《Zoomchard: The Battle of Dominance(Cancelled)》1: The First Mission for The Rookie Soldier
The world I live in was struck by a war that is ongoing for thousands of years, to be exact, a war that just entered its 1000th anniversary; most prohibited places, the most populated areas, are now dense and empty because of the calculated bombings that killed millions of lives. I was lucky to survive the bombings as I just went out to explore the south of my nation, the Province of Conaire.
My nation, the Province of Conaire, is the main part of this endless war because itself and the Tretse Federation were bitter enemies and that bitterness began this war that has multiple alliances. I never looked into Tretse Federation’s history, so I only had a few glimpses of what their nation was like - all I know is that they are separated by their coloured eyes that are yellow with few mixed nationalities having orange eyes; they are known as the Muroth Republic, the closest ally to Tritse Federation since they speak Leanuch also.
Province of Conaire speaks Conrish, it has shared words of Ruti, a language belonging to the country Rhys, and Diosh, a language used by The Dior Caliphate. Apparently, from what I have learnt, Conaire used to be part of the Tretse Federation before a Civil War that lasted thirty-six years made them independent.
Enough about my country’s history, I’ll talk about me. I had an average life growing up into the robot I am now with a few errors in the years of my life; these errors were about me myself, robots around me were commonly cautious when interacting with me because of the difference in my eyes. Most of the robots living in my country had green eyes while I had grey eyes - something that is considered an extremely rare illness with only 1% of the quadrillion populated inhabited planet named Metalet having.
“That is two vels, sir,” I informed the grey robot with a scruffy look roofed by a squared building decorated by the stocks holding many items that weren’t purchased yet.
“Uhuh,” The robot muttered with attitude as he held his mercury cone bottle with the insides glowing a bright green colour liquid before walking out of the shop. I, for certain, knew what that attitude was about. Many uneducated robots like him were always snarling in my direction because I had no colours in my eyes from a failed birth where my melanin coding broke and had me diagnosed with “The Unchosen Illness.”
Not only was I different in my eyes, but I was also different in my appearance - my body, an athlete lightweight type, was divided into two colours; green on the right and purple on the left outlined by black that had the majority of my face covered with the rest of my head being green and purple.
As I grabbed the same bottle the old robot bought behind me on a shelf with my belongings, I peaked at my vibrant reflection on the rectangle mirror resting between two shelves complimenting the black pointed ears jetting out from the sides of my head. The only thing that wasn’t appealing was, well, my eyes - they had no shine or an attractive look because they were so grey.
It was the end of my shift for my current job, most of my job careers were cheap compared to this convenience shop that would be the same cheap earnings if it wasn’t for the fact that I am very close to the frontlines of the ongoing war in the West of Conaire. The owner of the Convenience Shop needed someone brave enough to work there and I was the bravest one, also the youngest one to request the job; I have been here for the tenth month and stuck because nobody else wants the job.
I turned off the remaining lights inside the shop while shuffling around with the keys to lock the door just in case someone criminal enough robs the shop overnight. It was a gloomy night distanced by the rise of obnoxious smoke filling the sky filtered by the shade of orange flickering sounds of echoing gunfights and artillery attacks.
The city that I was in, currently under the threat of being seized, was called Capital Conectum, it was the second most populated city that had few clashes in the years of the war, but now it was the main mission for the Enemies to grab hold of after taking control the third populated city “Wextrem.”
It was a quiet walk back to my neighbourhood that was dark from the switched-off lights indicating that everyone inside their houses was sleeping or either working an overnight job to live through this depressing era. I reached my house at the end of this rural terrain of a neighbourhood and stepped inside the warming touch refreshing my mindset completely.
“Finally, I’m free from the constant glares…” I sighed into the depths of the blinded dark shaping a long hallway into an abandoned kitchen, I dropped my backpack down to the side and headed into the living room that just had a bland settee and a flat-screened television skipping through channels that were on at the moment. It was a relaxing channel that endorsed me immediately. It was documenting the planet “Earth,” a planet that is located close to our planet. It seemed we were last to discover another planet like us.
After watching the two-hour documentary, I went upstairs to my bedroom that had standing pictures of my dead parents. They were amazing robots, they had the most well-mannered attitude and had the brightest aura. But due to the war, they were unfortunately killed in the 345th bombing on the city “Quepoi,” a northeastern city in the Year 7898 when I was seven at the time - the year is now 7954, fifty-six years apart. They were 234 years old at the time.
At the time it struck me to a dangerous level where I was walking over a thin line contemplating if my life was worth it and why shouldn’t I commit suicide before someone, who is now my best friend, saved me from the hell I was suffering in. Her name was Yemlote, she is married and is one year older than me. Yemlote was a beautiful kind being that was passionate about saving anyone who was in a dark place; I was the luckiest one to be befriended by her, she only did it to help and not for a spike of popularity. That plan didn’t work at all because she is now a medic soldier and had an enormous loyal fanbase cheering her on, we talk to each other now again.
While I was thinking about her, I rubbed the face of my mother who shined her green provocative shaped silhouette body being hugged by my father who had a purple chubby body with that cheeky chin. A circled see-through phone blared on the desk next to my single bed, I reacted fast enough to jog over to the phone to see it was a call from Yemlote.
“Hello, Yemlote,” I chuckled after picking up the phone to place it against my pointed ears.
“Zoomchard, Hello! I have great news!” Yemlote cheerfully chirped through the audio with a high-pitched sensual voice.
“What is it? Did your popularity finally quieten down?” I asked with a tease, blocking my eyes from the window that had the invading glow of the setting sun that was about to give the three same sized moons glittering in different colours a job to work on the atmosphere.
“As that would ever work out,” Yemlote moaned, “No, I heard the news that I was given a request to settle back down into the society and I accepted three seconds into the question being said!” Yemlote yelled excitedly.
“That’s amazing! Have you informed Len yet?” I asked as I laid down on my bed.
“Why would I? My husband wouldn’t be surprised then,” Yemlote responded.
“True, True. How are we going to surprise him?” I once again asked. Yemlote went on to explain the scene all night, adding a few jokes to make both of us laugh as the night turns into a ray of morning sunshine again. My eyes dragged along the conversation but Yemlote wanted me to chat with her until she got home because she felt relaxed when she heard my voice.
Eventually, my body fought its way to shut me asleep, giving me no time to end the call with Yemlote. I had a dream that night of me spending time with my family before I was shocked wide awake into my pale room from the causes of a distant dropped bomb. The first thing that came to mind was my call with Yemlote, she was surprisingly still on the call but no sounds were coming from her, it was a soundless, muted call until a clank downstairs of my room was heard through my phone.
“Damn it!” Yemlote was heard shouting with a whisper through the audio, “Why do I have to touch stuff?” Yemlote whined to herself.
“What was it you dropped?” I asked with a yawn as I climbed out of the bed, ending the call straight afterwards.
“W-Well, it was one of your cups!” Yemlote stuttered with a pang of guilt from downstairs.
I turned the corner of my stairs protected by a wall and saw the figure of beauty, she was staring at me with her diamond green eyes with a circled pale white face complimented by a purple curved body with a petite look to the upper half. Her thin lips slipped into a welcoming smile as she sprinted up the stairs to give me a massive tight hug. She was slightly taller than me but vastly shorter than all of the other females - she stood 7’02 tall while I stood 7’01 tall.
“It’s so amazing to see you again!” Yemlote snickered.
It was amazing to see her again too, Yemlote was always happy and I needed something like that to avoid dropping back down to the worst moments of my life. And just like that first interaction, time went by very quickly and I introduced her to my new job while planning on surprising Len, her husband on their 8th anniversary.
Once everything was sorted out, I and Yemlote arrived at her house, miles away from my home in a city called “Gehn.” We waited upon Len’s arrival from his job and when he arrived we surprised him; It was an achievement once he collapsed on his knees and began crying like a happy baby before calming down and inviting everyone from the neighbourhood to have a party all night.
I couldn’t spend that much time around because I had to travel a long way back to my home so I gave Yelmote a tight hug before packing my stuff and heading out into the morning after being dragged down to the floor by Yelmote begging me to stay with her. Me being me, I declined for the reason that I didn’t want them to have me around when they are alone catching up with each other.
It was the worst choice ever; three days later after the party, I woke up and went downstairs to watch the morning news when I heard about Yelmote’s city was bombed to the ground. I immediately sunk when I heard that Yelmote was missing and there was a death announcement of Len.
“Why…? Why…? Why…? WHY…?!” I roared as I threw the remote at the television, causing the smashed screen to erupt and explode sharp objects past me. One got very close and slashed my skin under my eye followed by green liquid leaking out of the wound.
Losing another close one broke something dearly in me, I felt like I vanished from existence and a new me evolved from this incident. I’m not saying it to sound dramatic, I wanted revenge so badly - something I avoided so much, something I looked at as a problematic emotion that will cripple me mentally. But now, the thoughts of bringing the revenge sunk into me as I learnt the routes of the military frontlines.
Being employed as a rookie soldier didn’t matter to me, the revenge of my parents and the revenge of my friend mattered the most. And the only way I can do that is by manipulating the surroundings around me.
5 Months Later…
Bullets skimmed past my hideout as I reloaded my automatic gun that was built into my right arm to transform it from a hand to any gun that popped up inside my head at the time of the thought. I took a peek through my shooting hole to see the distance ravaged by a dampened wasteland where no robot stood. The opposite side of this trench warfare was blocked by the thick grey smoke as soldiers ran behind me to hold the point even longer.
“Set the coordinates for the area that needs to be bombed!” A rough voiced male demanded to the left of me.
“We can’t, sir! The area was taken by a large Tretse regiment!”
“For Velde Sake! Use all of the last artillery you have left!” The man demanded with a hint of anger.
“Yes, sir!”
After loading all my magazines out into the open, I stepped out from my bunker and looked around me to see thousands of Conaire fighters using all that they have got to revolt back. The city of Wextrem was officially seized by Tretse and its allies while I was in the training centre. But not to worry, at the moment, we rebelled back and took three of their cities while they only took one away from us. This was my first ever battle and it was the Battle of Jerunkiz, a southern city in the Muroth Republic; we were steadily taking over the city before Tretse intervened and sent a large portion of its oversized army to aid the Muroth Republic.
It was a beautiful city turned to dust from the war, I wanted to always come but I knew I was illegal and would probably be sentenced to treason. The city was a vital part of the Muroth Republic because it was the main route for all the foreign military supplies but since we are now trying to take it, the country has dropped in military size and is currently facing a threat of a Civil War.
Well, the Civil War part already happened because the city was in ruins when we arrived and some leftovers of the rebel soldiers stayed to give us information on the enemy whereabouts. They treated us very nicely and welcomed us with no hatred, all of them admitted that they always found an excuse to avoid killing soldiers fighting for my country or any country allied to the Province of Conaire.
The rebel army called themselves “Muroth Revolution” and was big in manpower, but mostly hated by the Pro-Government forces that went against Muroth Revolution. I took a walk to an abandoned military base occupied by allied forces and remained alone while refreshing myself with the green liquid called “Quegon.” It was a liquid that healed any illnesses that were bound to form from the state of the war.
Learning who were allies and who weren’t allies took me a long time for the problematic twists of many countries changing sides; but the main allies for the Province of Conaire were the purpled eyes, “Rhys” and the mixed nationality of green eyes and purple eyes, “The Dior Caliphate”. The alliance was simple but effective, the three of them bonded very well together and were always helping each other out before this war began and back when Coniare was considered an ethnic group in the territory of Tretse.
“Zoomchard, the Lieutenant wants to have a chat with you,” A female slumped robot greeted me. I silently nodded and walked down a narrow alley recently built to plan everything of the forthcoming bloodshed.
There stood three focused robots looking down on a map of the city and its taken areas, rubbing their chin as thoughts flooded their heads.
“The Lieutenant wanted to speak with me?” I spoke out, getting all of their attention.
“Oh, yes, it is nice to meet you.” A ten-foot robot coloured in white with a bulky look to his appearance greeted with a handshake.
“Nice to meet you too, Lieutenant. What is it you need me for?”
“Well, I have overlooked your history of the employment episode and saw you had the most successful rates in all the pieces of training from stealth to killing - let’s not forget you have the highest killing record in my regiment with 678 kills…” Lieutenant coughed with a raspy deep voice.
“Your point, Lieutenant?” I said, getting to the point.
“I wanted to know if you were up to rescuing imprisoned soldiers from the captured city Wextrem,” Lieutenant informed.
“Sure,” I agreed, recognizing the shock in their faces.
Preparations were treated extra carefully for me so I would travel in a comfortable state and not a rough one because it was going to rough ahead for certain. I was given a big black backpack where the most needed things were packed and was greeted a goodbye into the unknown dusty world.
I explored lots of executed cities rotting down on their final leg strength scattered with dead bodies, some were intact and some were everywhere. It started with civilians to enemy soldiers and ally soldiers, smoke smeared the area like fog and the ocean sky was blurred, making it constant nighttime for all of the cities, towns and villages slipping into foreign territory back and out.
It was a mission for the army and a mission for me, a mission where I can eventually find my friend again and revenge my family that is probably watching down on me.
This was the adventure of my new journey, a journey that will last until I am dead.
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