《Smells Like Heaven》The divine phenomenon


The White lotus forest, what seemed to be an endless sea of trees and plants in all their forms and sizes. Some so tall they clouded the sky no matter where you stood as if they were reaching for the heavens itself.

Because the weather is nice, warm, and comfortable all year round, life and fauna were flourishing with all their might and splendor. It shouldn't come as a surprise that this forest was home to a wide variety of plants and trees, herbs and animals, beasts, and all kinds of mysterious wonders.

Because of the existence of qi in this world, a lot of life forms were able to adapt in their own unique ways. Wildlife got more intelligent, insects got stronger, nature gained sentience, and all the variety and combinations in between. And humans? Well... They starting cultivating!

They trained their bodies, comprehended the laws, created techniques, and wondered about the meaning of life. Giving them wisdom, strength, health, and longer lifespans in return. They started working together to unravel the mysteries behind cultivation, forming a variety of sects all over the world, each specializing in their own unique ways and believes.

One of those sects was located in this very forest. It was the world-famous and female-only 'White Lotus Sect'. Known not only by their strength, which puts them at a solid 3rd place of the world's sect ranking. But especially famous because each and every single one of its members was otherworldly beautiful and captivating beyond words. Making this sect the subject spoken of by many men throughout the world.

But today was a day like no other. It all started in this particular forest, where something very strange and inexplicable was about to happen...

Xiao Hua quickly gathered her junior sisters behind her in safety, not knowing if there were any dangers accompanied by this strange phenomenon. She reached for her sects communication token and informed her elders.

"This is Xiao Hua, I and my junior sisters are approximately 60 miles east from the sect. Something very strange and bizarre is going on here, I have no idea if it's dangerous but it's something very special, I'm sure of it!

"The qi in the hole forest seemed to be gathering towards one specific place, I can feel my own qi is starting to rouse as well! I think something very big is about to happen! Please, send me some assistance!"

Meanwhile somewhere deep inside the White Lotus Sect, there was a small but majestic palace. The palace was made entirely out of an ivory white sort of stone, with 3 huge pillars above the front entrance. On top of these pillars, on a balcony overseeing the entire front garden, a communication token started ringing...

An elegant, smooth and pearly white hand with long tender fingers reached out and grabbed the token. Hearing it was from her personal disciple and what the message entailed, the elder's interest was directly piqued... "Stay there and don't move!" Is all she said.


After sending the message to her master, Xiao Hua started observing her surroundings. All the trees and plants started to lightly bend in the way the qi was gathering. She closed her eyes and spread her qi around. What she saw was that all kinds of different life forms started moving in the same direction the plants were bending, as if something irresistible was calling out for them!

The sounds of sonic booms suddenly hurtled her out of thoughts, her master Bai-Lin arrived! Dressed in an azure-colored loose robe with small white lotus ornaments, this dazzling woman seemed like an angel descending from heaven. Her long obsidian-black hair was fluttering in the wind and sparkling in the sun. Her pink blossom soft lips formed the sincerest of smiles, showing her pearly white teeth. With a sweet pointy nose and long black eyelashes, this woman was literally capable of starting wars.

She was just above average in length and already reached the later stages of the body strengthening techniques, giving her the ability to shape her body freely to her desire. Of course, a woman like her made good use of this and gave herself long slender legs with a slim waist. Her butt was alluringly round and firmly trained, with two big-sized round breasts standing up proudly, presenting themselves to be admired by the whole world.

"Greetings master," Xiao Hua said while cupping her hands. "Greetings grand elder Baaaai" The sisters said in unison. Looking at this lovely disciple and her junior sisters, she couldn't help but be happy. Xiao Hua was growing into such a lovely woman. She looked almost identical, a younger version of herself. Only her breasts seemed to have grown and are now noticeably bigger than the last time she saw her. Seeing this, elder Bai secretly grew her own breasts a little bigger too, after all, we can't have her own disciple outdo her!

"Xiao Hua, little rascals" Elder bai responded. "Stay close behind and follow me". They left and followed the direction where the qi was gathering. After a few minutes, they arrived at a small lake surrounded by rocks and trees. At the center of this small lake was a little island and what they saw on that island left them with their eyes wide open!

A small golden glowing light was sucking in all the surrounding qi with a crazy momentum. Very slowly, almost unnoticeable, this golden light seemed to be growing larger. But that was not what shocked them the most...

Surrounding the lake, thousands and thousands of animals and beasts of all different kinds were prostrating themselves towards this light. Animals and beasts who normally hunted and killed each other were now kneeling side to side in peace.

Now being closer to the light, they felt their bodies surging in joy. The qi inside their bodies was rotating fast and fluently without any obstruction whatsoever. Their minds seemed to clear up and it became noticeable easier to think and concentrate. The laws of the universe, something every cultivator tries to understand, were unfolding themselves in front of them, almost asking to be understood.


Noticing what was happening, elder Bai directly figured out this was a miracle greatly beneficial for their cultivation, literally a golden opportunity! Not waiting any longer she directly informed her master, the sect master. "S-Sect Master! are you aware of what is happening? You... you need to see this quick! Gather everyone, each and every single one of us, and come here quick!"

Almost a minute later, a sweet and childish voice was heard through her communication token. "Little Bai, calm down. I'm already aware of what is happening and I am currently busy gathering everyone. I will activate the sects guardian array first before we teleport over, it won't take long".

"U-Understood master, we will wait for you here then". Elder bai responded all chaotically.

Half an incense later, the space above them started forming ripples. Out of nowhere above their heads, a massive fluctuation appeared and an army of nation toppling beauties arrived! In front of this army was a woman with a petite and slender frame. It was a weird sight to behold, seeing an army of females commanded by a childish-looking woman.

Although she didn't seem to be any older than eighteen, she was actually the oldest of them all. Nobody exactly knew how old she was since asking that question was as good as committing suicide, but rumors said she should have passed the fifteen thousand years already!

She was dressed in a slightly tight-fitting amber-colored robe, decorated with subtle red linings. Her light and blond smooth hair reached all the way to the middle of her back. Her Ice blue eyes had a certain hypnotizing effect, making everyone who saw them unable to look away as If they were demanding your attention. A small dimple on the left side of her rosy-colored cheeks made her look especially cute.

This small-looking woman might seem like it though, but everyone who knew her knows exactly how terrifying this woman actually was!

There was a good reason this sect was ranked 3rd in the world and that mostly had to do with this very woman. Capable of protecting her fellow sisters who were lusted after for thousands of years with all the additional dangers. And all that in a world as chaotic as this, where beasts and cultivators had the power to crush mountains and split seas. Where danger lurked at every corner and where anyone could backstab you at any moment, just to gain some benefits.

"Girls, surround the lake and start meditating. Maximize the benefits of this opportunity and do not harm the beasts and animals under any circumstances". The sect master commanded.

"Yes sect master!" Thousands of sisters responded, while they quickly spread around the lake and started cultivating.

It was such a serene and peaceful sight. Thousands of mesmerizing women sitting around the lake with their eyes closed, mixed between all kinds of animals and beasts, bathing in the golden light. One little girl had a tiny bird on her shoulders and another was sitting all cozy against the cushy coat of a big brown bear. Xiao Hua had three little bees sitting on top of her head and her junior sisters Meng Mei and Jun Zhu were surrounded by a group of white fluffy bunnies, looking especially cute.

After several hours the golden light had grown by a significant amount, now nearing the size of a melon. It was at this very moment several things began to change... "The laws! Oh my god, the laws are turning visible!" one of the sisters screamed. And for the very first time in history, the actual laws that form and regulate our universe turned themselves visible to the naked eye!

What was normally incredibly vague and difficult to understand was now out in the open, for everyone to see! This was something so incredibly beneficial to a cultivator! It didn't take long before everyone started making breakthroughs. One after the other they broke through their bottlenecks, reaching cultivation speeds never seen before!

The qi here was peaceful and cooperative, making it no longer necessary to stabilize their cultivation. One of the smarter ones suddenly recognized the dangers this entailed. With thousands of them sitting in such close proximity and the unknown phenomenon in front of them, it would be a disaster if someone broke through a major realm and invoked their tribulations! And if this happened to more than one of them at the same time? With all their sisters present, wouldn't that mean the end of their entire sect?

More and more of them seemed to become aware of this as they started shouting out loud to stop their cultivation immediately! But what should have been their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity seemed to have suddenly changed into their biggest calamity!

As some of them were currently deeply engrossed, already halfway breaking through their major realms!

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