《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 9


"Yuuta it's time to get up"

Emmy kept shaking him till he slowly sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Thanks Emmy is it time to leave ."

"Yea we got a little time come eat breakfast with me and master."

Yuuta got up and did his morning stretches grabbed his sword and tied it to his waist as usual. Walking out from his room Emmy and Avenci where sitting at table eating black bread and a soup with vegetables.

After eating breakfast Yuuta packed up his new magic books and got ready to set out. Avenci called him over and handed over his necklace.

"It took all night but I finished it I hid the the magic stone in the sapphire so it doesn't stand out."

"Thank you for staying up and finishing it I'm extremely grateful."

"It's fine you just owe me one come back and visit after you master your lightning element I'll be happy to give you all the research materials you need."

Emmy finished eating breakfast got in the elevator to leave and Yuuta followed.

"Goodbye Master I'll be back when I can."

"Goodbye Emmy train hard and don't become a disappointment or I will have to punish you hehe."

Emmy almost jumped at those words her face was bright red she quickly hit the switch and started descending the tower. After leaving the mages guild they quickly headed for the front gate Quattro was already waiting outside the city on the main road. Of course Astro was nowhere to be seen.

(I better not have to pull him out of the whore house.)

After about 5 minutes Quattro started getting pissed off.

"If he's not here soon where leaving without that perv."

(Who you calling a perv Quattro your the one who was sharing details with him on the way here.)

Astro came running down the road holding his armor and shield being chased by some men presumably from the brothel.

“Let’s get moving”

Quattro quickly jumped on his seat and whipped the horses forward. Astro still being chased ran as fast as he could barely jumping into the carriage before the horses took off.

“That was a close call I barley made it in time.”

“Who’s fault is that Astro.” :Yuuta:

TLN= if there are a lot of people in a scene I’m going to say who’s talking with : : Just so It’s clear.


“Well it turns out that place was more expensive then I thought.”

Astro started laughing as he caught his breath from the full sprint he just finished.

And so the journey back to Celis started the excruciatingly boring trip filled with long days of sitting in a bumpy carriage and occasionally getting out and walking to suppress the boredom. Yuuta tried to make small talk but there was only so much you could talk about. So he decided to dedicate the trip to studying the magic books he received from Avenci. He continued working on lightning enchantments. While practicing he discovered that charging the sheath like a negative magnet and the blade with a positive magnet. He could draw his sword so fast even Yuuta couldn’t see it with his reflexes and amazing eyesight. It was pretty neat parlor trick. After getting the hang of his new skill he moved on to controlling the lightning in his blade it was very sensitive if a fly got near the blade while it was charged it would lash out and kill it. When he first started he couldn’t control the output but slowly he condensed it into a sharp outline of the blade and eventually he could control how the lightning lashed out being able to hit his targets with extreme accuracy.

After 4 days of traveling and and constant studying he was able to master the two basic concepts.

“Only one more day till where back in Celis.”

(If I wasn’t in a party I could run from the capital to Celis in a day.)

Yuuta frowned as he spoke clearly depressed. Emmy was busy studying and didn’t notice but Astro decided to mess with him.

“Hey Yuuta wanna have a duel with me i know your only an E rank so I’ll take it easy on.”

Astro declared with a smug face obviously trying to get a rise out of Yuuta .

“Actually while we were in the city I was promoted to D rank so maybe If we have time after setting up camp.”

“Ohh aren’t you a big shot now Mr. D rank huh.”

That last remark pissed Yuuta off. He started mulling over how bad to beat his ass while eating his dinner.

“So you ready Yuuta I’ll show you what a a true adventurer looks like.”


Emmy was going to jump in to stop Astro but before she could Yuuta spoke up.


“Yea let’s move away from the camp.”

“Full of yourself aren’t you.”

Yuuta was really trying to not let Astro get under his skin but it wasn’t working.

After walking for a while they stood about 10 meters apart with them deciding Emmy would be officiating the match. She stood in the middle of them and put her hand in the air. Yuuta grabbed on to his sword already charging it. He was goin to test out his new attack. Astro did the same pulling his claymore from his waist and taking out his giant shield and placed it in front of him. His eyes just peaking over the shield. Emmy dropped her hand and the fight began.

Yuuta closed the distance in a second and drew his blade. He decided to name his new move it seemed pretty normal to name skills.

“Dragon Flash.”

Lightning exploded from the blade as he drew. It moved so fast nobody saw what happened except for Yuuta . The shield Astro was hiding behind was cut clean in half before He could react Yuuta roundhouse kicked Astro in the solar plexus and he flew off into the woods after tumbling on the ground he stopped after hitting a tree the impact made blood shoot out of his mouth. He was obviously in pain even so he stood up still holding his sword he threw away his cut in half shield.

“Time to get serious.”

Astro held his claymore with both his hands he was slowly pouring magic into his sword making it glow red and the heat started to spread causing heat waves to be seen in the air. Noticing this Yuuta started condensing his lightning magic into the blade .

Astro started running towards Yuuta screaming a loud war cry.

(Man he’s so slow I could easily get behind him and end this with one strike.)

Deciding against it Yuuta started running straight at him. There blades connectd and streaks of lightning and waves of fire exploded from the impact. Emmy was physically forced back she had to cast a magic barrier to not get hit by the stray lightning and fire.

In the epicenter the swords moved back and forth emitting waves of elemental power. Astro started pushing down on Yuuta trying to overpower him. Yuuta decided to let him think he had the upper hand changing the angle of his sword Astro’s claymore slid down and hit the ground. And just like that Yuuta’s blade was against his neck.

“I give up you win.”

“Well that’s pretty obvious looking at the situation.”

With those words Yuuta kicked his legs out from under him and walked off. Emmy followed close behind laughing.

“Wow Yuuta you’ve already mastered lightning enchantments that first attack was amazing it was so fast I completely lost it.”

“Yea it felt good but it can be better I still need to work on my form I think I can make it even stronger and faster then before.”

Yuuta and Emmy walked back to the campsite sharing ideas about different spells and what not. Astro was still lying on the ground going over the fight in his mind thinking about that first attack watching his shield get cut in half was a big surprise. The amount of force you would need to cut a metal shield clean through is immense.

“That kid is something else he’s way too strong haha.”

After an hour or so Astro came back with an embarrassed look on his face.

“You owe me a new shield.”

“Shouldn’t have asked to spar it’s not my fault your cheaply made shield was so flimsy “

Feeling good after defeating Astro. Yuuta decided to tease Astro a little.

“You know how much a shield that size cost.”

Yuuta looked smugly at him before answering.

“I don’t know but it didn’t cost me anything to destroy it.”

Yuuta showed a wry smile and Emmy started laughing.

“I tried to warn you Astro.”

Emmy stated in between laughs.

“Yea Yea whatever”

Astro started to pout and headed into his tent for the Night.

“What a big baby if he’s going to cry about a broken shield he shouldn’t have challenged me to a duel.”

With that they put the fire out and all went to their tents for the night. Waking up the next morning everybody was moving quickly. They where all excited it would only take a couple hours to get back to Celis. After packing up they headed out it didn’t take long for them to see Celis in the distance.

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