《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 10


Quattro started handing out a piece of paper to the party.

"Turn this paper into the guild and you'll receive your compensation."

Yuuta decided to get some things done before seeing Ria.

"Hey Emmy wanna walk to the guild together I wanted to ask about something."


Yuuta and Emmy said goodbye to Astro and they parted ways.

"So what did you wanna talk about about."

"I wanted to buy a house but I don't know where to start."

"Haha I don't blame you but it's not that hard you just have to go to the castle to see the city planner. They will give you a list of available houses."

"That doesn't sound too bad I'll head over there after we're done at the guild. You wanna come with me I'm new to the city and don't know my way around that well.

"Sure I don't mind it won't take long."

Emmy and Yuuta walked into the guild to get their reward money. There where still a few stragglers looking at the request board and couple more sitting at the bar drunk already. Yuuta wasn't paying much attention but he caught a couple sentences mostly about him being the one who killed a cyclops.

(That spread faster than I thought.)

"Hey Ro Ro I'm back!"

Cerona's face went red and lit up with a smile.

"Jeez Yuuta are you still calling me that I'm glad you safely returned."

"Yep until you tell me not to haha.Anyway I finished the request."

Yuuta handed over the piece of paper and his guild card. Cerona accepted the paper and guild card the. headed to the back office. After a couple minutes she came out with a small coin purse.

"Here is your reward 3 gold coins and your updated guild card. You have also been accepted to take the promotion test to C rank please come back here in 2 days before noon."

"I'll be there thanks Ro Ro."

Finishing up at the guild Emmy and Yuuta left headed towards the castle at the top of the city.

"Are we allowed to just enter the castle."

"Yea as long as you have business with somebody who works in the castle."

"I guess that makes sense who lives there anyways?”

”lord Simkin, his wife, and daughter.”

They continued their small talk until reaching the castle bridge it was the definition of a medieval castle. Two guards where guarding the entrance Yuuta let Emmy take the lead. After a couple minutes of talking from Emmy the guard guided them inside walking up a flight of stairs and rounding a couple corners they where met by a secretary in a small hole in the wall office.

"Hello welcome to the city planners office my name is Raina I'm the secretary to the city planner Rethim how can I help you."

"My name is Yuuta and I would like to buy a house in the city."

"My name is Emmy I'm just just here to help with the process."


"Very well please fill this form out."

Raina handed him a form asking for basic information like his name, profession, how long he's been in the city, and proposed budget for the home. He filled it out and handed it back to her. She looked it over and pulled out a map of the city."

"For the proposed budget of 70 gold you are limited too the west upper end of the city."

She spread out a map and pointed to the houses that where available.

"Is there anything your looking for in your property."

"I'm not sure what is standard for houses in my price range."

"Well most houses in the west end are two story wooden buildings with two bedrooms their own bathroom and a for an extra fee there own bath but you have to get the water from the west end well."

"That's more than I was expecting that sounds perfect."

Raina started pointing to different properties that where for sale.

"What do you think Emmy which one should I pick."

"Umm if I had to choose I would pick this one it's actually right by my house it has great restaurants nearby and it's close to the adventurers guild which is always nice."

"Sounds good I'll take that one. How much?"

Raina pulled out a clipboard and started flipping through the Papers.

"The price is 50 gold or with the option of getting it furnished it's 55 gold."

"I'll definitely get it furnished how long will it take?"

"It's still early in the day so it should be done by tomorrow if we receive the payment now."

Yuuta pulled out his bag and pulled out 5 platinum coins and 5 gold coins.

"Excellent I will get the furnishing started right away you will need to fill out some paper work. "

*Boom* Raina dropped a pile of papers in front of Yuuta's making him almost regret buying the house.

"What's all this for?"

"Most of it is for our personal records. Next is for property tax you will have to pay 5 gold coin a year lastly is the deed to your house once you are done i will hand over the keys."

Emmy gave a small laugh and gave her goodbyes this was obviously going to take a while.

"See ya Emmy once we get settled in I'll invite you over."

"Sure sounds nice. If you ever want to form a party again just let me know."

Yuuta started diving into the paperwork it took more than half the day and a dozen hand cramps but he was finally finished. Raina double checked the paper worked and handed over the keys to his new house.

(Considering I lived with my parents I oddly feel like a responsible adult owning my own home at 17 haha.)

With that after getting lost a couple times and getting yelled at by soldiers he found his way outside the castle making his way to the nearest food stalls he could find it was already late evening by the time he got finished with the paperwork and he was starving.


He ordered a couple meet skewers a sandwich and ate as he walked back to The Moonlight Inn. The sun had already set and it was past the shops closing time before he made it back to the inn. He felt a sense of nostalgia even though it's only been 2 weeks since he has been gone. Walking in he saw the familiar sight of Giodore sitting behind his desk looking over some paperwork.

"Long time no see Giodore how have you been ."

"Ahh Yuuta you're back how was the request."

"Pretty easy went by fast, happy to be back."

"That's not what I heard, word around the guild is you killed a cyclops."

"How did you know about that?"

"I might not look it cause I'm old now but at one time I was an A rank adventurer. I still get word about promising young adventurers."

"Haha well I don't think it was anything special do you know where Ria is."

"She went to her room awhile ago she been pretty down since you left. Anytime Somebody mentioned you she got all teary eyed and the other girls had to calm her down."

"That sounds like her I'm gonna head up. Ohh I forgot do I still owe you for boarding."

"No you still had 8 days left when you left and I took the rest out of Ria pay."

"Ok well I'm moving out tomorrow so thanks for everything.... it really means a lot."

Giodore just nodded his head and smiled giving him his key and motioning with his hand shooing him off. Yuuta made his way up the stairs he was slightly nervous to see her again. With each step the butterflies in his stomach got stronger and stronger. He arrived at the room and unlocked the door slowly opening it.

"Ria I'm home."

Yuuta walked In to find Ria already asleep on the bed she was snoring and drooling loudly. Yuuta couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

(After two weeks I expected a little more haha.)

Yuuta took off his long black jacket and shirt sliding his way into bed trying not to wake Ria up. After getting comfortable she rolled over and put her head and arm over his body. Naturally the drool started to cover his chest but he didn't mind he started playing with her black cat ears and hair slowly drifting off to sleep with a smile on his face.



With a small groan Yuuta woke up to getting hit with tiny punches and a crying girl over his body.

"Hey Ria I'm home."

"*Hic Hic* Stupid Yuuta when did you get here why didn't you wake me up."

"I came home late and you where already asleep. You looked so cute drooling all over the place I didn't want to wake you up."

Ria starting hugging him for some reason he couldn't understand she wouldn't stop crying. Yuuta just held her, rubbing her back.

"Come on crybaby I'm home so calm down."

"*Hic Hic* I'm sorry I just missed you. And I was *Hic* really surprised *Hic* when I woke up and you where in bed holding me."

"When I laid down next to you it was like a magnet and you rolled over on top of me haha."

Yuuta grabbed her cheeks looking in her eyes and kissed her deeply. They stayed connected like that for several minutes losing track of time.

"Have you calmed down now."

Yuuta kept rubbing her back as she got her feelings under control.

"I'm fine i was just overwhelmed."

"It's cute when you cry over me haha."

Yuuta gave a bright ear to ear smile he was hard pressed to think of time before he met Ria that he was ever this happy.

" Hey Ria I have a present for you."

"Really? What is it."

She looked at him with wide eyes.

"It's a surprise close your eyes."

Ria gave a smile and happily complied. Yuuta dug around in his bag and found the ornate wooden box and pulled out the necklace. He slowly walked behind her pulled her hair to the side and kissed her neck. She made a light giggle as he put the necklace on her and fastened the clasp. He told Ria to stand up and guided her to the mirror.

"Ok open your eyes."

Ria opened her eyes and looked down to see the brilliant shine of the blue sapphire and the bright sparkle of the diamond covered silver chain. And just like that the waterworks started up again.

"There's no way I can have this Yuuta it's way to pretty it must have cost a fortune is it really for me!"

"Who else is gonna wear it it's not my style."

She froze in the mirror slightly tracing the gem with her finger.

"*hic* Are you sure this is mine you won't ask for it back."

"Of course it's yours just promise me you will wear it when I'm not around or your outside. Just think of this as the first of many to come."

The tears where in full blast as she jumped at him and he caught her spinning her around.

"Will you please quit crying your face looks like a giant tomato haha."

After another undisclosed amount of time and moans coming from their room finally ended. They left to be met by an angry Giodore, pissed that his waitress didn't show up for her shift till far after midday but Yuuta gave him a silver coin for the trouble and asked if Ria could take the day off. They needed to pack up their stuff after all.

"Hey Ria are you packed up got all your stuff."

"Yes but you still haven't told me where we're going.

"It's another surprise."

Yuuta gave another mischievous grin. He held her hand as they walked to their new home.

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