《How it became a Magical journey》Felix Montarak


Felix's parents always were proud of their son's powers. He was only a baby and he could already use his telekinetic ability to get the toys he wanted in his crib or when he got a little older, the cookies that were in the jar on the top of the shelf. When Felix was about six, her mother was about to give birth to his brother or sister, but something went wrong... He couldn't really understand what was happening but his father wanted to bring her to the hospital, but was afraid to not make it in time. Felix hugged his mother real hard, closed his eyes to try to hold the tears and wished that they were at the hospital. When he opened in eyes again after a few seconds... He was indeed at the hospital, he didn't know how or why, but it was not the time to wonder what happened. He screamed for help and some nurses came around and took her mother away to take care of her .After about fifteen minutes, Felix was still in the hall and he felt someone grab his shoulder. He looked up and it was his father, out of breath. He saw how worried he was, but he also saw how proud of him he was. He was only six, but there he was, with two magical abilities : telekinesis and teleportation. That is how he got here with his mother in a blink of an eye. An eternity later, a doctor came up tot hem and explained that the mother was fine, but unfortunatly, the baby didn't make it...

Years went by, and Felix's parents got more and more strict with him, after all he was their only child and he must be powerful enough to keep on the legacy of the family's name. The Montarak were powerful sorcerers and there was no way that legacy would end at Felix. So there he was, in Valtani's school for 'gifted' sorcerer, trying to find out his third power. Because he HAD to have a third one. He was trying to catch his breath after a particularly difficult training when he felt his aura coming closer to him. He didn't have to look up to know who was walking his way. Vincent Bellon. Vincent was from the other most powerful family of the city and was physically the complete opposite. Vincent's skin was the color of dark chocolate where Felix's was so white and pale, he always looked sick. Vincent was in good shape, always smiling and had so many friends while Felix was tall and thin, almost always alone and not looking to make any friends. Vincent was now right in front of him, handing him some water ''I can feel your aura is getting stronger, you might find your other power soon!'' ''Th... thanks'' Felix answered shyly. He always felt weird around Vincent. He always felt like there was sparks in him when Vincent was near him. Felix reached for the water, but he couldn't grab it since a big lightning escaped Felix's hand and struck his crush's hand. The two young men stood there in shock, both litterally and figuratively. Vincent smiled widely and pushed Felix near a wooden target ''Concentrate and do it again!'' When he noticed Felix was staring at his hands in confusion and disbelieve, Vincent added ''I believe in you... You can do this!'' The shy sorcerer took a deep breath and pointed at the target while sensing all the sparks inside of him. A big burst of electricity went out of his hand and the target exploded! He felt so great and powerful! It was awesome! But that feeling didn't last long, he suddenly felt drained of all his energy and he couldn't stand on his feet anymore. He was about the fall on the ground, but a pair of big and strong arms catched him ''Hey there buddy, you over did it a bit, didn't you?'' Yes he did, but atleast he know knew he had a third ability. Lightning.


Felix was now twenty years old. He was still under the pressure of his parents to be a great sorcerer, which he was. He even was one of the recruiter of the school. He was the youngest, but he was really good at sensing other sorcerer's aura. Speaking of aura, he was feeling a really powerful one right now. It was coming out of the Bellon's house. It was odd, the Bellon's are powerful, but not as much as what he was sensing right now... He still went an knocked at the door and asked to look for the youngest one. He wanted to make sure that the aura wasn't coming from her. The father lead him to the room where the young teenager was asleep and sick. He walked slowly to her side and tried to sense the amazing magical aura he felt outside... But it was gone. He let out a deep sigh and apologied to the family ''I guess it was the addition of all your auras that messed my feelings up...'' and he went on his way back to his family's house. Before going back in, he took a deep breath and looked in the distance. He felt bad and stupid... His sensing never failed him before... Well not really. He always felt like there was a part of him that was far away from here. At the opposite side of the island... He couldn't figure it out and he was always tos scared to talk about it. He shook his head and went straight to his room. He didn't feel like talking this evening...

The years went by and he was now twenty-three, he was sitting on the couch of his small room in the school's dorm. He decided to leave his parent's house in hope to get a little more freedom and not feel all the pressure his parents were putting in him to be powerful and give them grand-children... Not that he didn't want kids, but in order to have one, he had to... with a woman!? Erk, no way! He was way to gay to do that! And today was just one of those days where he felt half-empty and bored... He didn't want to be alone in his room, but the only thought of having to go out and socialize with others made him cringe. He still decided to go to the small tavern in the middle of the city. Maybe a few drinks will help him feel better... And beside, looking around the tavern and sensing other sorcerer's aura and trying to figure out their abilities was always a funny thing to do for him. He was sitting at the bar, slowy sipping at his drink and judging the other people in the room when three strangers entered the tavern. There was this girl with a really basic aura. It was a little stronger than other sorcerers with only one power, but still. She was a weakling. Just like the other talk guy that didn't bother to put a shirt on? What a show off! And the third one had... The most stunning eyes he ever seen. One was yellow and the other was drak brown. They were half covered by his black hair, but Felix was still getting lost in those eyes. When the man made eye contact with Felix, he quickly turned around and stared at his glass 'What are you doing?' Felix thought 'You are Felix Montarak. One of the most powerful sorcerer of the whole city... The whole island! Don't get intimidated by some random guy only two abil...' His thoughts got cutted short by said man standing beside him and he said in a deep and low voice ''Hey there cutie~ Can I join you for a drink?'' Felix just stared and after a few seconds, made a quick little nod, making the stranger laugh a little. The man sat next to him, ordered his drink and pulled out hi shand for Felix to shake ''I'm Malik Sutton by the way. And you are~?'' ''I'm.. hum...'' Gosh what was his name again? Oh yeah ''F..Felix... Montarak.'' Malik seemed to freeze when he heard Felix's name, but quickly recovered, put on a seductive smile and pulled up Felix's hand to gently kiss it ''What a lovely name~'' Felix could feel his cheeks burn and turn red, and it was not only because of the alcohol he's been drinking. They drank their beverage and once Malik was done, he asked if Felix knew a more peaceful place to spend the rest of the evening. The tavern was a bit too loud and crowded for him. Felix lead him near the cliff that was behind his school. There was a small hidden path that lead to a little cave in the cliff. Felix liked to go and hide there for a while when the pressure was too much for him.


They were sitting beside each other, with their legs swinging slowly on the edge of the cave. They talked about sweet nothing until Malik asked if Felix was feeling empty sometimes. Like if something was missing? Felix's eyes widened. How could he know that? Malik smiled and told him that maybe he knew how to make him feel whole and good. Felix raised an eyebrow ''How?'' ''Let first of all...'' Malik then put a finger under Felix's chin and slowly pulled him closer and closer and put a gentle and loving kiss on his lips. Felix could feel himself melt into it and he couldn't be happier. Malik laughed shyly ''I don't usually do this on the first day, but you're... special~'' And he kissed him again, a little more passionately this time. Felix was in heaven, finally someone noticed him, finally someone understood how he felt... And that someone was a really attractive man that was kissing him right now! Malik pulled away and explained that there was this magical staff that could enhance a sorcerer's power, but it was in a cave far in the ocean. The only way to reach the cave wa swith a teleportation ability. There was way too much waves and rocks around the cave to even try to reach it with a boat. And way too much wind to go by air. Felix beamed with excitement ''I can teleport! If I can see the cave, i can reach it for sure!'' ''Great! I will show you the cave tomorrow then!'' Malik smiled brighty. He seemed so happy to help Felix feel better. When it was getting darked, they both decided to go back to their respective rooms. Before leaving Malik said ''Hum... I don't know how to say this but... We will have to keep this relationship secret for a little while...'' Felix felt his happiness slowly leave him ''Why?'' ''Well, that girl that was with me in the tavern... She is in love with me and I don't want to hurt her feelings... You see she is a really important part of my pla... group. I don't want her to leave because she gets jealous of you... I hope you understand!'' Felix agreed. As long as he can be with him, that was more than enough.

The next day, Malik and his two friends met Felix by the tavern and they all headed to Felix's room. Malik explained that the cave was in a peninsula outside of Iztoros' kingdom. So they woud have a few days of walking to do to reach it. Once they reached the peninsula, they set their campment in the abandonned lighthouse that was right in the middle of the peninsula. Malik said that in the cave, their were some kind of mermaids. After a few ships crashed in the rocks to get to the cave, the sailors decided to trace a new route for the boats and the lighthouse was abandonned mid-building because of it. Malik showed the cave to Felix and added ''Those mermaids protect the staff and the only ways to get it is to resist their charm. Sadly I can't come in with you since I do have feeling for women sometimes...But I think you will be able to resist them.'' Felix scoffed ''I neved find any women attractive, so I'm not scared!'' He was only scared to miss his teleportation and end up in the middle of the water. He took a deep breath, stared at the cave and teleported to it. Black smoke surrounded him and a few second later, the smoke appeared by the cave and Felix stumbled a bit in the middle of the smoke. He took a few seconds to catch his breath and looked at Malik. He was so far away! He didn't want to disapoint him, so he went in and was stopped in his track by several feminine hands. He pushed them all away roughly and stared at all the weird looking ladies in front of him. He spotted the staff and the mermaids all started to laugh ''You want our little staff, don't you? Well just come and get it~ But don't get distracted, or else...'' Felix quirked an eyebrow and walked to the staff. He could hear the mermaids sing or something like that. He wasn't really impressed by that. He was half way to the staff when the ladies began to grab his clothes and arms to drag him closer to them, but he all pushed them away. When he was almost to the staff, the mermaids all jumped to stop him in anger, but he used his telekinetic power to get it. Once he had the staff in his hand, he felt all his powers get stronger and stronger. His confidence also got much better. He smiled devishly and turned to face the angry mermaids ''Well, that was fun~ See you ladies!'' And he teleported himself back to the lighthouse. It was the second time he teleported somewhere he couldn't see... He wasn't able to do it before. He was too afrait to end up stuck in a tree or something like that... Let's say he was really happy and proud when he saw Malik when the smoke dissipated ''I did... it...'' He suddenly felt light headed. Malik catched him in his arm and pulled him back on his feet ''Hey there, sweety don't overwork yourself. The staff enhance your power, but you can still run out of energy!'' Malik looked around and when he didn't see the others he quickly kissed Felix and gently told him to go rest for a little while.

When Felix woke up the next day, he looked outside in the distance. He could feel the... other part of him more clearly now. What was that feeling? He was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear Malik walk behind him and he jumped in surprise when his lover wrapped his arms around his waist ''Sorry, baby, I didn't want to scare you... You seem lost in your thought. What were you thinking about?'' Felix then explained the feeling he had that he was missing something...Like half of himself... Half of his power? Malik smiled softly and then told him the last thing that could help him feel whole and good again. He told him about this powerful sorcerer named Morgan. How she got her powers splitted up. How he had one half of her powers and someone else in the island had the other part. Most likely who he was sensing right now... Malik also explained his plan of finding those powers to give them to Felix and then they could all rule the Island however they wanted. Felix really liked that plan. To become the most powerful sorcerer of the Island... of the whole World! And Malik would be by his side the whole time? Perfect!

On his twenty-four birthday, he felt the other part off his power come closer and closer to him. He rushed outside to tell the others so they could get ready to get it. But after a while, he lost the 'contact' he had with it. It was like the aura vanished out of thin air... It was really odd. But Malik didn't seem down because of it. In fact, he said that Felix would stay in the lighthouse to be ready when he sense his powers again. The lighthouse was the perfect hideout spot for him since it was far away from everything. That way, Felix's sensing won't get altered by all the other magical auras of other sorcerers. Malik and the two others would leave him here and his secret lover would come visit him from time to time. They had their principal hideout to build after all and the lighthouse was a bit too close from Iztoros to Malik's liking... So they got everything prepared and ready for Felix to live in the lighthouse for a while and they headed to the far east of the Wilderness to find a suitable place for their hideout...

Three years has passed. Malik was with Felix for a day or two to cheer him up a bit. Felix was getting more and more depressed to not sense his other half and being away from his lover... his Master! Malik visited him a lot, but it was never enough for the other sorcerer. They were both lying in bed when Felix got woken up by a familiar feeling. Finally he sensed it again! He woke his Master up, almost jumping on the bed beside him ''Malik! MALIK!! It's there! I can feel it! My other part is out!'' ''Well go get it then baby~ I will let you have your fun with it and then you can head back to the hideout. My pet snake I gave you knows the way. You will only have to tell him to go back home and he will bring you back to me, okay?'' Felix nodded and gave his Master once last kiss and teleported to where his other half was. Finally!

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