《Smells Like Heaven》When a man and woman become one


"Big sister Xiao Hua wait for me!" A little daydreaming girl who was left behind by her fellow sisters without anyone noticing, ran with all her might so she could catch up with the rest.

Seeing her little sister running with a smile on her face so sweet that it would melt the heart of everyone who saw it, Xiao Hua could not help but forgive her instantly.

"Meng Mei... Have you been busy daydreaming again? Sometimes I wonder what is going on in that cute little head of yours." Xiao Hua chuckled. Meng Mei couldn't help but squint her little eyes and giggled mischievously.

"Big sis Xiao Hua, I was just mesmerized by the beauty of the forest. This is the first time we're out here and can't help but admire all the wonders that surround us!

This little girl... always so good with her words. They should have named her 'Ya Tou' instead. (Name commonly used for cute and naughty little girls). "You know damn well that the forests around our sect can be very dangerous and I have told you many times to stay close to me at all times! if something bad happens to you I would never forgive myself you know."

Not to forget the anger of their sect master! That woman is literally the last person in the world you want to make angry! Just the thought of her going crazy scared her witless!

"Since we still have a long walk ahead of us and since you girls are now allowed to venture outside, I deem it necessary for you to know more about the world we live in. You need to be capable of recognizing danger. And of course, just in case anything might ever happen, I hope that what I will teach you, might one day save your life." Xiao Hua said wisely.

"Yes big sister Xiao Huaaaaa!" The girls replied in unison. And while they walked through the forest, Xiao Hua began to teach her junior sisters everything they needed to know.

"You know our white lotus sect is located on the far front of the eastern wildlands, very far away from any sign of civilization. The closest village is about eight hundred miles southwest and the nearest city 'Jinseong' is located a little over nine hundred miles northwest. That makes our sect extremely isolated but at the same time also very peaceful. We aren't easily bothered with local politics or other sects affairs" Xiao Hua explained.

One of the little girls couldn't help but wonder and asked her big sister, "Big sis, why do we isolate ourselves from others?" The girl named Jun Zhu asked.

Although she already expected this question, she still found it very hard to explain... I guess they are old enough to know by now? She thought. I was after all the same age myself when I was taught. Remembering the day and how flustered she was back then, she couldn't help but smile. "Time sure flies" She mumbled.


Mustering up her courage and backed up by the fact that this was something they need to know eventually, Xiao Hua began teaching her little sisters.

"Girls, hold on please. This is actually a very good question from our fellow sister. What I am about to tell you might come as a bit of a shock to you, but it is something very important for you all to know so please listen closely."

"You all know our sect has never allowed any male disciples right? Well, we have a very good reason not to do so actually. It all comes down to the techniques we cultivate in. One of the most prominent and visible features of our cultivation techniques, 'the teachings of the divine white lotus', is that it beautifies our appearance! It makes our skin soft and smooth, flawless without a single impurity.

It keeps us young, fit, and healthy, and besides all that it makes us radiate a certain majestic, noble and icy aura. Truly like the divine white lotus herself." Xiao Hua proudly explained.

Taking a quick sip of her water she sighed before continuing... "The body strengthening techniques we practice are made to perfectly accommodate these inner qi techniques. It literally shapes our body into the most perfect and desired forms."

"Athletic, strong, and powerful on the inside, yet elegant and fragile on the outside. Again, truly like the divine white lotus herself! At the later stages, it even gives us the ability to change and shape our forms, freely to our liking!"

Suddenly, she felt something tugging at her sleeve... what stood there was a cute little girl with big shiny puppy eyes, her hair all tied up in a small ponytail. Already so pretty while still so young, it would make boys her age directly hit puberty. Knowing how wild and misbehaved this little rascal junior sister was, she was destined to torment a lot of hearts in the future!

"Yes Meng Mei, what is it?" Xiao Hua asked smiling.

With a hopeful look, little Meng Mei asked, "Does that mean that when I grow up my breasts will become as big as yours big sister?" This girl! "Yes Meng Mei, if you want you can have breasts as big as mine when you reach my age," Xiao Hua said as she sighed, her skin slightly flushed.

"I will have big breast! I will have will big breast! I will have huge breasts big sister! Yahoo!" Meng mei happily yelled while she ran in circles. The other sisters looked at her confused, not knowing what to think of it. No idea why they would even want to have big breasts in the future.



"Anyway, let me continue," Xiao Hua quickly said.

"Although all of this is everything a woman wants, at the same time, it's everything but! Now tell me sisters, does any of you know why all of this could be something very bad? Why I mentioned this as the exact reason why we are so isolated from the rest of the world?" Xiao Hua asked all seriously.

All the girls were thinking hard but even after a long time of pondering over it, they still not had the faintest idea. Good, I think I would be more worried if they knew the answer, Xiao Hua thought. And with a slight blush on her beautiful face, she quickly continued on explaining...

After a long time telling stories about their fathers and mothers and how even they themselves were created out of love between a man and woman, she finally arrived at the hardest part. "Well ehhh, girls... actually..." She began to stutter and the words she wanted to say got somehow stuck into her throat.

This is actually so much harder than I thought it would be, Xiao Hua thought. She gathered all of her courage and before losing it again, she quickly shouted it out!

"Sometimes it happens when a boy and a girl like each other very much. They love each other so intensely that they want to melt in each other's arms. To become as close to each other as they possibly can... So close even that they literally become one. And this process is what we call... sex!"

Oh my god!.... Finally, that's out! The next time I make sure I'll let the elders do the explaining! What do they even expect from me!? I'm way too young to explain this stuff to them.

Because of her raging emotions, she didn't even notice the fact that she wasn't supposed to tell them about sex in the first place... She should have only told them about boys and girls falling in love!

Deep in her thoughts, she suddenly felt something tugging at her sleeve again... When she looked down she saw her sister all blushing and excited. Little Meng Mei stared her in the eyes before she suddenly shocked her with another question...

"Big sister... When are we supposed to have sex, how do we know?" "Yes! Yes! I want to know it too big sister!" Jun Zhu yelled. "I want to know! I want to know!" She kept yelling while she happily jumped up and down at her side, unable to wait any longer. "Yes big sister, tell us! Tell us please!" The rest of the sisters yelled in unison.

Xiao Hua, who thought the worst was over began to lightly panic. Of course, it had to be her asking this question! Not even knowing how to begin explaining without going into many details, she just gave the vaguest answer she could think of.

She caressed her mischievous little sister's head before she told her... "Naughty Meng Mei, you just know ok? Don't ask me any further, I don't know anything more than I already told you!"

Suddenly, all her little sisters went completely silent, disappointment showing in their faces. Their curiosity far from satisfied! They kept on staring with their big pleading eyes, hoping she would soon start explaining more.

After a full minute of silent staring, Xiao Hua couldn't take it anymore! Thinking about the things a man and woman do when they have sex, her face turned red all over! She decided she would finish this quickly, to tell them one more thing and get it over with.

"Naughty little sisters! Who taught you to behave like this? I will explain to you one more thing and that will be the end of it ok?

"You just know it when every single part of your body tells you! Just believe your big sister on this one ok? You will know when it happens!" Even convincing herself in the process, not knowing if that's how it even all worked.

Xiao Hua saw the eyes of her junior sisters started sparkling with joy. They started jumping up and down again with big smiles plastered on their faces. Giggling happy, tugging at each other's dresses while whispering each other all kinds of secrets.

These little devils, what will become of them I wonder... The very first boy they like, well, they will probably eat him alive!

"Anyway, what I wanted to tell you is that the reason we're so isolated and do not allow men into our sect is that our cultivation technique makes us, well... irresistible. Men will get captivated by our beauty and will try to conquer us by all means necessary! Some of them with weaker will even go as far as trying to force us!" Xiao Hua said, full of anger and bitterness.

But before she could continue, all her thoughts came to a sudden halt... W-what, what is happening?

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