《The End of Forever》Chapter Seven


(Eleanor) This place gave me the creeps. I swear I heard different voices groaning in pain throughout the night. Not to mention it was freezing cold, and my stomach was growling so loudly it sounded like a rabid animal.

I brought my knees closer to my chest, huddled into a corner against the wall.

Then there were light and casual footsteps approaching me, and I looked up hopefully, my heartbeat picking up.

“Knock knock," Jaxon said as he came into view. "Rise and shine."

“Screw you,” I growled.

“Well someone's grumpy." He clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "I take it you'll be spending another night in here, then.”

He made a move to turn away.

“Wait!” I yelled, standing up so quickly that I almost lost my balance.

Jaxon paused. “Yes?”

"Let me out of here."

"Say please."

I smiled, poisonously sweet. "Go fuck yourself, please."

Looking vaguely amused, he pulled a key out of his pocket and slid the metal bars off to the side. I sprinted out as soon as there was an opening, worried he'd change his mind.

Running was a mistake in my current condition, though. I held onto the wall as a wave of dizziness came over me. Just as I felt my knees give out, a strong arm tangled around my waist.

I tried to push him away. I didn't want his help, and I sure as hell didn't want his hands on me. Jaxon laughed at my feeble attempts to swat his hands away, hoisting me up so that he was carrying me bridal style.

He walked up the steps like I weighed nothing, while I remained stiff, forced to stare at his side profile.

It was unfair, really. Someone with such a horrible personality deserved to have an equally horrible appearance, but that was certainly not the case with him.

“You might wanna close your eyes," he warned. "I'm taking you up to your room."

I screwed my eyes shut and felt him grip me a bit tighter. Now that I actually knew what was happening, I realized that vampires don’t teleport like most people think. They just walk really, really, fast.

I heard the creak of a door opening, then I was being placed down gently on something soft. I cracked an eye open and realized I was on a bed.

Jaxon opened the curtains to let some sun into the room.


My fingers went up to touch the spot where he had tore into my neck yesterday. It was sticky with dried blood and still painful. I looked up and caught him watching me.

“You hit me first,” he said, shrugging like that made what he did okay. "I could've had you executed for treason."

“I hit you because you were sexually assaulting me.”

“I was not sexually assaulting you," he scoffed. "You hit me because I'm a powerful vampire, and you think that makes me a monster."

I pressed my lips together, remaining silent.

He went into the bathroom and came back with a cloth and a bowl of water. He kneeled down beside the bed, gesturing for me to come closer, and I obeyed.

Mostly because I liked seeing him on his knees in front of me.

"Let this be a lesson for the both of us." He dipped the cloth in the water, then he reached up and started to dab at my neck.

I was reluctant to admit that it felt good.

"And, what, pray tell, did you learn?" I asked mockingly.

Blue clashed with hazel as our eyes met.

"I learned that I don't like seeing my betrothed hurt by my hands." His thumb brushed against my throat. "So I will... endeavor to control my temper with you."

That sounded suspiciously like an apology.

I narrowed my eyes, looking for signs of deceit in his expression, only to find none.

"Well," I began slowly, "I learned that your balls are a weak spot for you."

He let out a breath of amusement, but it sounded like he wanted to throttle me.

"You're gonna be quite the handful, aren't you?"

You have no idea.

Once he was gone, I took a long, hot shower and thought about my situation.

Jaxon was a psychopath--that much was obvious--but he was also the crown prince of arguably the wealthiest and most powerful kingdom in the world. He could offer my family and I money and protection.

Well, protection from anyone who isn't him, at least.

I thought about my options if I went back home. An ordinary life, probably, with my family and friends, up until I get married to some unlucky fellow. After that, it would be dirty diapers, and babies wailing, and, maybe, if my husband agrees, I could go back to my job as a librarian.


Should I decide to stay here, however, I would be a Queen.

Would it be worth it if it meant having to deal with all these bloodsuckers? Having to deal with Jaxon?

I stepped out of the shower that was all automatic buttons and water that felt ten times better than the one at home. Wrapping a towel around my body, I came up to the mirror, staring into my reflection.

I’ve never been one to care much for my looks--usually a quick glance in the mirror before I go out would do, just to make sure I don’t have anything stuck between my teeth.

But it was hard not to feel a little self conscious around the Reeves, who were so effortlessly stunning.

I trailed my fingers along my thin, tan cheeks.

Could this be the face of a Queen?

I couldn't help a little smile at the thought. They would never see me coming.

I walked into the bedroom, glancing at the clock, which read noon. I found a tray of food on my nightstand with a small note placed on it.

"Don’t break anything, Xoxo," was written on it in elegant, cursive writing.

I narrowed my eyes at the stupid paper like it was Jaxon himself.

About halfway through my meal, there was an eager knocking on my door. I'd barely granted permission to enter, when the door flew open, revealing a familiar blonde.

I was startled.

"Ava? What are you doing here?"

She gave me a shy smile. "Axel picked me after you and Jaxon... you know..."

Oh, right.

I grinned at her. It was good to have some company.

"Well don't just stand at the door," I said, patting the spot beside me. "Come on in."

She beamed and hurried over. She plopped down on the bed with a little bounce.

"I was so worried about you," she said earnestly. "I thought Prince Jaxon had either sent you back home or--" She made a dragging motion with her thumb against her throat.

"He almost did," I admitted. "Kill me, I mean."

Her green eyes went as wide as the plate I was eating off of.

Quickly, I recounted to her the events that had occurred since I was chosen, and to say that she was shocked would be an understatement.

"He bit you?!"

"You slapped him?!"

"He threw you in the--wait, there are dungeons here?"

I laughed quietly at her reactions.

"Geez, Eleanor." She rubbed her forehead. "How the hell are you still alive!"

I shrugged. "I guess it wouldn't look good for one of the chosen girls to wound up dead right after the ball."

"Still. You need to be more careful. Prince Jaxon doesn't seem like the..." She bit her lip, looking down at her lap. "The tolerant type."

I put my hand on her knee, searching her expression, and I asked, "Did he hurt you?"

I found myself strangely upset at the thought that he might've. Ava was such a sweet girl.

"No, it's nothing, really." She forced a smile, but her eyes were glassy. "Compared to what he did to you, it's child's play."

"Ava. Tell me."

She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes briefly. "I brought a uhm... a violin with me from home. It was my mother's. She gave it to me before she died and he--he made me--"

She stared up at the ceiling, trying hard to fight back tears.

"He made me smash it to pieces against the wall."

My chest knotted with sympathy. I pulled her into a tight hug, rubbing her back, trying to offer what comfort I could.

"I'm so sorry, Ava," I said, once we broke apart. "That fucking asshole."

"Eleanor!" She pulled back to gape at me, then she glanced pointedly at the half-closed door. "Don't say that! Someone could hear you!"

"Oh, come on, anyone in this mansion would probably agree with me."

"You're gonna get yourself killed."

"It feels good to say it out loud," I said. "You should try it."

Ava shook her head vehemently.

"Go on," I urged.

She bit her lip again, glancing around the room like Jaxon was gonna pop out of a hidden corner.

Then, she whispered, "Prince Jaxon's a jerk."

I raised my eyebrows at her. "You can do better than that."

"Jaxon's a dick," she said, louder this time.

"Oh, yeah." I high-fived her. "That's more like it."

"He's a fucking asshole."

"For sure."

We both wore shit-eating grins.

"We're crazy," she mumbled, burying her face in her hands.

I laughed and threw myself back against the pillows.

"Treasonous, maybe, but crazy? Never!"

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