day you're going to find someone who's better than me and the girl I love is going to leave me. After all I'm a freak vampire nobody would actually want to be with me in this world."

Yuuta was tearing his heart apart at the words he was saying but it's how he truly felt he had to share how he felt if this relationship was going to continue.

Tears started falling down her cheeks as she ran at Yuuta and slapped him as hard as she could. Leaving a bright red handprint on his pale skin.

"Yuuta never say that again *hic* or I'll never forgive you-you hear me. You're not a freak vampire I love you. You think I would be with *hic* you just because you where nice to me. That's one part of it but that's not all i love how overprotective you are. I feel safe in you're arms when you hug me and your smile makes my heart pound I can tell how you feel just by you looking at me. Theres countless amounts of reasons that i want to be with so don't insult me you got that."

Ria stared straight into his eyes not wavering in the slightest her hands where on her hips and she almost had a teacher disciplining her student vibe it was kind sexy. Yuuta gave a small smile with a regretful look on his face.

"I kind of like it when you get mad."

"This is not a joke Yuuta do you know how hurtful that was apologize and say you believe me."

"I'm sorry Ria I just wanted to be sure, sorry if I hurt you."

Ria's tears started to stop when Yuuta embraced her and slowly rubbed her back. Her sobs started to calm.

(Man I'm definitely going to marry this girl.)

"I'm sorry I ruined our first full day in the house."

"You didn't ruin anything I'm happy we could be honest with each other."

"Yea me too"

They held each other for a while until the negative energy left their bodies.

"I'm sorry Ria I have to go. I have an appointment at the guild."

"It's fine see you when you get home."

"Hey you don't have to stay here the whole day."

Yuuta gave her the 8 gold coins and 7 silver coins he had on him.

"You should go out and explore buy whatever you want for yourself or the house."

Ria gave a bright smile and agreed.

Yuuta left to get his promotion test arranged.

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