《The End of Forever》Chapter Eight



*three days later*

"Would you just admit that you wanna ride his dick until you both pass out?"

My cheeks flamed. "It's not like that!"

Eleanor arched a brow at me.

Okay, maybe it was. Just a little.

"Axel is just so sweet..." I sighed dreamily. "And so kind and so gentle and--and did I mention he took me apple picking yesterday? Apple picking!"

"Yeah, you've told me about five times now."

I ignored her comment.

We were sitting on the softest, fluffiest pillows in the massive library at the mansion. Elizabeth had brought us an array of fruits, and she was sitting a few feet away from us, knitting.

"He's handsome too, don't you think?" I asked.

Eleanor hummed non-commitedly as she popped a grape in her mouth.

"He's a bit plain," she mused. "But if you're into the whole blond hair and pale skin thing, then..." She shrugged.

"I don't know what I'm into," I admitted.

"Well, what have your other boyfriends been like?"

I grabbed a strawberry off the plate as an excuse to avoid eye contact as I murmured, "I haven't had any."

Eleanor set her book aside, giving me her full attention.


I nodded.

"What about a crush, then?"

"Well..." I thought it over. "I don't know, honestly. In high school, I kept my head down in my studies the whole time."

"And afterwards?"

"I mainly stayed at home and baked," I said. "The woman I worked with would collect and sell whatever I made, so I never really had to go out."

Eleanor whistled. "Damn."

"Yeah, so the only man that I can really compare Axel to is..."

"Jaxon," she finished for me.


She turned her head to the side, looking thoughtful, then something out the window caught her eye.

"There they are," she pointed out, and her eyes were wide.

I pressed up closer to her and gasped.

The two princes were play-fighting or something--I couldn't tell because I was too busy staring at their shirtless torsos.

Axel was all slim physique and flat stomach. I could see his pale skin glistening with sweat, even from this distance, and sunlight seemed to ripple over his lean body as he threw a punch at Jaxon.

Jaxon dodged easily.

Despite myself, I found my eyes roaming over him, too. My pulse sped up. God--or Satan--had taken his time with this man.

Broad shoulders, prominent biceps, and abs that were practically sculpted onto him, but he wasn't that in-your-face type of muscular. It was more the type of body you'd see on a Calvin Klein model.

"Fuck," Eleanor muttered under her breath.


With a speed that made his movements blur, Prince Jaxon delivered three punches to Axel’s lower abdomen in rapid succession. When Axel hunched over from the impact, Jaxon used the opportunity to slam his elbow down on his brother’s neck, sending him sprawling to the ground.

The men--soldiers, by their uniforms--who were gathered around the princes cheered and applauded as Jaxon helped Axel back to his feet. Axel was panting, while Jaxon looked like he would’ve liked to fight some more. Both of them were grinning, though.

I shook my head in disbelief. “Men.”

Eleanor laughed.

We moved aside from the window and reclaimed our previous spots. I found Elizabeth gazing out the window with a soft expression.

“You’re fond of them?” I asked. “The princes, I mean.”

Her eyes slid towards me, and she gave a small smile. “Of course I am. I’ve known them since they were born.”


Eleanor and I glanced at each other, surprised and curious, then we scooted up closer to Elizabeth.

“What were they like when they were kids?” Eleanor inquired.

I leaned my cheek against my hand, resting my elbows on my knees.

“I imagine they weren’t too different from any of the other children,” Elizabeth said thoughtfully. “They hated school and loved to play.” She set aside her knitting tools. “Except, mind you, their teachers were the finest in the world, and their toys were the best that money could buy.”

“I bet,” I murmured.

“Jax was my favorite, though,” she recalled. “Such a good little boy, he was. And whenever he did something wrong, all he had to do was bat those pretty eyes, and I wouldn’t be able to find it in me to be angry anymore.”

“So he was a manipulative little shit, even as a child?” Eleanor joked.

I struggled to contain my laughter as Elizabeth tsked in disapproval.

“Now, now, my lady, you really mustn’t say things like that,” she huffed. “Besides, the prince may seem a bit… cold, at first, but he really is a good man. It’s simply that he has a hard time trusting strangers. You’ll need to work very hard to prove yourself to him, especially after what happened.”

“I don’t need to prove shit to anyone--”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked Elizabeth, cutting Eleanor off. “Especially after what happened?”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened. She started to pack up her things in a hurry, and Eleanor and I frowned at one another.

“I really must get going,” Elizabeth said urgently.

“But you--”

“Miss, please.” She looked genuinely frightened. “You mustn’t ever speak of this.”

“Speak of what?” Eleanor asked exasperatedly.

Elizabeth seemed to glance down at Eleanor’s necklace for a few seconds, then she shook her head a few times.

“I’ve said too much already,” she said, right before she disappeared.

I blinked.

“What in the hell was that all about…” I muttered.

Eleanor was staring at the spot that Elizabeth disappeared from with a determined stare.

“I don’t know,” she said, bringing a hand up to touch her necklace. “But I’m starting to think there are lots of cobwebs hiding in the dark corners of this mansion.”

I couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

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