《How it became a Magical journey》Vivianne Bellon


Vivianne Bellon was about six years old and was playing in the backyard of her house in Valtani, Iztoros. She had wrapped one of her magical chain around a big branch of a tree and her big brother was pushing her around so she could swing higher and higher. She really enjoyed spending time with her big brother even if he was 4 years older than her. She wa senjoying one of the last day they could spend together since he would soon go to Valtani's school for 'gifted' enchantors. Once he would attempt the classes, he wouldn't have lots of spare time to share with her little sister.

Her brother was exactly like their parents : he had three magical abilities. Most of sorcerers only had one, some would have two and on really rare occasions, a sorcerer would be born with the respectable amount of three or more abilities. For now, Vi only had one, but she was still young. Her other powers might 'wake up' when she would get older. Because there was no way she wouldn't be as powerful as her parents and brother. She was a Bellon after all!.. She never liked all the attention and pressure she was getting because of that. All she eve rwanted to do was play around and have fun... You know, like all the other kids her age. But no, she had to go to boring classes and try to awaken her hypothetical hidden powers...

She was twelve years old when she discovered her second ability and also the fact that she had anxiety. The teachers were pushing her to train more to find her other powers, they could feel in her aura that she had more than one .She had to try harder to discovered it! In the middle of the training, she felt like she couldn't breath, the walls and ceiling were getting closer and closer to her. She couldn't think, she couldn't speak and when she felt something grab her shoulder, her flight or fight reflex kicked in and she ran away has fast as she could. The school was built near of a cliff and she was so panicked and scared, she didn't notice she was running right at it. She only wanted to get away from the school, from the teachers... She closed her eyes and kept running until she heard her brother's voice calling her ''VI! STOP!!'' She opened her eyes only to see that she was too close from the cliff. She tried to stop, but she was running to fast. She slipped and fell. Her thought was going fast in her head as her survival instict pushed her to do something.. anything.. Like flying! Flying would be good actually! She started to move her arms like they were wings and she actually felt her fall slowing down. She looked at her arms and what she saw amazed her. It was wings! Black and green wings of a dragon! She screamed in happiness, but to the other people around, it sounded like a really big roar. She flew in the sky for a few minutes. All her anxiety disappeared. She felt so great in that dragon form. She felt powerful, free, not a little scared girl. She was a freaking DRAGON!! She looked down and saw her brother near the cliff, watching her. He seemed scared and worried so she decided to flew back down to reassure him that she was okay.


Once she landed, his brother looked even more scared, but when he noticed the odded blue and brown eyes of the dragon he said ''V...Vi? Is that really...you?''

''Of course it's me...''His brother was relieve to see that her little sister was alive... Even if she wasn't so little now. She still had her teen voice which sounded really funny out of a threatening dragon's mouth. She felt more than she saw her teachers walk towards her. It was hard to explain, but it looked like all her sense were heighten. When they found out the dragon was in fact Vi, they all congratulated her since she finally discovered her second ability: shapeshifting. They then said she could go back to her human form now. Vi growled slightly, she didn't want to be a human again. For once she felt good in her skin (or scales), why did she have to switch back? Her brother looked at her and smirked ''You won't fit in the house if you keep this form, Vivi.'' She couldn't hold the laugh that escaped her as she shifted back to her human form. She hugged her brother and then both went back to their home. Vi was feeling exhausted, not only becauseof the new power, but also because of the anxiety attack...

When Vi was sixteen yearsold, puberty hit her real hard. It was like her body decided she would go to little kid to sexy women in a month. Her hips got wider and her chest grew bigger... That is also when her third power hit her hard in the face too. Figuratively and literally. She was having a big fever, so she was in her bed trying to recover when she sneezed real hard. The only problem was, when she sneezed, fire escaped her throat and incinerated her carpet. She started to freak out. She never wanted all of this... The feminine curves... They were making her feel so bad in her skin. Like they didn't belong to her. And the fire weilding ability... She didn't want to be 'gifted'. She was just fine with two powers in the other school of the city for the 'normal' sorcerers. She even had a friend in that school. They were both the ungifted child of their gifted family. She got transfered to the other school at thirteen when they came to the conclusion that she wasn't has powerful as the other member of her family. She was happy like that! Why did she have to get a third one!?

She heard foot steps coming near her door and she freaked out 'nonononononono' she thought 'if they see that, they will transfer me back to the other school...' She prayed every deities she knew to make the carpet like new again 'please, please, please.. don't be burnt anymore!!'' As the door opened, she saw the air ripple around her carpet and after a few second, the carpet was as new! ''Are you okay baby?'' She looked up to her mother standing in the doorframe ''Ye... yes.. I only need to rest a bit more.'' Her mother nodded and closed the door has she walked away. Vi looked at the carpet in awe. Did she do that!? Or was it really a random god helping her out? The air rippled again and the carpet was back to her burnt shape. She looked at her hands and tried to modify the appearance of other things in her room... It all worked. To her lamp changing into a tree, to the carpe tdisappearing... She had a fourth ability: illusions. She started to feel the anxiety rise up inside her chest. She didn't want to be that powerful!


She then heard a knock at the front door. She walked closer to her door and listen. Sh eoverheard just enough for her do understand that some recruiter of the 'gifted' school felt some powerful aura irradiating from the house. He wanted to check it out. Vi sweared under her breath, rushed back to hide under her cover and kept thinking 'please don't feel my aura... please only feel that I have two abilities... please, please,please!!' She knew who was at the other side of the door. He was kind of young to be a recruiter, but he had really powerful abilities and was really good at sensing auras. She couldn't remember his name though... it started with an F? Finley... Felix... Fernand...? Whatever his name was, he was in her house and wanted to check on her to sense if she had powers or not!

There was another knock,but she didn't have enough courage to tell them to come in. She still heard her door open and her father whisper ''she must be asleep...Check her quick and let her rest after...'' She heard the recruiter come closer. She could feel how he was looking at her... But after a few endless seconds, he sighed and whispered an apology ''I guess it was the addition of all your auras that messed my feeling up...'' Vi couldn't be happier! She did it! She hid her aura! Under an illusion! She will be able to stay in her school with her friend! She won't have to go back to that stupid snobish school! The only thing she had to do was keep that shield of illusion around her at all time so nobody would be able to sense her magical aura... It took her a while to get use to it, but she eventually got really confortable wit hkeeping the illusion up at all time. She could even do it in her sleep!

When her friend and her reached the amazing age of eighteen, they decided to leave this snob city and go study in Iztoros' maincity : Kenanau. Vi didn't really want to study anything special, but she didn't want to be left alone in Valtani. So she took some classes with her friend and they had fun for two years, but the big city was soon too much to deal with for Vi's friend. Her friend went back to Valtani where it was much more peaceful... But Vi didn't want to go back, she was getting seriously tired of being compared to his big brother. How he was such a powerful and amazing sorcerer and she wasn't... She knew people weren't doing it to hurt or irritate her, but that is exactly what was happening.

Even in Kenanau, people knew about the Bellon's family. They were also always questionning her about why she would be in her dragon form most of the time. The men tried to convince her to stay in her beautiful human form so they could go on dates with her.. Yikes! Meanwhile the other women would go on a rent about the fact that if she they had her body, they would proudly walk around to show it to the world... double yikes! Vi would then tell them ''So you are telling me that if you could choose between being a weak human or and magnificent dragon... You would still choose to be human?'' Almost all of the time that would leave the others speechless so Vi could walk away from the conversation.

But all of this was getting old to her. She was seriously thinking about running away...Getting a new life where nobody would know about her, her parents or her brothers... That is when she overheard a conversation between the Principal of the school a man that she never saw before ''...eally expecting us to find someone that would want to teach a scholar magic!? In some random place that they don't want to tell? And won't even say why? Who do they think we are, mercenaries!??''

''I'll do it...''

The two men turned around to face Vi, that was now looking at her feet ''I mean... I don't mind doing it... if that's okay...''

The Principal raised an eyebrow while staring at Vi. He asked if she really wanted to do it and she nodded. He then told her to get her stuffs ready while he send his response back to that scholar. She wa swondering what this secret mission was all about, but atleast, it would give her the opportunity she wanted to leave this place without looking like she abandonned everyone.

When the day came for the scholar to pick her up, she was waiting at the top of the school in her dragon form. She liked to go up there, it was helping her calm down when she felt anxious. She needed to be there for one last time before leaving. When she saw the young scholar waving at her, she looked one last time at the view and flewback down to meet the scholar and the other girl that was with her. It was the time for a new beginning...

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