《How it became a Magical journey》Will Goldhill


Will Goldhill was running around in the castle's garden with a small wooden sword and shield, battling agains't imaginary ennemy. He was making his way to his little brother that was sitting on a bench, reading. Will then stumbled on a rock and fell on his side ''BROTHER! PLEASE COME HELP ME!'' his brother, Philip, looked up from his book and sighed ''Aren't you a little old for that kind of game? I mean I am too old for this!'' Will rolled on his back and groaned, letting his sword and shield fell at his side ''Can you stop reminding me that I'm a Royal teenager with responsabilities!''

''If he doesn't, I will. Now stand up and clean yourself!'' Jacob, his servant told him. Will stood up, letting out another grunt only a fourteen years old could achieved and walked back in the castle, Jacob following him. Philip went back to his reading, shaking his head. He might be four years younger than his brother, but he could see how Will wasn't ready to be King 'Maybe someday, he will stop fooling around...'

The thing was that Will always wanted to be a knight, not a king. He wanted to be the hero of all those storys her mother would tell him before going to bed! Not sit on a throne all day, giving orders to everyone and solving his people's problems! That's what his little brother wanted! And Will could see how he would be a much better king than him. Why did he have to be the first born!? Atleast he was lucky enough to not get forced into a marriage. His parents chose each other unlike most of the other royals that got married for alliances or things like that. That is why they wanted their sons to have the same chance. So Will was taking his time to find his princess. To make sure she was the one, but also to push the day of him becoming king a far as possible...

He would attend all those receptions, but instead of talking to the princesses, he would spend most of the evening watching his brothe rand those two twins interact with each other. The rivalty between the twins to see who will get his little brother was really fun to watch. But beside that, he never enjoyed any of this, sometimes he would even sneak out of the events to go train with his friends from his weapon's handling class. He really liked their company. Those guys weren't royalty so they were much more simple and fun to talk to. Unfortunatly for the young prince, his servant Jacob could always find him, no matter how hard he tried to hide away from his responsabilities. Jacob was strict, but still really nice. Will sometimes thought that Jacob would let him sneak out, then follow him around until he thought it was enough and then tell him to go back to the castle...


The years passed and Will was going around with his two lives : him learning to become a king in the castle and him being a normal young adult with his friends in his sword's handling classes. He was trying to not notice the look his parents gave him everytime a receptions would take place. He knew how his parents wanted him to settle down. He didn't want to disapoint them, but he didn't want that tittle of king of Pelis... King of Egium! Pelis was the capital so that meant he would be the most powerful king of the whole kingdom! That was way to much responsabilities for Will.

And the fact that he wouldn't fall in love with anybody was getting on his nerve too. He would keep telling the others that he was waiting for the princess of his dream and he wanted to make sure to choose the right one... But he was begining to wonder if he will ever find her. And seeing his brother in love with two princes was making him a bit jealous. His brother had two lovers and he was getting much more respect from everybody since he looked much more royal... Everyone was keep telling him ''Why aren't you like Philip? Don't you want to make you parents proud?'' Of course he wanted to! But he wanted to be chivalrous! A knight in shining armour that would save his princess! Not some guy that walk up to a girl and say ''Hey! You shall be mine from now on!'' That wasn't him!

His twenty-one's birthday was a week ago and his friends decided to help him sneak out of the castle to celebrate his birthday in a way tha tWill could enjoy. While two of them was distracting Jacob by trying to convince him to let Will have a day off from his royalties, the two others was talking with the guards about sword figthing so Will could sneak out without being seen. After Jacob gently but firmly asked them to leave, they walked away and met Will in the small tavern he liked.

Will already ordered their food and drinks and was sitting at their usual table near the fireplace. They talked about this and that for hours and the prince was getting more and more relaxed he even put his feet up on the table and was balancing on his chair. He couldn't sneak out as much as before as he was getting older since Jacob was watching the prince even more now. But it seems like today he finally got rid of his servant! He was only asking for one day! One day as a normal person and he would go back to his boring royal life. After a while, the subject of love finally came up ''Did you find the princess of your dream yet, Will?'' his friend teased him. Will tried to still look confident and happy even if it was a harsh subject for him ''Nope... I'm still looking the the ONE, you know?''


''You are such a hopeless romantic!''

''I know~ But since my father told me he wouldn't force my into a marriage I would'nt want, I take my time to find her...''

''It is not an appropriate way for a prince to sit and you better find her fast before you get too old and the King get tired of waiting for you, Sir Goldhill! ''

Will stood up as fast as he could, thinking words that a royal prince shouldn't say outlout. Jacob found him! He looked as his friends for help and one of them did. He talked about those princesses that were trapped in a castle. He heard this rumor parents would say to their little girl to scare them. He never really believed it, but it was a good way out of this ''Maybe the one for me is there!'' Will shouted.'' I could be her prince in shining armor!'' And he ran a sfast a possible back to the castle to get his stuffs ready. Yes, a quest away from Pelis would be a good way for Will to enjoy his life before settling back in and becoming a king.

It took him three days to reach Maldock's Wilderness, and he spent almost a week searching in the forrest to find the castle. He then found what looked like an old trail in the middle of no where. It was really old, but he still could she the trail of cart wheels. He decided to follow the tracks and after a few hours, he heard something. He stopped his horse Phantom and listened more carefully... It sounded like laughters and war cries? He looked around attentively and there it was! The castle, right in front of him! How come he didn't saw him before? Oh well, it wasn't important, he finally found it! He attached Phantom to a tree and walked closer to the castle. He could hear better now and he could definitly hear some fighting in there! He climbed the fortifications and saw a giant dragon! Without hesitation, Will jumped in action and screamed ''LET GO OF THE PRINCESS YOU UGLY BEAST AND FIGHT SOMEONE WORTH OF YOU!''

Will was so excited! He could save his princess, go back to his parents ,get married and live happily ever aft...

A woman in a dark blue dress stepped in front of him, stopping him and his thoughts at the same time ''Vi, how many time do I have to tell you, don't attack random princes.''

What was happening here?....

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