《The End of Forever》Chapter Six


It started out as the loveliest of memories.

I heard the songs that my mom used to teach me and the way she laughed sweetly whenever I messed up. I saw the quiet look of contentment on her face as she caressed the strings of the violin with her bow.

Then I ripped the violin away from her, and horror replaced the contentment, and splintering wood and mocking laughter replaced the music.

I woke up spluttering and gasping for breath.

Wrinkled and tender hands patted my cheek soothingly. “You’re alright, dear,” an unfamiliar voice said. “It was just a bad dream.”

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

There was an older woman hunched over me.

She had graying hair that curled around her temples and kind brown eyes that were watching me sympathetically. Judging by her uniform, she was a part of the royal household.

“I’m Elizabeth,” she said. “I’ve been assigned to be your lady’s maid.”

“My… my what?”

Elizabeth helped me into a sitting position, and I let my legs dangle off the edge of the bed for a moment before standing up.

“Your lady’s maid,” she repeated. “I will tend to your needs and care for you to the best of my abilities.”

I was still processing her words when she started waving her hand in a complex motion. A second later, two dresses floated out of the closet and hovered in front of me.

I gasped.

I must still be dreaming.

“Now, which of these dresses would you like to wear for breakfast?” Elizabeth inquired. “I must warn you, my dear, we’re in a bit of a pinch at the moment. It’s already 7 a.m., and the royal family prefers to eat early.”

“I--you--how did--” I struggled to form a coherent thought. “How the hell did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“That!” I gestured at the dresses floating above the ground.

“Oh, bless your heart,” she said. “Have you never seen a witch do magic before?”

I most certainly have not.

Witches were hardly common folk, even in Adorosean. They usually remained with their covens in more secluded areas.

Blinking rapidly and half-expecting myself to wake up again in any minute, I pointed toward the green dress. Elizabeth gave a nod of approval and guided me into the bathroom.

She waved her hand again, and my pajamas disappeared, leaving me only in my undergarments. I let out an embarrassed squeak, but she went along undeterred.

“When you enter the dining hall, it is expected that you curtsy to the King and Queen individually.” She began setting up my bath.

“You will sit after you have been directed to do so, and, unless the king or queen requests otherwise, your seat will be beside his highness Prince Axel. You will speak when spoken to and smile and laugh whenever is appropriate.”

She nudged me towards the bathtub, turning her back to me, and I stripped the rest of my garments off. I hid myself beneath the bubbles, enjoying the warmth and the smell of vanilla that filled my senses.


I’d never been in a bathtub before.

Elizabeth faced me again with a bottle in her hand. She made her way behind me and set about working on my hair. It felt odd--having someone wash my hair for me.

I mulled over her words as she lathered my hair in shampoo and massaged my scalp.

I dreaded the thought of being alone with the royal family.

“Is Eleanor going to be there?” I asked quickly.

“I’m afraid I don’t know, dear,” Elizabeth responded. “It’ll be up to whether Prince Jaxon wishes it or not.”

The mention of his name had me shuddering. If Elizabeth noticed my reaction, she didn’t comment on it, instead merely continuing with her instructions.

“You must carry yourself with grace and poise, since you are now betrothed to the prince, and, as such, a reflection of the royal family."

I closed my eyes as she began to rinse my hair clean.

"Your voice must remain low and gentle at all times--although, that won’t be a problem for you, such a sweet little thing--and you must never be disagreeable. You will listen to your prince’s orders, for he knows what is best, and he is in charge of you now.”

Axel has been nothing but kind to me since we met. Caring, even, with the way he’d held me in his arms yesterday. He’d carried me into bed like the perfect gentleman and told a maid to watch over me before he left.

Surely, he would be lenient. He wouldn’t be like other husbands that I’ve heard women whisper about through busted and bloody lips. He’d be good to me, I was sure of it.

Elizabeth informed me of the time and told me we needed to hurry up. She left the bathroom to make some preparations, and I took advantage of her absence to dry and clothe myself privately.

I’d barely finished brushing my teeth when she came bustling back in.

“Oh, my, that dress fits like a glove, doesn’t it?” She fawned over me. “It matches your eyes perfectly.”

I blushed and mumbled my thanks.

Then, after much deliberation, Elizabeth decided that loose curls would be the way to go for my hair, and I had to say I didn’t hate the look on myself.

She put some light makeup on me and sent me off on my way with one of the guards because I had no idea where the dining room was.

My stomach was a bundle of nerves as I approached. I prayed the King and Queen would be more like Axel than Prince Jaxon. I prayed that Eleanor would be there. I prayed I wouldn’t make a fool of myself. I prayed and prayed and--Ouch.

I looked up.

“Hello there,” Axel greeted.

I curtsied, feeling my face heat up. I’d completely embarrassed myself in front of him yesterday with all my crying. He must think I’m so weak.


“Good morning,” I mumbled.

His fingers slid under my chin and tilted my face up. Our eyes met, and he smiled at me.

“There.” He let go of my face. “That’s better.”

I bit my lip, and I caught his eyes following the movement. Oh, geez.

“Did you know I have a lady’s maid now, apparently?” I blurted out.

“Is that so? How is she?”

“She’s a witch!” I exclaimed. “From the moment I woke up, she was doing all this hand waving and making things float and--I thought I’d either gone crazy or I was still dreaming.”

Axel laughed under his breath.

“It’s not funny,” I reprimanded. “I don’t function properly without consuming some sort of sugar.”

“Got a sweet tooth, do you?”

I nodded enthusiastically.

“Hm. I’ll have to keep that in mind.” He stuck his arm out. “Shall we?”

I looped my arm through his.

Two guards that were standing by opened the doors for us, and I kept my head down as we walked in. The King was seated at the head of the massive mahogany table with the Queen to his right.

I pulled away from Axel and curtsied to each of them as Elizabeth had told me to. The King waved me off, barely glancing away from his newspaper, while the Queen smiled at me brightly.

“Go ahead and sit down, darling,” she urged. “It’s so good to see you.”

“And you as well, your majesty.”

Axel pulled my chair back for me and pushed me in after I was seated. He sat down beside me, shooting me a wink, and I noticed the chair on my other side remained empty.

For a moment, I thought it was just out of courtesy to keep me distanced from the King, but then the door opened, and Prince Jaxon sauntered right in.

“Good morning, my love,” his mother said to him.

He kissed her on the cheek as he passed her and patted his father on the shoulder.

“Morning, morning,” he responded. “Sorry I’m late.”

My whole body stiffened when he sat down next to me. He continued to face forward, but the smirk on his lips told me he’d noticed my reaction.

Damn him.

All of a sudden kitchen staff began pouring through a different door than the one we’d entered from. They carried plates of--well, everything, really. More food than a family of six could eat for a whole week.

I didn’t know where to begin.

Prince Jaxon and his father started to chat about one thing or the other as I stared down at my utensils, trying to figure out which to use for what. There were a dozen different forks, spoons, and knives set up around my plate.

I glanced over at Axel, trying to be subtle, and copied what he was doing.

I was chewing through a mouthful of pancakes when the King said my name. I glanced over at him with wide eyes, and I must’ve looked ridiculous because all of the royals seemed to be holding back laughter.

At my confused expression, the king clarified, “I asked whether you think a college education is more important than experience.”

What is up with these people and serious topics so early in the morning?

I thought about his question carefully as I swallowed my food.

“Well, I’d have to say it depends, sir,” I said slowly. “Certain skills can only be acquired through experience, and certain jobs cannot be performed adequately without the right education.”

“And you?” He prodded. “Do you have a college degree?”

Color rose to my cheeks. I averted my eyes to my plate. “Um, no, sir. I never got the opportunity.”

“What about experience, then?”

I felt strangely like I was being scrutinized for a job interview. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

“I bake,” I said. “I’ve been doing that for about five or six years.”

“Oh, let the poor girl eat, Thomas,” the Queen scolded.

He chuckled indulgently. “Alright, carry on.”

Still feeling a bit embarrassed, I turned my attention back to my plate as they moved on to a different topic.

Axel leaned in closer to me and whispered, “He was impressed.”

I gave him a look of surprise. “Really?”

“Oh, yeah. Father respects those who try to rise above their circumstances and make something of themselves.”

I smiled a bit, flattered at the way Axel had worded it. In my head, it had always been another one of my shortcomings.

I reached over and put some fruit and yogurt into my bowl, but then I stopped.

I didn’t know what spoon to use.

I glanced over at Axel, who seemed amused by my helplessness. He held up two fingers. I put my hand on the second spoon to the right, only to pull back when he shook his head slightly. The second spoon to the left? He tipped his head in a barely noticeable nod.

I dove into my yogurt with a triumphant smile.

“How come Eleanor didn’t come down for breakfast?” Axel asked.

“She’s not feeling well,” his brother replied easily.

A lie, obviously.

“Should I call for the doctor?” The Queen looked genuinely concerned. Such a sweet woman.

“Nah, I’m sure she’ll be better in a few hours.” Such a jerk.

She’ll feel better when she is far, far away from you.

My stare must’ve spoken volumes, for Prince Jaxon raised his brows at me, his eyes gleaming dangerously.

I looked away.


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